As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 253 Successfully Joined the Team

Chapter 253 Successfully Joined the Team

Soon came the second day, the manager directly took Lin Xiu to participate in the commercial shooting. .
Lin Xiu really doesn't like such activities, but Lin Xiu seems to have no way to refuse this commercial shooting. Now that the manager has made arrangements, Lin Xiu can only participate in such an event no matter how reluctant she is. The ad was shot.

"Don't worry, I found a partner for you this time. If you meet that partner, then you will definitely be very surprised, I swear."

On the way there with Lin Xiu, the manager also specifically told Lin Xiu that he did not shoot the commercial this time alone, but arranged for him a partner who could go with him to shoot such a commercial. group ad.

The manager told Lin Xiu with certainty that if Lin Xiu knew who the partner was, she would definitely be very happy and surprised by it. After hearing this, Lin Xiu felt a little strange. Who is the partner.

"Then tell me who that partner is?"

For a while, he couldn't figure out who might surprise him, and he could also partner with him to shoot commercials. This sounds really strange.

"You'll know when you get to that place. Anyway, I'm sure you'll be very happy."

However, the manager deliberately played tricks at this time, and did not directly tell Lin Xiu who that person was, but repeatedly confirmed that when Lin Xiu got to that place and saw that person, he would definitely be happy because of this matter, because Lin Xiu Xiu himself wanted to meet that person.

Seeing the manager like this, Lin Xiu could only smile helplessly. Since she didn't want to tell herself, she could only wait to take a good look at the past time. Anyway, she was already on the road now, and it was very late. We will arrive at that place soon, which makes Lin Xiu unconsciously look forward to the commercial shooting.

After arriving at that place, I realized that the partner mentioned by the manager was not someone else, but Yuanyuan, who was originally Lin Xiu's partner.

"I also said that just now the manager told me that he would give me a surprise. The person I am partnering with is the person I really want to meet. I have been guessing who that person is, but unexpectedly It is you."

After Lin Xiu saw Yuanyuan, she was really happy. She passed away uncontrollably and gave Yuanyuan a hug. She was also very happy to see the man coming. The relationship between the two has always been very good. .

Lin Xiu was still thinking along the way just now if it was true that Yuanyuan would come to shoot this commercial with her partner, but she always felt that the possibility was relatively small, but she didn't expect it to be him.

After the two people met, they both felt very happy, so they couldn't help being there, and they chatted happily, and they both talked about a lot of things in the past.

Although it has not been a long time since the last time we met, the two of them stayed together before, so now they have a kind of feeling that it seems that they have not seen each other for a long time. a feeling of.

The shooting of this commercial went very smoothly. .
The whole process was very smooth.

"Okay, the commercial shooting is finally over, so let me treat you to a meal, it just so happens that we haven't seen each other for such a long time."

After the filming of the commercial was over, it was time for the two of them to part ways, but Yuanyuan offered to invite Lin Xiu to dinner at this time. Lin Xiu was not polite after hearing this, and the two of them happened to When eating, you can have a good chat and talk about the things that happened recently.

Otherwise, I don't know when we will meet next time.

After the two found a suitable place, they ordered food and began to eat, and began to chat about Tian Yuanyuan, and then mentioned their recent encounters, Yuan Yuanyuan did not pass the time very well.

"Now that team has officially disbanded, the reason is very simple, because there is no money and no money, it really can't do anything, this is really the reality in this society."

At this time, Yuanyuan couldn't control his desire to talk. Originally, the relationship between Lin Xiu and Lin Xiu was relatively good. Now he is very willing to tell the things that happened to him, and he is not afraid that Lin Xiu will laugh at him. He It was really a bad time.

Originally, he really didn't want to disband that team, but he didn't have any choice. Even if he didn't want to disband that team, he could only obediently disband that team in the end. It is because there is no money and no money to come out, so there is no way to support the continued operation of this team.

"I really don't know what to do. I don't want to give up such a career. After all, I have been on this road for so long, but if I don't give up, then I have to give up. I have lost my own life, and now I have been thinking about whether I should end this life."

The more Yuanyuan talked about what happened in the past, the more bitter he felt in his heart. Obviously they were so glorious before, but now they are nothing, and even wondered if they should quit such an industry. But she really didn't want to quit like this, that's why she persisted for so long.

"Or you can go back with me and try it out. I think you are a good seed, and you will definitely have higher achievements in this industry. Maybe I can let you stay when the time comes."

When Lin Xiu heard such words, she also felt very distressed in her heart, and she never thought that Yuanyuan has become so bad now.

But he has always felt that Yuanyuan is the kind of person who has done a good job in this industry, and it would be a pretty good thing if he could be brought back.

So I want to take this opportunity to take Yuanyuan back at this time. Anyway, Yuanyuan has been doing very poorly outside recently, so it is a good thing to go back at this time.

After Yuanyuan heard this, he couldn't believe it. What he heard, in fact, he just wanted to complain about this matter just now, but he didn't expect Lin Xiu to propose to take him back.

