Chapter 222 Don't Worry

IG seized the opportunity in the bottom lane. The Japanese girl directly waited for Verus on the opposite side to flash, and directly controlled it with an e, and then used q very steadily. This wave also knows that if you cooperate with the shooter, you can kill the opponent. This is nothing Difficult. .
It can be said that Povelus followed his arrangement directly. It was correct to choose the flash. Unfortunately, when he landed, he was directly caught by the opponent. He had already done what he could do, so he was caught It can only be explained by bad luck, and it is also caused by unexpected things, but the timing of the opponent's opportunity is very accurate, and it is normal for this wave to succeed.

Jhin on the IG side cooperated with the Japanese girl to play output, and killed the opposite shooter. It took some effort. In fact, the damage was not enough, but after jumping the tower, he still managed to kill the opposite shooter. Unfortunately, at this time The support from the opposite side is coming, and it is indeed coming at this time. How can it not stop the loss if a ward puts his shooter to death.

Blg's auxiliary bull head directly flashed that the second company was very fast. Jhin was knocked into the air and was attacked by the defense tower with all his strength. It was predictable that he would be killed in the end. Niutou plans to go in. If he planned to go in, he would not choose to jump the tower. If this wave changes one by one, all the shooters will die, which is a tie.

After the bull's head got the head, he didn't give up and started fighting with the opposite shooter.

The Japanese woman on the opposite side has used up all her skills, but this bullhead has also used up Erlian.

But none of these can stop Niutou's desire to kill. He directly used the e skill to face the opponent a, and the Japanese girl also turned on the shield. They didn't suffer much damage in this wave, but they haven't given up yet. They just have to wait for the skill After the start of the fight, this wave is the Japanese girl's skills first, and the wave is controlled, but the damage is not high in the early stage, and the bull's head is not dead yet.

The Niu Tau Erlian is ready, use the Erlian to deal some damage, and then the two of them will attack each other. It is rare to see such a scene in the professional arena. It can only be said that these two supports are the same as the Avengers. , After seeing his own shooter being beaten to death, he was not calm, and chose to fight head-on with the opponent. It is not unreasonable to do so, it is correct.

In the end, the two assistants also successfully exchanged, but they failed to kill the opponent.

After this wave, the two sides did not fight much until 15 minutes.

At 15 minutes, the team battle in the middle began. This wave is a good time for IG, and both sides are similarly developed.

IG's shooter Jhin took the lead in using his big move, exhausting the opponent first, and knocking the opponent to the bottom of the tower, not daring to move.

At this time, IG's Japanese girl continued to amplify her move, and then controlled Verus on the opposite side to go up and hit her face directly.

IG's Nock pulled several people on the opposite side together. It is not so normal to pull directly, so this wave chooses to flash pull, and then use the q skill to fight a wave, and then give the w skill to Verus on the opposite side .

Verus on the opposite side was directly disabled, and then the male gun directly used his skills to harvest this Verus. Verus could say nothing, and was directly controlled to death. It was indeed not very smooth. .

The other teammates were not very smooth. The blind monk had no choice but to give the big move to the Japanese woman, but the result was only to save the Japanese woman. This is a wave of wrong moves. It is true that the Japanese women are fighting against the tower under the tower, but the blind monk But he kicked it away. Of course, there was a reason for him to do so. He just saw that the other people on the opposite side were also in the same line and made a knockback.

However, after this wave of blind monks kicked out, they also died. It can be said that they died in a short period of time. The offensive on the opposite side was very strong. Akali killed him. This is a normal thing. The opponent's damage is so high, Jhin is also making up for the damage. .
On the opposite side came to support, Qing Gangying was controlling the male gun on the opposite side, trying to keep this male gun, but this male gun quickly dodged with the e skill, and then continued to keep this male gun with his ult. There is no way for the male gun to hang here.

But others didn't go so smoothly, Qing Gangying had no skills.

After the blind monk q hit Nok, he flew over, but was directly hit by Nok with a wave of blood rage, and then directly killed with a big move. It can be said that the behavior of this blind monk is very suspicious, and he also wants to make a move. It's a pity that he didn't think comprehensively, and the result is that needless to say, he still didn't complete his work well, and it shouldn't be the result of this.

