Chapter 246
the next day.
In the morning, Lin Xiu got up very early and prepared breakfast for everyone. After singing last night, he returned to the dormitory, only slept for a few hours, and woke up before dawn.

Being idle and bored, I prepared breakfast for everyone, so that everyone can eat and drink well, and then go to the competition together.

Lin Xiu was at the gathering place, waiting for them to come. Chen Niannian also bought breakfast for everyone. Both of them carried a bag and looked at each other with a smile.

"If I knew you brought breakfast, I wouldn't need to spend that money."

Chen Niannian thought she was the first one to come, but Lin Xiu came faster than him, and she was very touched by the fact that she also prepared breakfast.

"I couldn't sleep, so I made a little breakfast by myself. Would you like to try it? I tried it and thought it tasted pretty good."

The other party invited them all, and Chen Niannian accepted it. She tried Lin Xiu's breakfast and found that the taste was really good, not too bland nor too salty, just right.

"Doing it for the first time?"

"Well! It's not bad, is it?"

"Then you are very talented. You can cook this taste so well for the first time. You will not play games in the future. When you are that chef, you will be a leader."

Chen Niannian teased a bit, the two were in a leisure place, waiting for the team members to arrive.

After a while, people arrived one after another.

After everyone had breakfast, they set off together to participate in the competition. When they arrived at the destination, everyone was nervously waiting for the competition.

Everyone, no one is not nervous, and Chen Niannian is the same, this is the first time he has brought people, if their performance is not good, it will make him feel ashamed.

I think he was a good choice before retiring. Although he has retired now, his strength has not yet fallen.

When it was almost their turn to play, one of the team members suddenly had a particularly ugly face because of eating something bad. He couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Boss, I, I don't feel well in my stomach."

"Uncomfortable? What's the matter, is it a stomachache?"

"Should, maybe, I feel powerless now."

As soon as these words came out, all the team members panicked, and it was almost their turn to go up to the game. At this time, something went wrong, so it's no wonder they weren't nervous.

"Be patient, isn't it just a stomachache? What a big deal?"

"I really can't take it anymore, hurry up, take me to the hospital!"

The team member's face was pale. After seeing his expression, no one believed that he was not joking.

"I'll take him to the hospital, don't panic, and calm down." That player was sent to the hospital, and Lin Xiu had to call out a substitute.

Everyone has been training together for so long, and there is a tacit understanding. Now they have changed to someone they don't know very well, and they rarely train together. This has caused some people to panic.

"He, how can he do it? When I usually watch him play, his skills are so-so, let him be a substitute, then we are not destined to lose?"

"Don't say it so early, I let him be a substitute, not for no reason, but because I think he has enough ability to help us win this game."

Even if Lin Xiu said so, some people were still dissatisfied, so Lin Xiu secretly expressed that this substitute is still very good.

The substitute team was very moved by Lin Xiu's decision and thanked Lin Xiu for her trust.

"Why is it him? Can't it be someone else?".
"Then you come, I want you to choose, who do you think is more suitable for this position than him, if you can choose one of the substitutes, then I will replace him."

Lin Xiu always thought that letting him join the game as a substitute was the best choice, but some people were not very satisfied with his decision.

The man looked at it, and then looked up at the time. The distance to the game was getting closer and closer. If everyone still had conflicts, it would be unfavorable for the next game, so he agreed.

The substitutes were particularly excited, "Thank you for your trust in me. I will definitely not let you down. We will definitely win this game. We will definitely be able to stand at the highest position and look down on others."

The substitute player is very secondary, and he feels inexplicably enthusiastic when he speaks. One of the reasons why Lin Xiu chose him is because of this, it can motivate people, which is a very useful effect.

At the beginning of the game, it may be because the players who changed teammates were not familiar with the opponent's style of play. At the beginning, Lin Xiu's team was at a disadvantage because everyone's cooperation was not particularly good.

This also caused some people to feel restless and start to panic. When they panic, they are especially prone to distraction during the competition.

"Don't panic, everyone, calm down."

Lin Xiu found that everyone's chaotic formation was easy to be attacked by hostile people. The team members couldn't sit still and were kept under pressure by the opponent. The information had almost been lost. Lin Xiu patiently directed and cheered them on.

"Is there someone to save me? Damn it, why does this person keep chasing me and hitting me every time, making such big moves every time."

"Xiaomu, go support me!"


"Jackal, focus on your current position, don't let me think about it, and kill the enemy in front of me."

The substitute player has performed very well from the game until now. Lin Xiu has confidence in his ability. He is the only one. From just now until now, there has been no mess.

"Received, received, don't worry! Boss, I do things, and there is never a time when I can't do it." The jackal is very confident in himself. Although the opponent's strength is very strong, it is not enough to make him mess up.

Under the leadership of Lin Xiu, everyone gradually gained motivation and found a good position. Soon, they were not suppressed by the opponent, but went all out, chasing each other to fight, one by one, they were beaten to death .

After a while, finally under the leadership of Lin Xiu, the last enemy was beaten to the ground.

Everyone was victorious, and the team members breathed a sigh of relief. This game was very intense. For a while, they didn't know who would win. Every time there was a reversal, everyone couldn't figure it out.

"We won, we won, we won."

The excitement made everyone boil. The training for so long has not been in vain.

Some team members cried when they hugged each other, and the rest, although they laughed, also hugged each other.

Only those who have experienced it know how hard they have been during this time. They are training all day long, and they are numb.

Lin Xiu's jungle position became famous in the first battle. He was sought after by thousands of people and attracted many fans. Everyone present was happy for him. As soon as Chen Niannian came back, he saw that Lin Xiu had won.

After the game is over, it's time for the awards. .
As their fans, everyone has not left, and they will welcome this moment with them.

