As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 247 Rejection Does Not Mean Reluctant

Chapter 247 Rejection Does Not Mean Reluctant
In the car, Lin Xiu and Cheng Xiaoyi were sitting next to each other, the bread was big enough to accommodate them. .
However, the two were talking and laughing in the closed car, laughing from time to time. As single people, they naturally don't like to see others show their affection in front of their eyes.

"Boss, sister-in-law, can we think about these single dogs for us? This car is already rickety, so it's not very comfortable. I still want to see you loving each other. Seriously, we are human beings. Envious and jealous."

"I'm sorry, because I feel a little dizzy in the car, so if someone talks to me, this feeling will be relieved a little. If it disturbs you, then I will not talk to him from now on."

The other party didn't think that there was another story in this story, and suddenly felt that he was guilty, and he shouldn't have said it so directly. When people saw it, he thought he was very mean, and he couldn't bear it at all.

"I was just joking, sister-in-law, don't mind." As he spoke, he laughed loudly, and the rest of them covered their mouths and snickered.

Only then did the other party realize that only he himself did not understand, and everyone else knew that Cheng Xiaoyi was motion sick.

Because of what he said, although he explained it clearly later, Cheng Xiaoyi still cared a little about it, and didn't talk to Lin Xiu much, even if he felt uncomfortable, he felt that he could bear it.

As a result, the more she endured, the more uncomfortable she became.

"Is there any spicy strips here? Or oranges, can I have some?"

When Cheng Xiaoyi gets motion sickness, she likes to eat, that's why she doesn't feel this way.

All the used food is in the bag, and the bag is placed in the trunk of the car. The car can't be stopped just because of such a trivial matter.

"Is it hard?" His girlfriend was motion sick, and her face was a little pale, and Lin Xiu felt distressed.

"It's not hard, but it's a bit unbearable."

Cheng Xiaoyi contradicted himself, I didn't want Lin Xiu to worry too much, but now he can't help it anymore.

Lin Xiu couldn't see her in such unbearable pain, so she asked the coach, "Is there any motion sickness medicine here?"

"Are you car sick?"

"It's not me, it's Xiaoyi. She is prone to motion sickness in the car. I want to see if there is any motion sickness medicine here."

Cheng Xiaoyi and Lin Xiu sat in the last seat, and they both spoke very quietly. If they didn't deliberately want to hear their conversation clearly, they would not be able to hear their voices at all.

"Wait, I remember I brought it, let me look for it? Is it serious now?"

"It doesn't look particularly serious, but she has an ugly face. If there is no motion sickness medicine, she and I will get out of the car first and walk over to find you."

Lin Xiu felt sorry for Cheng Xiaoyi, but he didn't want to delay everyone's progress because of him and Cheng Xiaoyi.

"Are you kidding me? Walking instead of sitting in a car, when someone sees it, they think I've treated you badly and won't let you go camping in a car."

The coach wanted to roll his eyes, opened the bag, and at least finally found the motion sickness medicine, which he would bring with him every time he went on a business trip, just because it was very useful.

After receiving the medicine for motion sickness, Lin Xiu thoughtfully opened the mineral water, saw that Cheng Xiaoyi drank the medicine, and immediately handed the water over. After Cheng Xiaoyi drank it, he immediately felt relieved.

After a while, when they arrived at the place, Lin Xiu took the initiative to set up a tent, and his girlfriend helped Lin Xiu together. Everyone praised Lin Xiu and said he was a good boyfriend.

"Go to the side, don't talk here, at your speed, the sky is going down, and it hasn't been tied yet.".
A few people gathered around Lin Xiu, asking questions. For the first time, Lin Xiu felt that boys gossip are more terrifying than women.

As soon as the coach came over, he said a few of them, shortened their necks, and said quietly: "Let's talk about it later."

In the end, they all went away with a smile, and Cheng Xiaoyi was attracted by their cute appearance.

"I noticed that when you play games, you are very different. When you compete, you are very serious and your faces are drawn very long. In private, you are a living treasure."

"When you get to know them better, you will understand them better. At that time, you will feel that they are like children, gossiping more than women."