After the crocodile passed by, it activated its big move. It looked fierce and attacked Jhin. But at this time, the male gun and Akali attacked him at the same time, and then he was killed like this. It can be said to be very tragic , In the face of the two output, there is still no way to resist. It can only be said that the opponent has done well enough, but it is a pity that IG is the better one.

This is a change of 4. Niutou used to live in Akali for two consecutive times at this time, but it was useless. When he came down, he was easily taken away by IG. It can only be said that this wave is a performance of self-defeating, too confused .

IG won the team battle and went directly to the canyon vanguard, but Qing Gangying didn't dare to move.

The time came to 25 minutes. At this time, the third and second towers on the opposite side were all demolished, and IG also took down the dragon. No one could stop their offensive.

IG pushed to the opposite highland tower. The crocodile on the opposite side was the last one to die and persisted the longest. Unfortunately, it was still wiped out by the better performing IG, and the game was over.

It can be said that the crocodile resisted damage from the beginning, but it still died like this, which is really a pity.

The other team members also tried their best, but even if they couldn't fight, they knew that if they didn't defend their home, they would be dismantled.

The IG coach praised Lin Xiu in the background and felt that he performed well.

"Lin Xiu, you did a great job. I didn't expect you to do it. I'm so proud of you," said the coach.

"Coach, don't just praise Lin Xiu, I also want to praise you." Ah Shui said.

"Well, well, praise you one by one."

Lin Xiu accepted the post-match interview.

"Lin Xiu, congratulations on winning today's game. How do you feel now?" the interviewer asked.

"I feel very good. It can be said that the coach wanted us to win this game, and we did it. That's it. I just feel that I did the right thing. We are united and there is nothing that cannot be overcome." Lin Xiu said.

"In the second game, the opponent easily won. How did you maintain your good form until the next game?"

"Well, it's a matter of our willpower. We all believe that this game will win. The game is like this. A disadvantage does not mean that the future will be a disadvantage. This is a very simple reason. I just believe that my teammates can do it. .” Lin Xiu said.

"Congratulations on winning the final victory, go back and rest early."

"Thank you, I want to say to the fans, please continue to support us, we will always win." Lin Xiu said.

It can be said that Lin Xiu was in a very good mood when he returned to the base. He won the game today very smoothly. .
At this time, someone from wx sent him a message, it was his good friend, Tianyi.

Tianyi introduced him to a new game, but he felt that his friend was just having a meal, and asked if he wanted him to advertise.

A friend told him that it was not an advertisement, but that he was also playing, posted screenshots, and slandered him.

In this way, Lin Xiu started to play a new game, but she was able to play it well, and she was fascinated all of a sudden, and the time passed quickly.

Lin Xiu didn't play lol all night, she was playing a new game, the console was off, and she kept staring at the phone screen.

Seeing him like this, Ah Shui felt that he was worrying. Anyway, he still had to play in the rankings, and he was not a retired person. Naturally, he had to abide by these things. He just felt that there was no need to do this. He should be happy to win the game, but It’s not like not to play ranked directly. If you don’t train like this, you will be unfamiliar with the game, and you will perform poorly in the game.

"Lin Xiu, what are you doing?" Ah Shui couldn't help asking him.

"Oh, I'm playing with my phone." Lin Xiu said.

"What are you playing? Lend me to play."

"Oh, what era is this? Who doesn't have a mobile phone? Download it yourself. You're welcome."

"No, I just want to know what game you are playing."

Ah Shui understood what kind of game it was after seeing it.

"So it's this game. I've played it before, but I don't think it's interesting."

"Oh, it's just that you don't understand this game, I understand, that's it, oh, don't bother me, I'm playing black."

"Lin Xiu, may I ask you one last question? I won't ask after I finish."

"Okay, let's ask."

"That is, why don't you play lol and play this? This is not a competition event."

"Of course I know, it's up to you to say, but I'm just having fun for a while, it's not a big problem, don't worry, I'm naturally fine in the competition, just come anyway, you've seen it, I'm here today Performance."

