Chapter 223 Fallen, Chenglu
In TheShy's last game, the heroes all slipped and made mistakes, and they were very confused. The coach had a headache even before he started. .
As a result, the game was really as expected, completely lacking energy, being killed all the time, super ghost performance.

At 25 minutes, TheShy was sleeping in his seat, and everyone was stunned.

This is a man who sleeps on the field, unprecedented in existence, and this is a level that will undoubtedly be in the news.

TheShy's performance made the coach lose his temper directly in the lounge.

"I'm definitely going to replace him. You're kidding me. He's a joke right now," the coach said.

"Oh, don't be too angry, there is no need, things have reached this point now." The manager said.

"Then are we going to keep watching him like this? Seeing him sleeping all the time during the game? The audience is laughing at him, isn't this a joke? Not just the audience, but also the people who support him in front of the screen, he is now It’s really useless,” said the coach.

"No, I don't think so. I don't think there is much to say about his talent. Our team will need him in the future. There is no doubt. If someone like him goes out, how much will he be in demand? Don't underestimate him. As for what happened this time, I think it’s nothing, just like someone in the history of e-sports called a bath dog, isn’t that a meme? It doesn’t matter.”

"Oh, don't you like TheShy who people call him sleeping?"

"Is this not good? I think it sounds good. Really, I support you to replace him, but don't be too angry, calm down, as a coach, calm down, make the right decision, and change him in the future play."

The manager thinks that he is not finished yet, and still feels that TheShy is an indispensable existence in the team.

After the game, the coach still couldn't stop the fire, and TheShy was supported by his teammates.

"What the hell are you doing? You sleep in the game, you know how embarrassing it is? Well, the whole world is watching you joke, do you think it's funny? You like being laughed at don't you Are you kidding me? Do you know what you're doing? It's so funny, I told you a long time ago, don't play, you won't listen." The coach said.

TheShy pulled himself together and answered.

"I'm just too naughty, have you forgotten? My name, it's too naughty, haha." TheShy said.

"Laugh, I'm still laughing at this moment. You really are too bloated. You just get a lot of victories and you bloat like this. Do you know what you are doing? Do you want to continue playing in this state? It will only continue to embarrass you. Let me tell you, if you don't reflect on it, you will always be a bench, let me tell you, I will not treat you so well." The coach said.

"Oops, coach, the next game is better."

"It's a pity that you won't be in the next game, and you will be a substitute in the next game. Please sit on your bench."


TheShy doesn't care at all, but feels happy, I don't know why.

He turned on the phone, played the new game, and immediately stopped feeling dizzy. He felt that this game had magical powers, and it did things that other games couldn't do.

That's right, I like this feeling very much, I want to play this game 24 hours a day, this feeling is very good, but I feel that the game of lol is not so attractive to me in an instant, and I don't even continue to watch the game.

After TheShy returned to the base, he found no one there. He felt strange, but also felt sleepy, so he decided to go to sleep. .
After sleeping for a while, I found myself woken up.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" TheShy said.

"What are you talking about? What are you doing? Tell me, where have you been?" Xiao Ming said.

"No, why are you so angry? I didn't do anything, I just went out for a walk."

"Walking outside, why didn't the team members send you a message and you didn't reply?"

"Oh, that's because the battery is dead." TheShy made an excuse.

Xiao Ming picked up his mobile phone and looked at it, it was fully charged.

"Full battery, how do you explain it? Did you go out to have fun again? Do you know? Others are working hard to play the game, and you are doing this kind of thing. I can't stand it anymore. Don't think that we are on the same team. Do, you have to know that you are a professional player, don't you know what to do? That is really pitiful, if you continue to lose the game, I will not forgive you."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I won't be able to play the game. No matter how upset you are, there is nothing you can do. You can blame me if I don't play and lose the game. Then I am too innocent."

"What are you talking about? Do you know what you're talking about?" Xiao Ming couldn't help it.

"Okay, don't say any more, I don't think he is feeling well now, don't just think about yourself, I know what his goal is, and he won't give up so easily before he completes his goal, he is just temporarily out of shape now .” uzi speaks for TheShy.

The coach is here.

"TheShy, I know what you're doing. You're going on a date with your girlfriend. Do you know what you're doing? I was fascinated by that new game just now, and now something like this is happening again. What do you want? I don’t want to play professionally anymore, if I don’t want to, just pack up and go home, I don’t want any of my team members to be in this state, and none of the substitutes are like this.”

The coach's words are very strict, but I feel that I am right. I really want to do it this way. Now Chen Tianpeng has not figured out what he wants to do. If he competes with others in this state, he will lose badly in the end. This is a superfluous behavior. If you still feel that you have no strength, you will be eliminated. You don't need people who can't play.

TheShy has nothing to refute. It is true that what the coach said is the truth, and he understands that some people are really upset with him now, but he has no choice but to do what he can do.

Meeting my girlfriend is something I can't refuse. I just think my girlfriend is very important, and I didn't know what to do at that time, so I went to see my girlfriend. Of course, letting them find it like this is something I didn't think of. .

"You are directly suspended for 5 games. Do you understand what I mean? You can't play in this state. Don't think that you can do whatever you want if you have the strength before. This thing is so realistic. If you can't do it, you will be eliminated. Who It's all the same, no one has privileges, don't think about coming here to enjoy yourself, you can't mess around here." The coach said.

The coach is just telling the truth. It can be said that if I don't have good results here, then I will be expelled. Therefore, I still have to lead my team well, and I have to show the correct level in every game. Like The current TheShy is actually not as good as those substitutes. It is naturally impossible to play in a bad state.

