As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 243 Weakness is the Original Sin

Chapter 243 Weakness is the Original Sin
"Okay, stop arguing, this is a hospital, don't affect other patients." The doctor said. .
"Okay, I get it, I won't affect them, but I think it's obvious that my parents didn't do a good job. I'm very sorry, and I will handle this matter well." Shaobo apologized.

Shaobo has no choice. Only he can do this kind of thing. Others have nothing to do. It can only be said that he knows that his parents will do this. It is not unreasonable, but he has made his own decision. No one can change it. Lin Xiu came here to persuade him not to do this, but he didn't do it. When his parents came, the result was the same.

"You child is really too ignorant. You don't know what you are doing. Let me tell you, this is not good for you. What's the point of doing this? Now there is a job in front of you You don’t cherish it, and you still expect to join other teams in the future, is this the future you imagined? Then let me tell you, it’s too naive.” Shaobo’s mother said.

"That's right, you don't understand what you are doing at all. Can't even your parents stop you now? You woman, tell me, what method did you use to deceive my child? My child was arrested You are so lost, this is definitely not a normal thing, tell me quickly, I want to hear the truth, I don’t want to hear other superfluous words.” Shaobo’s father said.

"Nothing, come on, let's go outside and talk." Shaobo said.

Shaobo didn't want to get involved with his agent, he just wanted to solve this matter by himself, thinking that there was no way for his parents to argue here, and this matter had to be dealt with.

The parents were taken outside, reluctantly, and they hadn't yet learned about the woman's origins.

"What do you want to do? Don't think that you can easily send us back. That doesn't exist." Shaobo's mother said.

"Mom and Dad, this is a hospital, we still have to abide by the rules, you know? I didn't do this for anything else, I just wanted to do what I wanted to do, it's that simple, maybe you can't accept it, but this The thing is actually very simple, the fact is that it won't take long for her to recover, so why not just wait for her? Wait for me too." Shaobo said.

"That must be bad, why is it good? She has nothing to wait for, let me tell you, don't be fooled by her, that woman doesn't look like a good bird, you'd better understand this, mom doesn't I know if you have been seduced by her charm, but you have to know that mom and dad were young, so mom and dad don't want you to go the wrong way."

"Mom, you're going too far. Why did you go the wrong way? I just have a truce for some time. When the time is right, I will return to my job. You have to believe that this is what will happen. It's nothing, you see it's normal for others to rest for a few years after being injured, not to mention I only need to wait for a few months, that's it."

"What a few months, if no team wants you again, even if you wait for a lifetime, you won't be able to wait for the opportunity to make so much money, but you are going to waste such an opportunity for a woman, do you think so? Can you obey? Parents are for your own good, remember this, listen to parents, it’s not too late to go back now, Lin Xiu is waiting for you."

"Mom and Dad, don't come to me anymore, it's just a few months, I won't force more, really, let me be self-willed this time, I will definitely continue to play professional leagues in the future, it is unnecessary You really don’t have to worry about the doubts, don’t worry, there are too many players in the league who are weaker than me, but is it just the salary? I can easily get a high salary.” Shaobo said. .
Parents don't believe what he said, who knows what will happen in the future?
It's just that his parents don't want to see him give up his career for a woman, which is irresponsible.

"Dad can't take it anymore, you child can't explain what to say? Why don't you know, it's meaningless to do this, if you continue to be told by her, you are really worthless, don't think about things It's so simple, you think the team is where you can go and leave whenever you want, but the team really isn't something you can leave when you want, I tell you, you have to go back."

Shaobo's father couldn't sit still any longer, thinking that with Shaobo's stubborn appearance, it would be impossible not to say something directly. Now this child is no longer what he used to be, but he just felt that he would definitely not make such a decision, even if he It is unacceptable for them to take care of this woman and not have him gamble with his career here.

"I won't go back, I said, it's useless no matter what you say, why don't you understand what I mean? Is it interesting to persist like this? I know you are doing it for my own good, but just trust me this time, I I am no longer a child, and I will make the right decision, so you really let me be willful once, and I will never do it next time." Shaobo said.

