As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 254 Live out the 2rd life

Chapter 254 Live the Second Life

Soon it was time for the first game of the game, Yuan Yuan was actually quite nervous in his heart, he hadn't played such a game for such a long time, now he finally won this rare opportunity, he made up his mind You must perform well, at least you must not hold back. .
"If I can perform better at this time and let the coach let other people see my strength, then I will have more opportunities to participate in this kind of competition in the future, so I must grasp it well at this time. Here's the chance!"

I kept emphasizing to myself in my heart that this kind of thing kept telling myself that I need to perform better at this moment. As a result, during the competition, Yuanyuan really performed very well. of.

Although it is said that Lin Xiu is there, Yuanyuan's performance is indeed a bit amazing.

Yuanyuan had already passed such a test before, so the coach knew that he was indeed a pretty good person, but he did not expect that he could perform so well in the game. Of course, the coach was very concerned about this matter. I am very satisfied.

"That's right, Yuanyuan. You did really well in this competition. I was very surprised. If there is a chance next time, I will definitely give you another chance to compete."

After the first game, Yuanyuan just came out, the coach couldn't help but praise him, his performance made me feel very amazed, so the coach also promised, since he performed so well, then I will give him more opportunities to perform in the future.

A person with such strength is naturally qualified to get more opportunities to perform. If a person is not strong enough, then he will have no chance to get such opportunities.

Everything should be like this, the weak prey on the strong, and the strong should have more resources.

After hearing this, Yuanyuan felt very happy and nodded hastily.

"Thank you coach!"

He was very happy about it.

In fact, what he needs most at this time is these performance opportunities. As long as he can give him more performance opportunities, then it is enough.

The coach also nodded. He had already thought about it in his heart. If there is any suitable opportunity for the game, then it must be arranged for Yuanyuan. A strong person should not be buried. In the following other games, he performed very well and won glory for the team.

Lin Xiu was also happy because of Yuanyuan. Lin Xiu knew that Yuanyuan was relatively strong, so it was no surprise. He was able to perform very well in this kind of competition. At that time, Lin Xiu asked Yuanyuan to participate in this competition. It's time to believe in his strength.

And I also persuaded other people to tell them that their strength is indeed very strong. Now Yuanyuan's performance did not disappoint everyone, but surprised everyone. This is naturally a very good thing. That night, the coach directly A celebration banquet was held.

I performed so well this time and got such a good result, of course I have to celebrate it properly.

Everyone at the celebration banquet that night may have been too happy, so they didn't restrain themselves too much, especially when Lin Xiu was drinking at that time, she didn't control herself very much. .
After all, I’m happy, so don’t limit yourself at the celebration banquet. If it’s normal, then you really shouldn’t drink. They should keep their senses, but there aren’t so many people at the celebration banquet. It's the rules, everyone thinks it's not a big deal to drink more if you are happy.

Yuanyuan was also very happy at the celebration banquet. Many people came to praise Yuanyuan's strength. At the same time, they also expressed their feelings about Lin Xiu's strength. In fact, everyone knows Lin Xiu's strength, but Yuanyuan behaved very well. One point was a blockbuster.

And Yuanyuan and Lin Xiu also kept talking at the celebration banquet. The relationship between the two of them was very good. Now Yuanyuan is also very grateful to Lin Xiu in his heart at this time. He always feels that if there is no Lin Xiu If it is not Xiu, then it is absolutely impossible to have today's self.

"I have to say that I am still very grateful to you. Without Ni's help, it is really impossible for me to occupy this position at this time. It is you who brought me and my strength to be able to improve. Now It was because you brought me that I was able to enter this team and get the opportunity to express myself, let me not talk about anything else, let me toast you first."

Although Yuanyuan knows that the relationship between the two of them is already very good, there is no need to say those polite words, but when he has those thoughts in his heart, he still can't help expressing his thoughts at this time.

He didn't want to say anything else at this time, so he simply poured a glass of wine for the other party, and also poured a glass of wine for himself, and he had to toast him a glass of wine.

Because everything I have is because of him.

"Okay, then I'll drink it straight away. I remember everything you said, but there's really no need to be so polite with me. We are brothers. We have all gone through so much together. There are many things."

After Lin Xiu heard this sentence, he patted the other person on the shoulder, and then drank the wine in one gulp. It was just a small glass of wine anyway, and it was not a big deal for him. .

After the celebration banquet ended, Lin Xiu originally wanted to send Yuanyuan back.

"I feel like you're drinking a little too much now. Otherwise, I'd better send you back first. Otherwise, it won't be good if something happens."

Although it is said that Lin Xiu is also drunk, she is always worried about replacing Yuanyuan. She always feels that Yuanyuan is the one who really needs to worry about at this time, so she hopes that she can have a chance to send him back. You can also feel at ease.

"Forget it, there's no need for that. Aren't you drunk too? I think I still want to go for a walk alone, so I can be more sober."

But Yuanyuan rejected Lin Xiu without hesitation, planning to take a good walk alone, Lin Xiu had no choice but to agree to see him like this.

