As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 220 Still Fiery Aggressiveness

Chapter 220 Still Fiery Aggressiveness

At this time, there was a stalemate between the two sides. IG first solved the canyon pioneer, and then prepared for a team battle. .
At the beginning of the team battle, the sword demon directly used his big move to fight. Zoe also stunned the opposite shooter at this time. The sword demon aimed at the opposite shooter and killed the opposite shooter easily. It can be said that this wave of shooters It was a failure. Originally, the hero Nvqiang wanted to amplify her moves in team battles. The victory of the team battle had a lot to do with him, but she still died so easily.

Niutou immediately controlled the sword demon at this time, and prevented the sword demon from continuing to mess with his team members. This is necessary. If the sword demon continues to grab the crispy skin, they will undoubtedly be very troublesome, and this kind of thing cannot be allowed to happen.

Zoe and other skills, move position, Jhin is very safe behind Japan at this time, it can be said that the Japanese female protects the shooter is indeed better than the opponent, this is what the opponent needs to learn, this is true, they still have He didn't do it well, Jhin didn't have displacement skills, but he had his teammates protecting him, so there was nothing to be afraid of, just output later.

The Japanese girl was in front of him, and anyone who came over would be stunned, and she also activated her ultimate move to help Sword Demon deal damage. At this time, Pan Sen was revived and joined the team, and the opposite top laner also teleported over.

Pan Sen made a big move directly, aiming at Xindra on the opposite side, and he was stunned immediately after getting off. At this time, Zoe's skills were good, so he directly killed him. This damage compensation is very beautiful, not an ordinary hero can do it well. of.

In this way, Xingla is dead, female gun is dead, and there are only three people left on the opposite side. Aoun also immediately restrained Pan Sen. Pan Sen had to be output for one round after using his skills. Of course, he couldn't kill him. It's not a big problem. .

Seeing that his teammates couldn't beat him at this time, Male Gun directly chose to retreat in a wave. This is a clear approach. In this way, there are only one support and Aoun left. Both of them have low output and can't beat the opponent at all.

Niutou protected Aoun and died, but he couldn't escape himself. The result was like this, and there was only male gun left. Of course, there was no big difference, male gun alone could not defend against them.

IG killed people while pushing the tower. It was really enjoyable. Pushing to the second tower opposite, everyone was killed. There was only one male gun.

The sword demon and Zoe directly jumped over the tower to kill the male gun. The male gun also struggled a lot, but he still couldn't fight. Lose.

There is no way to do this, and you can’t just wait in the spring for the opponent to finish demolishing your own home. This is not what a professional player should look like. In any case, you have to help your teammates drag it. Even if it drags for a while, it’s still dragging. Don’t underestimate it. After all this time, as long as the opponent can be revived, this is not a big deal, there are many things that teammates can do after they are revived.

It can only be said that IG is also very strong here, and they will not let it go under the tower. There is indeed Zoe's control. It is only a matter of time before the sword demon kills the opponent. It is not difficult. In this way, IG is one step closer to victory, no Knowing how scary they're going to be, but that's what they're doing now, continuing to be aggressive.

IG didn't choose to continue dismantling, this wave of sword demons also had no skills, and Zoe was also bloody, so he had to go home for a wave. .
After that, the two sides stalemate for a few minutes, and then IG started a team battle in the blue zone of blg.

This wave of Pan Sen joined the battle from the very beginning, and the team was more stable than before.

The sword demon is still the same, going forward, there is no one to be afraid of at all, Aoun can't stop him, he can only restrain him for a while, and he will still be beaten violently by him in the end, but the target of the sword demon is not this person, but also to turn When it comes to other targets, Aoun is still a big tank after all, so we still have to respect the opponent, this is the most basic thing.

Of course, if the crispy skin on the opposite side is dead, then there is no need to say respect, it is like this, I just feel that I have done what I should do, this is what I should do as a sword demon, this hero is very scary when he gets up of.

The sword demon aimed at the female gun on the opposite side, trying to pull him back, but this time the bull head knew that he couldn't protect his shooter anymore, so he flashed and used the q skill to knock the sword demon into the air, and then sent the sword demon back to the ground. Push back, so that the sword demon was surrounded and beaten, and he died immediately. BLG saw hope, and there will be more fights in this wave of team battles. This is not a joke.

The morale of Blg soared in this wave. Xingdra directly hit Zoe with a combo of moves. Zoe was hit in a wave. The Japanese girl went to protect Zoe. The damage of the big move directly stunned Xingdra.

However, the Japanese girl received a lot of attacks, and was directly disabled. At this time, Pan Sen grabbed the opposite Xingdra, and took Xingdra away with a set, and the opposite male gun opened his big move Deal damage.

