As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 265 You just need to concentrate on being yourself

Chapter 265 You just need to concentrate on being yourself
However, he was not greatly affected by such an incident. .
He knows what is the most important thing for him at this time, that is, to put all his thoughts on training. Only by concentrating on training can he get results. You must know that the international competition is coming soon, and he has very little time to prepare.

In this way, Lin Xiu has been training seriously, and did not take that matter too seriously, and everyone in the team is very nervous, and everyone attaches great importance to the international competition and the exchange competition, but there is a big difference.

If they can win the international competition, then this matter may be rumored to let everyone know, but if it is just communication, it is probably some internal affairs of the two teams. Maybe some fans who pay more attention to them will know about this matter, and no one else will have the opportunity to learn about these matters.

Will not understand.

The international competition is directly open to the world, and it will also increase the international reputation of the entire team. Lin Xiu and his team already have a certain reputation in the world. If they can perform well in this international competition, then their strength will be recognized by the whole world. This is a very important thing to think about.

All the members here also regard this competition as a very important competition, so every day when they put all their minds on this matter so seriously and train, everyone is very nervous.

"Hurry up and eat, it's time to train after eating!"

"Wake up early, you have to train after you get up!"

Everyone’s daily life is almost like this. Although it is very boring, it is also very fulfilling. They even hope to finish their meals as soon as possible, because they will probably start training next, and they must go to training as soon as possible.

Or it can be said that they have less time for sleeping. Of course, they have ensured that they have enough sleep, and they will not say that they do not pay attention to their rest at all, and spend all their time on training. They cannot do this kind of thing.

Because they know that physical health is also very important. If the body is affected, it will be even worse if various conditions appear in the game like Yuanyuan did before.

But they have been training very hard recently, and their spirits are in a tense state, and they are worried that they will not perform well in international competitions.

What I didn't expect was that the person who seemed the most calm at this time was actually the coach. Lin Xiu didn't even think that, because the coach is usually very strict with them, and the coach also cares about their wins and losses, but now he is not as nervous as everyone imagined, but is extremely calm.

I don't know how he adjusted himself so that his heart was so calm and unaffected.

Soon a month passed, and the national competition was about to start. .
During this period of time, everyone has been training very hard. During this period of time, everyone's strength has also been improved to varying degrees.

The only thing that hasn't changed is that they will still be very nervous in their hearts, but it's normal to have a certain amount of nervousness, after all, they really care about such a game.

The international competition is divided into three rounds, the knockout round and the final round.

Round 1 is the knockout round.

The knockout rounds are actually quite strict. Most of the teams that are not very strong will be eliminated in the knockout rounds. Those teams will be eliminated in the first round and have no chance to participate in the next competition. There are many teams that do not have the qualifications to continue participating in the competition.

Lin Xiu led the team to participate in this knockout round, and everything went extremely smoothly. They passed five stages and defeated six generals, and almost didn't find a very strong team.

The teams he met were basically mediocre, so when Lin Xiu played this game, he found that the knockout round was relatively easy.

In this way, he easily passed the knockout round.

"I thought it would be so difficult, but what I didn't expect was that this time it was quite easy. We didn't find any of the more powerful teams along the way, and the teams we encountered were relatively ordinary ones!"

The members of the team are also a little surprised by the current situation. Before, they thought that they might encounter some dark horse teams that were more difficult to deal with in the knockout rounds. After all, there are quite a lot of dark horse teams that have emerged in recent years.

But what he didn't expect was that when the real fight started, he realized that the opponent's strength was far less than what they had imagined. Maybe Lin Xiu was really an eternal god, and his strength was very stable.

With Lin Xiu around, there seemed to be no situation they couldn't win, and the opponents they encountered in this knockout round were not that strong, so they won very easily, and passed the knockout round very quickly.

"Don't be too complacent. Now we have just passed the first knockout round. There will be promotion and finals next. We are still far away from the championship. Maybe in the next promotion and finals, we will be able to meet a very powerful enemy. It is also unknown. It is too early to be happy."

After Lin Xiu heard this, she waved her hands to persuade him to settle down first. Now is not the time to be happy about these things. Although it is indeed a surprise that they can pass the knockout round so easily, it does not mean that they will not encounter strong opponents in the promotion round and the finals.

They can only be happy if they have successfully won the promotion round and the finals.

They shouldn't just relax like this now. After hearing Lin Xiu's words, the others all nodded their heads. They felt that what they said was very reasonable, and it was true that they had trained for such a long time to be the final champion, not just to pass the knockout round.

