Chapter 244 He is still him

"Then why didn't you come after me? I'm a man, and I can handle anything. Tell me, what's the reason?" Lin Xiu asked. .
"Well, that's because I'm timid. As I said, I really don't dare to do this. I know it's wrong, but I can only do what they say. I'm very sorry. I can’t do it either,” WE said as a substitute.

"Okay, I know how to deal with this, but have you always been like this in your team?"

"What do you look like? What? Do you think I'm handsome? Yes, I'm just so handsome and I'm so confident."

"Don't be kidding, I mean weak, you are weak, isn't it like this?"

"How could it be? I think I'm very brave. I mustered up the courage to do this. Do you dare to add a girl's WeChat?"

"Why not? Isn't this a very casual thing? Then tell me how many friends of the opposite sex you have on WeChat."

"Well, it's 0, but I believe there will be a lot in the future, because I'm very attractive."

"Oh, it looks like you still have a long way to go. I'm not talking about you, I can only say that you should have been bullied a lot in the team."

"How do you know, let me tell you, I have been bullied by the starters all the time, especially our captain. The bullying is so fierce that I have no way to compete with them. I am very helpless. And fought."

"Oh, did you? What did you do? Did you show your opponent, or did you fight them?"

"Neither, I just fought in my heart, and then I gave up the idea. In fact, I didn't do anything."

"Don't say it if you haven't done anything, idiot, oops, I can only say that if you don't change yourself, let alone be a starter, I think it is very difficult for you to find a girlfriend, I am not joking with you .”

"Really? My mother said that it is easy for me to find a girlfriend. Is my mother lying to me? Are you saying that my mother is lying to me and attacking me? How is it possible? I advise you, this young man, rat tail juice , how can you speak ill of my mother? My mother is a very good person, I have never met anyone as good as my mother, that's it."

"No way, first of all, I can only say that your mother is joking with you. Besides, your mother is indeed lying to you. Of course, I am not saying that you will never get a girlfriend, nor am I saying that your mother is not good. Well, everyone tells some lies, but you still have a lot of things to do, your road is very difficult, remember what I said."

"What, it turned out to be like this, I know."

After Lin Xiu communicated with him, she felt that he was really stupid.

It can be said that such a person is easily deceived when walking in society.

He knew that this person had no bad intentions, but he was indeed used as a tool.

Lin Xiu knew that if this person was fighting by herself, she would definitely educate this person well.

This person still has a lot of things to do, but now Lin Xiu cares more about his girlfriend than about this person. He doesn't want anything to happen to his girlfriend. This is the most important thing.

"Okay, our chat is over, you can go back now, tell your captain, don't come to me Cheng Xiaoyi's idea, it's meaningless, just say you were caught by me, it's against me It’s no good, remember this, do you understand? It’s not clear what kind of person I am, is it? I’m not so soft, it’s the same in the game and in reality.” Lin Xiu said. .
"Okay, I see, I will do this, thank you, I thought I would be beaten up if I was caught by you, hehe, now it seems that I am safe, I know what I have to do Now, I won’t speak ill of you, because you didn’t speak ill of me, so I won’t either, isn’t that fair? Tell me.” WE substitute said.

"It's really fair, well, stop talking nonsense, go back, do what you want to do, let me tell you, in the future, you'd better do things according to your own consciousness, don't be afraid of failure, I know you are No problem, okay, keep going, you can do it, I believe in you, you have to change yourself, and then change the world.”

The WE substitute obediently went back and told the opponent these words.

The WE captain asked him about his situation to see if he had succeeded.

"How is it? Are you done? The task I entrusted to you." WE captain said.

"No, sorry, Captain." WE substitute said.

"What are you? Do you know what you're talking about? Are you kidding me? It's funny, children's shoes, you can't even complete such a simple task, what can you expect to do?"

The WE substitute was about to say sorry, but thinking about what Lin Xiu said to him, he should be hardened at this time.

"Well, I just want to do this, I want to do it according to my consciousness, I used to do what you told me to do, but now I am not what I used to be, it's that simple, I have become tough Get up." WE said as a substitute.

"What are you talking about, you brat, who gave you the courage to talk back to me, I think you are itchy."

The WE substitute was beaten up, but he thought he did nothing wrong.

