As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 256 I'm Now Weak 1 Batch

Chapter 256 I'm a Weak Batch Now

Now that the truth of everything has been made public, everyone naturally knows what happened to this matter. After Lin Xiu solved the matter here, she helped Yuanyuan prepare a signing meeting again. .
"The previous signing failed to get you to join our team because of some messy things. This time there won't be so many problems."

Lin Xiu patted Yuanyuan on the shoulder and told him that the signing will definitely be successful. After hearing this, Yuanyuan nodded happily.

This time it was really thanks to Lin Xiu's help.

Under the premise that no one is willing to believe him, Lin Xiu is the only one who is willing to believe it, not only willing to believe him, but also helping him to do a lot of things to help her solve this matter.

So this is really very lucky.

This signing meeting was held, and Yuanyuan officially moved into the team. This time, there were no accidents like last time. Everything went smoothly. The coach, in fact, also because of what happened before For those things, he felt a little guilty in his heart, and he knew that he had misunderstood Yuanyuan.

"I'm really sorry about what happened last time. I misunderstood you."

The coach took the initiative to come to Yuanyuan, and apologized to him very earnestly. He knew that what happened that time must have had a great impact on Yuanyuan. At that time, he didn't know the truth of the matter. It's just that when I saw so much evidence, I was a little confused for a while.

The coach and Yuanyuan are not very familiar with each other, and they don't know much about his personality, so they misunderstood.

"It doesn't matter, the people who really did something wrong are the members of their team and the reporter who took the sneak shot. I won't blame you for this incident."

After Yuanyuan heard this, he shook his head decisively. He never meant to blame everyone for these things.

Because this matter itself is not their fault, those who really made mistakes have already paid the price at this time, Yuanyuan is not the kind of person who cares about every detail, let the past be over, what they need at this time It's a new beginning.

Some of the other team members came to Yuanyuan to apologize, because they didn't believe in Yuanyuan at the time. Now that they know the truth of the matter, they also know that their choice was actually wrong.

And Yuanyuan explained to them one by one what he thought in his heart, and in this way, everyone became friendly members of a team.

"Let me treat you in the evening. Today is a special day for me. It is the day when I officially join the team. You must not be polite and have a good get-together."

After Yuanyuan accepted everyone's apology and proposed to invite everyone to have dinner together at night, everyone did not have any intention of refusing this matter, but instead enthusiastically agreed, which means that they are formally accepting This person is Yuanyuan.

Everyone ate very happily this evening, and Yuanyuan also felt that he had formally integrated into the group, which made him feel very comfortable.

He really needs to be integrated into this group.

Soon afterwards, when it was time for training, during the training process, Yuanyuan's performance was actually very perfect, there was no problem in any aspect, but it was a pity that he couldn't get along well with the people in the team. cooperation. .
In fact, as people in the same team, tacit understanding is very important. This is a team competition.

What is looked at is the strength of the entire team, not the strength of a single person. No matter how strong a single person is, there is no way to drive the strength of the entire team to truly win the victory.

And tacit understanding is not something that can be obtained overnight, it must take a long time to hone it slowly.

At the beginning, the coach wanted to let Yuanyuan explore by himself, but after finding that this happened several times, he came to Yuanyuan.

"You can't do this. You are really strong alone. Everyone has no opinion on this, but you can't cooperate well with the entire team. You have to know that this is a team game. If you say If you play well alone, it won't work at all, you have to cooperate with everyone."

I don't blame the coach for being strict. In fact, this is indeed a very important thing. If you can't cooperate well, then there will definitely be problems in future games. Of course, it doesn't matter if it's just training now.

But in the game, there can't be any mistakes. If Yuanyuan didn't cooperate well and everyone lost the game in the end, it would be troublesome.

Yuanyuan also knew that he did not do well, and was a little discouraged after being reprimanded by the coach.

"I always feel that I am not so suitable for this job, but personally I can behave more appropriately, but when I cooperate with everyone, there are always some problems. I don't know what is going on. But if you want to have a tacit understanding with everyone, how can it be such an easy thing?"

Yuanyuan was thinking about these things in his head, and gradually an idea emerged, which is to give up and become a team with everyone.

Although he was actually very eager to be a team member with everyone before, but now he is a little bit backed down at this time.

The reason for shrinking back is because I don’t want to affect everyone. I always feel that I am not a person who can easily develop a tacit understanding with everyone. After Lin Xiu learned about such a thing, she also guessed Yuanyuan, and she might be in a low mood. So they found him.

"I know you may have been taught a lesson by the coach today. Don't blame her. Maybe the coach is a little worried about your situation. We still have a lot of time for training. You don't need to deny it in such a hurry. myself."

"Tacit understanding is difficult to cultivate, as long as we are willing to spend more time, then you will definitely become a person who has a good understanding with our team in the end, and then you don't have to worry about such things."

Lin Xiu patiently began to enlighten him in front of Yuanyuan, so that he didn't have to think about so many things, and just put all his thoughts into training.

