As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 266 You Call This Lucky?

Chapter 266 You Call This Lucky?

But at this moment, no matter how much they regret it, it's too late. They have to give up the game as they promised. Although they know that even if they keep fighting, they will not win the final victory, but giving up like this will still make them lose. I am a little bit dissatisfied. .
Yuanyuan also came to watch this kind of competition. During the competition, he obviously found a familiar person. After taking a closer look, isn't that person the strong opponent he met when he went to participate in the exchange competition? ?

At that time, Yuanyuan was already very shocked by that person's strength. He did not expect that he would join the airborne team at this time and participate in this competition.

It seems that the competition this time is really not so simple. No wonder the strength of this team is so strong. This time, not only this person is very strong in this team, but the strength of several other people is also remarkable. ordered.

Lin Xiu was also a little shocked after watching the competition. She never thought that this airborne team would have such a strong strength. This made him feel a little hit in the heart. He suddenly realized that he might not be able to win. The final champion.

Lin Xiu began to feel very stressed in his heart, but it was not easy to talk about such a thing with the players. If he complained to the players, it might also affect the mentality of the players. It wasn't what Lin Xiu wanted to see, so she came to the coach and talked about it with the coach.

"Coach, you have also seen the strength of this airborne team this time. It is really very strong. I really didn't expect this airborne team to have such strength. I suddenly felt that maybe I really don't have that kind of strength. Come and compete with them for the championship."

After Lin Xiu said this, he sighed softly. The thoughts in his heart are indeed like this at this moment. He also knows that maybe he shouldn't have such thoughts. He should have more confidence in himself and the whole world. The team should be more confident, but he really can't control it.

The strength of that airborne team is indeed too strong.

It is really not easy to crush the opponent from the beginning to the end. Lin Xiu saw with her own eyes that the team was crushed so completely that they had no power to fight back, and there was no room for manipulation.

It has been crushed like this.

Lin Xiu didn't have confidence, and felt a lot of pressure in her heart, which was also a normal thing.

"Don't think too much about it, the strength of the team that played against the airborne team today is not very strong, and the airborne team is indeed somewhat strong, so it is able to show this kind of crushing However, this does not mean that the airborne team is stronger than you, you have all worked so hard for this international competition for so long, how can you lose the chain at a critical moment?"

The coach hurriedly comforted Lin Xiu and asked him to adjust his mentality. In fact, mentality is very important. He can think about it carefully. Some things are really not as serious as he imagined. Not so strong that Lin Xiu and his team are afraid of it.

Lin Xiu nodded after hearing this, which seems to be the same reason. If the game has not officially started at this time, then if he looks so unconfident, then it may also hurt his team. Among them, the other team members have no confidence. Since I am the captain, I must lead everyone to victory. .
In the past, everyone looked down on the airborne team very much, thinking that the airborne team was able to join this competition through the back door, and felt that they did not have such a strong strength, but since this competition, those No one in the team dared to underestimate such an airborne team anymore.

They had already seen this airborne team that time, and they knew how powerful this airborne team was.

Thinking of that time when they watched the game, they saw this airborne team directly crushing the opponent, and they all had a little shadow on this matter in their hearts.

Thinking about it, this is a very terrifying thing, being constantly abused by others, without even a chance to fight back, this is the scariest thing, other things should not be so painful.

So those teams have been praying that they will not fight against this airborne team. They don't want to try the feeling of being abused all the time. In the end, this airborne team did get very good results. Their There is no doubt about their strength, they have basically been crushing each other during the game.

Win easily.

In the end, their team and Lin Xiu's team entered the final finals with first and second place respectively.

They also met Lin Xiu during the promotion competition. In fact, the teams participating in this kind of competition must know Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu has a certain reputation in this kind of competition. He participated in it before. There are many games, and in this kind of games, his performance has always been very good.

He has turned the tide and led the whole team to win the game many times, so many people admire Lin Xiu very much. Lin Xiu has a lot of fans, and this airborne team naturally knows Lin Xiu, but in the promotion match When they saw Lin Xiu, they looked very disdainful.

"Although I heard that you seem to be a very powerful person, I don't agree with your strength. I have watched your game, and I don't think you are really as powerful as everyone praises. When we play During the competition, I will show everyone who is stronger!"

The attitude of a member of the airborne team was very arrogant, or not only this member, but also the attitude of several other members. They looked at Lin Xiu with very disdainful eyes.

Lin Xiu obviously didn't take the initiative to provoke them, but they took the initiative to come to the door, just to express their contempt for Lin Xiu.

Because in their view, Lin Xiu's strength is all promoted by the media and fans. He doesn't have such a strong strength at all, but he has been praised by the media and fans all the time. Think about it. Very ridiculous.

