Chapter 226

"Don't think that everyone will revolve around you, I won't, don't think about it, do you understand what I mean? I don't care about you at all, and next time you don't play well, I will definitely scold you." Top laner said. .
"Come on, scold, scold now." Lin Xiu said.

"I'm not just going to scold you, I'm going to beat you too."

"I'll hit you right now."

When the two wanted to fight, Ah Shui immediately went up to stop them and held them back.

In the end, it couldn't be stopped, Ah Shui was hit by two elbows, and his eyes were bleeding directly as a result.

The two continued to fight, and the other players stopped them immediately.

Lin Xiu only found out that Ah Shui was injured at this time, so she went to take Ah Shui to the hospital.

He didn't think about hurting Ah Shui in the past, it was an accident.

Seeing this situation, the coach also felt very headache.

"What's the matter with you? Lin Xiu, what's wrong with you? Why are you losing your temper?" the coach said.

"I just did the right thing. It's that person who was wrong, and it has nothing to do with me." Lin Xiu said.

"You are very righteous, but have you seen that Ah Shui is injured now? Have you thought about his feelings?"

"Sorry, this is my fault, but it doesn't mean anything. My original goal is not Ah Shui. My goal is only that person, coach. I can't get along with him. Let's change to the road. There is no way, he is simply In the position of tarnishing the top road, if I come to play, no matter what, I will not be as good as him, you must have seen my previous performance."

Lin Xiu felt that this person had to get out of the starting lineup, otherwise things like today would continue to happen, and she felt that this kind of thing was very obvious, knowing that it was not easy for a person to force him to beat someone The thing, it's just that this top laner made everything happen, and this guy has no respect for him at all, which he can't stand.

"We have nothing else to go on the road, don't you understand? You have to think that King Ning is still in the hospital? Can you bear it?"

"Patience, it's a season of patience, this top laner doesn't want to win at all, how can I keep him."

"Listen to me, there must be some misunderstanding. I know what you think, but this is a very simple question. Now I can only play according to this lineup. If I really can't beat it, I have to accept it. I understand. Is it? In this profession, there are strong teams and there are weak teams. What’s wrong with being a weak team? We must have a comeback time.”

"No, I won't fight with him, I'm going to stop the game, you go and play by yourself." Lin Xiu couldn't help it.

"No, Lin Xiu, you are very important to this team, how can you say such a thing? You can't leave, no one can leave, everyone is here to shine, you can't leave, please be patient ? Listen to me, Lin Xiu."

Lin Xiu left, the coach had a headache.

Ah Shui recovered quickly and went to find Lin Xiu.

"Lin Xiu, I know about your situation, but don't worry about me, let's continue the game, we can't do without you, understand what I mean? I'm not seriously injured, we can return to the way we were before. "Ah Shui said.

"No, I don't have confidence anymore. I can't play with that person. I'd better let you guys play like this. I've decided to quit."

Ah Shui continued to intercede, the lineup continued, and it was hard to hold on.

Lin Xiu returned to the team, feeling very weak about it, but felt that this person was beyond her control. .
Originally, as teammates, we should help each other, but this person does not accept my help, and is still going further and further on the road of poor character, I feel that I have nothing to say to him, and the coach also arranges it like this, then there is nothing The most important way is for Ah Shui to intercede for this person, otherwise he will not continue to be in this team.

Lin Xiu just felt that he couldn't bear this anger. With his strength, he shouldn't be in a team with such a weak person. This is not a game for one person, but a game for five people. I just feel that this is too shameless. I don't know how these people Thinking about something, just wanting to do this kind of thing to make trouble, this is not what he likes, and he has no choice now.

He wants to help the team become better and climb higher mountains, but some people don't think about their own feelings, think that they have no respect for themselves, and there is no way. After all, this is a game of five people. He can't decide everything by himself. If the upper management makes decisions like this, they can only obey the arrangements, and there is nothing to say.

When the match day came, Lin Xiu gave up on herself and knew that even if she played, she would still lose, but she just had to deal with it. If she played casually on the court, she no longer had that kind of motivation.

The result was exactly as he expected. Lin Xiu had tried her best to help the players, but this person would always be a breakthrough, and in the end they couldn't beat the opponent. It can only be said that the opponent they faced this time was already at the bottom of the league. The team, in the end, they still couldn't beat them, so they thought that the top lane was intentional, and they deliberately didn't want others to win the game.

However, Lin Xiu will not talk about this person again, knowing that the last time I talked about this person, Ah Shui was injured as a result, and he can no longer do this. It is useless to teach such a person, only this person realizes it by himself. Wrong, maybe the game can still be counted on at that time, but I think I have to spend this season with this top road, and I feel very powerless.

The top road continued to be blown up, and it can be said that the other players also lost their minds.

In the next game, Lin Xiu also did her best, but of course, she didn't take it seriously, she just played at a normal level, but she just couldn't beat it, which caused the coach a headache.

The coach understands that if he can't activate these people, the result will be even more troublesome, and his job may not be guaranteed, but he just feels that he must do something under the current situation.

"That's right, what do you guys think? We've been losing recently, do you have any good ideas, Lin Xiu, let's talk about it." The coach said.

"I'm sorry, coach, I have nothing to say. You can see that I have tried my best. What else can I do? After all, this is a five-player game, isn't it? What else can I do?" Lin Xiu said .

"That's true, what about the others, do you have anything to say?"

"No." Except for the top laner, everyone else answered this way.