Everything can be solved through training, and there is nothing impossible to work hard like this.

Yuanyuan was still unwilling to believe it at the beginning, what Lin Xiu said was constantly denying herself. .
He even felt that he was a person who couldn't do anything, and under Lin Xiu's continuous enlightenment, Yuanyuan gradually got some information, and wanted to give himself a chance to try it out, after all, in order to be able to join this He also put a lot of thought into joining the team, and Lin Xiu also put a lot of thought into it.

Even if it's not for Lin Xiu, in order to live up to himself, he should try it.

"In fact, there is a way to train things like tacit understanding. I also encountered a situation like yours in the past. At that time, I also felt very confused. After thinking for a long time, I found a very good one. It’s a good way, I think this method may be able to help you.”

Seeing that Yuanyuan finally calmed down, Lin Xiujiao was very happy, and told Yuanyuan at this time, in fact, he had encountered this situation before, and he could think of a corresponding solution to solve it at this time this problem.

This is Lin Xiu's unique method.

Hearing this, Yuanyuan was immediately very interested. Knowing that Lin Xiu has used the method before, it must be a very good method.

Lin Xiu told Yuanyuan completely about her method.

"This method is the method I use for myself. Your situation may be different from mine. You should also be flexible. If you think there is a problem, you can change it appropriately. There is no problem, it mainly depends on your own situation."

After explaining this method in detail, Lin Xiu reminded Yuanyuan that everyone's situation is different, so maybe he might not be able to adapt to his own method.

If it really doesn't work, then he should also think about it, change the method and so on.

Only in this way can we really find a way to adapt, Yuanyuan nodded and agreed after hearing this.

After going back, Yuanyuan tried to use Lin Xiu's method to cooperate with those teammates, and found that it seemed to be really effective, and it was almost completely different from his previous situation.

Although he now finds that his fight is not as good as when the three of them fought before, but the coordination is much better than before.

The coach was very satisfied after seeing this situation. In fact, although the strength of an individual is important, it is far from that important. The most important thing in team competition is to cooperate with this aspect. If you can cooperate well, you can No big deal.

"That's right, Yuanyuan, you're doing very well now, keep it up."

The coach came over and praised Yuanyuan, telling Yuanyuan to keep going, and to continue to cooperate with those players in the future. If they can't cooperate well at this time, the situation like before will appear again in the future.

Yuanyuan quickly nodded and agreed, and at the same time thanked Lin Xiu very much. When she found the right opportunity, she ran to Lin Xiu's side and thanked him well. This time, I really want to thank him for his help.

The solution provided by Lin Xiu is indeed very good.

After that, Yuanyuan also devoted more time to training. .
He didn't want to let down the expectations of Lin Xiu and the coach, and the trust of so many players in him. If he couldn't perform well at this time, he would let everyone down.

The opportunity he finally got, he naturally didn't want to give up like this. Lin Xiu's method is very useful, and it is precisely because of this that he has to work harder to practice using that method to cooperate with everyone.

So during this period of time, Yuanyuan has been staying up alone almost every night to practice secretly. It doesn't matter if he practiced with everyone during the day, but at night he still has to make time to practice quietly.

If it is just a day or two of staying up late to practice secretly, then it is not a big problem, but if it is said that it has been maintained in this state for a long time, then it is not good, even if it is a source of body No matter how good it is, there is no way to sustain it for such a long time.

After a period of time, various problems appeared in Yuanyuan's body, and he became extremely weak. He also felt that something was wrong with his body, something that never happened before. , but now appears frequently.

"No, if I want to tell them about this, they will definitely feel worried about me, and it will definitely take a lot of time to go to the hospital. Finally, I can keep up with everyone's progress and be able to I have a little tacit understanding with everyone, if I go to the hospital this time and come back and fall behind, then I have spent so long in vain."

Originally, Yuanyuan had the idea of ​​going to the hospital for a check-up at the beginning, but after thinking about it carefully later, he felt that such a thing should not be done.

I also don't want to let Lin Xiu and the coaches know about this matter, worry about themselves, and then delay the training time, leading to some bad results.

After thinking of these things, Yuanyuan forcibly concealed the matter. Naturally, some people in the same team would notice that something seemed wrong with Yuanyuan, and they would also ask Yuanyuan if he hadn't had a good rest recently. Similar, but Yuanyuan usually chooses to be vague.

"Where? Nothing."

He passed away vaguely like this, and didn't give everyone more opportunities to delve into this matter. Besides, although the players in this team said they were more concerned about Yuanyuan, after hearing what he said, they wouldn't What to think about, of course, I don't know that he spends so much time at night to stay up late and secretly practice this matter.

When he practiced secretly at night, he didn't let everyone know, because he was afraid that if everyone knew about it, he would stop him from taking time to practice at night. He just hoped to keep up with everyone's footsteps.

When he is an individual, he can indeed perform very well, but when it comes to teamwork, he really has no way to cooperate with everyone tacitly. This is the only way for him to improve. He must win Just grasp such a method.

In this way he has persisted.

(End of this chapter)

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