As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 204 Can Purple Garlic Die?

Chapter 204 Can Purple Garlic Die?

If a professional player wants to climb a tower, there are only a few things to consider. .
Defense tower attack, damage calculation, control chain connection.

According to the normal operation, the starting hand should still be controlled by Qing Gangying, and the vampire on the other side should resist damage.

However, it seems that something unexpected happened!
The blue steel shadow controlled by Ah Guang floated against Lulu's scalp and passed by in a flash.

Also, double, empty?

Ah Guang:. . .

I tm, I want to die, my Qinggangying e skill is fake?Why can he twist it every time?

The corner of Coin's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't want to complain for now: "It's okay to continue beating him!"

[Blood plague! 】

Already at level 6, Brother Coin resolutely sprinkled his big move on Lin Xiu's feet, but due to the distance, his first skill was too late to reach Lin Xiu, so he had no choice but to think about it and hold it tightly. After the E skill is fully charged, immediately flash forward and move forward!

Qinggang Shadow e is not pointing at all, and it is understandable that Lin Xiu turned it away.

But my e skill is an AOE range damage, you can twist Kangkang for me, labor and management even have a red anger q which is useless.

but. . .


A certain coin brother, people are stupid.

He flashed and pressed it, but that Lulu hid behind his own soldier impartially.

His e, because of the effect of minions, was not slowed down?
"This nima is okay too? Xiaofu cuts him! Cuts him!"

"it is good!!"

Hearing Brother Coin's shout, Xiaofu instantly woke up from the bewilderment just now, and quickly opened the frozen field and rushed forward.

But at this time, the follow-up damage settlement of the vampire R skill has appeared, and the hatred of the defensive tower is instantly transferred to Brother Coin!

Qing Gangying wanted to use her ult to keep Lulu in, but she didn't want Lulu to use her ult as soon as she landed her ult. The knock-up of her R skill directly made Qinggang Ying unable to do anything, and the damage could not be dealt out. The vampire continued to resist. tower.

The troll wanted the pillars to get closer, so Lin Xiu took the initiative to use the ice spear backhand.

The frozen rockets scattered in the sky landed on the faces of the troll and the vampire one by one, and the deceleration effect kept the distance between these two people and Lulu still widening.

Then at this time, the vampire is still fighting the tower.

"I can't do it! I can't bear it anymore!"

Although very upset, very upset, but looking at his blood volume, doinb is ready to retreat.

His vampire is only level 7.

Back and forth, he may have resisted 4 defensive towers. It is impossible for any normally developed mid laner to continue to carry on, so he chose to retreat.

"Depend on."

Hearing this, Xiao Fu and Ah Guang immediately became anxious.

Once the tm vampires are withdrawn, what about their output?

How to say dionb is also the kind of CD shoes + technology gun + ruby ​​build, even if the rocket belt is not made, the damage is still there.

On the other hand, Lin Xiu was not in a hurry.

At this moment, the Yordle's petite body had a clear advantage. He circled the defense tower of his home and played a hand around the pillar of the King of Qin. The trolls couldn't touch it, and even the flash couldn't reach it.

"No, I have to go first!"

Coin, who had reached the limit, drove back, and he could only pin his hopes on his teammates.

But Lin Xiu always noticed the blood line of the three of them. When he saw the vampire showing signs of retreating, he turned the vampire into a sheep with a backhand E skill!
"Axi! I've been turned into a sheep!"

With Lin Xiu so single-handedly controlling his body, Brother Coin instantly felt hopeless, what's going on?
Can you tm see my cd? ?

If you want to say that the vampire's w has any hands-on moves, I will believe it. This tm has no w, but you can actually turn yourself into a sheep while you want to hand in the blood pool?
This wave I am on the fifth floor, he is in the atmosphere?
And the problem is not here, the sheep has changed, and you have to continue to resist.

The blood volume that has reached the limit cooperates with the attack of the defense tower and the transformation sheep.

vampire. . .cold? !

"Damn it, fight back!"

On the road, there was a wave of three guarantees and one mistake again, and there was an instant commotion in the auditorium.

This is a completely different feeling from watching it live and watching it on the live broadcast platform. It is also here that the group of people who have been delayed by various festivals for a long time and have not watched the game rekindled their passion.

"What kind of psychological game is this?"