Everyone worked together, finally tied it up, came to a cool place, and rested for a while.

The team members saw the timing, and ran over in unison. Before they could say anything, they were called over by the coach again. None of them could be missing, and the players could only walk towards the coach in despair.

"All cheer me up and ask you to do me a favor. Everyone has a bad face, and if you don't want to help, just say it."

"No, no, we were just joking." The team members laughed again to cover up their embarrassment, and obeyed the coach's arrangement obediently.

After the two people on one side rested enough, Lin Xiu went to prepare the barbecue tools, and Cheng Xiaoyi also went to help.

Finally, everything was ready and the camping officially started. Lin Xiu became a barbecue chef and copied this part.

"Idol, this meat seems to be uncooked. Look inside, it's still red. You can't eat it at all. If you eat too much, you will have diarrhea."

Xiaomu is innocent, he speaks up when he has something to say, and when other people find out about this, no one utters a word, and they just wait for him to be No.1.

Lin Xiu stretched her neck, glanced at it a few times, and it was really red, so she brought it over again, "Anyone else's barbecue is not cooked yet, so bring it here, and I will roast it again."

As soon as the words were finished, a group of Qi Shushua brought them over, and comforted Lin Xiu: "It's not that I don't feel familiar, it's just that I'm not used to eating raw food, so bake it for me."

Lin Xiu sighed, she messed up the matter herself, Cheng Xiaoyi went to help, "Are you tired? Go rest in my place, and when I'm done roasting, I'll give it to everyone."

Lin Xiu didn't leave, I was standing next to Cheng Xiaoyi, watching her frantically operate, within a few minutes, the delicious barbecue was ready, Cheng Xiaoyi quickly distributed it to all the people, and specially I left one piece for Lin Xiu.

Those who had eaten had their eyes widened, looked at Cheng Xiaoyi and said, "Sister-in-law, your cooking skills are amazing, far better than our boss's."

Everyone praised their girlfriends for their delicious barbecue. After eating one after another, Cheng Xiaoyi didn't feel tired, and kept helping them bake. The team members, how could they miss this opportunity, so they teased Lin Xiu by the way.

The two were shy, Cheng Xiaoyi lowered his head and concentrated on the barbecue, while Lin Xiu beat them up, telling these people not to meddle in their own business, and to keep talking about them.

"The two of you are talented and beautiful, so what can you say?" Lin Xiu raised her eyebrows as she spoke, and Lin Xiu was speechless to them.

Soon, the sun went down and the temperature dropped at night. The two slept in a tent. Cheng Xiaoyi lay down and felt that there were mosquitoes screaming in his ears. Lin Xiu helped to kill them.

After they were finally wiped out, one came running from nowhere, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and now they are busy again. .
Because of a few mosquitoes, it was difficult for them to sleep that night, and when they woke up the next day, they had panda eyes.

The good team members joked after seeing this: "Did you hear any strange noises last night?"

"Strange sound? I was so sound asleep last night that I didn't hear it at all."

"I didn't sleep all night and I didn't hear anything."

"In this case, it may be that I heard it wrong. I had an auditory hallucination. I thought there was another couple besides us."

Who wouldn't understand this?Cheng Xiaoyi's face turned redder, wanting to explain but fearing that the more he explained, the less clear he would be.

The happy time is always short. Soon, they finished camping. After Lin Xiu sent Cheng Xiaoyi away, they played for a while.

Going to ktv to sing is the favorite place for these people, because it is quiet enough and very noisy, and when you are in a bad mood, go there to vent.

Since Lin Xiu won the competition, his popularity has risen to a higher level. Sometimes he will be recognized when he walks on the road, signing autographs and taking pictures. This kind of thing has become his habit.

Although there is no news about the competition yet, they have not let up. Sometimes they will make appointments at the old place according to everyone's time, and then train together to prepare for future competitions.

On this day, Lin Xiuzheng was playing games with the team members, and now it was in the heat of the moment. Everyone was very nervous, but the coach seemed very excited.

Because he received the news and planned to train urgently, but at this time several people were competing, so he couldn't disturb them.

After it's over, let everyone come and gather, and tell them that there will be an emergency training, and everyone needs to cooperate well.

