As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 230 Overcoming difficulties with Lin Xiu

Chapter 230 Overcoming difficulties with Lin Xiu

Now it only affects one game, there is no need to affect all the next games, and it can still be solved now. I don't want this kind of thing to happen. If this kind of thing happens, people will regret it easily. .
"Leave it to me. It doesn't matter. It's just that a game was messed up. I will bear the consequences. It doesn't matter. I will also be responsible for talking to my teammates. What's the matter? Just leave it to me." Oh, all you need to do is to play well and play well, you should know this very clearly, don’t give up so easily, you know?” said the coach.

The coach just thinks that this is a small matter. Originally, Shaobo’s parents were a huge obstacle. Now that this obstacle is gone, the matter should be resolved. Instead of causing other troubles now, it is completely unnecessary and needs to be done. It's very simple, it's as simple as going to the game, training well, doing your job and that's it.

"Yeah, I'll say it too, everyone will forgive you, what's the matter, it's really not a big deal, if you shrink back like this, it's really not the real you, understand what I mean? Yes Let's solve something together, we are a team, and have you forgotten? We want to win the championship together, understand?" Lin Xiu said.

"Okay, I see, I'll go back with you." Shaobo said.

The coach said it was useless, Lin Xiu said, this is useful, traditional preaching is useless, it still depends on who said it.

"That's great, that's right, don't make trouble for me in the future, you know? After the game, you have to help each other with anything, and you have to listen to the coach. That's it. Don't let me see you being lazy. The most important thing is that you chose the right career, and there are so many good people around you to help you, son, you are so happy, I envy you." The mother pretended to cry.

"Okay, mother, I know that you are crying fakely. What's more, it's you who made trouble this time, not me. It's too strange to think that your attitude has changed so much. It doesn't matter. I have my own things to do. I It will be done naturally, there are indeed so many people helping me, you are right about this, in short, don’t go to the base to do things again.” Shaobo said.

Parents are speechless, this is a fact, and indeed they cannot refuse after seeing the balance.

In this way, Shaobo, Lin Xiu, and the coach returned to the base together.

In the evening, the team members returned to the base and found Shaobo at the base.

"What's going on? Why are you here? Didn't something like that happen today. Could it be that my memory is messed up? I remember your parents took you back." Xiao Ming said.

"Okay, don't beep and beep, you should think about the situation yourself. Professional players have to think first about everything. Do you understand what I mean? But you can't talk nonsense." Lin Xiu said.

"I'm very sorry." Shaobo felt ashamed and didn't dare to speak. He couldn't lift his head in front of these players, feeling sorry for them.

Shaobo understands that he messed up the game today, and this loss is indelible.

"What, I'm just caring about him, okay? Lin Xiu, I'm sad when you say that." Xiao Ming said.

"Stop pretending, hehe, don't I know you yet?" Lin Xiu said.

"Okay, I won't pretend anymore. In fact, I understood it a long time ago. It doesn't matter. I don't know why you dare not speak like this, but I know you must be because of what happened today, right? Don't worry, we didn't let go." In my heart." Xiao Ming said. .
"Yeah, what's the matter? It's really nothing. I just think that today's matter obviously has nothing to do with you. What I want to say is also about your parents. In short, we won't blame you. You Don't feel anything," Uzi said.

"I feel the same way. It's okay. What's the matter? Let me tell you, our team has come here for everything. What are we afraid of? We have to be more united. Do you understand? It's just a mess." A game." Xiaohu said.

"Thank you, it's really great for you to think like this. Sure enough, I was seen through. It is true that something I should not have happened to me. I am very sorry. I don't want to be like this. I know that I still have a lot to do. I will continue to work hard, it’s good that you can think this way, if you don’t forgive me, I don’t know what to do, thank you very much.” Shaobo said.

"Prepare for the game, it doesn't matter, you are a member of this team, it doesn't matter, I don't think this will change, you will continue to play an important role in this team, your career has just begun, no As for relationships, you still need to continue to grow, what happened today is just a difficult problem, you have also overcome this difficult problem, and it is just the beginning." Lin Xiu said.

After talking, the players all returned to their positions.

Lin Xiu felt that even though things had reached such a point, there were still problems in the competition for the youngsters that needed to be resolved.

The problem of less blogging still exists. Although the morale is very high, it will not work if you don't pay attention.

You must tell him now, otherwise the result of the competition will be the same.

"Shaobo, I have something to tell you." Lin Xiu said.

"Tell me, tell me everything. Thanks to you, I finally regained my strength today. You have played a great role," Shaobo said.

"Of course I know about this, but let me tell you, in fact, your problems in the game have not been resolved yet."

"What's the problem, just tell me."

"You should be very clear, I think you may have forgotten, that is your mentality of playing a disadvantaged game, this must be overcome, I know it may hurt you if I say it, but it doesn't If there is a problem, there is a problem.”

"I know, I know about this problem, don't worry, I will pay attention to it, I think this problem can only be solved in the game."

"It's still the same when you play, you have to think about it, understand? I can help you, but you have to tell me carefully how big the problem is, otherwise I can't help you."

"Well, I see, it's really distressing, what should I do."

Shaobo was very distressed and didn't know what to do.

He knew that Lin Xiu was a good person, and he didn't come here to provoke him, but to tell him the truth. This was to let him understand his problem, so that he could find a way to solve it. If the problem is not solved, it will be very troublesome. Yes, I don't want to be like this again after playing, that's not acceptable.

