Chapter 224
"Coach, I have self-confidence, believe me, if I don't lead the team to victory this time, then I am willing to accept double suspension punishment, okay? I am serious, don't worry, I will never go back on my word. Just kidding, now it’s a real fight, when I want to compete with the opponent, I can’t lose here, understand?” Lin Xiu said. .
Lin Xiu insisted on the match. This time he was sober, different from last time, and he was not blindly confident. He also watched the match carefully and knew how to fight against the opponent.

"I agree with Lin Xiu. Coach, even if Lin Xiu is not allowed to play now, the game may not necessarily win. As for today, if we lose another game, the result will be lost, isn't that so? Why not bet on your hopes?" In Lin Xiu's case, I believe he can do it, it's that simple, I think he is sober now, he can return to his original self, training is only secondary." Ah Shui said.

"Okay, I'll let you go, but you can't mess things up. If you go on the hot search again, don't blame me for being ruthless." The coach said.

"Thank you coach." Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu went on the field confidently, directly c the whole game, and won the first game. This game was won very smoothly, and the whole process was at the level of hanging. It can only be said that this performance is the same as his previous state, keeping up with the previous one. It can be said that there is a world of difference in one game, and the excellent operations are one after another, so that the commentator can't praise it any more. It can only be said that this is a game that he cannot lose.

He knew that he had to prove himself in today's game. This is not enough. It is not enough to win the next game. He needs to win two games. It's useless, and I know this truth, so I want to prove myself so much. If I don't win this game, I really won't get the coach's approval.

Back in the waiting room, the coach also praised him, but he also mentioned not to be inflated, and the result has not yet come out.

Lin Xiu understood this truth. In the next match, she would also lead the entire field. The result was a 2-to-[-] victory over the opponent, and she won today's victory.

The team members are very happy. Lin Xiu has returned to her previous state. This is what they want to see. It can only be said that Lin Xiu’s performance today is phenomenal. These are two games that can be included in textbooks. The desire to win is stronger than ever.

Lin Xiu also finally laughed out for the first time today, and the coach had no choice but to recognize him and agree that he would go to the game normally in the future.

The coach didn't mean to embarrass him like this on purpose, but if he didn't put pressure on him, there was no way to get out of the predicament. As a result, he did a good job, which is the result the coach wanted to see.

After returning home, Lin Xiu also trained obediently to be a good baby.

"Xiao Ming, let's line up in duo." Lin Xiu said with a smile.

You know, Xiao Ming and Lin Xiu had some quarrels before, and the relationship became bad, but Lin Xiu didn't care about anything this time.

Xiao Ming accepted his invitation and understood that Lin Xiu won the game today.

"I'm sorry, what I said before was a bit too much." Xiao Ming said.

"It's nothing, it's normal, I don't care." Lin Xiu said.

The relationship between Lin Xiu and the team members got better again, and he had a lot of conversations with other team members, which resolved the misunderstanding.

The team continued to train, and Ning Wang injured his hand during the qualifying process. .
A scream.

The team members went to see him and found that his hand was injured, and he was sent to the hospital immediately.

The whole team is waiting for him outside.

"What should we do? What should we do if something happens to King Ning?" Ah Shui was worried.

"Don't worry, I believe he will have no problems, he has always been a strong man, have you forgotten? We often say to him, pot, you have to persevere, that's it, we have to trust him, If we all give up, what else is there for him to work on when he is being treated now? That’s it, we have to trust him.” Lin Xiu said.

"What you said makes sense, but I'm still very worried about him." Ah Shui cried directly.

The relationship between these two people is so good, it is normal to cry.

After a while, the doctor came out and told them the result.

"Doctor, what's the result?" Ah Shui asked.

"His hand injury is very serious. It should have been accumulated until now. What kind of occupation are you engaged in? Why are your hands so tired? Generally speaking, hand fatigue is because of that." The doctor said.

"Because of which? Don't be kidding, doctor, we are serious, we are professional players." Xiao Ming said.

"Professional player, do you play basketball?" the doctor asked.

"No, it's for playing games." Xiao Ming was helpless.

"So that's the case. In short, his hand can't continue to play games, and he still needs to rest for a few months. If he gets injured again, I'm afraid it won't be solved in a few months." The doctor said.

"Okay, thank you doctor." Ah Shui said.

"The result is still like this. I knew it. I can only say that he is too hardworking. He has always been such a hardworking person. He is always so brave for the sake of the group. I can only say that it is really an accident that this time it will develop like this. , However, the rest of us should also pay attention to this point, this is an example, we can no longer have injured people, we have a goal." Lin Xiu said.

"Yes, it looks like this, it is indeed like this, that is to say, it is impossible for King Ning to continue fighting with us, no doubt we need to find another person to replace him, this is a pity, I don't know what to do How should I put it, the coach should arrange it, but it can only be said that he can't play, and he is the most injured person." Ah Shui said.

"Okay, let's go back and tell the coach the result, so don't bother him." Lin Xiu said.

Several people went back to the team together and told the coach the result.

"Really? That's too unfortunate. In this case, we need to make a new decision, which is also helpless." The coach said.

"Coach, how about we just go on strike and wait until next season?" Ah Shui said.

"Ah Shui, don't be naive. How can you say such naive words? This is not just a game, but a business. This is not something that is good for business. You have to understand this, understand? How is this possible? What? Not playing for a season means that this team will be directly kicked out of this league, do you understand the seriousness of this matter?" said the coach.

"Ah Shui, what the coach said is right, let's do what the coach said, there is nothing we can do about it." Lin Xiu said.

