As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 221 This is the victory you deserve

Chapter 221 This is the victory you deserve
This wave of bottom shooters started a battle between the two. Samira directly hit Jhin with a q, and then a slammed Jhin. .
Jhin’s words in this wave are also a q to cooperate with normal attacks. This wave of damage is still higher than that of the opponent, and then he used a w skill, but he missed the hit. This is a pity. He was dodged by the opponent. When others are singled out, this w skill is very critical. It is a pity that it does not hit the opponent now.

blg Samira launched a counterattack, directly approaching the opponent with an e skill, and then used a q skill at close range to deal damage. This wave of Jhin wanted to put an e skill at close range, but was blocked by Samira's w skill.

Samira continued to attack Jhin, and Jhin had no choice but to retreat in this wave, retreating and attacking normally, and it was really impossible to do other things. After chasing under the tower, Jhin felt that he was safe, so he didn't press Blink, but he could save Blink. Save it.

But the opponent didn't want to let him go, and directly used a big move, which dealt tons of damage, and Jhin's flash was useless, so he was taken down.

This wave of Samira did a good job. He knew that as long as Jhin on the opposite side was close to him, he would not amplify his moves. Kill, nothing to worry about.

This is indeed a weakness of Jhin's heads-up, and there is no displacement. After being stuck, it is easy to be killed.

This wave of singles on the bottom lane was very exciting, and Samira had the last laugh.

However, the jungler and mid laner on the opposite side ignored them and took Xiaolong directly.

When Samira went to see it, Xiaolong had already been taken down, and the ig jungler didn't dare to move alone.

There is no way around this, if this Bosamira goes to help her jungler, this Jhin will also follow, so it is better to single out with Jhin like this, and take the opponent's head like this, it is not good bad performance.

After blg took down the dragon, it continued to develop, and did not initiate team battles much after that.

Until the 14th minute, a wave of team battles by Canyon Pioneer gathered 10 people, preparing for a wave of 5v5 team battles to see who is more stubborn.

IG fought the canyon vanguard first, but found that the canyon vanguard could not be dropped in seconds, and the people on the opposite side also rushed over. They had no choice but to prepare for a team battle. This wave is indeed unavoidable. Both sides want to fight at this moment burst out.

blg took the lead in starting a group, and the clockwork directly hit several people on the opposite side with a set of combos, hit a wave of damage, and then gave the shield to his own shooter, and the shooter made up for the damage in a wretched way. To prevent herself from being attacked, Zoe on the opposite side used her skill to block it with her w skill.

The assistant wrist tycoon directly approached the opposite side and controlled the three people on the opposite side. Jhin activated his big move at this time, directly attacking the crispy skin on the opposite side, and the effect was great.

Akali took the opportunity to reap and deal explosive damage.

On the ig side, Kenan directly used a big move plus lightning, and then stunned the 3 people on the opposite side to deal his own damage.

The centaur chose the e skill to start. When the e skill is fully charged, it directly hits the opposite shooter, and then uses q to deal damage. The opposite Jhin wants to hold him, but at this time the centaur enters In the opposite area, insecurity is directly a big move to ridicule the 4 people on the opposite side, and then get out.

The auxiliary angel directly controls the person, and then uses the purchased hourglass to directly approach the opponent and activate the big move. The opponent can only choose to retreat. It is very dangerous to be controlled by the angel's big move, and you still have to protect yourself. .
Zoe immediately released her skills at this time, but she couldn't instantly kill Jhin on the opposite side, so she had to continue to wait for her skills.

The shooter Samira directly used a set of combos, hitting all the big moves, but she couldn't hit them accurately, and the damage was not enough.

ig put up his own resistance, but he still couldn't beat the opponent. The opponent directly harvested two heads of Akali and two heads of shooter Jhin.

ig was eliminated by the group, this is the battle they lost again.

After this wave ended, ig seized the opportunity to fight Xiaolong again, but this time it was still calculated by the opponent. The opponent directly squatted them, and directly came out to beat people when they were beating Xiaolong. This trick is indeed very good. too much.

Because of the sneak attack, Akali and the male gun dealt huge damage in an instant. The clockwork appeared and released the skill again to make up for the damage.

The shooter Jhin also followed his teammates to win the head. This round is still very easy, just to show his own level. This is what he is doing now. He is very aggressive. With such teammates, if he can’t show it If you are not at your own level, then you don’t need to play games here. It can only be said that you cooperate well with your teammates and can often be in a safe position.

To know what it means for the shooter to be in a safe position, it means that the output can be hit to the highest level. Although the hero Jhin is really inflexible and has no displacement skills at all, with these teammates, the difficulty of killing has dropped a lot. You don't need any displacement skills, you just need to play normally, and it's not for nothing that they can kill so much now.

ig is different from the last game. It was full of confidence at first, but it didn't go smoothly from the beginning, and it's the same until now. There are few battles won. It can only be said that there is really no way to compete with the opponent in this state. In the game, blg is the more powerful side, and now ig has to show a better performance than now to have a chance to come back.

This wave of team battles is 3 for 5, and it seems to be rewarding, but in fact there is no gain. Killing all the people means that the remaining two people on the opposite side can do whatever they want, and dismantle them however they want. Not a big deal.

BLG continued to advance, pushed down the second tower and returned to the city, but did not dare to take any more risks, after all, there were only two people.

After all the members are revived, another battle will start in the wild area. This battle is very critical. If ig does not win, it means that the opponent will fight directly. This is not without reason, it is indeed like this, and now they are also afraid At this point, you can only show your best performance. If you don't do this, you will have no way to compete with the opponent.

