Chapter 284
Fortunately, Lin Xiu's reminder was very timely, and Kai'Sa escaped successfully. .
This is also a very lucky thing.

Kai'Sa couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. The moment she saw the wine barrel appear, Kai'Sa was actually quite nervous. After all, this is a relatively important game, and any mistake of hers may cause damage to all of this. big impact.

The wine barrel was empty, and there was some surprise.

At first, when I saw Kai'Sa walking alone on the road, I thought I could catch him quickly, but what I didn't expect was that Kai'Sa reacted very quickly and quickly hid under the tower, which made me unable to do anything. You can do it.

I can only leave first.

At this time, the crocodile and Nock were also fighting.

The crocodile was single-killed by Knox Blood Tower.

"I almost died!"

When Noke saw that the crocodile had been beaten to death by him, and he still had a trace of blood left, he also felt very nervous. He really almost died by the crocodile just now.

Fortunately, my reaction is faster.

Of course, the crocodile also felt that it was a pity. He also felt that he was almost able to kill the opponent, but was escaped by the opponent with a trace of blood.

At this time, although he really wants to call his teammates for resources, it is too late even if the teammates come over in time. Now all the teammates who can support him are at a certain distance from him.

Under the circumstances, it was enough for Nock to escape.

Although the crocodile said that he was very unwilling, there was nothing he could do. Seeing this situation, the wine barrel became a little vigilant in his heart. He felt more and more that the situation this time was not as easy as the previous round.

It will become more difficult to win, but he has no choice but to take down the canyon pioneer first.

Now that Lin Xiu has not been resurrected, this is a very good opportunity. If he said that he could not grasp such a good opportunity to win the Canyon Pioneer, he would have failed to use this opportunity to improve everyone's economy.

During the process of fighting the canyon pioneer, Jiu Ke was always in a very vigilant state. He was always paying attention to the surrounding situation, and was always worried about whether someone would suddenly appear nearby. If someone appeared suddenly at this time, he would probably be frightened too.

Fortunately, in the end, he also successfully knocked down the canyon pioneer without any accidents.

Lin Xiu saw the reminder that Canyon Pioneer was taken down, and sighed helplessly. This is not a very surprising thing for him. The opponent's jungler will definitely do something before he is resurrected. , he has no choice but to take down Xiaolong at this time.

Immediately after his resurrection, he ran over to catch Xiaolong directly.

The other people are relatively stable targets at this time, and nothing has happened. Everyone is clearing their own lines, just wanting stable development. When they don't have absolute confidence, they don't want to Go to war easily.

Otherwise, it would be bad if there was an accident. Everyone didn't want an accident at this time.

They all recognize each other's strength now, and it is because of this that they are extra careful.

And the wine barrel also took advantage of Lin Xiu's attack on Xiaolong to take the blue buff.

Lin Xiu tried her best to destroy the fire dragon in the shortest time possible. After finishing this task, she thought for a while and made a fake vision, pretending to go down the road, but actually hid In the middle of the grass. .
"My vision just now should not have been noticed by other people. They all thought that I was going down the road. As long as I hide in the grass in the middle road, I will definitely have a chance to catch someone."

Lin Xiu carefully hid in the grass in the middle of the road, and did not let others notice that there was anything wrong. He was also sure that his behavior at this time did not let others notice.

As long as this is enough, the people in the middle of him hiding in the grass naturally saw Lin Xiu and knew that they would probably cooperate with Lin Xiu later.

After all, Lin Xiu has already made preparations here, so they naturally have to cooperate.

If we can cooperate to play a wave at this time, it will be of great benefit to everyone's development. Now the situation of the two sides should not be much different, and it can be said to be in an even state.

In this state, it is actually easy to cause problems. If the opponent has some advantages, it may put oneself in a disadvantaged state.

So whether it was Lin Xiu's side or the opponent's team, they were all in high tension.

Everyone was very worried that they would lose the game.

Because this game is extremely important for both sides, this is the World Championship, although they are relatively strong teams, but even they rarely have the opportunity to participate in such a game.

Since participating in this competition, it is natural to get the best results. If you can win the final championship, then you can have the opportunity to be famous in the world.

This is also a very honorable thing.

At this moment, the ball girl and the wheel mother pressed the pawn line over.

"Thresh, come to the middle lane quickly. I think we're going to start a team later. I'll squat in the grass in the middle lane first. Come here quickly, so that we can take advantage when the team starts."

Seeing this situation, Lin Xiu hurriedly asked Thresh to come over.

If he says he can come here at this time, then he will have an advantage when the team starts later.

This kind of opportunity is really too rare.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll be right over now."

After Thresh heard this, he quickly agreed. Since Lin Xiu had already said that he was going to form a group, he naturally wanted to come here as soon as possible at this time, even though he didn't know what would happen next. , but he also knew that he had to come here in a short time, so that he could ensure that he was there when the group started.

However, Thresh also came to this place quietly. He didn't let the people on the opposite side notice this, and he couldn't let the people on the opposite side know that he wanted to start a group in advance, otherwise they would definitely subconsciously concentrate in the middle lane .

Seeing that Thresh was also coming, Lin Xiu also felt that the opportunity at this time is almost the same. Everyone has gathered in this place. Under such circumstances, it is very appropriate to make a move. Did not respond.