"Are you kidding? Who will believe this next time? I tell you, you have to go back. If you don't go, you will sever the relationship. I'm not kidding you. Do you think Mom and Dad are idiots? Don't you?" If you feel like this, you think your parents don’t have the ability to think, and they can’t make decisions for you, right? That’s really naive.” Shaobo’s father said.

Shaobo's father was helpless. He felt very angry when he saw his child wasting opportunities here. If this is the case, he should speak clearly and don't want this kind of person who doesn't understand himself to be his child. He can only say that he feels that there is a relationship between them His relationship is not as important as a woman he has known not long ago, which seems very outrageous, and there is no way for him to accept it.

"If you cut it off, you will cut it off, I agree." Shaobo said.

Shaobo made his own decision without hesitation. It can be said that he has no doubts. Now he only thinks about his manager on the hospital bed.

"You are crazy, you are really crazy, let me tell you, look at the people outside, is there anyone like you? Do you think you are smart like this? No, this is too stupid, no one will follow You do the same, and you think that if you do this, the woman who has known you for a long time will never leave you, that is really too naive, so you are just a child." Shaobo's father said.

"Okay, let's go, the child's father, there is nothing we can do. This child is no longer what he used to be. No matter how much we say, it will be useless. Let him think about it. This is an unfilial son. He has not yet It is such a simple thing to realize that when he realizes that he will come back home to admit his mistakes, we can't stop him now." Shaobo's mother said.

Shaobo's mother took his father away, and Shaobo went back to the hospital, not thinking that what he did was wrong. .
"Then can I go? Brother, I have to go back to play ranked." we said as a substitute. .
"Do you want to leave? But you haven't said the important thing clearly, do you know? Why do you want WeChat? I don't embarrass you, I know it's not easy for you, but you just tell the truth Come on, think about it carefully, if you had Cheng Xiaoyi and something like this happened, how would you look at it?" Lin Xiu said.

"Well, I think I will protect my girlfriend just like you."

"That's right, what else do you need to say, so just tell me what you want to do, that's right, I won't force you, right, just say whether you should say such things or not .”

"Well, let me just say, I don't mean anything to your girlfriend, I just added it and sent him the content of pranks, which is really what it looks like."

"What? Are you serious? That's it? Just come here like this? I can only say that this is too boring. How boring is your captain? Childish, I'm not kidding you, why is this? What can I get by doing this? To be honest, I really don't want to waste any more time in this place."

Lin Xiu knew that it was because of such boredom, so she felt that this person was not really old.

If it wasn't for his young age, he wouldn't have done such a thing. This is what a child would do, but it was done by a captain-level character. It can only be said that if it were him, he would definitely not use such a thing. Doing it this way will only add redundant things, and the competition must be well competed, rather than creating troubles in other places.

Anyway, if there is anything to do, just come directly at him, and he doesn't dare to come at him. What kind of skill is there? It can only be said that he thinks women are easy to break through, but he thinks his own Girlfriends are not easy to break through, he himself knows this very well, it is not a smart way to underestimate a woman like this.

Lin Xiu knew that this substitute was really pitiful, and was arranged to do such a thing, but this substitute should have his own consciousness, even if the other party has a background, he should do what he wanted to do, and was arranged to do something by others. It's not what I want to do. That kind of experience can be said to be very bad. I understand why this person doesn't resist, but it is not good after all.

It can only be said that Lin Xiu thinks that such a thing is unnecessary, so he will naturally go to the captain to find out this problem. Cheng Xiaoyi, then there is a big problem, no matter what, he will protect his Cheng Xiaoyi, this is a boyfriend's duty.

Lin Xiu didn't want to do such a thing, but the other party insisted on forcing him, so he had to deal with it. He could only say that he only wanted to play well, but there were some people who didn't play well and insisted on using their brains, so he had no choice but to use To fight against it with his own strength, no matter what the result is, he will never give up to protect his own Cheng Xiaoyi, this is what he wants to do.

A substitute is a substitute after all, and it is normal to be suppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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