"The most important thing is that he was able to predict Brother Coin's blood pool, and at the moment he released the blood pool, turned Brother Coin into a sheep!"

Sure enough, people's bodies are different.

However, it is not over yet.

He had already hammered his thigh hard, and the coin was still commanding: "Don't panic, you can still kill!!"

The siege of the three people just now has reduced Lin Xiu's blood volume to half. As long as the two people put more effort, Lin Xiu can definitely be killed here!
But none of them noticed that the hatred at this time had been transferred to Ah Guang's side.

Most importantly, he has two skills, Q+E.

From the beginning to the end, he just used R to interrupt Qing Gangying's output, W disgusting coins, ice spear to delay time, but Lulu's most essential Q+E skills are still there.

He can use these two to continue flying the kite in conjunction with Glacier's boost, or he can use his backhand to deal a lot of damage. Obviously, Lin Xiu will definitely choose the backhand.

When Xiao Fu finally stepped forward and an icicle directly stuck Lin Xiu, of course he turned in a flash.

The deceleration of the ice gun was fatal to a hero like a troll without displacement skills in the early stage, but Lin Xiu chose to throw an e skill at Qinggang Ying, and release the q skill at the same time.


At this moment, whether it was the coins for watching the battle or Ah Guang's slowness, they were all confused.

Because, Lulu's q is forked.

In other words, this is a mechanism of Lulu. Her e skill is a shield for herself and damage for the opponent.

But what both of these have in common is that Lulu's Pixar is going out.

On the other hand, Lulu's Q skill is that Lulu and Pix each release a missile. These two trajectory are independent of each other, and both have damage and effects. This is the so-called killing two birds with one stone. ,

so. .

On the one hand, Qinggang Ying, who was anti-tower, lost half of his health in the second consecutive qe, and on the other hand, the deceleration of the troll finally disappeared, and Lulu's q skill also hit him.

The output of the troll is still being delayed.


How about three people jumping over the tower, and one person under the tower is disgustingly struggling, unable to touch it, and unable to withdraw, what will be the consequence?

Ah Guang, who was already crispy, watched his bloodline being taken away by the defense tower in despair.

He wanted to withdraw, desperately trying to get out of the attack range of the defense tower, but he couldn't, his movement speed was too slow.

"[IG.Lin] killed [RW.Mouse]!!"

Lulu, double kill?

"The rest is you."

After Shang Zhongquan died, Lin Xiu looked a little ridiculous at the seemingly menacing troll in front of him.

"Young people have nothing to do, don't run on the road every day, isn't it good to develop it well?"

"Go at ease..."

Chase the troll madly, and the grass will not give a chance to get close.


"[IG.Lin] killed [RW.flawless]!!"

Three kills! !
RW, three guarantees and one, all dead? ? ?

Three kills! !
RW, three guarantees and one, all dead? ? ?

To be reasonable, at this moment Rookie is going down to support, while listening to the system's prompt sound, he is lost in thought.

"Why am I so used to it??"

"I shouldn't be blowing a wave right now, but why do I have no waves now??"

Not only him, even his teammates seemed less excited.

Lin Xiu:? ? ?
Lin Xiu, who was already smiling, felt that he was handsome and was ready to receive praise from his old friends, but the silence in the team made him a little uncomfortable.

I saw him frowning slightly, and his words were a little tentative: "You...are you bragging about me?"

Everyone on IG: Oh, cheating! !

Lin Xiu:? ? ?
You guys don't even want to call me a prodigal brother?

This tm, if any top laner plays this kind of operation, his teammates may blow the sky, but Rookie or the whole IG has become accustomed to this.

After all, he is a guy who is at the peak of his e-sports career in all aspects.

He was very strong before, but now as long as he doesn't kill himself and get sick, his dominance still exists.

Therefore, if you fight well, you deserve it, and if you fight badly, it's over.

But in all fairness, this wave of operations is definitely textbook-level top order processing in the eyes of others.

On the RW side at this time, the three of Ue Nakano don't know how to describe their current mood.

"Feel sorry."

Looking at this scene, Ah Guang's voice was a little low: "That wave on the road, my E was empty again, I felt like I was playing really stupid."

Perhaps when he was qualifying, Ah Guang would not be able to empty E twice in a row if he played ten Qinggangying in a row.

However, when he met an old Qinggangying with a higher proficiency than him, coupled with Lulu's own technical advantages, he really did his best.

