As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 229 It Doesn't Make Sense

Chapter 229 It Doesn't Make Sense

"I won't play. If he leaves and doesn't play this game, then I will do the same, and I won't play." Lin Xiu said. .
"Are you kidding? If you don't fight, don't fight. How about keeping my child? Crazy." The boy's father said.

"Me too," said the other team members.

"Okay, you guys go back first, that's the decision, you can still go, there is nothing for you here anymore." The coach said.

The young family leaves.

"It's like this, don't be joking, the game still has to go on, don't be self-willed, although a lot of time wasted, but you have to remember that we still have to continue to play this game, understand what I mean Do you? If you understand, just do as I say, it’s okay, we still have substitutes, just find one to step up.” The manager said.

"No, I'm not joking. I really don't want to fight anymore. Sorry, I have to go." Lin Xiu said.

"Come back, Lin Xiu, don't be too willful, do you think this is a place for you to joke? No, come back quickly, don't be willful, you have to know one thing, that is, no matter what you do, don't forget, It’s about the whole team, you all have to stop playing, listen to me, get today’s game done, and we’ll talk about other things later.”

"No, we won't fight anymore, manager." The other players said.

In this way, the players left the venue in groups.

The manager was very angry and felt that these people did not understand the importance of the matter.

The coach is also helpless, after doing so much, he still messed up the matter.

They don't want to either, it's just that they may have met the most stubborn parents in the world.

Lin Xiu ran out specially and saw the boy.

"Why are you here?" the boy asked.

"We won't fight anymore. Today is a strike. I said, if you don't fight, we won't fight. Everyone has the same idea." Lin Xiu said.

"Thank you for doing this for me, I am so grateful." The teenager was very moved.

"It's nothing, well, you should go back to your home, and there will be a period later."

Lin Xiu and his group went back to the base. The game scene was a mess and the audience left.

The organizer had no choice but to suspend the game, omg was in a bad mood after waiting there for so long.

Coach omg told the players the result, the game was no longer played, and the players did not accept the result.

Manager omg also had the same idea and asked them to win today's game without a fight.

"We waited for so long today, you told us that today's game is postponed, and we will stand again in the next day, how can we accept this kind of thing." The manager said.

"But this is something that can't be helped, isn't it? Your opponent has already left. This is an accident, so it has to be arranged in this way. I am also very helpless, but we must understand that if there are no two teams together, we will fight together. No match."

"What are you talking about? Let me tell you, we can't let the matter end like this now. You know, we don't have to play the game, but the result must directly confirm that we win, otherwise we won't do it."

"I'm sorry, there's no way to do it. How many times do I have to say it? There's no way. We can't make a decision like this. It's not easy to explain to the outside world, isn't it? Not just me, but other people will not agree .”

"Don't be kidding, if we don't do this, we will go on strike, and we will not participate in your league in the future." OMG manager said. .
"You guys, if you don't want to continue to run the team, you can do it like this. I don't have any opinions, as long as you like it." The organizer responded.

Manager Omg was very helpless. He was so angry that he had no choice but to take the team away. Indeed, if they really left the league, it would be an even greater loss for them. This wave had no choice but to admit defeat.

On the other side, the coach was very helpless and had no choice but to plan to visit the boy's family.

"Coach, are you going to his house? I'll go too." Lin Xiu said.

"No need, I just think he is a very talented player. Without him, it would be a huge loss. It's not about the contract fee. It's just a pity. I think it can be redeemed." Coach explain.

"I think so too, just do it like this, I don't think it's a problem, I'll go with you, don't worry, I will control my emotions, I will get this done, so please take me .”

"Okay then, you go too."

In this way, the two went to the boy's house together.

As soon as the door was opened, the teenager's parents didn't like them and wanted to close the door directly.

The coach was so strong that he pushed the door open.

"We're not here to snatch people, understand? We're just here to discuss with you," the coach said.

"There is no need to discuss it. This matter has been decided so happily. Look at how happy my children are now. It's as simple as that. Don't say too much. My children don't have so much time in the United States to accompany you." Teenage father explain.

"No, I think you always think we are bad people, but can you tell us about the bad things we have done? Or did your children say bad things about us after they went back, no, it's just that you just came here, carefully Come to think of it, we just want to settle this matter, do we have any other ideas? I can understand that you love your children."

"No, you don't understand. If you really understand, you can't continue to look for our child. Our child is so kind. He still has a lot of work to do when he is young. I haven't seen what you have done, so This means that you may have done something shady, it's that simple, we won't hand it over, don't think about it."

"Is this what you think in your heart? Let me tell you, I can tell you the truth, let us go in, we are not bad people, if we were bad people, we would have already attacked your children, don't you think so? It's that simple, we can't be bad people, as long as we talk about it, everything can be solved."

"Impossible, it is impossible for us to understand each other. My child has finally jumped out of your pit, how can you let him jump in again? Don't think about it, we will only make the right decision for the child, no matter what It's useless what you think, let me tell you, I don't care what you do, I only care about the safety of my children."

"No, we have to solve this matter, just today, we went in."

Lin Xiu and the manager forced their way inside.

