Chapter 261
As a coach, of course, he also watched such a game. After watching this game, he also felt that something was wrong. He even wondered if Lin Xiu's level was a little behind. Before, he felt that Lin Xiu's strength was not enough. hereby. .
"What's going on? He was relatively strong before, but now there is such a big loophole. Even if I didn't participate in this game, I can see that there are indeed many sources. It’s a flaw, and those flaws are quite obvious, so why didn’t Lin Xiu catch it?”

The coach is a little confused.

Although the coach is a coach, Lin Xiu's strength has always been admired in the coach's heart. He has always felt that Lin Xiu's strength is very strong, and Lin Xiu has the strength to support the entire team, but this time Lin Xiu His performance surprised him a bit.

There are so many obvious flaws that should have been seen from the beginning, but Lin Xiu didn't see it, as if she didn't notice the existence of such flaws at all. If she grasped those flaws, then Lin Xiu should have been able to win this game earlier.

When he thought about such a thing, he really felt a little strange. When he saw the game, he couldn't help but want to tell the flaw. At the beginning, he always felt like this Lin Xiu's forced landing must be easy to see through.

However, Lin Xiu completely ignored these flaws and continued to play in his own way. In this way, Yuanyuan seized the opportunity properly. Although Yuanyuan still lost in the end, the process has already made the coach feel Very dissatisfied.

Logically speaking, it really shouldn't be like this. Lin Xiu's ability to observe and react has weakened a lot, which makes the coach very worried.

Lin Xiu is a very important existence in the whole team. Only with him can he win so many victories. Without him, it is simply unrealistic to have such a good performance. If his strength really retreated so much, it would have some impact on the entire team.

Thinking of these coaches, I feel more and more worried. Before I got up, I didn't take this matter too seriously, but after thinking about it carefully, I still have to remind Lin Xiucai. If this is really Lin Xiu's level If he falls behind, then he has to be reminded to train well.

What he needs most at this time is training.

Then the whole team may have some problems in the future, and it is really worrying to think about it.

"That's right, maybe it's because Lin Xiu didn't pay attention to his own training at all recently, and instead spent all his time on Yuanyuan. Yuanyuan's strength has indeed been greatly improved, but he himself He himself is also very important to the whole team, he should understand this truth."

The coach is more and more sure that Lin Xiu's strength is getting weaker and weaker.

This kind of thing is like this, if you don't advance, you will retreat. If you don't train well, your strength will naturally decline.

But of course there is another possibility, that is, Lin Xiu deliberately released the water. .
Of course, the coach can definitely think of such a possibility, so he found an opportunity to ask Lin Xiu later.

"Did you say that you deliberately released water in the game just now? Why do I feel that your strength has regressed a lot compared to before?"

"Especially there are a few obvious flaws, even I have already seen them. Logically speaking, you have no reason why you can't see those flaws, but you didn't see through those flaws at all. You still continued to fight according to your own plan, this is really a bit obvious."

The coach felt that it was too strange, so he couldn't help asking.

I want to know whether Lin Xiu really released the water. If it is really just the water, then the coach can breathe a little bit of relief, but if it is not the water, then I am really worried.

It's no small matter that this strength has regressed so much.

At this time, the coach actually wanted to talk to Lin Xiu about this matter in private, but what he didn't expect was that Yuanyuan happened to come to see Lin Xiu at this time.

After coming here, I was surprised to see the coach and Lin Xiu staying together. I didn't think much about anything else, and I didn't think about the conversation between the two of them that I couldn't listen to, so I left directly. I walked over, but what I didn't expect was that I just walked over, but unexpectedly heard what the coach said.

The coach said that Lin Xiu was letting the water go, and it was more obvious.

After hearing this, Yuanyuan's reaction was naturally bigger. He actually had some doubts just now. He always felt that Lin Xiu's strength shouldn't be limited to this level. He didn't show it just now. That's great, why didn't Lin Xiu discover her flaws?
"Could it be that he feels that my strength is not worthy of being his opponent at all, or that he doesn't want to teach me at all, so he deliberately showed such weak strength? Let me just say, before I I have also seen him play games, I know how powerful he is, how could he just narrowly beat me?"

Yuanyuan has been thinking about such a thing in his heart.

He became more and more sure of his previous guesses. At first, because of what Lin Xiu said, he changed his mind. He felt that Lin Xiu might not have lied to him, hadn't released water, but only had such pure strength. Just strong.

But now after hearing what the coach said, I realized how naive I was, and I really shouldn't have such naive thoughts.

Maybe it's because I think things are too simple. In this circle, everyone is a competitor. Although Lin Xiu said that she was very kind to herself at the beginning, she waited until her strength gradually increased. , He couldn't treat himself as well as before.

He must not have tried his best to teach himself, otherwise, he would not have so many problems. At this time, Yuanyuan has more and more thoughts in his mind, and he is more and more questioning himself before. some points of view.

