As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 263 Someone Has to Determine the Situation

Chapter 263 Someone Has to Determine the Situation
Since Lin Xiu has already agreed to this matter at this time, the coach didn't say anything else, just nodded lightly. In fact, as a coach, he doesn't want a very strong person to leave the team, but Yuanyuan's situation is indeed a bit special. .
Before, other members of the team did not have such a thing, and he was the only one who had such a situation. The coach just didn't want to ruin the entire team because of one person.

He admitted that Yuanyuan is very strong, and he is also a person who is willing to work hard for the whole team, but such a person has a huge flaw, that is, he is too thoughtful, and he really can't bear this matter. There is such a person in the team.

After that, Lin Xiu really kept trying to reason with Yuanyuan in different ways.

I hope Yuanyuan can think about these things carefully. At the beginning, Yuanyuan didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but Lin Xiu did this every day, and Yuanyuan gradually realized that something was wrong.

"What the hell is going on with you? Do you have any opinion on me recently? Why do you try to reason with me in different ways every day, and you always tell me the same reason."

At the beginning, Yuanyuan didn't intend to tell this matter directly, and always felt that it would be a bit embarrassing to say it directly, and he had no way to be sure what Lin Xiu was thinking in his heart, but after a long time, Yuanyuan really couldn't stand it anymore.

And he also really wanted to know what Lin Xiu was thinking in his heart, why did he always tell himself these messy truths during this period of time?

He's never been like this before.

In the past, the two of them got along normally, but now he seems to have become his own teacher. Before, he was just teaching himself to learn some technical things, but now he wants to change some things in his thinking.

Is it because of what happened before that made him feel that there is something wrong with his thinking or something?
Lin Xiu was not surprised to hear that Yuanyuan suddenly asked himself such a question at this time. He also knew that if he tried to change a person's thinking every day like this, it would definitely make that person resist.

It's just that he didn't know how to persuade him, so Yuanyuan chose a stupid way.

"Actually, there is no other reason. I don't know how to explain it to you, but what you have to believe is that I have been trying to talk to you for a long time. The purpose of telling you such a thing is just to hope that you can become better."

It is definitely impossible for Lin Xiu to tell all the things that happened before.

If he said it directly, a person like Yuanyuan would definitely start to have some opinions on the coach, thinking that the coach was targeting him or something.

But he didn't think carefully about whether there would be some problems in what he did.

So Lin Xiu just adopted such a method to say what she wanted to say.

Regarding such an answer, I didn't know what to say just now. Anyway, this matter passed like this. .
However, the relationship between the two people seems to have been affected to a certain extent because of such an incident, and it seems that it is not as good as it was before.

Afterwards, the coach agreed to an ordinary exchange game. This exchange game was just a training session, and the game was not very important. The coach felt that this opportunity was very rare and wanted the second team to train.

According to his original idea, he hoped that Lin Xiu would lead the team to do such a thing, because Lin Xiu himself is a relatively strong person, and his performance was not very good some time ago. The coach also hoped that Lin Xiu could take this opportunity to train well, improve his own strength, and lead the team to become stronger.

But after Lin Xiu learned about this, he didn't want to lead the team to do such a thing by himself. He didn't mean that he didn't like this exchange match, but he wanted to give this opportunity to Yuanyuan. Yuanyuan was already in a bottleneck period at this time.

Because of some previous incidents, the relationship between Lin Xiu and Yuanyuan has also been greatly affected.

Lin Xiu couldn't persuade Yuanyuan any more. Although she hoped that he could get out of such a thing as soon as possible, it still seemed to be a very difficult thing. Lin Xiu thought that if she could give this opportunity to Yuanyuan, then Yuanyuan might be able to learn more.

"Well, I will give this opportunity to Yuanyuan and let him get in touch with this kind of competition. Although he said he participated in this kind of competition before training, he participated in this competition as a team member at that time. If he can participate in this competition as a team leader at this time, I believe the feeling will be very different."

Lin Xiu told the coach about this matter very seriously. He knew that when the coach first learned that he had such an idea, he might feel that there was no way to understand it, but there was indeed nothing wrong with such a thing.

If you do this, you can actually let Yuanyuan understand his own shortcomings better, and he will understand where he can't lose, instead of focusing on his own technical problems.

In fact, compared with his technical problems, he has bigger psychological problems.

"Well, since you've already thought about it, then I naturally have nothing to say. I hope that one day he can understand your good intentions and make a little change."

The coach really didn't want to agree to this matter at first, but seeing that Lin Xiu had already said this, he felt that it seemed inappropriate for him not to agree. Now that the trouble had reached this level, he really had no other choice, so he could only nod and agree.

