As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 262 You Think Too Much

Chapter 262 You Think Too Much

Lin Xiu drank a little too much that day, and went back to rest at night, but in the middle of the night, she couldn't control her nausea. .
So he planned to go outside to get some fresh air. Lin Xiu was still a little dazed when he went outside, but what he didn't expect was that after going out, he unexpectedly saw Yuan Yuan who was still training, but when he saw Yuan Yuan, he seemed crazy. After training here, Lin Xiu suddenly became sober.

He didn't understand why Yuanyuan suddenly started the midnight training plan again. It was because of his midnight training before that it affected the whole team. Now, what happened to him and why did he do this again? Lin Xiu was very angry in his heart, and he walked over directly.

"Do you know what you are doing? You have a lot of time to train during the day, why do you have to train in the middle of the night? Before that, it was because you were training in the middle of the night that your mental state was poor. There were so many problems in the exchange game, which almost caused you to quit. Have you forgotten all these things about our team?"

Lin Xiu was really angry.

He didn't understand why Yuanyuan did this. He always felt that Yuanyuan's method of doing this was very stupid. It's not a big problem to be stupid once. Now that he has come to his senses, he shouldn't do such a thing again in the future. He should understand how much such a thing will affect him.

But I didn't expect him to start such a plan again this time, which shows that he doesn't have a long memory at all, and he doesn't think that what he did before was wrong.

Of course, Yuanyuan didn't expect that Lin Xiu would come over at this time. Seeing Lin Xiu's appearance, Yuanyuan was a little at a loss. He didn't know what to say or how to explain it.

Because he really planned to train secretly behind everyone's back. He wanted to make himself stronger and surpass Lin Xiu, but he also knew that this matter was very difficult, so he planned to spend midnight training.

Seeing Yuanyuan like this, Lin Xiu felt even more angry in her heart. She really hoped that he could give herself an explanation on these things and tell herself why she did this?
"Please explain to me clearly. You really need to explain to me this time. I didn't lose my temper with you much before, but this time I hope you can tell me clearly why you have to come to training in the middle of the night. Don't you know that your own body will not be able to support it?"

Lin Xiu was concerned about Yuanyuan, thinking that if Yuanyuan really encountered some difficulties, then he could make it clear to himself, but such things as training in the middle of the night did not seem like something he would do when he encountered some difficulties.

So there is absolutely no way to understand it.

Yuanyuan still didn't speak at this time, she couldn't hold herself back a little bit, tears fell drop by drop, she looked very pitiful, in fact, she didn't want to cry in front of Lin Xiu, after all, she was a man, who would want to lose in front of other people, but she just couldn't control her emotions.

After Lin Xiu saw this situation, she was immediately dumbfounded, and she didn't know why it was like this. .
He was not the kind of person who would comfort others, especially when he saw a man crying in front of him, Lin Xiu didn't know what to say. After a while, Yuanyuan calmed down his emotions before speaking out.

"The reason I'm training here is because I think your strength is really strong. Although you said you narrowly beat me in that match, I know you let it go, but I really don't want you to let it go. I hope you show your true strength to fight me. Otherwise, how could I have exposed so many flaws and you didn't catch them?"

While controlling her emotions, Yuanyuan said those things. She knew that Lin Xiu was actually letting her go. It was only by deliberately letting her go that she would be able to gain such an advantage. Otherwise, she would have lost a long time ago, and the loss would be very ugly.

He really hoped that Lin Xiu could show all his strength.

Lin Xiu froze for a moment after hearing this, and then remembered what the coach said to herself, and realized that Yuanyuan might have heard the conversation between herself and the coach, which is why there was such a misunderstanding.

After all, Yuanyuan seemed to be around there at that time, but at that time I really didn't have much, and I didn't think about it that much when I was drunk. Only now did I realize that he had already heard the conversation between himself and the coach, or only heard what the coach said.

"I know that you must have heard what the coach said, that's why you have such a misunderstanding, but why are you not there, why don't you stand there for a little longer, and listen to what I have to say? I told the coach very seriously. At that time, I didn't let the water go. Some things were originally confused by the authorities, and bystanders would know clearly."

"Maybe some of your loopholes were very obvious to the coach at that time, but when I was playing against you, I might not be able to detect such loopholes in time. I am not a god, and I can't react so quickly!"

Lin Xiu explained the matter clearly angrily.

In fact, Yuanyuan really didn't trust himself too much. At that time, after he heard the coach say that, he believed that he had let go of the water. This kind of thinking really made people feel that there was no way to do it. Understandable, he should wait a little longer and listen to what he said.

After Yuanyuan heard this, he was stunned. Thinking about it, he really didn't have a chance to explain to Lin Xiu. After hearing those words, he felt that Lin Xiu must have let go. Then he felt very angry because of this matter, thinking that he must become even more powerful.

Then I ran to this place to train.

"I've made it clear to you now that I really didn't let the water go, and it's impossible for me to do such a thing. You and I have known each other for such a long time, and you should also know that I am not that kind of person at all."

