Chapter 267

Fortunately, they succeeded in winning in the end. Everyone really felt that after winning the victory very thrillingly, they will have the opportunity to compete with the last airborne team next. .
If they can win the airborne team, then they will be able to win in the end. Although it seems that the risk is quite high now, it is much better than having no chance.

Because everyone knows that this is the last game, and if they can win, they will be the champions, so Lin Xiu and the coach are very serious. This time they spent a lot of thought on doing an analysis for their teammates.

"What we need to do at this time is to understand our own strength and know ourselves and the enemy to be victorious in all battles. Let's first analyze our own strength. In fact, objectively speaking, our strength is indeed very strong..."

Lin Xiu and the coach first made a very specific analysis of their own strengths. They were so detailed that everyone also mentioned their shortcomings. Of course, they also pointed out that their strengths do have certain advantages. advantages exist.

It's just that while there are advantages, there are also some shortcomings.

Everyone listened very carefully. After analyzing her team, Lin Xiu made a more specific analysis of what she knew about the airborne team. The airborne team has not been encountered along the way.

But Lin Xiu also already knew that the opponent's strength is very strong. It is precisely because she knows that the opponent's strength is very strong that she has always watched the opponent's game. As long as she has the opportunity, she will watch the opponent's game. In the game, understand some of the opponent's situation thoroughly.

Now is the time for Lin Xiu to share with everyone what she has learned about the airborne team.

The coach also analyzed what he saw, and everyone listened very carefully. Through such analysis, he roughly understood what the strength of the airborne team was like, and knew that their strength was indeed very strong, but There will also be some weaknesses, no matter what kind of team there will be weaknesses.

The teammate who made a mistake in the previous game actually felt very self-blame because of his mistake, and even seemed to be very nervous, which could easily affect the next game.

He was very afraid that he would not be able to do anything in the next game, he could show his strength and worried that he would not do well.

"It's okay. Although you did make some mistakes in the last game, you don't have to blame yourself too much for it now. We won that game too, right? The most important thing is the next one. You have to have confidence in yourself in the game, and only by adjusting our mentality can we show our best state to win this game."

Lin Xiu could tell that something was wrong with this teammate, so she comforted him and told him not to worry too much about this matter.

If the mentality is not good, then it is more likely to go wrong, not only the last game, but even the next game may be affected.

The team member nodded after hearing this, and adjusted his emotions as much as possible.

Seeing that the other party's condition seemed to have improved a lot, Lin Xiu felt a little relieved. .
Soon, when it came to the third game, both sides were ready.

Of course there must be a certain degree of nervousness, the airborne team is actually better, the main reason is that they may be really confident in their own strength, even if they know that the strength of the Linxiu team is very strong, But they still believed that their strength was enough to fight against Lin Xiu's side.

So not only did they not seem to be nervous, but they were also a little bit proud, as if they had been waiting for this day for a long time.

They have long wanted to have a match with Lin Xiu's team, and they want to directly crush the opponent when they compete with Lin Xiu's team, so that they can fully prove their strength.

This is what they think. On the contrary, Lin Xiu's team is a little more nervous. Fortunately, Lin Xiu has always comforted his players and asked them to calm down a little bit, because they have to compete next time. , It's too tense at this time, and it's actually not good for them.

Whether it is too tense or too relaxed, there is no benefit for this game. They must face this matter with a normal mentality. Only in this way can they truly win the final victory.

So now their mentality can be regarded as the kind of game that is relatively good, and it will start soon. It directly entered the white-hot level all of a sudden.

The audience has actually been looking forward to this game for a long time. Everyone really wants to know which of the two teams can win the final victory. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the strength of the two teams. The strength of the two teams They are all very strong.

So some people are more supportive of Lin Xiu's team. They feel that Lin Xiu's team is a team that has won countless victories and won countless honors before, and Lin Xiu's strength needless to say, they all believe in it , feel that their team should be able to win the final game.

There may be some people who don't think so. They have watched the airborne team's game, saw the airborne team crush the opponent countless times, and won the victory easily. They suddenly felt that the airborne team might also If they can get a very good result, they might be able to win Lin Xiu's team.

So there are people who support any team at this time.

The two sides also fought to the point of being inseparable at once, and it was not known which side would win in the end. Lin Xiu also deeply felt the strength of this airborne team.

Fortunately, he had already prepared a unique move. Before that, he thought it might not be necessary to use this unique move, but now it seems that if he did not use this unique move, he might not be able to win the final victory.

In order to be able to win the final championship, Lin Xiu still used this trick, and really won the final victory through this trick.