"Let's do it now. The opportunity to do it now is relatively rare. If it is later, they will probably be able to realize that something is not right, and then there will be some trouble."
At this time, the ball girl and wheel mother on the opposite side had already appeared in front of Lin Xiu. If Lin Xiu didn't do anything, she would miss the opportunity, so she hurriedly reminded everyone that everyone understood what Lin Xiu meant. There is a tacit understanding, in fact, Lin Xiu doesn't need too many reminders.

After all, they had already played so many games together before, and most of the time, Lin Xiu didn't need to say anything at all. The rest was just a movement, and everyone understood that what he meant was just the last game. Some things that happened in the game made Lin Xiu vaguely uneasy.

So this time he will be more vigilant, and he will be more cautious when doing a lot of things, so that he can be sure that nothing will go wrong and no problems will occur. There really isn't any solution.

Lin Xiu and the others appeared suddenly and stopped Ball Girl and Wheel Mom. Neither Ball Girl nor Wheel Mom thought that Lin Xiu and the others would actually be squatting in the grass. After realizing that something was wrong, they also wanted to Get away as soon as possible, but it's a pity that there is no chance. They were forcibly controlled and killed very quickly.

"Push the tower quickly!"

Lin Xiu reminded that the pawn line has arrived at this time, and pushing the tower is a very suitable thing for them. As long as they can push the tower down at this time, they will have an advantage.

Everyone also understood what Lin Xiu meant. The three of them hurriedly pushed down the tower in the middle road in the shortest time. The towers in the middle road are more important. They pushed down a tower at this time. Words are indeed very beneficial.

Noke and the others found that something was wrong in the middle lane, and wanted to rush over to help, but it was too late, because Lin Xiu and the others moved very fast, and they had already killed people. If they go over at this time , does not make any sense.

"Forget it, we can't catch up at all, hurry up and push down the next tower!"

Seeing this situation, Noke finally realized that it was too late to rush over, so he set his sights on the bottom tower. Although the bottom tower is not as important as the middle tower, but at this moment All they can do is push down the tower.

As long as the tower is pushed down, some advantages can be regained for their side, otherwise, there will really be nothing.

After saying this, he began to push the tower urgently. While paying attention to the situation on the small map, he continued to push the tower at the fastest speed.

Soon, they took down the next tower.

After taking down the tower, they were relieved. It seems that the situation is not too bad now, at least they took down the tower, otherwise their advantage would be completely wiped out draw.

Lin Xiu's team surpassed him too much. At that time, if he wanted to win this game, it would become even more difficult.

"Don't rush to leave, otherwise, the four of us will pretend to push the second tower in the middle lane, and lure them first. The tower in the lower lane can't be kept now. It will be more beneficial to us if we can kill a few of them, and wait until they After a few people have died, it will become a simple matter for us to push the tower, and they can't hold it at all.".
Lin Xiu saw the way out, and reacted very quickly to the situation at this time. He immediately realized what he should do at this time to maximize his advantages.

He knew very well that if he dared to go down the road at this time, he would be unable to do anything at all. The only thing he could do was probably to clear the line of troops, but now they could take advantage of this opportunity to arrest people.

After hearing this, everyone understood what Lin Xiu meant.

They are all willing to do what Lin Xiu said. Facts have proved that Lin Xiu's arrangement will not cause any problems under normal circumstances. If they do not follow Lin Xiu's arrangement, the situation will become even more chaotic. .

It is also more prone to accidents.

Lin Xiu is a born leader.

The 4 people stayed in the middle lane like this and Yangzhuang wanted to push down the second tower in the middle road. At this moment, they did have soldiers in their hands. The risk of doing this is too great, so Lin Xiu just needs them to pretend.

After seeing this situation, the wine barrel panicked.

"Why is it not enough to push down the first tower, and now you want to push down the second tower directly? The second tower in the middle road is really too important. If you can't push it like this, you will be pushed to a high ground. I'd better go and defend it." Let's go."

Originally, the wine barrel thought that Lin Xiu and the others would leave as soon as possible after knocking down the first tower, and would not take such a big risk to try to knock down the second tower in the middle, but what he didn't expect was to stop them. He has no intention of leaving yet, and he is about to attack the second tower in the middle with the pawn line.

In this case, the risk is really too great, and the wine barrel didn't dare to take such a big risk and let this matter go, so he hurried to the second tower of the middle road, intending to guard the second tower of the middle road.

But maybe because he was too flustered, Thresh seized the opportunity by walking carelessly.

Several other people also took advantage of this opportunity to directly kill the wine barrel.

Accompanied by the death of the wine barrel, the crocodile suddenly panicked. The wine barrel is very important to them. Just now, they wanted to defend the second tower in the middle, so they were caught by Lin Xiu and the others. killed.

If no one is guarding the second tower in the middle, then the second tower may really be pushed down by Lin Xiu and the others. Now that all four of them are in the middle, the crocodile has no choice but to do nothing.

"Why was it killed so quickly? They are too fierce, no, I have to teleport down to defend the tower as soon as possible!"

The crocodile was a little flustered, and he really couldn't control so much under this situation.

Other things are not that important, the most important thing is to defend the tower.

So he teleported there in a hurry, regardless of the danger.

(End of this chapter)

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