Lin Xiu smiled softly after hearing this, and didn't take what they said too much to heart, but Lin Xiu also knew that they were relatively strong against me, so she still made up her mind to be very serious To face the game with them, as for these verbal disputes, there is no need to waste time. .
There were only 5 teams that advanced to the final finals, and now most of the teams that are not strong enough have been selected. In the final finals, there are only these 5 teams. Lin Xiu and the airborne team are two of them. team.

In the first game, Lin Xiu's team unexpectedly got a bye, so they could directly advance.

This can also be said to be very lucky. When the players of Lin Xiu and his team found out that they had won the bye, they were really happy and happy, because they knew that the teams that could enter the finals were all Teams with a certain strength, if they are really allowed to fight one by one, it is really uncertain whether they can win or not.

"Our luck is really good. We just happened to get a bye in the draw. Otherwise, if we meet the airborne team, whether we can win or not is really not certain. This time the draw If we get a bye, then we will be able to enter the top 3 steadily!"

The hearts of the team members were very excited. Everyone had fully recognized the strength of the airborne team. Of course, the team members around Lin Xiu were also the same. They all believed that the airborne team was indeed relatively strong. Yes, I also think that if I really fight with them, I may not be able to deal with them.

It's normal to have this kind of thinking, Lin Xiu didn't think there was any problem, after all, the strength shown by the airborne team at that time was really shocking.

"Okay, everyone, don't talk about this kind of growth. Others' ambition will destroy your prestige. Our strength is also very strong. We haven't competed yet. Don't think about it so much now. If you have time, it's better to practice hard. Thinking wildly is not good for our next game."

Although Lin Xiu could understand their thoughts, she still had to remind them at this time that this was not the time to grow others' ambitions.

After all, the situation at this time is a bit special. They have to believe in themselves and their own strength, so that they can win the next game more smoothly. Otherwise, it will not be so easy to win.

The team member also nodded after hearing this, as if what he said was right, he closed his mouth.

Afterwards, the members of their team have been watching the game there, the most important thing to watch is the game of the airborne team. Since everyone thinks that their team is very strong, then it is natural to learn more about it. Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle. The more you understand them and want to win them, the easier it will be.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will still be very troublesome.

These 5 teams do have certain strengths. Their ability to enter the finals naturally shows that they do have strengths. The airborne team also spent a lot of effort before defeating their opponents.

But they still won the final victory. After the team was defeated by the airborne team, they also felt convinced. The opponent’s strength was indeed very strong. In fact, they found out that they were the target airborne team at the beginning, and they were also very scared and worried. Yes, we knew early in the morning that this team was very strong. .
Three teams advanced in this Game 2.

There are three teams, so there is another team with a bye. When the lottery is drawn, the players really hope that they can get the bye lottery. Each of the three teams is not easy to deal with. If there is a bye, Then you can directly have the opportunity to become the first and second place.

Even if you can't win the championship, it seems to be a very good thing to get the runner-up, at least better than the third place. Everyone is praying for such a thing in their hearts.

But what I didn't expect was that the last bye was actually the airborne team. The airborne team didn't seem to be very interested in such a thing as a bye, mainly because they were very confident in their own strength. After playing one game at a time, they can also win the final game and win the championship.

For this kind of people who have full confidence in their own strength, they hope to prove their strength through one game after another, rather than take a bye and rest next to them in the end, but there is no way , since they have already drawn a bye, they can only watch the game of the two teams from the sidelines.

Lin Xiu knew that the strength of the other team must be relatively strong. Although she didn't know them very well, but thinking that they have not been eliminated until now, it can explain their strength. .

Lin Xiu and the others started to compete against each other after making full preparations, but during the match, probably because of inner nervousness, one of Lin Xiu's team members made a mistake.

It's actually not the first time for that team member to participate in an international competition, but this time he was indeed more nervous than before. He didn't know what was going on, so he kept worrying there, maybe because of excessive Due to nervousness, some problems appeared during the game.

Fortunately, Lin Xiu discovered that this team member had made a mistake, and made up for it in time, but she still gave the opponent a chance because of such a mistake, and was almost about to lose to the opponent. It was a thrill to win the game.

After finally finding out that we still won the victory, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. I was really nervous to the extreme just now, and I kept thinking, would such a problem directly lead to everyone's failure?

If she really lost like this, then it would be a pity. The team member who made a mistake was also very anxious. She was always worried that something would go wrong. If she really made this mistake, she would lose everything , then he will be a little bit unacceptable to this result.

After all, if this is the case, it is entirely because of him. The international competition is a very important competition for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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