As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 287 How Can You Make a Mistake?

Chapter 287 How Can You Make a Mistake?

But when Lin Xiu came to Xiaolong's place, he found that the opponent's wine barrel was already beating Xiaolong there at this time. It seemed that the opponent's thinking was not much different from her own. The economic gap between them and her was a little big, so They need to grasp this little dragon well. .
If this little dragon can be taken down, the economic gap can be narrowed, which will naturally be of great benefit to them.

When the wine barrel saw Lin Xiu appearing in this place, he was naturally a little flustered. After all, he was fighting Xiaolong. He gave all his skills to Xiaolong, in order to be able to fight in the shortest possible time. Get this little dragon, and at the same time, it makes the risk even greater.

Because if there are other people in this place, then I have no way to guarantee that this little dragon is still on my side, and there is no way to guarantee that I can survive.

"Assembly request, hurry up and come here, I saw the male gun appearing near here, and I'm fighting Xiaolong now!"

There was really no other way, and under such circumstances, Jiu Ke could only choose to summon a few team members and let those team members hurry over to help.

If the team members don't come, then there may be no way to recover from this situation. At that time, his head and this little dragon will become Lin Xiu's possessions. Fortunately, several team members heard what the barrel said. After the words, they all rushed over in the shortest time.

Of course, Lin Xiu also summoned his teammates at this time.

After all, it is obvious that they are likely to have a team battle in this place next time. Since they are already going to fight, it is only fair to call players from both sides over. It is impossible for Lin Xiu alone to beat the opponent's five players.

He still has this self-knowledge. In fact, at this time, his development may indeed be slightly better than the other party.

At this moment, Kai'Sa and Wheel Mom were already fighting each other. After seeing this situation, the female tank wanted to control Kai'Sa, and then forcibly started the team. Anyway, the fight is already so lively now Well, if he said he could control Kai'Sa, then Kai'Sa would definitely die.

But Thresh also appeared suddenly at this time. It can be said that the mother of the wheel is very well protected by the female tank at this time, so Thresh naturally wants to protect Kai'Sa. They are 2v2, so That's fair game.

Thresh saw that the female tank had the intention of forcibly controlling Kai'Sa and then starting a team, so he kept an eye on the female tank's movements and blocked the opponent's skills in time.

Although the damage of this skill is not very high, the control power is indeed relatively strong, and the damage of the wheel mother at this time is relatively high. If it is really controlled by force, then Kai'Sa must be There is no way to keep it, so Thresh must now concentrate on protecting Kai'Sa.

In this kind of game, they can't make any mistakes at all. As long as there is a little mistake, it will easily cause problems, so he is also very careful to protect Kai'Sa from the beginning to the end. .

Clockwork also appeared around at this time. Hearing Lin Xiu's call, Clockwork immediately appeared around Xiaolong after clearing his pawn line in the middle. .
And he also noticed the situation at this time, found a very suitable opportunity, and released his ultimate move directly. The team members on the opposite side also realized that the situation was wrong and planned to escape, but in the end But still couldn't escape.

The damage of Lin Xiu's team members is already very high, and they can be easily crushed, and Clockwork also found a very suitable opportunity to release his own big move.

Under such circumstances, it was even more impossible for them to escape. In the end, only Ball Girl and Wheel Mom reacted very quickly and left this place relying on their skills.

The other heads had already been taken by Lin Xiu's team members. Lin Xiu felt very satisfied after seeing this situation, knowing that the two of them left would never have the guts to come over and snatch it. Xiaolong's, if they really want to come over, then they are welcome to accept the heads of the two of them, anyway, they are the ones who sent them to the door.

"Okay, don't chase them for now. Let's take this little dragon first. Now that they haven't been resurrected, we can easily take this little dragon down."

Lin Xiu reminded everyone so that there is no need to focus on the two of them who escaped. Although catching them is naturally a good thing, it is easier than catching them. There is no doubt that this little dragon is directly in his hands now.

Naturally, everyone didn't have any opinion on this matter, so they threw all their skills on Xiaolong, and took down this little dragon in a short time. Seeing Lin Xiu and the others easily took down Xiaolong, they naturally felt very unwilling, especially the wine barrel.

At the beginning, he thought that he would take down Xiaolong as quickly as possible when Xiaolong had just refreshed Lin Xiu and the others before they had time to react. After gaining a relatively large economic advantage, it may be possible to even out the gap a little bit.

Because according to the current situation at this time, the possibility of them winning is too small. Naturally, the barrel is unwilling to lose this game just like this, and naturally wants to use such a method to make the two sides win. The economy is slightly evened out.

But what I didn't expect was that Lin Xiu also rushed over the first time the dragon was refreshed, and directly bumped into himself, and in this team battle, his team members lost again.

Obviously, judging from the current situation, it can be said that they almost have no chance. If they really want to win, it should be an unrealistic thing.

But still will not be reconciled.

After Lin Xiu and the others took down Xiaolong, the other players who were not in good condition returned to the spring to replenish their condition in time, while Lin Xiu cleared the pawn line in the middle.

