As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 285 I have a bold plan

Chapter 285 I Have a Bold Plan
After the crocodile arrived in a hurry, it found that the situation at this time was a bit special. It could only guard the high ground. If it was a little closer, it would probably be controlled by them. The four of them came He Hei still has pawn lines in his hands, even if he wants to clear their pawn lines, it will be a very difficult thing. .
This makes the crocodile feel very helpless, and can only wait for everyone's resurrection to solve this problem.

Fortunately, soon, the ball girl and the others were resurrected.

"Otherwise, let's go around and try."

Seeing this situation, the ball girl was also a little anxious, thinking that maybe they could take the opportunity to fall behind at this time, and then surround Lin Xiu and the others, and take this opportunity to kill all four of Lin Xiu and the others Yes, although it may be a little risky in this way, but there is no other way.

Maybe just killing them is the best solution, so you don't have to worry about anything else.

After hearing this, everyone naturally had no opinion, but when he was about to circle back, Lin Xiu immediately spotted him, and he had already circled to the ball girl in the wild.

Seeing that Lin Xiu had already seen through, the ball girl could only hurry back to the tower.

After all, it is impossible for him alone to be the opponent of these 4 people. Now that they have been discovered, they obviously have no other choice at this time. Apart from returning to the tower obediently, there is really nothing other ways.

The situation at this time is indeed very wrong, which also makes them feel anxious in their hearts, but they don't know what to do. Lin Xiu also knows that it is meaningless to keep guarding this place, so she goes Instruct everyone to go back home to buy equipment.

"Let's go back first, go back and buy the equipment before continuing to match the line. Anyway, they probably don't dare to do anything now."

Lin Xiu reminded everyone.

After everyone heard what Lin Xiu said, they all nodded and agreed. After going through the previous game, everyone at this time is completely convinced by what Lin Xiu said, which also made Lin Xiu want to Implementing plans and such has become a lot easier.

This is actually a very good thing. It is enough for a team to have one person who makes decisions. Although sometimes it is necessary to listen to different voices, but if there are too many different voices, it is not enough. It will make everyone have their own ideas, and there is no way to unite to do something.

After Lin Xiu finished buying the equipment, everyone went back to buy the equipment one after another, and then continued to match the line.

At this time, Lin Xiu's team has a relatively large advantage.

They may have been in a relatively weak state before, but thanks to this wave led by Lin Xiu, everyone found confidence.

On the contrary, the people on the opposite side are in a more vulnerable state. The possibility of Lin Xiu and the others winning this round is still relatively high. It won't be very difficult to win.

The main reason is that Lin Xiu has always been very considerate.

At this time, the ucca people are also in a state of worry. They know that they are at a disadvantage now, so they are also ready to start discussing the battle plan and the like. If they don't discuss well, then they may already be. There is no chance of winning. .
"Let's discuss it quickly. How should we fight next? I feel that the situation at this time is really bad. If we don't discuss it properly, maybe we really have no chance at all."

Someone took the initiative to speak up, thinking that everyone should have a good discussion about how to proceed with this game. This is a very important matter. They must discuss it well and have a battle plan.

"Yeah, this round is very different from the previous round. If we say that we still fight like before this time, then I think we are really likely to lose. Now we are already at a disadvantage Yes, I feel that they are all very serious about this game."

Such a statement has been agreed by everyone.

Several other people have also expressed that they need a battle plan, otherwise they will have a great chance of losing. Since they come back to participate in this World Championship this time, they just want to win the final championship.

If they just let them lose the game like this, they would definitely be very unwilling. Although they actually knew that Lin Xiu's team was a relatively strong team, even so, they were not willing to lose like this.

Their strength is also very powerful.

They should be going to win the final championship.

"Yes, we really need a battle plan now. I think Yuanyuan's crocodile is a very good breakthrough. Maybe we should use him as a breakthrough for the next game."

The captain of their team also knew that what everyone said was very reasonable. These players all hoped to win as soon as possible, so they proposed a battle plan at this time. Of course, in his heart Also had the same idea.

When he was repeatedly frustrated, he already felt that the situation was wrong, and he knew that he should think about a suitable battle plan, but he never had the opportunity to do such a thing.

He thought about it carefully now, and felt that Yuanyuan's crocodile was a very good breakthrough. If he could catch such a breakthrough, it might be very helpful for the next game.

After hearing this, everyone felt that it was indeed reasonable, and they could also see that the endless crocodiles should be a relatively important point for them.

If it is possible to deal with the endless crocodiles at this time, it may be possible to make a breakthrough in the situation of the game.

It's just that they have to find such an opportunity first.

At this time, Kai'Sa and the female tank are carefully clearing the troops in the bottom lane. Everyone is paying more attention to development at this time, rather than immediately starting a war.

The risk of starting a war is simply too great.

Clockwork clicked the signal at this time to remind everyone of the current situation.

Yuanyuan didn't realize that something was wrong, he was quickly surrounded by the ucca team. .
The main reason is that Yuanyuan didn't expect that the other party's people would suddenly target themselves.

