As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 227 What's Strange About This?

Chapter 227 What's Strange About This?
"What do you want to defeat us? You are joking again. Let me tell you, we are the top team in the league. IG cannot be easily defeated by you." Rookie said. .
Rookie knows what kind of team he is, and he is very majestic in front of others.

"It's useless to talk more, you can just come, and I don't want to be called a kid who is talking about it anymore, are you afraid?" the boy said.

"Okay, come on," Rookie said.

The Rng players are like this, they haven't started to be very confident, but they lost miserably in the end.

"Isn't it? Only Lin Xiu can beat him, it seems that he is really a genius boy." Ah Shui said.

"I told you, it's just that you don't believe me. Let me tell you, you shouldn't be judged by your appearance. Besides, I'm already an adult, so I don't care about my appearance." The boy said.

"Well said, I'm very optimistic about you, I think you can undoubtedly join the team, then I'm here to congratulate you first." Lin Xiu said.

"Small, I think you are very powerful. You must know that no one around me can beat me, only you can."

"That's nothing. It can only be said that the people around us can't easily find lol masters, so this is a very normal thing. If you are so good, you can naturally blow up the people around you."

"Well, but is your team short of people now? Can I join? To be honest, I still think that if there is a lack of people, then this matter will be ruined. I don't want things to become like that, so I also want to come and ask in person Ask."

"It just so happened that there was a shortage of people, and what was missing was a jungler. That's great, you came just in time."

"Really? That's good, I decided to join."

"However, you still have to tell the coach about this matter. Don't be too anxious. Is this your first time playing professionally?"

"Yeah, it's my first time playing, and I was only playing ranked before."

"Does your family agree?"

"Agreed, they let me let myself go, and I wish I could go out and make a living."

"That's fine."

"Well, it's not good," said the boy. .
"Oh, what's wrong? Don't worry, I'm behind you. It's best for you to say it yourself. If I say it for you, others will think I'm threatening you to excuse yourself. , Do you understand what I mean? Let's go." Lin Xiu said.

"Do you really want to do this? Why don't you give me time to prepare?"

"What preparation time do you need? You are not a child anymore. If you have something to do boldly, don't be afraid of the consequences. Do you understand what I mean? There is nothing to be afraid of. Only when you are brave enough to challenge will you become Be bolder, it’s okay, I believe you can do it, it’s okay, tell everyone, you need this opportunity to prove yourself.”

"How about next time?"

"Don't run away, I tell you, I don't like people who run away, even myself, I don't like running away, understand what I mean? Just do what I say, it's nothing, you are A good boy, everyone knows this, you just need to say it, everyone will understand you, don’t worry, if you don’t understand, I will help you speak.”

Lin Xiu felt that this young man had to speak out, which was good for everyone.

"I still don't dare."

"Oh, there is nothing to dare."

Lin Xiu directly pulled him in front of everyone, and all the team members looked at him.

"What's wrong? Is this the rhythm of the official announcement?" Baolan took the rhythm.

"No, don't talk nonsense, brat, listen carefully to what he has to say." Lin Xiu said.

"That." The boy still didn't dare.

"It's okay, just say it." Lin Xiu encouraged.

"What? You kid isn't threatening him to do something, is he? He's still a child." Rookie said.

"Don't be kidding, it's not easy for him to speak out, so let's give him some time." Lin Xiu said.

After a while, the boy knew that Lin Xiu would be dragged down if he didn't say anything, so he still said it.

"It's like this, I actually did that because of my brother's affairs, that is, my brother ran away when I was young, but Lin Xiu looks very similar to my brother, so I got very close to him, but I won't do it in the future, that's it, I'm just saying this, I'm sorry, I caused you a huge distress."

"I see, let's talk about it earlier. What's the point? You should have said it earlier. Really, it's not a big problem." Rookie said without hesitation.

"Yes, we can all understand. Although you have done too much in this kind of thing, but now that you know it is wrong, there is no problem. Don't do things that make people misunderstood again. Already." Ah Shui said.

