As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 255 I Surely Can't Admit It

Chapter 255 I Surely Can't Admit It
Originally, everything went extremely smoothly. After hearing what Lin Xiu said, everyone applauded one after another, and Yuanyuan was also very moved by this incident. I wanted to talk about some of my thoughts, but I didn't expect a reporter to come to the front all of a sudden. .
He was still holding the photo in his hand. It turned out that this reporter was the one who secretly took the photo last night.

Of course, he also knew about Yuanyuan. On the second day, he would formally participate in the signing meeting, and then he would join Team Linxiu, so he made up his mind that he would go to the signing meeting and directly disclose this information. , in this way, he will definitely get more attention, this is what he wants to do.

After he got the photo, he rushed directly in front of Yuanyuan and questioned her.

"May I ask, Yuanyuan, since you are already joining Lin Xiu's team, why do you have such a close relationship with other teams? What were you and other teams secretly talking about last night?"

The reporter also spoke in a very aggressive way, holding the photo and directly asking himself why Yuanyuan maintained such a close relationship with other teams, and even conspiratorially said that Yuanyuan was secretly talking about something with other teams of.

After hearing such a question, Yuanyuan was stunned.

"What are you talking about? I don't know."

He has long forgotten what happened last night. After all, he drank so much alcohol at that time, how could he be sober to deal with some things? On the second day, he really put everything away I completely forgot about it, and now when I see that photo, I still feel very strange, and I can hardly believe that it is me in that photo.

I always feel as if I really didn’t do anything, so why is someone suddenly questioning myself with such a photo at this moment?
At this time, of course, not only this reporter saw the photo. After he took out the photo, other people of course also saw it. Many people were discussing the content of the photo. They didn’t know about it. what is going on.

"I believe that since you have already told us that this matter has nothing to do with him, then this matter has nothing to do with him. I believe he will not lie to us."

Lin Xiu saw this photo, but he still chose to believe in Yuanyuan. He believed that it was absolutely impossible for Yuanyuan to lie to himself about these things. The team has a close relationship or something.

"No, don't sign the contract right now. The signing will be postponed for a while. There is no rush for this matter. We will decide to sign the contract after we understand the photo."

Although Lin Xiu expressed that he believed in Yuanyuan very much, the coach began to resist after seeing this situation, not because of any other reasons, he just saw this photo and felt a little worried in his heart .

No matter how much he believed in Yuanyuan, he had to be sure that the photo was fake before he could sign the contract, otherwise it would ruin the entire team.

Afterwards, under the insistence of the coach, this matter must not be able to continue, and the signing meeting can only be postponed. Lin Xiu actually finds this kind of thing quite strange. Although she believes in Yuanyuan, but this photo looks It really doesn't look like a fake, so why did Yuanyuan suddenly mix up with members of the opposing team last night? .
"You tell me what is going on, what is the situation? I think that photo is not fake, of course, I believe that it is impossible for you to have any entanglement with the opponent's team. But what about that photo?"

Lin Xiu hopes that Yuanyuan can explain this matter clearly to himself. No matter what the truth of the matter is, he should explain this matter clearly to himself, no matter how much he believes in the relationship between him and the opposing team. It is absolutely impossible for people to have any intimate relationship.

"I can't remember what happened last night. I think it might be because of a drunken mistake, because I drank a lot last night. I drank a lot at the celebration banquet. Later on, my sanity is also a bit unclear, maybe I met someone from their team and got entangled for a while..."

Yuanyuan is actually very confused at this time, but he realized that it might be because he drank too much alcohol last night, so he didn't figure out what the situation was like at that time. I don't know how to explain it.

And at this time, the opponent's team may also know that this matter has been photographed by a reporter, or it is simply the reporter they hired to take such a photo. In short, after they learned about this matter, they immediately The direct post stated that Yuanyuan actually wanted to join their team on purpose.

The posting of such an article must be a very big blow to Yuanyuan. When Yuanyuan saw this article, he was dumbfounded. How could he possibly want to join their team? , Even if he was drunk, it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing.

"How is this possible, how could I possibly want to join their team, if I really wanted to join their team, I would never stay here, I really don't, even if I'm drunk Yes, but I am also sure that it is absolutely impossible for me to want to join their team."

After Yuanyuan saw this article, he hurriedly explained the matter to the coach and other players, explaining that he really didn't have any intention of joining their team, and it was impossible for him to intentionally join their team.

It's just a pity that no matter how hard Yuanyuan explains it at this time, it won't have any effect.

Except for Lin Xiu who was willing to believe what Yuanyuan said without hesitation at this time, other people did not believe such statements at all, thinking that Yuanyuan might really want to join the opponent's team, just because the opponent did not Accepted, so I just came back to sign the contract now.

Otherwise, he would have already become a member of the opposing team, and it would be impossible to participate in the signing meeting at this time.