Lin Xiu has indeed done a lot for Yuanyuan, and I hope Yuanyuan can understand Lin Xiu a little bit and understand that he is always thinking about himself.

Then make a little change.

For what the coach said, Lin Xiu didn't take it too seriously, she just smiled lightly and let the matter pass like this. .
Afterwards, the exchange match started very quickly. Yuanyuan also accepted the coach's arrangement and became a leader of the second team. At the beginning, Yuanyuan didn't play at all in the first game, and the original second team went.

The game started very quickly, because it was just an ordinary exchange game, and everyone didn't pay much attention to this game. However, after the second team played, they still showed their full strength. Maybe they didn't think so much on the field. Winning or losing is still more important to them.

The strength of the second team was quickly revealed as soon as they played. Their strength itself is relatively strong. Although the opponent's team has some strength, it can be called nothing compared to the second team.

The strength gap between the two teams can be said to be very large.

The second team can completely crush the opponent, so under such circumstances, Lin Xiu and Yuanyuan naturally took it for granted that the second team will definitely be able to win the game in the end.

After all, this crushing situation is too obvious, so the coach and Lin Xiu are relatively relaxed. Even if it is not a very important exchange match, everyone naturally hopes that their team can win.

No matter what game, there will be this kind of winning and losing.

But in fact it is not like this.

In the early stage of the game, Lin Xiu's team had been crushing the opponent, but after hitting the back, something unexpected happened suddenly. I don't know why. They were obviously stronger, but they lost in the end.

It was very sudden, and everyone will find it a little hard to believe when they see this result, because this gap is really a bit strange.

"What's going on, how did we lose? I feel that we all played very well just now, and we showed our strength, and we were obviously able to crush the opponent at the beginning. Why did we lose again all of a sudden?"

The people in the second team have no way to accept what is happening at this time. They feel that they have lost without knowing it. In the beginning, it was not easy to play such a crushing game.

But in the end, there were some problems with the name.

Then they lost the game inexplicably, which was completely different from what they thought.

The entire team felt a little melancholy because of this incident. Before they played, they told each other that this was not a very important game, and they didn't need to take it to heart. It didn't matter whether they lost or won. But when they really lost the game, and lost the game like this, they still felt very painful in their hearts.

Obviously, it was possible to win in the first place, but losing like this is the most unacceptable thing.

It is estimated that every team has no way to accept such a thing.

Of course, the people of the opposing team were very happy, they won the final victory.

"Did you see anything wrong?".
The coach had already seen some clues from above, and turned his head to look at Lin Xiu who was still studying the situation beside him. He guessed that Lin Xiu must also be able to see some problems.

"There seems to be a member in the opponent's team. His strength is very strong, stronger than the others in the team, and he is very prominent. What's more, he and the other people in the team don't have any tacit understanding at all, as if they are not in the same team."

Lin Xiu quickly expressed his analysis. It was clear to the onlookers that he was staring down. He could see that there was a very strong person in this team, but this very strong person didn't have any tacit understanding with the whole team.

It definitely doesn't look like someone on the same team.

It's like someone who temporarily joined the team.

But it is absolutely impossible for someone with such strength to join such a team. Anyway, this person doesn't look like someone from this team.

"That's right, I also think it's like this. It's obvious that the strength of that person exceeds the strength of everyone in the team. It's just that he doesn't cooperate with other people in the team. That's why they fought so badly in the early stage. In the end, it was because of this person that they barely won the game."

The coach also discovered this. He found out that this person's strength is very outstanding from the very beginning, but he has been fighting alone all the time. It seems that this is no longer a game between teams, but a game between individuals. Although the second team is said to be very strong, it has a relatively strong overall strength.

In the end, it was also because this person's strength was too strong. Forcibly pulling a team to win the game was also a very difficult thing, but it was obvious that the problem could be found.

"I think this team should have invited foreign aid in the past. I really don't understand what they are thinking in their hearts. It is obviously just an exchange match that is not very important. Logically speaking, there is no need to put so much thought into an exchange match. Why should they invite foreign aid in this exchange match?"

The coach is almost certain that the opponent has invited foreign aid, a relatively strong person to fight against the opponent in their team.

However, the coach has no way to understand such an operation of the opponent. If it is really to invite foreign aid, it is completely possible to invite foreign aid in more important games. Although the risk will be greater in that way, the benefits will also be greater.

Even if they win this exchange match, so what?

No one knew about it, so I really felt that there was no way to understand it. Maybe it was really a momentary desire to win, so I organized this exchange match inexplicably and invited foreign aid.

(End of this chapter)

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