"We understand what you're doing, but I have a good idea. If you like Lin Xiu so much, then worship Lin Xiu as your brother, so you can continue to live with you like your brother? In advance I wish you happiness." Baolan said.

"Don't be kidding, don't listen to their nonsense, they are joking, what kind of brother, don't make trouble for others, he doesn't think so, okay, he has changed a lot now, understand what I mean ?” Lin Xiu said.

"No, that's what I thought. Baolan, you are right. I think even if I can't be as close to you as before, I still want to treat you like my brother. How about that? Isn't that good?" said the boy. .
"No, you can forgive me, you have tortured me before, I think, our team has a lot of handsome guys, you can find some to be your brother, it doesn't matter, as long as you like it, what? How about it?" Lin Xiu said.

"No, no one is more suitable than you, I'm serious, I won't do weird things anymore, I just want to say, I just want to treat you as a brother normally, that's it, don't you want to ?"

"Oh, I really convinced you, well, let's decide like this."

Lin Xiu had no choice, but felt that the result was better than before, and she had to remember that the previous situation was even worse than the present, but she felt that such a thing didn't matter, it didn't matter if it was just a normal brother-brother relationship, so don't make strange things. If it's a matter, it can still be treated well, just don't be misunderstood, other things are not a problem.

He can understand the young man's thoughts. It is true that some people value his family very much, and this young man is still in a young age. It is understandable to have such thoughts. No one wants his close family members to leave his side when he is young. I just think that teenagers should continue to grow up to the point where they don't need to worry about others, but now it's not enough.

"Congratulations, when will you enter the bridal chamber?" Baolan said.

"Don't make trouble, just go and play your game obediently, that's it for today, prepare for the game well, that's more important than this, just to tell you about this, now there's nothing to worry about, you just You just need to be yourself, it’s that simple, do you understand what I mean? I don’t want to make any mistakes.” Lin Xiu said.

Afterwards, the boy showed no abnormality, and regarded Lin Xiu as his elder brother normally.

The next day, game day came.

The youth and Lin Xiu continued to work hard and took away the first game easily. At this time, they felt very good. This kind of cooperation made them want to come back a few more times. Lin Xiu is still very convinced by this young man, but feels that if he continues this momentum, then winning today's game is not a big problem, just keep working hard.

Back in the lounge, the coach praised the whole team and called the two of them by name.

The boy is very happy, he can bring victories to the team, and Lin Xiu, who can still exist like his brother, has such a good chemical reaction. He thinks in his heart that he will continue to win more victories for Lin Xiu, all for the team. The matter, of course, has something to do with Lin Xiu, but I just feel that Lin Xiu and the team are the goals I want to protect, and I want to continue to achieve good results.

The coach told everyone not to be careless in the next game, otherwise it would be a waste of effort.

Both Lin Xiu and the boy said that there is no need to worry. It is not a big problem. The boy also said that there is no problem that cannot be overcome with the two of them. Because of this statement, the two of them were ridiculed again by their teammates.

As a result, all the next games were lost, and the loser walked out of today's game.

The teenager cried after losing the game. He went to cry alone and was seen by the team members. .
Lin Xiu understands his feelings. This is the first time a teenager loses. It can be said that this is his first professional experience. Up to now, he has won the game. He has not yet experienced the feeling of failure. Now it is very painful to realize that he will cry. It's a normal thing, I just feel that I should be stronger at this time, there are still many things that the young man has not done well now, waiting for him to grow up.

"It doesn't matter, isn't this kind of thing normal? It's not like you've lost before, oh, yes, it's the first time you lost, but isn't it good? I hope you can learn your lesson and behave better next time." Even better, there’s nothing wrong with that, isn’t it? I believe you can do it, as long as you keep working hard, you needn’t say much about your strength.” Baolan said.

"I didn't play well today, it doesn't matter, next time we win back, what's the matter? Who hasn't lost? We all lose, no matter how strong people are, they will eventually encounter failure Yes, do you understand what I mean? Don’t be in a bad mood because of this, you can’t gain a foothold in this arena if you don’t have a strong mentality, remember this.” Rookie said.