Of course he was willing, so he could have a way out anyway.

In this way, Lin Xiu directly brought Yuanyuan back, but the coach felt a little strange after seeing Yuanyuan appearing in this place. He didn't know why Lin Xiu brought Yuanyuan back all of a sudden. .
"Actually, I think Yuanyuan has enough strength. He can continue to stay in our team. Yuanyuan has no other places to go these days. Otherwise, coach, you can keep him."

Lin Xiu spoke out what was in his heart. He really recognized Yuanyuan's strength, and felt that Yuanyuan really had such great strength.

Now Yuanyuan can't go to other places, and it just happens to be able to join this team. Anyway, I also hope to continue to be a partner with him. Before that, I cooperated very tacitly.

He is also strong enough to be able to join this team. Now I hope the coach can approve this matter. After hearing this, the coach frowned. In fact, he knows that Yuanyuan's strength is indeed relatively strong. kind.

However, the necessary process still has to go.

"How about this? Since you really want Yuanyuan to join our team, then go through the necessary procedures and let him take a test first. If he can pass this test, then he can stay with us." in the team."

Of course, there is nothing wrong with what the coach said, it's just that he didn't open the back door on purpose.

Because if a person who is not strong enough is allowed to join the team, then it will be hindered.

So at this time, it is necessary to judge whether his strength is enough. Although it was recommended by Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu also said that his strength is strong enough, some things cannot be judged by just one sentence. one thing.

If you can't pass this test, you can't accept it.

"Okay, I'm willing to give it a try and pass this test."

After hearing this, Yuanyuan felt very happy immediately. He was quite confident about his own strength. He had no confidence in his own strength before, but after Lin Xiu's help, he felt that his strength had already been obtained. He has improved to a great extent, so he believes that he can pass such a test.

All he needs is for the other party to give him a chance, and he will definitely seize this opportunity now, and the test will start soon, and Yuan Yuan has passed such a test as expected, and his performance can be said to be very perfect, Lin Seeing this situation, Xiu was also happy for Yuanyuan.

The coach is also very satisfied. Since he really has such a powerful force, it is not a big deal for him to join the team at this time, and it is even a good thing for the team.

After all, he is a person with sufficient strength, and his joining will only make the team stronger.

In the end, Yuanyuan successfully joined the team. Everyone was very happy because of this incident, and Lin Xiu was even more sincerely happy about this incident.

In this way, there is no need to worry about where Yuanyuan will go, and there is no need to worry that Yuanyuan will give up this industry.

Now Yuanyuan has successfully joined Lin Xiu's team. .
And other theaters also hope to have the opportunity to compete with Lin Xiu's team, because Lin Xiu's team is relatively strong, and other theaters are probably thinking that if they have the opportunity to challenge Lin Xiu's team It was a very good thing, so they challenged Lin Xiu and the others. I don't know if Lin Xiu will accept such a challenge.

"Since they are interested in fighting us, then we have no plans recently, so we might as well agree to them and have a good fight with them."

Lin Xiu didn't mean to refuse this matter, because the main reason is that there are no other activities arranged in the team recently, and everyone is in a state of doing nothing. Training like this is also training, which is quite boring. They There may be a need for a more tense atmosphere. If there is a game to be played at this time, then they just use this game to make everyone's atmosphere tense.

In this way, the efficiency of training will also become higher.

It is indeed a good thing to spend the same time and become more efficient.

Promise that after this matter comes, other people in the team have no opinion on this matter. Everyone is very interested in participating in such a game. After all, everyone is 10 points free during this time. Now At this time, they finally had the opportunity to participate in such a competition, and everyone became nervous. Since they had just joined this team, they didn't have the opportunity to participate in this competition for a short time.

After all, the qualifications are indeed not enough, and logically speaking, he should not be allowed to play at this time, but of course Yuanyuan really wants to have the opportunity to play in such a game. He hasn't played in such a long time, and he hasn't had an opportunity like that since that ended the game.

I have been looking forward to it all the time. It would be great if I could have the opportunity to participate in the competition. Now I finally have such an opportunity, but because I just joined the team, I don't have the opportunity to participate.

"Don't worry about me helping you, I will definitely give you a chance to participate in this competition."

Lin Xiu knows what Yuanyuan is thinking in his heart at this moment. Although he hopes to have the opportunity to participate in this competition, he may not have the opportunity to participate at all, so I feel very disappointed because of this matter. Lin Xiu could see it. After thinking about this matter in his heart, he planned to help him.

After Yuanyuan heard this, he immediately felt very happy. He believed in Lin Xiu's ability. Since Lin Xiu had already said this, it meant that he could really help him accomplish this matter, maybe with It won't be long before I can really participate in this competition.

Sure enough, with Lin Xiu's help, Yuanyuan got the chance to participate in this competition, and felt very happy because of it, and planned to perform well.

(End of this chapter)

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