"No, it's useless to say what you say. I have already decided that I will not hand over my child. My child should be engaged in a legitimate job, instead of letting you cheat and sneak attack. You do so for so many purposes. We all know what it is, I don’t want my child to ruin his future at such a young age, we will arrange work.” The teenager’s father said. .
"Then how do you talk about it so that you are willing to believe that we are not lying? We are working properly, and the money we earn is much higher than ordinary jobs. I am not joking with you. Tell me, what do you want? I'll believe it," said the coach.

"It's very simple. We need to see the money. If there is no money, there is no need to say anything." The boy's father said.

"So that's it, isn't it simple? Tell me earlier, and I can just leave this kind of thing to me." The coach said with a smile.

The coach easily took out his mobile phone and showed them the balance.

The eyes of the teenager's parents were as shrewd as copper bells, shooting out flashes of light.

Lin Xiu was having a headache, complaining that these two people love money too much. This kind of thing should be said earlier, and the trouble like this is because she didn't believe that this job can make money. It's not easy. Individuals can do it, just show their own balance, it is not a difficult thing, I just think that if it can be solved, there will be no problem.

"Okay, okay, we decided to sign a contract with you, let me tell you, in fact, we have been acting all the time, I was just testing whether our children really want to work like you, now we know The answer, no problem, you are very sincere, I tell you, you are right, it is the most correct way to find my son." The boy's father said.

"Yeah, just use my child and show my child's limit. I don't think there is any problem. I believe my child can do it. It doesn't matter. It's okay to be strict with him. We are actually waiting for such an opportunity. , Now he also understands how much we support his work, that's it, it's right to arrange for me." The teenage mother said.

The 180-degree change in the attitude of the teenager's parents made the coaches dare not imagine.

"Really? That's great. We are waiting for your words. It doesn't matter. Your child will be taken care of by us. There is no problem at all. I believe he is a filial child. The salary is sure. I will give you a lot, don't worry, you don't have to do anything at home, of course, you can also turn on your mobile phone to watch the game." The coach said.

"However, what about the signing issue? Has my child signed a contract? Please be sure to sign him, preferably a lifetime contract." The teenage mother said.

"There is no problem. It was originally signed. You don't need to worry about these things. In short, the money that should be given to him will not be less. We plan to continue to let your child play. Today's matter is It’s fine if it doesn’t happen, well, you can hand over your child to us now, he still needs to train with his partners in the base.” The coach said.

"Of course there is no problem. I will call him right now. What is this? Let me tell you. Just tell us if there is anything in the future. It doesn't matter. What is the relationship between us? If the relationship is so strong, there is no need to say more. , Anything can be discussed, no problem, we have a lot of time, just leave it to us." The boy's father said.

"Okay, I know."

"By the way, what's the boy's name?" Lin Xiu asked. .
"What, why don't you even know his name?" said the coach.

"I really don't know. I can say that I didn't call my name before, and I just said anything."

"Okay, let me tell you, his name is Shaobo, and you will tell him his name in the future, do you understand?"

"I know, but their parents are really greedy for money, aren't they afraid of future troubles?"

"It doesn't matter, can't the salary be paid normally?"

Shaobo's parents went to find him, but Shaobo didn't plan to go back.

"What did you say? You're not going back, are you kidding me?" said the father.

"Yeah, what time is it now? It's a critical time for the competition. How can it be without you, let alone have to go." Mother said.

"I said, Mom and Dad, why have you changed your attitude so much? It wasn't like this just now. Aren't you determined that I don't want to go to the competition? You said they came to cheat and attack, and didn't talk about martial arts. Why are you letting me play now? Now, I can’t bear it like this, I don’t have such a good brain to accompany you, I don’t want to go, that’s what I think.” Shaobo said.

"No kidding, we're going to change our attitude because, yeah, because we figured it out, didn't you figure it out a long time ago? So what's the problem? Now your coaches and players are waiting for you outside the door , Don’t make others wait, you don’t like to make others wait, that’s it, don’t make your parents angry, hurry up, do what your parents say.” Father said.

"I said I won't go, I want to be quiet for a while, and I will play next season, so you can tell them like this." Shaobo said.

The parents had no choice but to bring Lin Xiu and the coach in.

The boy was still surprised when he saw Lin Xiu.

"How is it? Mom and Dad didn't lie to you, they are all waiting for you." Mother said.

"That's right, Shaobo, come on, it's the first time I call you by name, you can call me by my name too, I'm Lin Xiu." Lin Xiu said.

"Lin Xiu, I'm sorry, I have to be quiet for a while. I didn't feel this way at first, but when I got out of the game, I suddenly wanted to calm down for a while. I decided to play again next season. I don't have the face to see the trouble like this. My teammates, that's it, don't force me, you are a very important friend to me, and I can't continue to drag you down like this." Shaobo said.

"What are you driving? No one thinks that way. It doesn't matter. We are your backing. You are still young. There is nothing you can't do. And this time it has nothing to do with you. I won't say anything. It’s related to who, I just want to say, it’s pointless to entangle this, do you understand what I mean? We can just look forward, it’s very simple.” Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu hoped that he would look forward and not care about these things. These things happened as they happened, and there is no way to change them. No matter what others say, returning to the team is the top priority now. Nothing is more important than this , It's too early to give up now, this will waste the previous efforts, and it shouldn't be done like this.

He just thinks that this kind of thing is very normal, and he doesn't need to care about it. It is not worth the loss if he gives up a season because of this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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