"That's it, calm down, don't think so naively, who doesn't know the importance of King Ning?" the coach said.

"I've decided to play the jungler as a substitute. This is the only option for you to go up and play the game," the coach said. .
"I see, coach, I must live up to your trust." The substitute jungler said.

"Can he really? It looks like a soy sauce." Ah Shui questioned.

"You can't judge a person by his appearance, understand? We have only him as a substitute jungler, which means that he is our only hope, understand? I have high expectations for you." said the coach.

As a result, after the test, the jungler's training level is poor, and it is still not enough to be a starting jungler.

"What should I do? This is a bad situation. I think he will be blown up like this." Ah Shui asked the coach.

"Don't say that, I think it's normal for him to be in a bad state for a while. You should train more. You must know that it is not so easy to integrate into a new system. Although the substitute is usually training, it still has nothing to do with There is a difference in playing the game, to know that, just let him accumulate experience, I believe it is not a difficult thing," said the coach.

The coach still has confidence in him. Of course, it is a helpless move. If this person is not good, it will undoubtedly cause him a lot of trouble. I just hope that this substitute can be more stable. Even if he can't beat the opponent, he can at least be stable. This level of development is enough, it doesn't need to be too good, it doesn't matter if it can't compare with King Ning, after all, King Ning is top-notch.

As a result, game after game, the jungler still failed to prove himself.

"Coach, I am not in good form today. I am very sorry. I am not of this strength. Give me another chance. I will perform well. Believe me, this is not a big problem. You must know that I am suddenly asked to go with them. Training in a team is different from before, I now know how difficult it is to start, but I can still do it." The substitute jungler said.

"However, you have to remember that this round is the tenth round of your challenge. Brother, can you do it? Isn't this already proven? Do you understand what I mean? I do this, yes In order for you to show your level, it is not for you to be squeezed into a soft persimmon, oops, if this is the case, I have to think of other ways." The coach worried.

The coach felt that it would be impossible for him to play in this state, and he couldn't take such a risk. He felt that it was unnecessary. This person is not at the same level as other starters. It can only be said that it is the right choice to play as a substitute. To that extent, if this is the case, there will be no other candidates, and other people who are not junglers and substitutes will not be allowed to step up.

"Let me come, coach, I can." Lin Xiu said suddenly.

"Lin Xiu, don't be kidding. You have to remember that you are our starting lineup. Do you think you have the skill of splitting? Can you play two positions by yourself? Don't talk about such unrealistic things, I know You worked very hard, but forget about this unrealistic thing, I will think about other ways to see if I can get someone to come through a trade." The coach said.

"If you think this way, you are wrong, coach, what I mean is that I play the jungler as a substitute, and play as a substitute on the road instead of me." Lin Xiu said.

"Really? Can you do it? This is a jungler. It's not the same as your top laner." The coach said.

"I can, have you forgotten? I used to be a jungler, and I played well, didn't I? That's it, give me a chance. I know that King Ning can't play now. The impact on the team is It's very big, but I don't want the situation to become like this, you have to know, I can't stop here, I have to keep moving forward." Lin Xiu said. .
Lin Xiu is confident in playing jungler. She usually plays in this position in the rankings. She just thinks that such a decision is reasonable. After all, it has been proved that the substitute jungler is not good enough, so she has to go on her own. Now go find it. A new person doesn't necessarily work either.

"I don't have a problem with your level, but I don't feel at ease to play a position that I don't play mainly. I'm worried that you don't have enough actual combat experience and you will encounter difficulties in the jungle. That's really the case. I I think, if we really don’t take that share, then our goals for this season will stop here, there is no need to work so hard.” The coach said.

"It's not fighting, coach, I'm doing this to win, it's not random, understand what I mean? Just trust me, I can train you, I have no problem, It's that simple." Lin Xiu said.

"Okay then, try it."

As a result, after trying it, I found that there was really no problem.

Lin Xiu felt that she could get the coach's approval in this way, so she naturally wanted to show her really high level.

"Is this enough?" Lin Xiu said.

"Okay then, I'll let you play the starting jungler. There really isn't much we can do now." The coach compromised.

When the game day came, Lin Xiuwan performed well in the starting jungler.

In the game against omg, Lin Xiu directly played the whole game, leading the team to a 2-0 sweep and winning today's game.

The coach was happy in the background, and now he finally understood that it was the right choice to let Lin Xiu play. Rather than letting a substitute jungler play in the game, it is better to choose a player like him who has already achieved results.

The barrage made Lin Xiu play wild in the future on IG, and King Ning would still play as a substitute, which is better than King Ning.

The barrage is so real, it can be said that it is one-sided, and whoever plays well will be praised. This is the status quo. Under such circumstances, the injured King Ning can say that he has no cards at all.

King Ning was watching the game in the hospital, and seeing these bullet screens felt distressed, and felt that he was indeed no match for Lin Xiu.

What I didn't expect was that Lin Xiu was so talented in his own position, and he was still so good in the jungle position. There are such players everywhere, but he feels that he can no longer compare with Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu was interviewed after the game. He didn't know about these things, but he just finished the game normally and was interviewed.

After winning today's game, he is still very happy. It can be said that even changing positions can't stop him from winning.

The official also interviewed him. After all, there is no one who performed better than him in today's game. This is a very normal thing. The interview is naturally to choose the most outstanding player. Other than that, there is nothing very good s Choice.

"Congratulations on winning today's game, 2-0. You won very simply. You performed very well in both games. How do you feel now? Lin Xiu." The interviewer asked.

(End of this chapter)

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