The manager looked at the coach and talked about them, and he himself was speechless. He had already lost the game he was sure of at the first start. .
"You guys... really disappoint me. For so long, I don't know what you guys are preparing for. In the match just now, you all lost so easily. How can I teach you so well?"

The coach didn't want them to have a heart attack. He clutched his chest and gasped for breath.

"Coach, I admit that this time we really underestimated each other and overestimated ourselves. Usually, Lin Xiu taught us how to do it a little bit. Only with him in this team can we have a soul."

This made the coach blacken his face. He paid no less than Lin Xiu, and the team members stood in front of him and said such words, which made him feel that his efforts these days were all self-indulgent.

"I'm really speechless to you. Would you die without him? One by one, they all said good things about him."

"Death is not death, but do you know the coach? After the soul of another team is gone, can this team still be called a team?"

The coach had nothing to say to them, the more she talked, the more irritable she became, so she just found an excuse to stay away from them for a while, go to the toilet to quiet down, so as not to be vomited blood by them again in a while.

The players shrugged their shoulders. They also knew that this game was very important, and they wanted to win, but after playing, they always felt that something was missing.

The manager sighed and shook his head. The team he has supported for so long has now become such a virtue, and he is also very helpless.

Seeing that the game was lost, it was only the first game, but the manager realized that if Lin Xiu was not there, then this game might really be lost directly.

Therefore, he was very anxious. He poked his head out from time to time to see if there was Lin Xiu at the door. There was no sign of Lin Xiu.

The manager, who couldn't wait, decided to go outside to take a look, and asked outside the door, "Did you see the man come back?"

"He came again and was invited out!"

"What? Who, who didn't let him in?"

The manager was shocked. Only then did he know that Lin Xiu didn't come back, but was blocked from coming in.

"This... this...." The security guard seemed very embarrassed, and it was inconvenient to reveal this person, and the manager was not interested in knowing at this time, so he continued to ask: "What about him? He shouldn't have gone far, right?"

"No, no, he's right there."

The manager followed the security guard's hand and looked over, and Lin Xiu also looked over, thank God, it's a good thing you didn't leave.

The manager immediately went over, "You brat, you don't know how to make a phone call when you come here, hurry up and enter the game with me, and you must defeat the other group of brats, so that they will be scared when they hear our team's name in the future." Gotta piss my ass."

Regardless of whether he wanted to or not, the manager directly dragged him to prepare for the game. The team members were the happiest when Lin Xiu came back, and the most annoyed was the coach who had just adjusted his mood. He saw someone who made him feel angry.

Surprised to see Lin Xiu playing, she ran over to stop the heroine, and was about to drive him away.

If you say you don't want him, you just don't want him.

"Who let you in? Get out of here." The coach was aggressive and wanted to drive people away, because their behavior attracted attention. .
The manager saw it, and stepped forward to separate the two, "Speak up if you have something to say."

"I have nothing to talk to him about. Don't forget, the reason for losing the game was because he ran away, which made you unprepared, and that's why you were beaten so badly."

The coach blamed Lin Xiu for leaving them behind because of something, and now he wants to go back and forgive him so easily. The coach felt that if he really agreed with him to play, it would be a slap in the face.

"What happened before was indeed my fault, so I will pay it back."

"It's simple to say. Wasn't it cool to leave at the beginning? Why are you still shamelessly coming here? Without him, can the team really not be able to win the game?"

Undoubtedly, it was really impossible. When the teammates saw Lin Xiu's return, they were filled with fighting spirit. With him around, there were infinite possibilities. They believed that they would definitely win this game.

"Coach, let's tell you the truth. Lin Xiu is our fighting spirit and spiritual pillar. Without him, we would definitely not win this game."

"Stinky boy, do I want you to talk? Can you show some ambition, isn't this a big deal, isn't it just a game? Just treat it as normal, and you can beat them with your eyes closed." The coach just believed , even without Lin Xiu, he can win.

But the team members don't believe it, and they don't have enough self-confidence. They are very clear about how much they are, and no matter how much others praise them, they will not believe it.

"Okay, stop talking, the time for the second game is about to start, coach, I know you have a lot of opinions on Lin Xiu, it may be that he did something that made you feel bad, but now , the most important thing is the game."