"Yes, no one blames you, you don't think you let the team down, what's the matter? Don't worry, everyone thinks you are great, no one will blame you, this is a team game, no You will lose the game because of one person, and there is no problem with your performance, there are no mistakes, and the loss is not because of you, understand?" Ah Shui said.

"There is no problem with what everyone said. I think the same way. Do you understand? You are depressed because of failure now. What should you do when you encounter bigger failures in the future? Think about it carefully, you are not over yet, you There is still a long way to go, don't get discouraged so quickly, you know what I mean? You have done a great job, it's not a big problem." Lin Xiu said.

"I must win the next game. I can't continue to lose. I know that I lost today's game because of me. I'm too inflated. I won't be like this in the future. It's not good for the team, it's not good Things will only let the coach say about us, after the coach says about us, our mentality will be affected again, I don't want things to develop like this." The teenager said.

"I can understand what you said. It is enough to have such a heart. Don't worry about losing the game. Then your career will be super bad. I have lost too many games. It's nothing. It’s only strange if you succeed, you just need to believe in yourself and tell yourself that the final championship is the most important thing, and other things are secondary, understand?” Lin Xiu said.

"I know, I will do this, I now know the difference between me and you in actual combat, I will continue to train hard, this is for myself, and for our team." The boy said.

"Very well, I support you, you have no problem." Baolan said.

"That's right, I support you, you are really handsome." Ah Shui said.

"There's nothing wrong with that, I support you, you're really cool," Rookie said.

Seeing everyone's support, the teenager was very moved and went back to prepare for the next game.

No one knows what the next game will be like, but they can't wait before it starts.

The young man is ready to face the challenge again, he sleeps well and is very confident in himself. .
"I will win this time, and I will prove it to you." The boy said to Lin Xiu.

"You don't need to prove it. I know you are very good. In the competition, there are various reasons why you can't beat it. You can't just see one aspect. In short, it's like this. Just keep a good mentality. Other things are nothing. Difficult." Lin Xiu said.

"Understood, I will remember what you said."

As a result, in the game, the teenager's state was erratic. It can be said that his mentality collapsed after being snowballed by the opponent. This is a big problem he faces now. He can only play against the wind. I don't know the reason for this, but I just feel very helpless, obviously I have done well enough, but I still can't beat the opponent.

At the end of the game, IG lost the game again.

The boy's expression is very bad, it can be said that he has been greatly affected psychologically. I don't know what these people think, but personally, he can't bear it anymore, and he doesn't want to be affected by this kind of thing again. It is necessary to win. Now that I have said big things and failed to win, I feel that I am sorry for this team.

"You did a good job, it doesn't matter, we can win the next game, understand what I mean? It is very important not to collapse the mentality. If the mentality collapses, then do everything No, just keep that in mind, I know you all work so hard, so just don't live up to the fans' expectations of you and just perform better than you are now," the coach said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't play well." The boy said.

"Don't worry about it, this kind of thing is normal, losing the game is not the fault of one person, it's a team game, you have to remember, you have done what you can do, no one will blame you, I know you want to prove yourself after you lost the game last time, but I still want to tell you that if you want to prove yourself, it is never too late." Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu felt that young people cared too much about the results of the games. In fact, there were so many games in a season, and the results of one game should not affect the next game just because of poor form or loss. This was unreasonable, or You have to do your job well and be equally serious about every game, so that the impossible can become possible.

He knew that the boy's mentality was not good this time, but this was a difficult problem that the boy himself had to overcome.

"I know, I will do this, but I still have a bad mentality." The boy said.

"I know, we can all see that this is really not a good thing, I can only say that you have to overcome this point, if the mentality has been bad, the result will be worse and worse, I hope you can adjust , This is something that only you can do, you are not kidding, there is really no need for you to do this, you have to continue to grow." Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu doesn't want his career to be damaged because of mentality, otherwise such a good talent will be wasted. You must know that this young man has such a high talent at such a young age, and the future can be said to be impeccable. Make good use of your talents.

(End of this chapter)

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