Seeing him like this, Ah Shui just felt worried, but couldn't say anything.

Before the game day, Lin Xiu was still thinking about this new game, and was still playing the game all night on the eve of the game.

Seeing him like this, Rookie also persuaded him.

"What are you doing? Lin Xiu, you can't sleep anymore. Do you want to lose energy for tomorrow's game? Go to bed early." Rookie said.

"Oh, it's not a big problem. I'm going to sleep soon. Don't worry, I will lead the competition tomorrow." Lin Xiu was very confident.

"I think you should stop playing. I know you are addicted to new games. This is wrong. We are lol players. How can we be addicted to other games? You can play other games, but you still can't be addicted. said Rookie.

"I see. You don't need to say anything more. I know what I know. Do I need to say more about this kind of thing? I will pay attention to myself. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

As a result, Lin Xiu played all night, and when his teammates got up, they saw that he was still playing.

"Are you still playing? Lin Xiu, give me your phone, haven't you slept all night? What about today's game?" Ah Shui said speechlessly.

"It's Ah Shui, it's true. I'm sleepy, but it's not a big problem. It's not like I haven't spent the night." Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu said this, but he already felt that something was wrong. What he wanted to do most now was not to compete, but to sleep.

Lin Xiu was still thinking about the new game, but he couldn't think about anything because he was sleepy. .
He is in a daze when he does everything, and his teammates are worried about his state.

"If you can't play, you can tell the coach." Ah Shui said.

"Oh, I can do it." Lin Xiu insisted.

Lin Xiu was in the car with his teammates, but soon fell asleep, and his teammates woke him up.

The teammates felt that today's game was suspended. Lin Xiu was such a good performer, but now it turned out like this.

Such a stateless Lin Xiu, isn't this a person who can't do anything?

Asking him to fight against a silver player now may not be able to beat him.

At the beginning of the game, Lin Xiu insisted on playing, feeling that she had no problem at all.

"Lin Xiu, what's wrong with you? Your eyes are so dull. Don't talk about it. Come on as a substitute today. If you continue to play, you will only add chaos to your team. Now the result of the game is the most important thing. It can only be said that it is your own problem that you have become like this, your life is your own choice, how can you not sleep before the game?" The coach said.

"Sorry, coach, but I can do it, just trust me, look, I'm very energetic." Lin Xiu shook her head.

Lin Xiu just felt that others thought he was not good enough, so he had to prove that he could do it all the more. This was not a difficult thing for him. He felt that he had experienced all kinds of difficulties, and such things would not stop him. This was obvious. things.

"No, I can't take risks. You may think you can, but don't forget, what I have to do is for the good of the whole team, do you understand? If one day there is a better top laner than you, I will replace you directly , do you understand what I mean? I am such a realistic person, because I am a coach, I should make calculations for the team's victory." The coach said.

"Coach, are you so unfeeling? I am someone who has given so much to this team, don't worry, leave it to me, I'm fine." Lin Xiu insisted.

"I think let him play, that's the only way, now I don't think anyone in this team is more suitable for playing top lane than him, that's it, I don't mean to brag about him, I just think this is the truth, we can't live without him Yes, at least this season is the case, I think this is the most outrageous thing if there are such players who don’t use it, it’s as simple as that.” Ah Shui said.

Ah Shui believes that no matter what, Lin Xiu is still the leader of this team. If he is missing, not to mention the tacit understanding, the strength will undoubtedly decline. I don't want the situation to become like this, which is not good for the team. practice.

"Are you really good? If you can't, then you can only sit on the bench, understand what I mean? I'm not so easy to talk, let me tell you, it's impossible not to be strict with you, because you did something wrong thing," said the coach.

The coach has no choice. What Ah Shui said has some truth. It is true that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Maybe you can take a gamble. Although it is normal, there is no way to continue playing the game, but it is not normal What will happen next? No one knows the real answer, and it is also because it is necessary to try it out, and there is no other choice.

Ah Shui just thinks that it is not necessarily good to be a substitute, and the same is true for him.

(End of this chapter)

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