What the coach said was not very clear. He told them that there would be emergency training, but he didn't say what it was for.

Lin Xiu asked, "Is there going to be a competition?"

"That's right, we will have national competitions next, which will be even stronger than the previous ones. Therefore, we need to work harder to stand higher and see farther."

"Can we compete at the national level too?"

National level competitions, I feel old and powerful when I hear it, and I feel that I am superior to others when I say it from my mouth.

"No and no." The coach also shook his head.

"No? But coach, didn't you just say that? Our next game is a national level game."

"I do say that, but it doesn't mean that everyone can go. This national competition is different from the previous ones. It is said that only one capable person can be selected."

After understanding it, everyone was a little disappointed. They thought that a group of people could go to participate, but they didn't expect there was only one person.

Even so, everyone unanimously recommended Lin Xiu to go, and the coach thought the same way, because he took into account the feelings of other teammates and did not express his thoughts.

"The boss went alone, representing our team."

"Agreed, Boss, I want to win back the trophy this time." Everyone turned their attention to Lin Xiu.

But the other party's expression was very flat, and he replied flatly: "Change someone else, I don't want to go, there are still people in our team besides me."

After Lin Xiu finished speaking, everyone around him looked at him in astonishment. .
Afraid that they didn't hear clearly, he said again: "I'll say it again, lest you think it's a joke. I don't want to go, so I refuse this competition."

"What's the situation? Such a good opportunity, how can you just give up, no, not idols."

Xiaomu hoped that Lin Xiu would become popular, and also hoped that he would become stronger all the time. Only in this way could his potential be stimulated.

"Don't talk, tell me, it's just a dream."

The others couldn't believe it either. For them, this news made him happier than winning the lottery.

Several members of the team wanted to ask Lin Xiu why he gave up the plan to become stronger.

Everyone was talking non-stop, chattering and noisy, the coach couldn't stand it, and said, "Okay, I'll ask him your questions, go to the training side, don't gather here. "

The coach drove them all back, leaving him and Lin Xiu behind. After they left, it became much quieter.

The coach was very surprised by Lin Xiu's decision, because in his opinion, everyone wants to have greater development, but Lin Xiu didn't have this idea, and even refused this matter to participate in the international competition. one thing.

"Do you know how many people think this is?"

"I know."

"I see, I still say that. You have to know that this is the dream of many people. You can't just say no without thinking about it."

The coach just can't figure it out, this opportunity is not, if you want to have it, if you don't have Lin Xiu's strength, no one else will come to him and tell him about it.

"I don't think I'm suitable, and it's a waste to go there. Why don't I tell you now that I don't want to go, and save a huge sum of money. Wouldn't it be better to use this money for my brothers to go sightseeing?"

"You don't need to worry about the money, and it wasn't paid by me. It was paid by the sponsor."

Lin Xiu'e said that he didn't want to go, not because of this, but because he thought it would be a waste of time to go, and he really didn't want to waste his time on it.

"Coach, let me tell you the truth! I'm really not suitable."

"I didn't even go, so just tell me it's not suitable for someone like you? If you don't want to go, that's fine, give me a specific reason, within 1 minute."

The coach was aggressive and stared at Lin Xiu, telling him to speak out, and if he felt reasonable, he would not force him.

Lin Xiu hadn't thought about this question before, but when she was asked suddenly, and within the stipulated time, she froze for a single word and didn't hold back her mouth.

The coach knew a long time ago that he just didn't want to, and he couldn't give a good reason to support his lie.

"Let me just say it straight! This competition is really not suitable for me."

"Why not?"

"Anyway, it's not appropriate to say it's inappropriate."

When Lin Xiu said this, it was as if a little kid was acting like a baby, and she seemed very naive.

The coach thinks his idea is very bad, how can he reject it without even trying it, it's too spineless.

In order to get Lin Xiu to agree, the coach tried his best to do ideological work for Lin Xiu. In the end, he finally persuaded Lin Xiu and let him open his mouth to agree.

The next day, everyone saw Lin Xiu off, and Cheng Xiaoyi came.

(End of this chapter)

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