"I believe that it is absolutely impossible for you to add it to their team. How about it, I will take you to their team to confront the people in their team.".
Lin Xiu saw that the other team members and coaches didn't believe in Yuanyuan, and felt a little helpless, but he also understood that they didn't believe in Yuanyuan. After all, the evidence seems to have been laid out now, and people from the opposing team also posted articles explaining Under the circumstances at the time, I was really willing to believe in Yuanyuan, because I knew what kind of person he was.

Also because of knowing him.

So it is impossible to do anything to doubt him at this time, but this matter must always be resolved, it does not mean that if you believe in him alone, then this matter can be resolved, it must be resolved Find other people to prove it.

Lin Xiu thought that she had to find someone from the opposing team, because this matter was originally caused by the members of the opposing team. If it was not because of the members of the opposing team, then Yuanyuan would not have encountered such a situation at this time. The situation is serious, so you must first meet someone from the opposing team before you can resolve this matter.

"it is good."

After hearing this, Yuanyuan immediately felt very grateful, and quickly nodded in agreement. In this way, Lin Xiu took Yuanyuan to the opponent's team, hoping that the opponent could reveal the truth of the matter.

"What did Yuanyuan do at that time, only you can know clearly in your heart. I'm sure it's absolutely impossible for him to ask to join your team, so I hope you can tell the truth about it."

Lin Xiu said this very seriously, hoping that the other party can understand what she means, and stop doing such shameless things. The truth of the matter should be made public so that everyone knows what happened that night .

"Don't talk nonsense here. If Yuanyuan really has no intention of joining our team, how could we post an article to tell everyone that he has the intention of joining our team?"

"Yeah, you are slandering us! What we said is clearly the truth!"

It's just a pity that those people don't want to admit it at all.

They just didn't want to tell the truth of the matter, what was going on, and they didn't want to return Yuanyuan's innocence. They even started to threaten Lin Xiu at this time, saying that Lin Xiu's behavior at this time was slandering them.

After seeing this situation, Yuanyuan also felt very sad in her heart. She knew that she really shouldn't have done such a stupid thing at that time, but at that time, she really didn't have to do it when she was drunk. It is really disgusting that the method can control the actions of these people. They actually use themselves like this.

Then I saw them like this and knew that it should be impossible for them to tell the truth of the matter, so I could only think of other ways. Just when Lin Xiu was about to leave, suddenly I accidentally discovered that there seemed to be a camera in that place.

If there is a camera, as long as the surveillance video is called out, then Yuanyuan's innocence can be proved, and everyone can know what the situation was like at that time.

This is indeed a very good way. .
Lin Xiu didn't quarrel with them anymore, because it was impossible to get the result he wanted by arguing with them. These people had already lost their conscience, and they just made up their minds to use this to destroy a steady stream.

So I pulled Yuanyuan and left this place directly.

"Is there really no way to solve this matter this time? It's impossible for them to clarify for me..."

Yuanyuan's mood was very low, and she felt very regretful. She drank so much wine and did such an irrational thing, otherwise she wouldn't have been caught.

"Don't worry, I've already figured out how to solve this problem."

After hearing this, Lin Xiu waved her hands. She had already thought about how to solve this matter at this moment, so they didn't need to worry about this matter at all.

"That place has surveillance surveillance that can tell us what the truth is like. We can just go back first."

Lin Xiu directly explained this matter clearly, and Yuanyuan felt a little more at ease when he heard this. It turned out that he had already thought of a way, and he thought he had given up on this matter.

"Okay, let's go back then."

Yuanyuan is also very happy.

He was really worried at first, but now it seems that with Lin Xiu here, there is really no need to worry about this matter.

After Lin Xiu went back, he directly invaded the network system of the opponent's team. After tossing around for a while, he stole the surveillance video. The opponent team probably thought of it a long time ago. They would definitely want to investigate the surveillance, so they withheld the surveillance video. up.

But they probably didn't expect that Lin Xiu actually had such a great ability to secretly hack their network system and take away the surveillance video. After getting the surveillance video, Lin Xiu extracted all their information from the surveillance video. Evidence required.

"This video can prove what happened at that time. Posting this video directly on the Internet is more effective than any other evidence."

After Lin Xiu made sure that there was nothing wrong with the video, he directly posted the video on the Internet. He believed that after seeing the video, those netizens would definitely know the truth of the matter.

It didn't take long for the video to be posted on the Internet, and people quickly paid attention to it. After watching this video, the click-through rate became higher and higher. Many people knew what happened at that time, and also knew that the team had been wantonly Sources of framing.

Everyone on the Internet is discussing this matter, and now those who do not support Yuanyuan have changed their minds, and found that their choice was wrong, and Yuanyuan is the real innocent person.

The opposing team was immediately ruined because of such an incident, and there was probably no room for change, and not only the members of those teams, but also the reporter who secretly took pictures was also scolded out of the circle.

Basically none of those people on the Internet are attacking Yuanyuan, everyone is defending Yuanyuan, attacking the members of the team and the reporter who took the sneak shot, Yuanyuan finally got justice now.

(End of this chapter)

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