"Everyone here knows that the game is very important. As for the person you guarded, did you forget it selectively? I still remember not long ago, when the game was about to start, you lost the game because he ran away and messed up your plan. ?”

"You can't say that. If you want to blame us, you don't have enough ability." The team members are very supportive of Lin Xiu, and the manager is the same. All his years of hard work were in vain.

The manager stopped the coach and asked him to wait for Lin Xiu to finish the game before settling the score. There was no rush. The matter had come to this point, so he could only beg the coach nicely, hoping that he would let the past go and forgive Lin Xiu this time.

The coach disagreed from the bottom of his heart and was firmly opposed to this matter, but when he thought that the game might really be lost, he began to hesitate and asked himself whether it was worth it.

After thinking about it, the coach reluctantly agreed and agreed to let Lin Xiu play. Just when the time for the game came, Lin Xiu went online to compete, and the situation changed immediately, and the opponent immediately became anxious.

"Damn it, go over there and attack him, go!"

"I can't go here, how can I get there, I want to go to you."

"Damn it, I'm your captain, so you shouldn't answer now, right?"

There was a small dispute between the opposing players, and Lin Xiu had no time to deal with it. He led everyone to eliminate the enemy one by one, and won the second game. Okay, we don't like each other, let's go.

"Win, we won.".
"We really won."

The teammates were very happy, Lin Xiu had a bigger place in their hearts, and they all ran to surround Lin Xiu.

"Thank God, thank you, thank fate that we met you."

Everyone was very happy to win the game. Hearing the flattering of this team member, Lin Xiu smiled slightly, "I heard you say that, I must go to the bar often."

"I'm wronged! I've never been like this. Your family is still a simple boy. I haven't been to bars or anything."

"You can pull it off. I don't know who called me in the middle of the night a few days ago and asked me to take him to the bar."

The character set that the man had just set up was immediately destroyed by his good friend.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb! Next time if you dare to expose like this, be careful that I will whip you."

"I'm so scared, with him here, let's see who dares to bully me." After the other party finished speaking, he hugged Lin Xiu like a girl, with an expression that didn't deserve to be beaten. When they saw the two fighting, they were very upset. hapiness.

"You two are going to fight, I won't stop it, but you guys, don't hit me."

Lin Xiu pushed the man who was holding him away, and asked him to be more serious. Not only did the other party not let go, but he hugged him tighter and tighter. It was someone else who forced him to leave.

"I won the game, what's the matter if I report to the gods? Let you treat me like this one by one, it really is..., it makes me want to hit people."

The male team member who was pulled away looked at Lin Xiu eagerly and walked away from him.

On the other side, the manager said, "How is it? The results of the previous selection were not bad, right?"

The coach nodded. He was quite satisfied with Lin Xiu's performance. As for his character, he still didn't mind.

"So do you think now, is he still qualified to stay?"

"What do you think?"

The coach returned the question to the manager. He is also very conflicted now. Lin Xiu's strength is the most potential one he has ever seen, but the two have conflicts. He is also a grumpy person. Tolerate disobedient behavior from team members.

"He must stay! You and I know his strength well. If he goes to another team, it will be our loss."

The manager was by the side and kept saying good things about Lin Xiu, and hoped that the coach could put away the previous words, forgive Lin Xiu this time, and let him stay and contribute to the team.

"You've already said that, so it doesn't make sense for me to object."

"You can't say that, you are the professor of the team, and only you can make the choice."

The coach thought about it for a while, and now he is very entangled in his heart. Whether Lin Xiu should stay or not, the thoughts of wanting and not wanting are equally divided.

After a while, the coach glanced at Lin Xiu, and finally said, "The manager said so, let him stay."

"It's right to think so! Everyone is a team, there is no need to care about it."

The manager breathed a sigh of relief, and he was still worried that the coach would not agree. Now that he realized that his previous worries were useless, the manager went to find Lin Xiu and whispered in his ear: "The coach has worked hard for so long without credit. The reason why he was angry was because you suddenly had something to do, and you had to leave regardless of his request."

Lin Xiu also knew this, he didn't apologize earlier, since he came in, he had apologized to the coach several times, but the other party never responded to him.

(End of this chapter)

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