Pan Sen blocked the damage and chased the male gun on the opposite side. Zoe counterattacked at this time and directly stunned the male gun.

The male gun still didn't perform well in this game, and still only dealt some damage and then hung in this place. Aoun on the opposite side continued to single out with Sword Demon. Pantheon double play.

Pan Sen didn't give up, he wanted to continue to kill the people on the opposite side, but the female gun on the other side wanted to run away, but was left behind by Jhin's big move, and had nowhere to run, so he had to give up running for his life. The head on the other side was taken. This was not the first time he was so heroic. He had behaved like this before, and he felt that such a behavior was very normal.

The bull head on the opposite side has no choice, can't do anything, he can help his teammates, and now he is useless, and it is also the effect of being harvested by the opponent. It can only be said that the opponent is really well prepared, and they have nothing to do. This wave of team battles saw hope, but the result was still unsuccessful, and they were directly harvested by the opponent, feeling very disappointed.

Niutou was controlled by Zoe and used a big move, but it was a pity that he still couldn't withstand the damage of the next skill. It can only be said that Niutou has done what he can do.

This wave is another big defeat for BLG. It can be said that after losing a few rounds of team battles, there are not many opportunities left for them. This wave may even be defeated. Not only their players are worried, but their fans are also very worried. Worried, this wave really has no way to continue to stop IG's offensive, and the result can almost be seen.

After a wave of group destruction, IG won the game, and the teammates drank water and returned to the waiting room. .
In the lounge, the coach praised Lin Xiu.

"Lin Xiu, you performed very well in this game. I hope you can continue to lead the team to victory in the future. I am very impressed by your sword demon. Of course, the jungler is also very good, but if there is no Lin Xiu like you Performance, I can say that the morale of the team will not be so high, it is only if you dare to rush and fight, the result will be like this, in short, Lin Xiu, you are great." The coach said.

The coach said this sincerely, not just polite words. He just felt that Lin Xiu was very important to the team. This cannot be explained by how many people were killed. It can only be said that Lin Xiu's role in the team is more than that, because of his support. The performance of the teammates will make it so smooth. Of course, other teammates also performed very well, there is no doubt about it.

"It's nothing, Pan Sen is the best. You are really good as a jungler. You took a lot of kills. If you didn't dare to fight, I wouldn't be sure. I'm not kidding. It's just like that. You're great. , The same is true for other teammates, everyone has shown their high level, which is worthy of praise, and I hope to see more of such things." Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu doesn't think it's her own credit, it's all the credit. This is a team game, and she's not alone. She also knows that her teammates work hard. It's great to have such a result. I hope to see better chemistry Reaction, continue to maintain this state, then you will not be afraid of any enemies, and you can overcome them.

The teammates also couldn't help teasing Lin Xiu.

"Lin Xiu, don't pretend. In fact, you also know how good you are at playing. You are humble here. We all see it. Do you really need our praise? Let's talk about it earlier. It's nothing, I can satisfy you, it's nothing, how do you want me to praise you." Ah Shui said.

"Don't be kidding, okay, how can I, I really think everyone is playing very well, isn't it necessary to be so inflated now, isn't it? We have another game, you should know, right? We're getting ready, happy now

too early see what i mean?We still have a lot of work to do. "Lin Xiu said.

"Stop bragging, who doesn't know, how about it, why don't I give you a nickname, or we can call you C, you can make your debut directly at C." Xiao Ming said.

"Oh, don't talk about me, I mean it, really, let's study the next game."

"Before that, tell me what kind of nickname you like." Ah Shui didn't stop.

"I've really convinced you, I know, can't I say it's okay?" Lin Xiu said helplessly.

IGvsblg, enter the second game after the break, select the lineup to start. .
IG first chose Kenan on the top lane. This hero has always been a good candidate for team-starting, and there are various ways to start a team.

BLG chose Akali. This hero has always been very flexible. Facing Kenan, it is also worth fighting for. It also has a good escape skill. All in all, it is very good if it is used well.

The IG jungler chose Sagittarius. This hero is indeed very flexible, and he is also a very powerful hero in this version. It can be said that he is very fast, and he is also a hero with taunting skills. It is still quite effective in team fights.

The blg jungler chooses the male gun. This hero is born for the jungler. The jungler is fast and will not consume blood. He is also very capable of duels. He is a very flexible hero and can face people and horses. There is a certain restrictive effect.

IG chose Zoe in the middle lane. This hero has always been a high-damage existence. Whether it is to cooperate with teammates or to deal damage by himself, it is a very powerful existence. With this hero, there is no need to worry about team battles and laning. .