By the time they realized that something was wrong, there was no chance to escape. They appeared too timely, and surrounded themselves directly. Sighing helplessly, he resigned himself to being killed by the opponent.

"I really don't understand why they suddenly started to target me. I didn't see that they had any idea to target me before. This time, everyone came together. It's obvious that they are targeting me. "

Yuanyuan complained helplessly, and didn't understand what they were thinking in their hearts. Could it be because they felt that they were in great danger, probably not.

Difficulty did not pay too much attention to this point. Although Yuanyuan was found to be killed, he didn't think it was a big problem. Instead, he directed Thresh to do a good job of vision.

"Thresh, you still need to have a good view over there. In this way, if the person on the opposite side appears suddenly, we can avoid it to the greatest extent to avoid further problems."

Lin Xiu reminded her.

After hearing this at any time, he hurriedly nodded and agreed. He also knew that the field of vision was something he should do well. After all, if the field of vision was not done well, then he would not know what the other party's movements were like.

I don't know when they will appear, and I don't know if they suddenly killed the team members on their side.

In this case, the risk is too great.

After that, Kaisha and the others continued to push the line.

They don't have any intention of fighting at this time. After all, everyone knows the situation at this time. Whoever provokes the fight first will be more risky for them, so they don't want it. Fight directly at this time.

Instead, I plan to develop myself first in a cautious way, and then cooperate with everyone to start team battles when I develop to a certain level. In this way, there will be more opportunities for output.

And at this moment, the wheel mother on the opposite side also suddenly appeared.

The two sides began to pull away.

Neither of them intended to fight directly, but they were constantly consuming each other's blood.

The positioning of both of them can be said to be very good, and they have done a very good job of avoiding each other's skills. Almost everyone's skills are empty.

The main reason is that they are very cautious, knowing that the situation on both sides is not much different now. Lin Xiu's side has the advantage, but it is only a small advantage, not a very big advantage, so Kai'Sa's side does not have much advantage. Dare not to be careful.

I also know that if I make a mistake in operation, then there will easily be relatively big problems, and no one wants to have problems at this time.

So more vigilance is needed.

But at this time, the female tank on the opposite side had the idea of ​​starting a group. It was probably a bit boring to pull it off like this. The constant consumption saw that the blood volume on the opposite side was getting less and less. I always felt that there was a chance You can directly take down Kai'Sa on the opposite side, so you have the idea of ​​​​starting a team.

It's just that at this time, Kai'Sa also realizes that the female tank has plans to start a group. .
The female tank keeps using her skills in order to consume Kai'Sa's HP as much as possible.

But Kai'Sa's reaction speed is also very fast, he keeps moving to avoid the female tank's skills.

"If you want to attack me like this, it's too simple to think about things. It's not that easy to start a group."

Kaisha saw that the female tank didn't have any skills, so the center would naturally be a little proud, but in fact, the process just now was quite thrilling. I have to say that the operation of the female tank is still very good, if it is not because of If I moved in a timely manner, I'm afraid he would have already been charged to death by this time.

After being dodged by the skills, the female tank also felt a little helpless. She didn't expect that she had put so many skills so hard, but none of them actually hit Kai'Sa, and almost all of them were completely dodged by him. In my heart, I also feel a little admired.

I have to say that this guy is really powerful, able to evade so many of his skills.

After Kai'Sa moved to avoid these skills, she definitely didn't intend to leave directly. After all, the opponent's skills have been used up. Wouldn't it be a pity to leave at this time.

At this time, the female tank was also a little unwilling, and planned to leave like this, and waited for her skills to recover before trying to forcibly form a group to take Kai'Sa away.

This opportunity is so rare that he is unwilling to let it go.

But what I didn't expect was that at this time, Lin Xiu had already quietly touched him. He was very careful to hide his vision along the way, so that the people on the other side were not aware of his arrival. Kaisha found that Lin Xiu had arrived quietly. After reading it, I immediately understood what he meant.

The two have played many matches together, and the cooperation at this time is naturally very tacit. Lin Xiu only needs one movement, and Kaisha can understand what Lin Xiu wants to do at this time. Now that Lin Xiu appeared in this place, Kai'Sa naturally understood that he hoped that she could cooperate with him to take down the opponent's wheel mother and female tank.

The opportunity to take down the two of them is very rare now, the female tank's skills have almost been released, and the situation of Wheel Mom is not so optimistic.

Afterwards, Lin Xiu suddenly appeared in front of Wheel Mom and Nutan. The two of them never thought that Lin Xiu would be startled by her sudden appearance, and retreated hastily. Use skills to control Lin Xiu.

Kai'Sa also seized this opportunity and frantically attacked her opponent.

The other party had no chance to leave. Lin Xiu and Kai'Sa cooperated and directly took down the wheel mother and the female tank. After taking down these two heads, the morale of Lin Xiu's team naturally rose.

Everyone is very happy about this incident.

Now the distance between them and the opposing team is really getting farther and farther, their development is getting better and better, and the opponent will never be able to catch up, this game, they will win.

(End of this chapter)

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