"How? Do you know what to do?" Lin Xiu asked. .
"I don't know very well, can you help me?" Shaobo said.

"Okay, of course there is no problem. Let me see, I'd better watch you play ranked first."


"Don't you understand? I want to observe how your mentality explodes. This is very important."

"Okay, let's do it."

Shaobo started the game, and there were no problems in the early stage of the game, and everything that should be done was being done.

However, after being targeted by the opponent, several people died in a row, and their mentality exploded instantly.

Lin Xiu saw his expression was wrong, she knew he was very angry, it can be said that it was the same as what she saw in the game, if she cared too much about the result of the game, it would lead to such a result, I can only say that this is not good, If the mentality collapses, then my performance will be downgraded. This is not acceptable, especially in important games, this kind of thing is still the same.

In the end, Shaobo lost the game, and Shaobo also had a bad face.

"Sure enough, it's exactly as I imagined. I can only say that you really care too much about winning. It's just ranking. I'm not saying that ranking is not important at all. I'm just saying that there is no need to take it so seriously. Do you understand what I mean? Why don't you give it a try again, you just don't think too much about winning or losing, and you just think that it's okay to die, just start over." Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu wants to help him, but he understands that his problem is still obvious. If it is not resolved, it will undoubtedly be a future problem. I don’t know how it will affect the game in the future. I can only say that this kind of thing should not exist. The mentality of a professional player It must be good, if it is not good, there is no way to go far, not to mention that every position is equally important in this game.

Every position is equally important. As long as one person does not play well, others will have to put in more effort than before, so that it is possible to make up for it. It can only be said that there are many players like Shaobo whose mentality is prone to explosion. I have seen quite a few, but this kind of thing definitely cannot happen in the game, it is something that must be overcome, if not overcome, the consequences will be serious.

Lin Xiu is not for these few games, but for the future of Shaobo, not for the future, just satisfied with the status quo, and when the real game comes, he will definitely rest, and does not want Shaobo's future It's like this, if it has been like this, even if it is kicked out of the team, it is a reasonable thing, but I just feel that Shaobo is my good friend.

If a good friend has a problem and doesn't help, then there is no need to be a good friend. This is Lin Xiu's view on a good friend. She just feels that she is willing to do a lot of things for her good friend, which is also worthwhile, and now it is also for Work hard to make Shaobo better, knowing that this is a difficult problem that Shaobo must overcome. If you don't overcome it, it will be difficult in the future.

"Okay, let me play another game." Shaobo had no choice but to start the game again.

The result was still the same. Lin Xiu didn't bother him, but let him adjust himself. He felt that adjusting himself was the most appropriate way to overcome this problem, but it still didn't work. No matter how many rounds he played, it would be the same. .

As a result, Lin Xiu had a headache again and didn't know how to help this good friend. She really felt speechless.

At this time, uzi came over and drank a drink. .
"What's the matter? Why are you two so sullen?" Uzi asked.

"That's because Shaobo's mentality explodes easily when he plays games. I'm helping him overcome difficulties now. It's impossible not to deal with this matter." Lin Xiu said.

"I see. I really admire you. You are a very loyal person, Lin Xiu."

"Don't talk so much, do you have any good ideas? Now I see that he still has the same effect when playing ranked, that is, every time he dies too much, his mentality will explode and his state will decline. This is not good. In the game If it is used by others, it can be said to be very ruthless, and I don't want him to encounter such a thing."

"Really? Then I think about it. Indeed, I used to have a bad mentality, but I'm used to it, so there's nothing wrong with it. I can only say that if the mentality is easy to explode, you will encounter difficulties. You can only There are still many things he needs to do, I think, you remind him and encourage him every time he is at a disadvantage, this should be effective."

"That's right, it sounds really okay. Oh, I thought I should remind him, but I think it disturbed him. Now that I think about it, if I don't do anything, then I will tell him Isn’t it the same to play alone? What I have to do is to help him, not to do other things, that is meaningless.”

Lin Xiu thought about what she was going to do, and realized that this is not the time to be frowning here, and she should use the time well. It is best to deal with this problem before the next game. If it is not handled well, the next game will be at a disadvantage. , This shortcoming of Shaobo will be exposed again. We cannot continue to lose games because of this problem. Every game is very important.

He knows that this is his good friend, and they have the best relationship in this team. If he doesn't help this good friend, it will be too disrespectful. In any case, his training can fall behind, but he just can't do it. Fuck this thing, this is a thing that will affect the future, not simply affect the present, it is as simple as that.

In the end, Lin Xiuzhen was by Shaobo's side, and she was accompanying him even without playing ranked. She wanted to make him better, but she felt that there was no other good way other than this, and she had to do so. .

"I think Lin Xiu, you should play ranked by yourself. I don't think there is any problem with this method at first glance, but I am afraid that it will hurt you. It's that simple. You have to train. If you can't play well by yourself Then what should I do, no, I can’t do it like this, you should practice according to your original method, don’t worry about me.” Shaobo said.

Shaobo didn't want to implicate his team members, but he felt that this kind of thing was very simple, and he didn't have confidence in himself. He understood that it was enough for him to have a problem, and there was no need for more people to have a problem, let alone his own best. Friends, then I don't want to implicate the other party, this is a kind of thinking that is good for myself and the team.

Lin Xiu didn't think it was a big deal not to train, and it wasn't inflation, it was a recognition of her own strength.

(End of this chapter)

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