Chapter 268 Don't Worry

In the early hours of the morning, several people walked unsteadily on the street. .
Although it is said that this time has come, Lin Xiu and the others are still extremely excited, probably because of the influence of the daytime game, they are still relatively sober at this time.

"Speaking of which our enemy's airborne team is actually very strong today, if it weren't for my unique skills, maybe we would really have to lose to them in the end. I really didn't expect them to be so powerful. great power."

Lin Xiu couldn't help mentioning their enemy today, that is, the airborne team. Naturally, the strength of that airborne team is unquestionable. During the process of competing with the opponent, Lin Xiu could also feel the strength of the opponent. How strong is the strength.

Even in the process of playing, he has no way to determine whether the players on his side can fight against the opponent's players, and he has always been very worried.

Even in the process of this game, even his heart was very nervous, and there was still no way to control the tension.

Yuanyuan nodded after hearing this, in fact, Yuanyuan also knew that the airborne team was very strong.

"I am really convinced of their strength. Haven't I already played against one of them before? Although it is just an exchange game that is not very important, but I have great respect for him. I am very impressed with his strength, I can feel how strong his strength is, if it wasn't for my teammates holding him back, I don't think I could have dealt with him at all."

Yuanyuan is still very impressed with what happened in the previous period at this moment. He always remembers what the situation of that match was like at that time. She remembers how she dealt with it in such a match. other side.

At the same time, he also understands that his strength is only because of being implicated by his teammates at that time.

At that time, the strength of his teammates was indeed not strong enough.

"Actually speaking, the strength of our team is not bad, mainly because their hardware conditions are really good."

Although Lin Xiu said a lot, it was impossible to comment too much on these things, but when he knew how good the hardware conditions of the airborne team were, he still felt a little envious in his heart.

Although these players said that they have been training hard all the time, they have never had such good hardware conditions. It is said that their training places are extremely spacious and bright, and their training equipment is very good.

Needless to say, the coaches who lead them to train, those conditions are not possessed by Lin Xiu and the others. If Lin Xiu and his team also have such good conditions, then maybe the strength will be stronger than it is now. .

It's just that there are some things that they can't imagine. Lin Xiu and the others have been in this company for such a long time, and it seems that this is the only condition that the company can provide for them.

They can only continue to stay in the company obediently.

"Yeah, actually, I have the same idea in my heart. I know that their teams, in fact, all the treatment in the company is much better than the treatment we receive, especially the hardware conditions of the artisan team. Needless to say."
Yuanyuan is also in the same company as Lin Xiu, so he takes these things very seriously. He knows that the treatment received by other teams is far better than that given by their company.

Naturally, I also feel very envious in my heart, so the two of them keep complaining about the hardware treatment given by the company, which is really too bad.

Just when they kept complaining about the company, the coach suddenly came over at this time and interrupted the conversation between the two of them. The coach also drank a lot of wine just now. After drinking Then I can't help but say what I think in my heart.

"Actually, I don't think you two need to complain about these things here, especially Lin Xiu. You are not qualified to complain about these things. Don't you know why the company doesn't give us such good hardware conditions?"

When the coach said this, there was a bit of anger in his tone. Lin Xiu turned around strangely when she heard this. She didn't know why the coach would say such words suddenly. Could this matter be related to her? Does it matter?

I didn't do anything wrong, why would I know why the company gave me such bad conditions?
"Let me tell you clearly what's going on with this matter. If it's not because of your selfishness, if it's not because of your laziness, how could such a thing happen?"

The coach may be really drunk, so he doesn't care about anything when he speaks at this time. The others started to accuse Lin Xiu all the time. In his mouth, Lin Xiu became that kind of selfish and lazy After hearing this, Lin Xiu felt even more baffled when she was selfish and lazy.

"Coach, I don't understand what you mean. If you really have any dissatisfaction with me, you can just make it clear. I don't understand what's going on when you say that. I think I haven't done anything selfish and lazy."

Lin Xiu, as the captain, has actually made a lot of contributions to the whole team, and has been leading the team to train him. He really doesn't know when he is a selfish and lazy person. If he is really selfish and lazy If it is a person, then he will not lead the players to train so responsibly, and it is even impossible for him to spend time on these things.

So what the coach said really made him feel very angry in his heart. He really didn't expect that the coach he had always respected thought of him in his heart.

"Aren't you selfish and lazy? In our current strategic position, as long as you are willing to accept those popular commercials, it is absolutely impossible for our team to develop into what it is now. Our team will definitely If you can have more funds, can everyone's hardware conditions be improved?"