Soon after that, everyone began to prepare for the promotion competition. Everyone understood what Lin Xiu meant, and knew that they should not be complacent, but should continue to train hard. .
Originally, everything went very smoothly.

But what I didn't expect was that I was suddenly told during the promotion match that a team invested by a country was about to arrive by air.

"What's going on, how can there be such an operation? This didn't participate in the knockout round and came directly to the airborne. It seems a bit unfair to the other eliminated teams!"

After hearing the news, many of the advanced teams began to discuss this matter, and they were naturally dissatisfied with this matter in their hearts.

"That's right, it's not only very unfair to those teams that have already been eliminated, it's also very unfair to me who have worked so hard to survive the knockout rounds, who the hell is so powerful, and can actually do airborne!"

Almost all the advanced teams have big opinions on this matter. They all feel that this is very unfair. After all, this is an international competition. Logically speaking, it should be very fair, but this kind of airborne is really not appropriate.

But even if everyone has opinions on this matter, they can only accept it. After all, it was arranged by the person who arranged the competition. Since everyone has already said that if this team is to participate in the competition, no matter how much other people have opinions, there is no way to change this matter.

Lin Xiu and the others also found it quite strange. They didn't know the background of the people in this team, and why they had the opportunity to participate in the next round even after they had already missed the knockout round.

If it is said that an airborne team appears in other ordinary competitions, it is not a very strange thing, but an airborne team appears in an international competition, which makes people feel a little curious. What kind of person is behind him?

And when this team appeared on the field, it also behaved very arrogantly.

"We know that it doesn't matter if you are very dissatisfied with our sudden arrival. Anyway, we don't care about this matter very much. If you can beat us, then we will definitely give up this game directly. If you lose by yourself, then you can just give up!"

The members of that team looked at the other teams with very disdainful eyes. They were very confident in their own strength, thinking that their strength could crush all the teams present, that's why they had the confidence to say such words.

As long as any team is interested, you can make an appointment with them, and they are willing to accompany them.

If they lose, they will voluntarily give up, leave this place with their things, and will not participate in the next promotion and finals. But if the other party loses, they will also ask the other party to give up this bet. In fact, it is still quite big, but it also fully demonstrates that they are indeed quite confident.

This kind of confidence surprised those present.

It is too arrogant to have to say this. After hearing this, one team really couldn't bear it. .
"I don't believe that you guys are really that powerful. Maybe they just said these words on purpose to scare people. It's just an airborne team. If the strength is really that strong, then it's impossible to airborne. They should have participated in the knockout match before!"

The people in that team were discussing this matter and they were very unconvinced. They felt that the team that came by airborne must not have enough strength. If it really had such a strong strength, it would be absolutely impossible to come to this place by airborne.

I will come to the knockout round at the beginning, and then come to the next game after winning the knockout round.

"Okay, then our team will make an appointment directly and play a game with them. I don't believe that their strength is really that strong. I think all of this is just their own overconfidence."

The captain of that team is actually very confident in their own strength. They thought that the airborne team must not be strong. Since they are so arrogant, then they have to show them off at this time.

In this way, the team directly made an appointment for the game. The format of this game is open, and everyone can have the opportunity to watch this game. This is also for the fairness of the game.

Everyone is actually quite curious about the strength of this airborne team. At the beginning, they thought that since they were airborne, their strength must not be very strong, but seeing them say such things so arrogantly, they felt that they might have some strength.

In short, there is no way to judge at this time, so I still plan to watch their games and see how their strength is.

Lin Xiu and the others were also very interested in this kind of game, and they went with everyone to join in the fun. On the day of the game, almost all the teams came to watch.

Lin Xiu always felt that the airborne team might not be as simple as she imagined. Those people kept discussing that the airborne team must not be strong, but Lin Xiu felt that since they had the courage to say such words, it meant that they must have certain strength.

Maybe this airborne team will become the last dark horse. After all, during the knockout rounds, I have never encountered any stronger opponents. This is actually a bit strange.

After watching the match, Lin Xiu realized that her thinking was correct. Sure enough, the airborne team was very strong. They crushed the opponent directly at the beginning of the match, which made the opponent completely powerless.

That team never imagined that this airborne team was so strong, it was always very painful during the fight, and the final loss was very ugly.

They couldn't believe that just now, that team had shown such a strong strength, which made them regret making an appointment for this match.

(End of this chapter)

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