Lin Xiu sighed and explained everything clearly, hoping that the other party could trust her.

Yuanyuan looked at the person in front of him, and didn't know whether it was better for him to believe it or not. His strength should really be more than that. .
"How about this? I'll try to fight you one more time. I'll see what your strength is like in that match. I always feel that you will still be a little angry with me..."

In the end, Yuanyuan still wanted to continue to fight Lin Xiu again. He always felt that only by fighting Lin Xiu could he be sure whether the opponent's strength was real and not that strong.

"No, I don't want to fight with you anymore."

But Lin Xiu directly chose to refuse, which made Yuanyuan a little strange.

"Well, if you fight directly, I think you may have no way at all. You can intuitively feel my strength. Let's try another way. You come and watch me fight, you watch me fight a game, and see how far my strength has reached."

It turned out that Lin Xiu had other ideas in his heart. He felt that such a method would not work. He had already fought Yuanyuan very seriously before, but because of such a thing, he repeatedly doubted whether he had let the water go.

Then what's the point of using this method again?Why don't you simply use another method to solve this problem, for example, you can play Yuanyuan yourself, and just watch yourself playing from the side. Let him watch you play this time, which is completely different from the usual time.

This time he could look at his own very seriously, and see every operation he made clearly. In this way, he would be able to determine whether he had released the water or not.

"Well then, do as you say."

Yuanyuan quickly nodded and agreed, and after seeing that he agreed, Lin Xiu quickly started fighting.

He was very serious during the whole process, he put out all his strength, and Yuanyuan was also watching very seriously, he wanted to judge whether Lin Xiu had released the water or not.

In this way, after watching the whole process of Lin Xiu's fight, Yuanyuan was sure. The difficulty at this time is indeed that he did not release the water. According to Lin Xiu's operation, it can be judged that Lin Xiu should not have released the water before.

"I see, I did misunderstand you before, you didn't release the water, I'm sorry!"

Yuanyuan felt relieved when he saw that Lin Xiu really didn't release the water, and realized that he had indeed misunderstood before. He heard what the coach said at that time and decided that Lin Xiu must have released the water. The main reason was that in his impression, Lin Xiu's strength was very strong, so Lin Xiu's performance in that game made him really puzzled.

Coupled with what the coach said, Yuanyuan felt even more suspicious in his heart, and he was sure that the other party must have let go of him, otherwise such a situation would not have happened, but in fact there was no such thing as letting go.

Lin Xiu didn't take this matter too seriously, as long as he was willing to believe in himself, that would be fine.

But what I didn't expect was that I didn't know what was going on. The coach accidentally found out about such a thing. After that, the coach felt that Yuanyuan was not suitable to stay in this circle at all. If he continued to stay in this circle, he might not know what would happen in the future. .
So I found a suitable opportunity to chat with Lin Xiu about this matter.

"I already knew about the incident last time. Yuanyuan seems to have heard the conversation between the two of us and learned about it, and then he began to suspect that you let the water go. Such a thing, and even because of such a thing, he started training secretly again in the middle of the night. Is there such a thing?"

When the coach talked about this matter, he felt quite uncomfortable. In fact, he doesn't like this kind of people who are more thoughtful. If there is anything, everyone can open up and talk about it. They are all members of the same team. Why is this necessary?

There is no need to guess what ideas you have without telling others, and then do something correspondingly. This is really not necessary.

"There is such a thing."

Lin Xiu didn't deny it either, because such a thing did happen at that time, and the situation at that time was quite embarrassing.

"Actually, I think you might as well persuade Yuanyuan well. I know that the relationship between the two of you is a little bit better. There is no other person in this team who has a better relationship with him. Don't you think that a person with a heavy heart like him is not suitable to stay in this circle at all."

The coach also knew that it might be a little bad for him to say this, but there is no other better way now. What he hopes more is that Lin Xiu can think about whether what he said makes sense. Is a person like him really suitable to stay in this circle?
If he continues to stay in this circle, it will either bring trouble to himself and make himself more painful, or make others trouble and make others more painful. Lin Xiu must have suffered a lot of grievances because of Yuanyuan.

Onlookers can tell that everyone can see how kind Lin Xiu is to Yuan Yuan, but even so, Yuan Yuan is not a misunderstanding, Lin Xiu questioned Lin Xiu all kinds of things.

After Lin Xiu heard this, she froze for a moment. In fact, she really didn't think much in this direction. She didn't think whether Yuanyuan's thoughts would be too heavy, and whether such thoughts were not suitable for staying in this circle.

Now after hearing what the coach said, it seems that this is indeed the case when I think about it carefully. How can a person who is too thoughtful be suitable for staying in this circle.

This is not a good thing for him.

"Okay, I'll try to persuade him as much as possible."

In the end, Lin Xiu did not deny what the coach said, but chose to agree with what the coach said at this time.

Maybe he really should try to persuade Yuanyuan to see if Yuanyuan plans to leave this circle.

He really should leave this circle, or should think it through.

(End of this chapter)

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