Chapter 286
Wheel Mom and Nutan both felt a little reconciled. They had a chance to escape just now, but they lost this wave due to their own mistakes. .
"It's really a pity. If we could have reacted faster at that time, we should not have been taken away by them."

The two of them felt a little helpless, but no matter how unwilling they felt at this moment, it had no effect.

Lin Xiu and Kai'Sa have cooperated very well in this wave, so both of them are very happy, and now Lin Xiu has set his sights on Dalong. At this time, they actually have the opportunity to open the big dragon. Dragon's.

"Otherwise, let's go to open the big dragon. If we go to open the big dragon now, we can expand our advantage and help us win the game. If we don't open it, the opponent will also There will be such thoughts, there is no point in guarding the side, it is better for us to win first, Dalong may not have expected it."

Lin Xiu spoke out what was in his heart. Everyone's thoughts are almost the same at this moment. They have all set their sights on the big dragon, and they all feel that it is necessary to open the big dragon at this time.

After the female tank and several other people saw this situation, they all realized that Lin Xiu and the others should have plans to force the group.

Now that the situation on their side is getting worse and worse, their hearts will naturally become more and more anxious, knowing that it is absolutely impossible for Team Lin Xiu to win this big dragon. If you get off this big dragon, it will be even more difficult to catch up with their economy.

"Otherwise, let's squat on the grass over there first. At least it will be a deterrent to them. Maybe it can scare them away. If they forcefully want to take the dragon, then we will directly form a group there. Well, anyway, it might be good for us to start a group in the dragon pit, let them consume a wave first."

The people from the team here are also discussing this matter, and they are all very anxious, worried that there will be some problems at this time, and they all think that Lin Xiu and his team cannot be easily taken. to this great dragon.

After this round of discussion, everyone decided to squat in the grass next to the big dragon. It was obviously the most suitable place to squat.

But when they came to squat in the grass, they were discovered by Lin Xiu and the others. Naturally, Lin Xiu and the others knew that if they really planned to fight the big dragon, then it was best to pay attention to the surrounding situation. Words are very important, and the surrounding grass should be explored even more.

There may be enemies hiding in that place. If there are enemies hiding in that place and they continue to fight the dragon, it is a very stupid behavior.

When they throw all their skills on the big dragon, the enemy will show up. At that time, not only the big dragon will be taken away by the opponent, but even the heads on their side will be taken away by the opponent.

After seeing a few of them in this place, Lin Xiu could only direct a few players to start a team.

"Let's defeat them first. Judging from the current situation, we have no way to fight dragons with peace of mind. They have already made preparations in the grass. We will consider fighting dragons after defeating them first." The matter of the dragon, otherwise the risk is too great.".
Although Lin Xiu really hopes that he can get this big dragon at this time, because the bonus of this big dragon to everyone is very high, which can further improve everyone's economy, but they can't take it His eyes were only on the big dragon.

Now that the people on the opposite side have already appeared, Lin Xiu has no choice but to do nothing in this place, he has to do something.

So I can only remind everyone at this time that after hearing this, everyone immediately understood what Lin Xiu meant. In fact, even if Lin Xiu said, they also know what to do. At this time, they must respond as quickly as possible. Abandon this big dragon and start a group.

After a fierce battle, under Lin Xiu's command, the opponent was wiped out immediately.

In fact, this is not a surprising thing, the main reason is that the opponent's economy is not as good as that of Lin Xiu and his team, and Lin Xiu and his team can be said to cooperate very tacitly, having experienced previous failures , Everyone believed in what Lin Xiu said, no matter what Lin Xiu arranged, they would follow Lin Xiu's arrangement.

In this kind of methodical battle, naturally it is not easy to lose the wind.

"The group is destroyed!"

When this voice broadcast appeared, everyone cheered uncontrollably.

Because in fact, at this time, group destruction almost means victory for them.

At the same time, the people from the opposing team are naturally sighing. They all feel a little unacceptable about this matter, but there is no way to do it. The trouble has already reached this level. They can only wait for the resurrection , unable to do anything, watched Lin Xiu lead several of his team members to start driving the dragon.

"There is enough time. Let's take the big dragon first. After taking the big dragon, we can follow the big dragon and push it directly from the middle."

Lin Xiu keenly judged that the time to appear at this time is still enough, because the game has already progressed, and after the opponent dies in the later stage, the resurrection time will be relatively long, so they can take advantage of this opportunity to kill Dalong first. To win, Baron is very important for the game, even if they can't push down the tower in the middle, they can get Baron first.

After hearing what Lin Xiu said, everyone didn't have any opinions, and started to defeat Dalong very quickly.

Watching the opponent operate helplessly, but there is really no way to do it. The people on the opposite team are feeling so uncomfortable now, but they really can't do anything.

After defeating the big dragon, everyone pushed it directly from the middle, but at this time because there was no pawn line, they could only carry the tower forcibly.

Guo Zihao was the one who rushed to carry the tower first, and the other team members pushed the tower crazily, but because the damage of the tower was still relatively high, he carried the tower and died.