When Lin Xiu cleared the pawn line in the middle, the mother of the wheel walked back and forth in the middle, trying to seduce Lin Xiu. .
But when he moved, he was actually very nervous inside. He was worried that Lin Xiu would suddenly appear in front of him and take him away with a set of skills, so he had to move very carefully.

If it is possible to lure Lin Xiu over, then cooperate with other team members to directly kill Lin Xiu, which can provide them with a relatively large advantage.

It's just a pity that Lin Xiu seems to be smarter, and has even realized that there is a trap over there, so he didn't intend to go directly to kill the wheel mother from the beginning to the end.

Instead, relying on his own operations, he slowly consumed the opponent's blood.

Seeing that Luanzi's mother's blood had been consumed to half, Lin Xiu was still not seduced. After seeing this situation, Luanzi's mother was really speechless. For such a cautious person, he has been seducing him in this place for half a day.

Obviously, the general jungler should be uncontrollable under this situation, and wanted to use a set of skills to take him away, but Lin Xiu just defended it, and was just constantly consuming his own blood on the edge He used his operation to attack himself, but he didn't rush over completely, wanting to take his head.

"This guy is really not easy to seduce, I think it's better to give up seducing him."

Mother Wheel sighed helplessly, and at the same time reminded everyone that it is obviously unrealistic to seduce Lin Xiu. This is a huge advantage. Under such circumstances, ordinary people should have already determined that they will win the final victory.

So in the process of playing the game, there may be some unreasonable behaviors, but Lin Xiu is different. He is so rational from the beginning to the end, as if many things are not right Like any influence he has, no matter whether they are in a state of advantage or disadvantage, he will be extremely rational.

It's really frustrating to play against this kind of guy.

Mother of Wheels naturally didn't dare to seduce Lin Xiu any more. She was worried that she would not be able to stand up to his manipulation in a half-blood state, so she retreated to the second tower in the middle road and waited for everyone to be resurrected.

At this time, the buff of the dragon has also disappeared.

Although Lin Xiu and the others said they really wanted to, they took advantage of this suitable opportunity to directly push through the middle lane, but obviously after the buff of the big dragon disappeared, they lost an enhancement effect, and wanted to directly push through the middle lane at this time. In the past, the risk was simply too great.

"Forget it, let's take our time. Although we have such an economic advantage, we can still do this slowly. There is no need to be too anxious. According to the current situation, it is better to delay for a while." Nothing will happen."

Lin Xiu can only remind everyone not to be too anxious. He knows that everyone is more anxious at this time, and they all hope to win as soon as possible, but I am afraid that there is really no way to finish this matter too quickly.

After hearing what Lin Xiu said, everyone nodded in agreement, knowing that no matter how anxious they were, they must calm down first as Lin Xiu said, and slowly win the game. .
Anxiety is never in a hurry. The more anxious they are, the more anxious they are, they don't want to be like last time, disobeying Lin Xiu's advice, losing so ugly in the end, and being ridiculed by others. Thinking about it, that is a painful thing. The matter, this time they must win beautifully.

At this time, the ball girl on the opposite side made a mistake, and Thresh also took advantage of this opportunity to hook the ball girl directly.

Clockwork was very happy after seeing this situation, and immediately released his ultimate move, and killed the ball girl in an instant.

Under the current situation, as long as he is hooked, it can be said that there is almost no solution. After all, he has control skills in it.

And there is a clockwork with such high damage beside him, as long as he releases his skills, he can easily take people with him. The ball girl saw that she didn't even have a chance to react, and she couldn't release any He was taken away just like that, and was so angry that he even wanted to smash the computer.

It's just a pity that the game is going on at this time, and he must control his emotions as much as possible. Unreasonable emotions will affect the next game, so he can only control himself first.

Then I couldn't help but scolded the two of them severely in my heart, but of course it was useless. On the contrary, the two of them were very happy because of such a cooperation, and they shot straight away. Kill the ball girl on the opposite side.

Immediately afterwards, the crocodile kept rushing forward, and his economy at this time was much higher than before.

Mainly because he heard what Lin Xiu said, after hearing what Lin Xiu said, he also deliberately supplemented his economy, and now the economy is higher than before, and the equipment has almost taken shape. The usefulness of skills has naturally become greater.

Now he was rushing forward, constantly taking damage, Lin Xiu and the others followed behind, and directly took advantage of this opportunity to wipe out all the opponents.

I have to say that the crocodile really came in handy this time. If it wasn't for him constantly eating the opponent's damage, then there was no way to destroy the opponent so easily.

When I heard the prompt sound of the group disappearing, there was silence at the beginning, and everyone's shocked cheers began to appear in the auditorium.

Everyone didn't expect that the situation this time is so different from the last time. Now that the group is destroyed in this situation, the situation is naturally obvious.

Lin Xiu and the others won the game.

In the end, they successfully pushed away the opponent's crystal and stopped several members of the team, because of this matter, they were naturally very happy, and this made their hearts a lot easier. After all, at the beginning, their hearts The face is very worried about himself, and will eventually lose to the opponent.

Now it seems that the victory they want to win does not seem to be such a difficult thing, they can still do it, although the opponent's strength seems to be really strong.

(End of this chapter)

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