The coach felt that Lin Xiu's reluctance to accept the popular commercial was a big problem.

"As professional players like us, we should be pure and not money-oriented. Those popular commercials should not be picked up by us. What we have to do at this time is to play our game well. It is enough, as for other things, it has nothing to do with us.".
After Lin Xiu heard this, he directly refuted what the coach said. He felt that such a thing was not what he was after at all. As a professional player, how could he pursue money?What's more, if you say that you repeatedly shoot those popular commercials, then you will put your energy on these things.

At this time, he has no intention to do such things at all. All his thoughts are spent on the competition. He just hopes that he can become more powerful in this competition, and he also hopes to make himself The team members become more powerful, which is more important to me, and other things are not so important.

If you spend too much time on those things, then you won't have enough energy on the game, and there will definitely be various problems.

"If you are willing to take an ad, then the final result will not be like this. Even if you are not willing to accept an ad, if you have a little bit of enthusiasm with those female stars, those female stars are very willing to post Come up, as long as you want, then you can go and stir up the heat with those female stars, so that it is not a matter of every minute to get money."

The coach may be really drunk, and his words are beginning to be irrelevant. What he has repeatedly emphasized at this time is that Lin Xiu is unwilling to shoot popular commercials, and even unwilling to have a little stir with those female stars in the entertainment industry. Such a thing.

There are indeed a lot of people in this circle, they have now become half of the entertainment industry, and they are constantly making various hypes with those female stars.

Then they also go to various endorsements, shoot various advertisements and so on. In this way, the speed of money is indeed very fast, but it is a pity that they seem to have deviated from the original intention of being an e-sports player .

They probably didn't want to be a star in the entertainment circle at the beginning, if they really wanted to be a star in the entertainment circle, then why did they spend so much time and effort on training? ?

"Tell me about you. I don't know what to say about you. In fact, I know that you are really good in e-sports. I also recognize your strength and admire your strength. , I also really hope that you can lead our team to win more victories, but if you take it into consideration a little bit, then our team will not be on the verge of bankruptcy!"

Speaking of this, the coach's tone is already very painful. He really held this matter in his heart, and it was very uncomfortable. He kept thinking about the team's going bankrupt. It was said to be a very big blow, and all of this was because Lin Xiu was unwilling to cooperate a little bit.

After the coach had just said this, he immediately hit his mouth on the ground, because he realized that he seemed to have slipped his mouth, and these things seemed like they shouldn't be said. .
Originally, this was not a trivial matter.

The coach has always kept the news of the bankruptcy in his heart. When he heard the news of the bankruptcy, he had no way in his heart to withstand such a blow. If the team members learn about it, it will have a relatively large impact on them.

Especially at this time, they are still in the game, so the coach can't bear to say such a thing, so he bears all this alone and has not said it until he got drunk this time Just inadvertently slipped my mouth.

But he also reacted quickly, so he didn't continue to talk about this matter. The other players were also drunk, and they didn't pay much attention to what the coach said just now. So she didn't listen to it, but Lin Xiu did.

When Lin Xiu heard the news, he was stunned. He never thought that the situation of the team was so bad at this moment. At first, he thought that the team could at least survive. Yes, although he understands that the team's economic situation may not be very good, but it will not be as bad as it is now.

"I didn't expect the current situation of the team to be so bad. It seems that I haven't made much money for the team for such a long time. I always felt that as a professional player, I shouldn't do that. Some things, it seems that now I have to change my thinking, if it is true that I don’t earn any money, then the team will have no way to continue to operate.”

Although Lin Xiu really didn't want to spare time and energy to shoot commercials, because he always felt that it was not something he should do, but now he found that he seemed to have no choice. If he continued like this, he might just have to watch the team disband.

This is something he has no way to accept.

This team is a team of many of them who gathered their own dreams. Everyone who formed it with great difficulty wanted to continue to go on in this industry, and Lin Xiu herself was unwilling to let her dreams be shattered like this. If the team is disbanded, then there is really nothing left.

Although with Lin Xiu's ability, he can definitely join other teams, but other teams are completely different from this team. This team is his dream and his original intention.

In order for the team to continue to exist, he has to do some things, such as filming some commercials and the like.

"After these things are over, I will start to find time to shoot commercials, at least to make some contributions to the team, although my idea before was that I would never shoot commercials, and I would never set foot in the entertainment circle. Some things, but now the situation is different, in order for the team to continue to exist, a little sacrifice is not out of the question."

Lin Xiu made up his mind, he wanted to do something for the team.

(End of this chapter)

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