"Keep pushing!".
Lin Xiu gritted her teeth. Although she knew that the situation was very dangerous, she still wanted to remove this very important tower. If the very important tower in the middle lane could be removed, Then they have the chance to win.

Everyone also understands the meaning of what Lin Xiu said at this time, and they all know the importance of this tower to everyone, so they continue to do what Lin Xiu said, and continue to forcibly try to pull out this tower At this time, there is only one front tooth tower left, but the person on the opposite side is also resurrecting at this time.

There were already three people resurrected on the opposite side, Lin Xiu could only order everyone to fight and retreat when seeing this situation.

"Everyone, be careful. It doesn't matter if you can't beat them. You just can't die in their hands."

Lin Xiu kept reminding everyone to be more cautious. If they made any mistakes at this time, it would be easy to be pulled back by the opponent. Although they already had some advantages at this time, but It is not easy for them to gain these advantages.

It would really be a pity if the other party got back to the next level because of a small mistake.

Everyone used the method of fighting and retreating, retreating while fighting, and escaped as much as possible after finding an opportunity, and the opponent's person was finally resurrected, so they naturally chased after him, after all, they were just now The people under Lin Xiu's team suffered a great loss here, which is also an unacceptable thing for them.

Now that they have seized the opportunity, it is naturally a rare thing to be able to catch Lin Xiu and the others, so they all want to take advantage of this opportunity to regain their status.

It's just that it doesn't make any sense.

Kai'Sa's escape speed was a little slower, but she was controlled by the opposite person, and she was already left behind. Lin Xiu originally wanted to rescue her, but seeing this situation, something was really wrong. In the case of rescue, it is estimated that one more head will be sent, there is no difference, so I simply choose to escape.

"Everyone's condition is not very good now, let's return to the spring water to replenish the condition first."

Lin Xiu also reminded everyone that everyone's situation at this time is indeed not very good, the blood volume is not very sufficient, and most of the team members' skills have already been used, so under this situation, they have no The method can be sparring with the opponent's players who are in full state.

Under such circumstances, if you really want to save Kai'Sa, then it is really a gift. After hearing this, everyone nodded and agreed. After finding the corner, they took the opportunity to return When the spring water recovered, Kai'Sa naturally died at the hands of the opponent's team, but there was no way around it.

Kaisha would feel that it was a bit of a pity, but after thinking about it carefully, it is not so unacceptable. After all, judging from the current situation, they still have a relatively large advantage, and they can have such a large advantage It was already a very difficult thing.

This game was already tough.

Lin Xiu looked at the situation of the crocodile at this time, and was immediately very dissatisfied with the situation of the crocodile. At this time, everyone is actually almost developed, but the economic situation of the crocodile is a little bit bad, and it is almost the bottom of the team. This situation made him feel a little bit unacceptable. .
If the Crocodile's economy does not improve at this time, his skills will not be able to play the greatest role, so he will become a dragging presence in the team.

"Crocodile, you should go to make up for the economy first, eat more soldiers and the like, everyone's economy has almost risen at this time, but your economy is still relatively low, so you have to make up for it, otherwise The disadvantages will show up in team battles later."

Lin Xiu reminded the crocodile to make up for the economy. After hearing this, the crocodile quickly nodded and agreed. In fact, she also discovered that her economy was indeed the lower one in the team. No wonder before, the opposite team People suddenly stare at themselves, probably because they find that their economy is relatively low, so they want to use themselves to improve their economy.

Under such circumstances, other people are more difficult to deal with for the opponent, but the crocodile's economy is so low, so it is the easiest thing to do to him. For such a reason, it is normal to stare at crocodiles.

Seeing that the crocodile had already started to replenish the economy, Lin Xiu led two people to carefully push the pawn line on the road. At this time, Noke who was on the road was still ignorant, and he didn't even notice that Lin Xiu appeared nearby , only intending to clear his line from a distance, but Lin Xiu suddenly appeared, and directly killed him with two people.

After taking down Noke's head, Noke was a little helpless after being killed. He felt that he was really too careless just now. If he could be more cautious, maybe he would not have encountered such a thing .

At the same time, I felt that Lin Xiu was too elusive. I was paying attention just now, but Lin Xiu suddenly appeared in front of me in a relatively far away place the next moment.

Let yourself have no chance to escape at all, and can only be forced to be killed.

This is really something that can't be helped at all.

At this time, Lin Xiu found that Xiaolong had been refreshed.

"Then the best thing to do now is to catch a little dragon first, this way it will be better for everyone's development."

Lin Xiu put her gaze into the dragon pit and noticed that the little dragon has been refreshed at this time, and the little dragon has already been refreshed, so it is natural to seize the opportunity to catch the little dragon in time. Such a good opportunity should not be missed. So he quietly came to the vicinity of the dragon pit.

Anyway, I am now in a relatively advantageous state. At this relatively advantageous time, I can completely grab more resources to my team members without any scruples, especially those like Xiaolong Dalong. The resources that can affect the other party should be grasped as much as possible in your own hands, and you should not give the other party any chance to develop.

Otherwise, this game will be a bit troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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