Lin Xiu became more and more suspicious.

"What are you talking about? How could I put water on this kind of competition? I am serious about fighting against Yuanyuan. The reason why you may have missed a lot of flaws when you saw me is just because the authorities are obsessed and the bystanders are clear. It’s just that, as someone watching from the sidelines, they may be able to see the flaws more clearly, but I really didn’t notice so many when I was playing there.”.
Lin Xiu also felt a little helpless after hearing this, so she could only patiently explain to the other party, explaining that she really didn't have any intention of releasing water at that time, it was just that her strength was not strong enough, maybe they They think their own strength is too strong.

The truth of the matter is that I really don't have that much strength.

"Okay, since you said you didn't let the water go, then you probably didn't let the water go, and you need to train more in the future. I think you've been paying more attention to Yuanyuan these days, instead of ignoring it. Your own improvement is also very important.”

The coach didn't continue to care about this matter. Since Lin Xiu has already said so, he will definitely not deceive himself, but he really needs to train well, because his strength is indeed not as good as before. So strong.

Lin Xiu nodded.

It's just a pity that Lin Xiu didn't hear these explanations at all. He had already left this place long ago, and all he heard was what the coach said. He also believed that Lin Xiu must have let the water go. That's why I was able to perform so well.

And Lin Xiu didn't even know that Yuanyuan heard the conversation between himself and the coach.

After going out, she still hugged Yuanyuan happily, and didn't notice the other's expression, something was not quite right.

"You said that everyone in our team is so strong, including you and a few other people who are all very strong. We will definitely win many championships in the future. This is me. dream!"

Lin Xiu expressed his thoughts in his heart. He really felt that everyone in this team was very strong. The strength of Yuanyuan and the other players should not be underestimated. If everyone can work hard together, then they will definitely win many championships in the future.

This is the most real thought in Lin Xiu's heart. He has never considered those complicated things, but simply thinks that the strength of everyone in the team should be improved.

What he is doing is indeed like this. He cares about everyone in the team, he will worry about everyone's situation, and if he finds out what problems the other party has encountered, he will be very proactive to help them solve.

Now in this team, Yuanyuan is probably the one who receives the most care from Lin Xiu. At the beginning, Yuanyuan didn't even have the qualifications to join this team. It is impossible to enter this team.

There is no chance to shine like this.

This is Lin Xiu, but he doesn't feel that he has paid a lot, but wholeheartedly hopes that the whole team will become stronger.

Although Lin Xiu said a lot about the future, Yuanyuan has been casually thinking about the loopholes that the coach said, and what he cares most about now is those loopholes. .
"Yes, there are indeed some loopholes in the process of my game. Those loopholes should be very obvious. I should avoid those loopholes. I have been training for such a long time. If If I really have such a loophole during the game, the opponent will definitely notice this loophole in the first place."

"In this way, if these loopholes continue to exist like this, maybe the next game will be very ugly because of me. At that time, these players will definitely blame me for this matter again. It can go on like this.”

Yuanyuan was thinking of such a thing. He hardly listened to what Lin Xiu said, but just perfunctory a few words. Lin Xiu didn't notice that something was wrong with Yuanyuan. The spirit is not very good, but I think he should be tired.

"Okay, looking at you like this, you should be tired. You have been tossing for so long today. Go back and rest early. We will continue training tomorrow. You have to believe that your strength is really very strong. After training Then you'll have no problems."

After Lin Xiu said this, she patted Yuanyuan on the shoulder, then turned around and left. Before she left, she did not forget to tell her to have a good rest tonight. After hearing this, Yuanyuan nodded perfunctorily, but In his heart, he was complaining about Lin Xiu's behavior.

He even began to question what Lin Xiu's purpose was. Lin Xiu definitely didn't want to accept him as an apprentice, and he definitely felt that he didn't have the qualifications to be his apprentice at all.

Then I do such things on purpose to make myself mistakenly think that my strength is already strong enough, and I don't need to use other methods to become stronger.

"No matter what, I must become stronger. My strength at this moment is far from being able to catch up with Lin Xiu. Since he is unwilling to accept me as an apprentice, then I can only use my own strength. Try to get stronger."

After returning home at night, Yuanyuan tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He kept thinking that he must become stronger, but she usually trained with everyone.

Even if one's own strength has been improved, it has been improved together with everyone. It does not mean that one's own strength can surpass everyone's and Lin Xiu's, so if one wants to surpass Lin Xiu, then the only other way is to It is necessary to train quietly when Lin Xiu is not training.

At this time, he suddenly thought of the middle-night training plan that he had given up before. Although the training was not very good at that time, Yuanyuan felt that he might need to take this plan out now.

Finally, after thinking about it, he decided to continue to start his half-month training plan, so that he can train well in the middle of the night and gradually become stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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