The middle lane of blg is Clockwork. This hero is also a veteran mid laner. He has good control and burst. He is still a good mid laner in many versions in the past. He is a stable teamfight hero. Choosing this hero for teamfights is considered a big deal. .

IG chose Samira in the bottom lane. This hero was very strong when he came out. It can be said that he is an all-powerful existence. Whether it is dueling or harvesting ability, he is very powerful. It is a very popular choice now.

BLG chose Jhin as the bottom laner. This hero is not as flexible as the opponent's shooter. This is for sure, but his role in team battles may be greater than that of Samira. It depends on how the BLG shooter will control this hero.

The IG support chose Fallen Angel. Although this hero is not so direct in control, it will not lose to other mage heroes in terms of output. It does not need too good equipment, and it also has a skill to protect teammates.

The blg supporter chooses Wuhao. This hero can play as a support because he has control skills and his output is not low. Of course, he is short-handed in the face-to-face with the opponent, but his performance in team battles is not only like this, it may exceed Angel works.

After the hero is selected, the coaches shake hands, the game begins, and the audience cheers.

3 minutes into the fight, both sides are developing each other, but this wave of BLG's support and junglers have something to do, and they will do things together after the bottom line is dealt with, and BLG's mid lane, this wave can Said it was three people doing things together.

However, IG's Zoe is still very conscious. When she found them, she didn't dare to move forward. She just retreated to the tower. This is the safest way. At this time, IG's jungler also came to help, but there was still no Killed, this wave had no choice but to wait for a better opportunity to attack, but the team battle was still unavoidable, what would the result be?
This wave of IG has another support. It can be said that everyone is here. It depends on how the game will be played. Naturally, both sides don't want to let the opponent go. They think this is a good time to start a team. Seize the opportunity and think To do something.

IG still wants to fight, and BLG is not afraid of them. .
3v3, the team battle begins.

Here Zoe first fainted the wrist man on the opposite side, but the clockwork on the opposite side also took the opportunity to deal a wave of damage to Zoe, and the IG auxiliary angel released a q skill to control the clockwork on the opposite side.

Immediately after the control of Wu Hao is over, an e skill flashes, controlling the three people on the opposite side, and then the control of the clockwork is also over, and immediately releases the skill to continue output, and also gives Wu Hao a shield, and Wu Hao kills all directions. Continue to swipe out.

The male gun took the opportunity to go over and directly attacked the angel on the opposite side. The wave of output was very decisive. The opponent had no way to take him. It can only be said that this wave of male gun has a good output space.

After IG's fallen angel was beaten for a round, he was continued to be attacked by the wrist man, and he was directly killed by a. This is a normal thing. The damage hit him, so it is normal to hang up like this.

In this wave, IG's top road also came to help, knowing that someone died on my side, and it would be impossible if I didn't do something, so this wave of IG's top road was directly aimed at the most seriously injured wrist on the opposite side, and the wrist was indeed It is natural to suffer a lot of damage when attacking the opponent at close range.

Wrist Hao was easily killed by Kenan's combo on the opposite side.

The narrator expresses his opinion in this wave.

"The performance of this wave of wrist heroes is very heroic. However, it is still not inferior to the opponent. I think this is a normal thing. After all, he is a hero who deals damage at close range. Of course, he also made damage. Killed, this wave is obviously not a loss, I don’t know what everyone thinks, I can only say that Wu Hao has done a good job in this wave, and can’t be picky.” The male commentator said.

"That's right, but I think this wave of IG came in a timely manner. If it wasn't for him, this wave of IG would undoubtedly lose money. I can only say that IG's performance is obviously different from the previous game. The game is so smooth, but this is the most interesting game, and I also hope to see a bo3, if it is too smooth, the game will not be very good." The female commentator said.

"It can't be said like this. I think as a commentator, of course, all games must be treated equally. The process of each game is different. This is what a game should be like. Both IG and BLG have opportunities now. Yes, no side has a better chance of winning, I really think there are a dozen of them, maybe IG will suddenly reverse." The male commentator said.

The game continued, and neither side joined the team battle in the bottom lane, but I don't know if it was because of loneliness, they also started to fight. It is true that no one can stop their battle now, and the result is still worth watching.

The bot lane heads-up starts, who will win this heads-up, Jhin is really not a very good hero in heads-up, because the attack speed is slow, so it is easy for someone with a fast attack speed to take advantage of him. Of course, if the skill hit rate is high enough, the result is still hard to say. It can only be said that there are still a dozen, and there is no complete advantage.

The Blg shooter is ready to go, knowing that this wave is an excellent opportunity to take down the opponent's shooter. If such an opportunity is missed, then there will be no good chance to have such a one-on-one chance. If there are only two of them left in the team battle , that would be considered heads-up.

(End of this chapter)

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