Fighting a team battle again, the result is that BLG still has the same chance of winning, playing very freely, ig has no strength to resist, and was quickly wiped out by the opponent, and then the crystal was removed. This is a natural result.

The game of blg went very smoothly from the very beginning, and now it is a very smooth development to win the crystal, which is the victory brought about by their strong performance.

IG lost the game, and the coach couldn't sit still when he returned to the lounge. .
Seeing the coach's unhappy appearance, Ah Shui felt that he was about to be scolded, so he had an idea.

"Hehe, coach, how's it going? Do you want me to give you a massage? Let's go crazy." Ah Shui said.

"Be serious with me, do you think it's funny to lose the game?" the coach said.

"No, coach, I didn't think it was funny. I just thought that if you reprimand us at this time, then I don't think there will be good results. I just said it so confidently." Ah Shui said.

"What do you mean? Can't I point out your mistakes yet? Do you know who is the real leader? If you continue to indulge you at this time, you will still be the same as before. I'm not joking. In short, you It's still rat tail juice, obediently listen to my reprimand, it's for your own good, do you think the current state is okay? Not at all."

The coach thinks this is a matter of course, this is what a coach should do, but I think this kind of thing is very obvious, if you can't play well, you will be scolded, if you don't accept this kind of thing, you don't need to be a professional player here, so It is also for the players to be able to play their due level in the next time, instead of keeping up with the previous game.

"Coach, I guarantee that I will win the next game. Really, don't talk about it. I think the other players are not in a good mood. Everyone doesn't want to be like this, and I don't think any team will win all the time. , Undefeated record is impossible, it’s that simple, I won’t say more, I’m ready for the next game.”

Ah Shui thinks that the next game will be won. This game is just an accident, which they didn't expect. They don't want the next game to be affected by other factors. At least they must prevent the coach from reprimanding. If this is the case, the mentality of the players It wouldn't be that good.

"Then what if you don't win? What are you going to do?"

"Well, um, it's not a big problem, we'll scold you later, it's not too late."

"Stop joking, let me tell you, it's unreasonable for you to play this game like this, okay? Is this the level you should be? Everyone didn't play well, what happened? You are inflated Have you forgotten how to win the first game? Do you know? If I were a player, I would face every game with the right attitude."

The coach felt that they didn't play well in the previous game. There is no reason for this. The problem can only be their own.

"Yes, yes, coach, I think that if you were a player, you would be the strongest player in this century, but you are not. In short, I just want to say that everyone will play well. You still reprimanded me, so that's it. That's enough, coach, you are satisfied, don't talk about us anymore, I know, you are a person who talks about martial arts, so let's drink the mouse tail."

"Don't be kidding, I said I didn't joke with you anymore, I'm serious, don't talk, let me tell you, if you don't win today, then I won't treat you to dinner, and you have to You add additional training games, that’s it, if you don’t do it, it’s your problem, and I’ll just say it here.” The coach was furious.

"I'm very sorry. I don't think the other players can be blamed for this incident. Blame me. This is my responsibility. I didn't lead the team to victory. The biggest responsibility lies on me. Don't blame them, just blame me. .” Lin Xiu said. .
Lin Xiu felt that she had a great responsibility for this game, and she was to blame if she wanted to. There was no need to reprimand others.

"No, Lin Xiu, you play better than them, you don't have to bear this responsibility, the problem lies with them." The coach said.

"Don't talk about it, coach, everyone wants to play well, no one wants to lose, I will win the next game, so let's stop here, okay? Everyone will cheer up, but is it just one to one? We still have the chance of the last game, don’t they all say that we only need to look at the results of the game? Don’t think about other things, just do all kinds of work well.” Lin Xiu said.

"Okay, let me see how you are in the next game." The coach said.

The last match begins, and the two sides choose heroes. This is the last match of the day.

The game starts, and the two sides choose heroes.

The shooter chosen by Blg is Verus. This hero has control. Although there is no displacement, it is also fully functional.

IG's shooter chose Jhin. This hero has high damage. Although he has no displacement, as a shooter, as long as he is protected, it is the same. The output is his job.

Blg chose Qing Gang Ying as the top laner. This hero can control the enemy and create a space from which he cannot escape. He is also a very distinctive hero.

IG chose Nock for the top lane. This hero has a lot of damage, his ultimate move can be reset, and he is also a hero who can easily kill all directions. Naturally, it has no bonus effect on the team, but it is also very powerful in duel ability hero.

Blg chose Gator in the middle, which is still a strange choice, but this hero has control, movement, and is very fleshy, and can do a lot of amazing things.

IG chose Akali in the middle lane. This is a regular middle lane choice, and it is also very flexible. Even if you can't beat the crocodile, there are still many ways to escape, depending on how you use it.

The support Blg chooses is Niutau. This is a hero with great control effects. Once controlled, it can create a very good killing effect. It is very easy to cooperate with teammates to kill. For professional players, the second company is basically impossible. Mistakes.

IG's support chose Japanese women. This hero's control ability is no worse than that of Niutau. He can control his whole body and can help his teammates do many things. He also has a certain amount of damage.

The jungler chosen by Blg is the blind monk. This is a very flexible hero. He can come and go like the wind, help his teammates to have a shield, and if the limit is a little bit more, the big move is also possible, and the damage is also good.

IG's jungler chose Male Spear. This hero is already a frequent visitor in the game. He is handy in team battles, and there is nothing wrong with heads-up. It can be said that he is an all-round jungler.

The game started, the two sides developed, until the first team battle, blg's support went to ward, but his own shooter was pegged, and ig also seized the opportunity, knowing that the last game just didn't catch the opportunity it deserved, this round It won't be like this, it will be done to a level that satisfies me, that's it, only by not being afraid of anything can I win the final victory.

(End of this chapter)

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