The substitute was crying. Before playing, he was worried that he would screw up. Now that he won, he cried very sadly.

The teammate who disliked him before realized his mistake through this game. He was too self-righteous, underestimated others, and overestimated himself. In the end, he found out that the clown was himself.

When the host called Lin Xiu's name, the team members stopped talking, and Chen Niannian came to Lin Xiu's side.

"You did very well in this competition."

Lin Xiu walked onto the stage with a slight smile, and received the trophy from the host.
He took a deep breath, nervous, not because of the trophy, but because of what he was going to say next.

"Do you have anything to say about your opponent in this match?"

"They have always been a team I admire very much. From them, I have seen struggles and dreams. Thank you for making me feel this way."

The people below applauded for a while. The opponent did not pull a black face because of losing the game. Their captain even came over to congratulate Lin Xiu.

"Then leave the rest of the matter to Mr. Lin."

The host made a gesture of invitation, Lin Xiu looked at the team members, each of them had tiredness and smiles on their faces.

"I want to say to my teammates, thank you, thank you for being with me all the way, without you, I would not be where I am today."

It was the first time for Lin Xiu to say such a thing, because he was really grateful to his teammates, and now they have been fighting side by side with him and believed in him.

There was another burst of applause and crackling. Besides the players and fans, there were other passers-by in the audience.

Lin Xiu just said a few words, and then stepped off the stage. In fact, the coach usually came here on such occasions, but this time, the coach had something to do, so he didn't come to the competition with them, but called Chen Niannian.

Everyone was very moved by Lin Xiu's words. After he stepped down, he was lifted high.

After taking the trophy, they went to the hospital together to see their teammates who had a stomachache before.

"I'm so happy and love you so much."

The team member was on the hospital bed, and when he saw them coming together, he cried loudly. Although there was no live broadcast, he also watched the live broadcast and knew that they had won, so his tears flowed down uncontrollably.

"We are all sick, so we should cry less, tears let us cry."

Because of this, the other party started crying again, and several people hurriedly comforted me one by one, which made him calm down.

Chen Niannian is happy for them, and he has always seen their efforts. They are a group of dream chasers, passionate and young, which fits the young people of today.

"You have to take good care of your body, and then go camping with us."

Chen Niannian said it to the person on the bed. When the other person heard it, he knew that he was going to go camping. How could he miss such an opportunity, "I found that I am fine now. After taking this medicine, I can be discharged from the hospital."

Everyone laughed out loud, which attracted the nurse's attention, "Why are you laughing? Be serious, this is a hospital, you have to fight outside."

Lin Xiu apologized to the nurse, because Chen Niannian invited them to go camping together, everyone was excited to pack their bags.In the early morning, everyone gathered at the door early in the morning, and when everyone arrived, they immediately got out of the car and went to camp. .
Today's weather is particularly good. Just after dawn, the sun rose very high. The warm sunlight shone on Lin Xiu's body, making her feel very warm and comfortable.

"I don't even want to take a look, and whoever hasn't come here."

"No one is bad, you can go."

The team members didn't look left and right, and replied to Lin Xiu directly, because they were very impatient and wanted to go camping quickly and feel the long-lost sunshine.

Before the game started, they stayed in the house all day long, and now they go out, it feels like a century has passed.

"Are you sure no one is left behind? Don't wait, because there is one less person and you have to drive back. That's a waste of time."

"No, there are less than ten of us going back and forth. You don't need to count, you can tell at a glance, who is missing."

Everyone said so, just as they were about to set off, Lin Xiu appeared, and the team members noticed it first and talked to him.

"This early in the morning, you have big bags and small bags, where are you planning to go?"

Cheng Xiaoyi asked him suspiciously, knowing that he had won the competition, he wanted to come over to congratulate him, but he didn't expect that they were about to leave as soon as he came.

"Hello, sister-in-law."

The team members yelled in unison, and Lin Xiu blushed when she heard it.

"Sister-in-law is shy, like an apple."

The team members kept talking, Cheng Xiaoyi got stuck when he heard their words, he didn't know what to say, so he just lowered his head and remained silent.

Lin Xiu drove the team members into the van, "There's no place for you, there are so many things to talk about."

"Yo! Coach, you heard that, the boss actually said that there is no helpless place in this place, and it is not so fast to cross the river and destroy the bridge."

Lin Xiu directly closed the car door, making them beep all the time, causing Cheng Xiaoyi to keep her head down and not talk to him.

"What are you going to do? You don't know that I'm coming, and you plan to escape from me!"

"Small heads, what are you thinking? The assistant coach invited us to go camping together. The game is over, and everyone wants to relax and have a good time."

Lin Xiu answered truthfully that Cheng Xiaoyi also wanted to follow. Ever since Lin Xiu took her to meet the team members, she has become good friends with these people.

"Go camping?" Cheng Xiaoyi heard that these people are going to go camping, so how can she be missing, and then said: "Take me with you, okay?"

"Stop it."

"I'm not making trouble, I really want to go with you, let me go with you, okay?"

The girlfriend begged to go with him, and it happened that he had time now, and she had always wanted to go camping. Before, she was too busy and didn't have time. Now is the best opportunity.

Cheng Xiaoyi was acting coquettishly, Lin Xiu was laughing, in fact, he couldn't decide on this matter, after all, they were both old men, and they set out in the name of a team, so they had to get the consent of the other party.

So, Lin Xiu looked at the coach, unable to resist Cheng Xiaoyi's entanglement, so she had to go over, "Coach, can you see... can you..."

Lin Xiu was also a little embarrassed, embarrassed to say this, it felt a little weird, but for Cheng Xiaoyi, she still said it, begged for a final agreement, Cheng Xiaoyi was so happy that she jumped on him.

(End of this chapter)

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