When they won the victory, everyone was very happy in their hearts, which meant that they had won the final championship.The game ended like this. Of course, the airborne team felt very unwilling. They never expected that they would lose the game like this. They always thought that they would definitely be able to deal with Lin Xiu and win the game. of victory. .
The airborne team came in front of Lin Xiu and his team. Lin Xiu saw them and knew that they must feel very difficult to accept in their hearts, but so what, anyway, the one who won the final victory now is himself.

All the people in Lin Xiu's team were very happy. In contrast, everyone in the airborne team looked very annoyed.

After they came in front of Lin Xiu, the captain looked at Lin Xiu and spoke after a while.

"Don't you guys get complacent too early, thinking that if you win this game, everything is over? Let me tell you that it is still very early, and there will be international competitions after that. In that game, we will definitely will win you!"

Sure enough, as Lin Xiu thought, they came to this place to talk harshly to Lin Xiu and the others. They probably felt very ashamed if they lost this time, so they couldn't care less about it. In front of Lin Xiu, the international competition was mentioned.

Losing this time does not mean that you will lose the game next time.

This time they lost to Lin Xiu, and they will definitely make a good summary when they go back, trying to understand what they did not do well, which is why they lost such a game, and wait until they have analyzed everything thoroughly , and then work hard to improve their strength. They believe that their strength is no worse than that of Lin Xiu's team, and they will definitely be able to beat Lin Xiu's team by then.

"Don't think about it so much, whether it's this match or the next match, you will never be our opponents, so I advise you to recognize the reality!"

Lin Xiu smiled mockingly after hearing this, he would not give the other party such a chance.

They lost the game at this time, and they ran in front of them so frantically to speak harshly. They won the game on their side, so they couldn't lose the game.

Besides, Lin Xiu would definitely not allow his team to lose to them in the next game. Since he won them this time, he would still be able to win against them next time, and it would be very easy.

But in fact, when he said these words, Lin Xiu also thought of some strange points, that is, he felt that the airborne team seemed to have a lot of hostility towards him. It's like deliberately targeting yourself.

But he thought about it for a long time, and he couldn't remember when he had seen this team. It seemed that such a thing had never happened before. The captain and other team members don't have any intersection, so why do they have such hostility towards him?
This is so weird.

But Lin Xiu didn't get too entangled in such a thing in the past. Anyway, the soldiers came to cover up the water, and even in international competitions, he would still use all his strength to deal with them.By the time Lin Xiu returned to the hotel, it was already midnight, but he still couldn't sleep a bit. He replayed today's game in his mind, even though they won today's game perfectly. won the final victory, but it does not mean that they did not make any mistakes in this game. .
In fact, Lin Xiu is still dissatisfied with his performance in today's game. He always feels that he has not performed very well. He thinks that he must pick out the shortcomings. After the end, you should sum up what you did not do well, so that you can make changes for what you did not do well.

Only then can he become stronger and stronger. He knows that there will be international competitions to meet him in the future. He should still have to fight against the airborne team. If he doesn’t win them, the situation will probably become a little worse. The next international competition can also win the final championship.

So I have been replaying. Today's game has been thinking about what is not good enough in today's game, and what is worth advocating. He will not only reflect on himself, but in this game performance, and even constantly thinking about the performance of other people, and thinking about the performance of their own players.

Because the performance of these people is also very important to Lin Xiu. As the captain of the team, he has to take into account not only his own situation, but also the situation of other people.

In the early hours of the morning, the coach and the others suddenly contacted Lin Xiu.

"Let's go, go out and eat barbecue! Just treat it as our supper!"

The coach and the others are in a relatively excited state at this time. They are all very happy because they won the game, so they haven't fallen asleep in the middle of the night. Lin Xiu went out to eat something together.

"It's better not to go. We just finished such an important game. Although we said we won the game, I think this is the best time to replay. We still have to think about it. After this game In the end, what shortcomings do we have?"

Lin Xiu was a little surprised after hearing what they said. Seeing that it was already so late, and the match with the airborne team had just ended during the day, it seemed a bit inappropriate to go out at this time, so she proposed to fight with the airborne team. Let's review the game during the day together.

After all, the time at this time is the best time. If you miss this time and want to find such a suitable time and opportunity next time, it will not be so easy.

"That can't be done. Now is the time to do these things. Hurry up and go out for a meal with us. I'm already so tired today, so don't think about rematch games."

The coach and several others decisively chose to reject them, and they all felt that today is not the time to do these things, and there is no need to be so tired to do such a thing.

Lin Xiu had no choice but to agree to chat with them casually.

(End of this chapter)

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