Yuanyuan was walking alone on the road, and there was a cool breeze blowing on the road, but it didn't wake him up much. It may be because he drank a lot just now. After all, everyone was happier at the celebration banquet. I didn't control my alcohol and drank more. .
And on the way, Yuanyuan accidentally ran into someone from the opposing team.

This time Lin Xiu and his team won a very good reputation, and the opponent's team naturally lost very ugly. They are actually a little bit unacceptable to this matter. They thought that after practicing for such a long time, according to Logically speaking, he should already be the opponent of Lin Xiu's team, and should be able to deal with Lin Xiu's team, but what he didn't expect was that things were not like this.

They lost, and they lost very ugly.

After seeing Yuanyuan this time, people from the opposing team actually walked over at this moment.

"Isn't this Yuanyuan? By the way, your performance this time is really very good. I really want to get to know you as a friend!"

"Yeah, isn't this Yuanyuan? Otherwise, why don't you go visit our team!"

The members of the opposing team suddenly became very enthusiastic at this time, and out of nowhere they began to ask Yuanyuan to visit their own team, and several people said the same thing.

Yuanyuan was a little drunk and dazed at this time, completely unaware that he shouldn't visit the opponent's team at this time, so he nodded and agreed.

"Let's go, don't you want to visit your team? I'll follow you to see your team now."

Even at this time, Yuanyuan unscrupulously opened his mouth to express that he wanted to visit their team. After all, he was drunk, and sometimes he really couldn't control himself so much. Not a very strange thing.

And the members of the opponent's team laughed loudly after hearing this, and felt very happy because of this incident, as if they wanted to seize such an opportunity to deal with Yuanyuan.

So at this moment, Yuanyuan really took Yuanyuan to their team, and Yuanyuan really followed them to their team, but at this moment, a reporter saw such a scene, the reporter saw this scene , I felt very surprised at the beginning, and at the same time took this opportunity to directly film this scene.

"I didn't expect that Yuanyuan would run into this team and have such a close relationship with the people in this team. Could it be that he wants to join this team?"

Those reporters are also full of doubts in their hearts. Did they already have the idea of ​​joining other teams? Although Lin Xiu's team is indeed very strong, Lin Xiu's team is very strong At the same time, the competition is relatively high. If you choose to join other teams, then you don't have to be covered by Lin Xiu. This seems to be a very good thing.

Maybe Yuanyuan really had this kind of thought in his heart. The reporter couldn't control so much, so he just snapped several photos. The photos he took seemed to be about the relationship between Yuanyuan and the opponent's team. Very intimate kind.

When I went back on the second day, Yuanyuan actually forgot about this matter, he completely forgot about it, mainly because he drank a lot of wine at that time, and the drink was a bit fragmented I can't remember what happened at that time. .
So after going back, Yuanyuan didn't mention such a thing again. Lin Xiu was also very happy to see Yuanyuan coming back. This time, Yuanyuan had the opportunity to formally sign a contract and join Lin Xiu's team.

"Okay, today is a very important day for you, because today is the day when your signing will be held. From today onwards, you will officially be a member of our team!"

Lin Xiu was also very happy about this incident. After coming to Yuanyuan's side, she directly told him about this incident, and said that this incident is worth remembering.

After Yuanyuan heard this, he nodded quickly. He was also happy about this matter. Of course, he would like to be Lin Xiu's teammate.

"It's really good!"

Yuanyuan also nodded, and then Lin Xiu took Yuanyuan to the signing meeting. There were a lot of people attending the signing meeting, and many people were concerned about this matter.

In fact, it is mainly because Yuanyuan performed very well in such a match. If Yuanyuan did not perform well in that match, then not many people will pay attention to this matter .

Now he is indeed performing very well, so many people have noticed Yuanyuan's strength.

There are also various reports about him in the news.

Today, Yuanyuan will officially join the Linxiu team. Such a thing has already been spread. Before Yuanyuan officially joined the team, there was already a lot of related news.

After many reporters learned about this incident, they all ran to this place to squat in advance, trying to get the first-hand news, and then get more heat.

When Lin Xiu brought Yuanyuan to the signing meeting, there were even a lot of reporters around, taking pictures and so on. What a big problem.

In fact, even being photographed like this is not a big problem, as long as he thinks that he will be able to officially join Lin Xiu's team in the future, he is very happy because of this matter, as for other things I don't care much.

The most important thing now is to be able to join Lin Xiu's team.

"Thank you everyone for coming to this signing event. This time, Yuanyuan will officially join our team. From today onwards, he will be an official member of our team!"

Lin Xiu picked up the microphone and started announcing that the signing ceremony was about to start, and at the same time, she also explained that Yuanyuan would be a member of their team from today onwards, before Yuanyuan was not completely a member of their team, Although passing the test has proved his strength, it does not mean that he is qualified to truly become a team member.

Even with Lin Xiu's help, he had to show his own ability to prove it.

(End of this chapter)

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