"Coach, I don't think it is necessary. How can I do this? I think his strength can be adjusted back in one game. Last time it was because of lack of sleep. I know his strength very well, so I will give it to him again." Give him a chance, I think he is the most suitable player for our top lane, and there are really few players who are better than him in the top lane." Uzi said. .
"Uzi, you just need to play your own game well. As for TheShy, this is a punishment for him. You have to understand that if a person does something wrong, if we don't give him any punishment, it will be worse. Harm him, understand what I mean? This is for the good of the team, you have to be clear, I know he was able to do it before, but it is different now." The coach said.

The coach has his own ideas, and he still thinks whoever can play, but it depends on the state.

"Stop it, uzi, I accept this punishment." TheShy said.

TheShy didn't hesitate, it can be said that he was still a little happy. I don't know why, but I have to admit that he still has a new game in his heart. Now that he has time to play the new game, he doesn't care about other things. He just feels that the suspension still pays. Why not.

"TheShy, are you serious? Are you really going to accept something like this?" uzi said.

"That's right, you have to know one thing, I did do something wrong, and the coach's arrangement must naturally be obeyed." TheShy said.

"That's it, TheShy said so, uzi, you still don't care about this matter." The coach said.

As a result, when the game came, TheShy was watching his teammates in the lounge. At that time, he wanted to wait until the coach was away to play a new game. He just felt that he was caught playing the game last time. This time he couldn’t repeat the same mistakes, he had to be smarter , if such a little cleverness can't play tricks, how can it gain a foothold in this team?
When he was watching the game, TheShy suddenly had a feeling. He saw the faces of his teammates on the screen, which was obviously a proof of seriousness. These people are so serious in the game. Seeing their seriousness, suddenly felt I am ashamed of myself.

TheShy thought of the days when he fought side by side with his teammates, and felt that he had failed his teammates.

The teammates were very serious, and the result was that they lost the game.

TheShy feels distressed and thinks that he is selfish and gave up these good teammates just for the new game. Sweat, and he felt very sorry for these teammates doing this kind of thing in this place.

He remembered that he was really fascinated by the game before. This is something that shouldn’t be done. A professional player of lol can only be fascinated by the game of lol, and it’s not that he can’t play other games, but other games can only be played casually To play, not to be able to play seriously, otherwise it will be like this, making a wrong decision.

TheShy picked up his phone and wanted to delete this game that harmed him. He wanted to say goodbye to this game. Although this game is still interesting, he still thinks that the game is the most important thing, and he can no longer be affected by this thing. In the state of playing the game, you must return to the invincible self, concentrate on the game, and achieve better results.

The coach saw TheShy pick up his phone and thought he was going to play a new game again. .
"TheShy, don't worry about your phone, now is not the time to play your new game, how many times do you want me to say it? You are now a professional lol player, don't be affected by other things anymore, give me your phone." The coach said.

"You're right, coach, I really can't be affected by these things anymore, I'm serious, this time I want to play the game seriously, coach, let me play the game again, coach, I want to play the game." The Shy said.

TheShy cried and said this, like a picture in a certain anime, the lines are also coaches, I want to hit xx.

The coach felt that he was like this, and understood that he had the intention to repent. This is indeed the right idea, but he also understands that TheShy has not trained well recently, so he cannot be arranged to play like this.

At this time, the team members all came.

"I can't pretend that I didn't hear what you said, TheShy, that's right, you play in the next game, and we win back." Uzi said.

"Yes, we have to show our aggressiveness as before, and wipe out all the opponents." Xiaohu said.

"I agree with them, let's continue the game, we are not over yet, it's just one to zero." Xiao Ming said.

"Let TheShy play, I can only say that the team really needs him now, we have to do this." Xiangguo said.

"You guys." TheShy was moved.

"Are you serious? But still not," the coach said.

The coach insists on his own approach. What is not possible is not possible. This will not change. I just think that although TheShy already wants to play well, it does not mean that he is capable of playing well now, and he still has to continue playing. I'm looking for the feeling in the training game, and I think there will be problems when I play now. It's better to continue to let the substitutes who have cooperated with the teammates go on the road to play the game.

"Why? Why don't you play me? If you think I can't forgive, then yes, you can suspend me after today's game and let me play as a substitute, but today I feel very strong, I have a hunch, If I play the game, I can easily defeat the opponent, I can only say that I can't bear it anymore when I saw my teammates lose the game just now." TheShy said.

"There is no problem with your thinking like this, but it still doesn't work. It is useless for you to not practice and play recently. I tell you what you have to do now is to be patient. Continue to see how your teammates play. You still have to integrate into the team first. It’s okay, it’s too early to play now, it’s good for you, if you play right away, I think there will probably be problems.” The coach said.

The coach still has no confidence in TheShy, and feels that there are precedents before. Maybe things will be different this time, but as long as there is a problem, it will not work. It is better to be careful. TheShy did not have enough sleep and insisted on playing. The result is also seen, This time the coach also understands that the same mistakes cannot be repeated. It will be bad if such a thing happens again, and it will not be good for the team.

He knows that it is not enough to have a heart, just like TheShy does not want to be on the hot search but keeps on the hot search. He can only say that he is playing TheShy now and let him go back later. He thinks that the state will be better and there is no need to be like this Hurry up, don't know what the result will be, this is for the sake of TheShy, and also for the sake of this team.

(End of this chapter)

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