If he didn't die, if he could deal enough damage, he wouldn't be like this.

"I have a pot too."

Seeing that Ah Guang took the initiative to take the blame, doinb also sighed long, his words were full of admiration and a touch of discomfort: "Sure enough, the reputation is not something that is blown out, this Lin really fierce, how can he play games like this?"

Even when LSPL was struggling, Doinb had seen Lin Xiu's performance on countless occasions and heard of his reputation.

However, if you really compete with him on the LPL stage, you will know how much this club will have on IG.

As for Lin Xiu's fight on the road, if he doesn't catch himself, he won't be able to fight, and if he catches him, he may be killed instead.

During the laning period, absolute suppression.

Usually the top laners suppress their opponents by suppressing skill forms or details.

The former is easy to suppress and very cool, because it is very simple to fight.

It's all kinds of brainless consumption, brainless continuous moves, bullying your skill form is not good, what's so rare about it?
Basically, most top laners will play this way if they want to gain an advantage, and it will often have a miraculous effect when combined with the counter position.

But while this method is simple, rude and efficient, it is also easy to create a vacuum of skills.

If the jungler is waiting for him to catch people during the vacuum period of his skills, he will basically die.

Therefore, when you have an advantage, unless you have enough confidence in a single kill online, you will basically be able to press 3 points and keep 7 points for yourself, rolling down the advantage infinitely.

Then the hero pool can't be targeted.

The team battle lines are quite proficient.

By doing this, he directly helped IG liberate all the way, and what the jungler had to do was to continue to help Lin Xiu expand his advantage, or to help other ways.

Ning Wang himself is a top jungler, with this kind of top laner who makes him feel at ease and trustworthy, it is only a ghost that IG is not strong.

But no matter how much you think about it, it's useless, the problem left for RW is still behind.

In about 10 minutes, Lulu had 4 heads.

Coupled with the choice of equipment, his online oppressive power will continue to expand. Even if it is just Lulu, it can be called terrifying.

In the already rather dull environment in the team, doinb slapped himself on the face hard, his voice suddenly raised a bit.

"No, even though we are about to blow up on the road now, we can't give up yet. I think we can continue to fight."

"He can suppress it because he is Lulu, but he is only Lulu after all."

Even if the hero Lulu is the most powerful version, in the later stage, it is definitely not an existence that can be regarded as a big c.

No matter how good his equipment is, in the end it will be closer to support and functionality.

And because his outfits are more towards the early stage, his weak period will come sooner than the normal mage Lulu with normal outfits.

"So in the next time we will give up everything we can, target, transfer."

"Let's find a way out."

"If three doesn't work, it's four; if four doesn't work, it's five."

"Not much else, as long as we can start a team battle, there is absolutely no output environment for Ah Shui's small cannon."

As a former teammate, doinb believes that he can seize the opportunity of the bottom lane.

Everyone in RW nodded silently.

Then, both sides start to develop.

To be honest, just looking at the situation on the court, everyone felt a little strange.

Because, he was really held back by RW.

As analyzed by doinb, it is true that the new equipment added by Lin Xiu after returning home basically made this Qinggangying unable to play, but the opponent directly let Qinggangying and the vampire switch lanes.

A vampire can't kill Lulu, but Lulu can't kill a vampire either.

Qinggangying in the middle lane can also develop safely because of the short line. IG has no way to expand the advantage of the top lane to the team for a while, and can only continue to wait for opportunities.

Speaking of which, this is why S8 is hailed as a critical period for the transformation of LOL style.

At this time, the gameplay of the operation still remains, the top order is still biased towards the functional type, and the income of the defense tower is too low.

No matter how big your advantage is.Calling someone to take down the canyon pioneer is nothing short of pulling out an outer tower.

This wave can be let go, anyway, the defense tower is worthless, and the defense tower plating we see now does not exist at all.

Xiaolong, you can let it go. It depends on the face of this thing. If you have the ability, you can brush 3 fire dragons in a row.

Then small-scale team battles, RW can still fight because of lineup problems.

Operation and operation are still in operation at this time. Even though it is much better than the previous version, the problem still exists.

In addition, IG's rhythm point seems to rely on a very critical point-Ah Shui's small cannon.

As time goes by, the undercurrent that has been suppressed for a long time is about to surge.

(End of this chapter)

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