The coach is not an idiot, knowing that this top road is indeed playing a match-fixing game, but what can he do as a coach?Whatever cards you have in your hand, you can only play whatever cards. It's as simple as that, and you can't play by yourself.

Encountering this state, the coach is very troublesome, and he can't say anything to this top laner, knowing that this top laner is indeed a type of disobedience to discipline. .
Lin Xiu didn't say anything anymore, and she wouldn't give any advice. She just felt that there was no need to do this, and it would be of no benefit to herself if she did it. There was no way to save her. It's too big a relationship, what should be done has already been done, and the rest is left to their turn to deal with.

On the Internet, a group of people were scolding on the road. Lin Xiu found that he couldn't read his official blog at all, it was full of insults. It's all getting worse, and now he doesn't want to disturb this muddy water, for him, it's just a matter of letting it go.

Lin Xiu saw these screens and barrage, and even looked at it to laugh. Now he is scolding this top road, and he himself hates this top road, so this is nothing at all, and he is the first one like this The teammate who made him feel that it didn't matter if he was scolded, none of his previous teammates had reached this level, and he felt that the worse this person was, the happier he was.

The club owner couldn't sit still and found the coach to talk.

"How did you lead the team? Tell me, now that the team has become like this, do you think you are responsible?" the boss asked.

"Big, it must be big, but I don't think I wanted to become like this on purpose." The coach said.

"Well, everyone who does something wrong will say that they didn't want to become like this. I've heard it so many times, so do you think it's useful?"

"It's useless, I'm very sorry, I really didn't mean to do this, there is indeed a problem with our top road."

"I don't care about these, do you want to give all the responsibility to this road? You have no responsibility, do you? Do you want to go to heaven?"

"That's not the case. This is a five-player game. Of course I think this matter has something to do with me. I'm very sorry. I didn't make it clear. But it's a very simple thing. I know I was wrong. In the future, in the future I will definitely lead the team well, that’s really what it is, I’m very sorry, I have nothing to say this time, but I will definitely be able to lead the team well next time.”

"Do you think it will be the next time? Do you think you are playing B battle? That's it. If you don't lead a good team, you will be the next one to leave. You have to understand that you have to make the right decision this time."

"I see, I'll listen to you for everything, of course, don't worry, I know this kind of thing naturally, I will lead the team to develop in the right direction, you don't have to worry about this, give me a chance There's nothing to worry about."

"That's good, don't let me encounter such a thing again, I hope next time I see that the team is getting better and better."

The coach returned to the base and immediately kicked top laner out of the team.

"You, stop playing games, get out of this team." The coach pointed at the top player and said.

"Why? Why did I do this? I signed a contract." The player on the road panicked and pretended to be calm.

"Since I'm your superior, I've already told the manager to tell you that you should have gone out long ago."

"No, I'm not reconciled, please, give me another chance, this time I will perform well." The top player pleaded. .
"Impossible, because you and I were reprimanded by the boss, this time you have no chance, go back to where you belong, you signed the contract, but we can terminate the contract, don't worry, this kind of thing will be handled very well for you Yes, you don’t need to worry about the process.” The coach said.

"Are you really not giving me a chance? I am the last hope of this team."

"Fart hope, I'm about to be kicked out because of you, and if you know how much I've suffered, I'll take it back from you."

The coach made the right decision, it really had to be done, there is no way to operate without it.

Lin Xiu smiled happily when he saw this person being kicked out. Originally, he was not a person who likes to be cynical, but if he really encountered such a thing now, he couldn't help but make such an expression. It would be the same for other people. In the same way, there is nothing more enjoyable than meeting an annoying person, pestering you for a long time, and then leaving.

At this time, a teenager wearing a hat came to the base.

"Excuse me, is this the base of the IG team?" the boy said.

"Yes, what's the matter, children can't come here, this is not a place for you." Rookie said.

"Don't say that, let him come in and play, it's okay, this boy looks pretty cool." Ah Shui said.

"Is it enough to be cool? Who knows if it's a brat? Let me tell you that brats are the ones I don't like the most. As for brats, they don't do what they want. That's the reason. That's all I can say, I can only leave other things to you, anyway, I won't guard a child." Rookie said.

"Okay, okay, then I'll bring it." Ah Shui took his hand and said.

"Don't be kidding, I'm not a kid." The boy took off his hat.

"Look, isn't this just a kid?" Rookie said.

"Just kidding, isn't my height about the same as yours? Why is it a child? Why?"

"That's because your whole body exudes a child's breath, isn't it? It can only be said that this is not seen from your height, but from your temperament. That's it. Okay, can you tell me how old you are?"

"I told you I'm not a child, are you kidding me? I don't have that much free time to accompany you." said the boy.

"Really? We happen to be the same, if that's the case, we'll go play ranked and leave him alone." Rookie said.

"Don't be like this, let's ask him what he wants to do." Ah Shui said.

At this time, Xiao Ming also came over.

Seeing this boy, he immediately joined in the fun.

"What's wrong? What happened? What is this person doing here?" Xiao Ming said.

"I'm here to join the team." The boy said confidently.

"Hahaha, what did he say? Join the team, our team does not welcome children, children, don't you know that underage can't participate? Don't you know this bit of common sense?" Rookie mocked.

"That's right, kid, don't dream, let's talk about it when you grow up." Xiao Ming said.

"Well, if you don't believe me, I have to fight with you one by one, so that I can convince you."

(End of this chapter)

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