As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 294 That Man Makes Me Scared

Chapter 294 That Man Makes Me Scared

"Okay, I'll come over right after I clear the wild here."
After Lin Xiu heard this, she quickly agreed and knew that if the middle lane on the opposite side was developed, it would be of no benefit to her side. After clearing it, I came to the middle road.

Sure enough, I found that, as the middle lane said, the opponent's middle lane is a person who is more able to play, and now he is indeed developed at this time, and he is quite a good one.

Even suppressing the middle lane on his side, there is no chance for the middle lane on his side to go out to clear the line. As soon as the pawn line arrives, the middle lane on the opposite side will be cleared at an extremely fast speed, and then Press the middle road on his side.

This seems to be a really big problem.

After Lin Xiu appeared here, the middle lane on the opposite side was shocked when they found Lin Xiu's appearance, and knew that his strength was very strong. If he was caught by him, then the only advantage he had was probably lost. up.

"Hurry up and help me. Lin Xiu probably plans to arrest me in the middle of the road here. You can see if you can come over with a few more people. We will arrest him directly. He already has two heads now. The developed economy is higher than all the people on our side, so I have a little bit of economy, so don't ruin my economy."

At this time, the middle lane on the opposite side also began to feel a little anxious. He was very worried that if Lin Xiu would suddenly jump over the tower and forcefully kill the opponent's middle lane, then he might not be able to escape.

So I hope that a few people from my side can come to help me. If I can take Lin Xiu's head, it will be the best. Even if I can't take Lin Xiu's head, I still have to keep myself.

Because at this time, I seem to have a slight advantage in my own economy at this time, and other people have no advantage at all, and all the advantages have been taken away by Lin Xiu.

Moreover, Lin Xiu had already taken two heads at this time, and the speed of taking another head was really amazing.

After hearing this, several team members on the opposite side naturally nodded and agreed. As soon as they heard that Lin Xiu had appeared in the middle lane, they rushed over to help the middle lane.

Three people came all at once. The three of them had the idea of ​​taking Lin Xiu as the leader, and the leader in the middle lane could also be taken along with them.

"I am here to ambush us to see if we can directly take down Lin Xiu and the heads of the middle lane. If we can take the heads of both of them, then our side's development can also be slightly improved. Otherwise, there is really no chance at all.”

One of the team members opened his mouth to arrange this matter, and the other two quickly nodded and agreed after hearing this, but what they didn't know was that Lin Xiu had observed it early in the morning, and they had already appeared nearby, so they had already started Go in the direction of the defense tower.

When they appeared, both Lin Xiu and the mage in the middle had already entered the defense tower, and the two of them successfully used the defense tower to escape the opponent's attack.

After dodging the attack, Lin Xiu and the mages in the middle also breathed a sigh of relief. It was too thrilling just now.

But what I didn't expect was that the person on the opposite side might have red eyes, and at this time, he actually planned to forcibly break into the tower. .
Lin Xiu's team members were accidentally controlled by the opponent's mage, and their heads were forcibly taken off by the opponent.

"No way, we have already entered the tower, and they still want to force their way into the tower."

Seeing this situation, the teacher also complained helplessly. He really didn't expect them to have the intention of forcibly breaking into the tower under such circumstances. At first, he thought that they at least had some taboos towards Lin Xiu, so it was impossible for them to do so. You are so brave.

I also blame myself for accidentally being controlled by the opposite person, and then there is no room for struggle.

Once the few people on the opposite side controlled themselves, they handed over all their skills to themselves, and their blood volume was not very advantageous, so they naturally explained it quickly.

Lin Xiu didn't say anything, and didn't mean to complain about the mage, but at this time the three people still didn't want to leave at this time.

"Otherwise, let's take this opportunity to forcibly break into the tower and kill Lin Xiu. By the way, let's pull out the first tower in the middle lane. If we can take down the first tower in the middle lane, our advantage will be complete. came back."

One of the team members on the opposite side couldn't help but put forward his own thoughts. The opportunity at this time is very rare. They can see that Lin Xiu's blood volume is not very advantageous. If at this time If they forcefully break into the tower to take Lin Xiu's head, and pull out a tower in the middle, then their side really has an advantage.

This statement was echoed by their other two players.

In fact, even if this team member didn't say so, they already had the idea of ​​trying it out. They didn't want to miss such a good opportunity, and they all wanted to take Lin Xiu's head.

"Actually, I really want to see how powerful he is now. Under such circumstances, he probably has no chance to evade our attack."

One of the team members laughed mockingly. He had heard of Lin Xiu's fame before and knew that Lin Xiu was a very good professional player, but was he really that good?
If it can escape under such circumstances later, then it really has some skills.

But in the face of the siege of three people, there should be no way for him to struggle.

Immediately afterwards, the three people surrounded them. Lin Xiu looked at them eagerly looking around, and knew what was going on in their hearts, and she was fully prepared. Although her condition was not very good , but if you use the defense tower, maybe you can consume them a lot.

When the three of them surrounded them, Lin Xiu used the defense tower to start dealing with them, avoiding their skills as much as possible, and of course putting skills on them, but the most important thing was to use skills and Defensive towers to avoid their damage.

In the end, what he didn't expect was that the team members on the opposite side died one after another. After two deaths, the last one was already bloody. Under such circumstances, it was impossible for him to choose to retreat.

There was still a chance to take Lin Xiu's head, but Lin Xiu dodged and he confessed himself instead.

This time, Lin Xiu used the defense tower to directly take down the person who killed the opponent three times. After seeing this situation, she was dumbfounded. Just now, she was thinking of pulling down the tower in the middle and taking down the head of the person who blocked it. , it turned out that things were completely different from what they imagined. .
At this time, they would naturally have some regrets in their hearts. If they knew that they shouldn't have attacked Lin Xiu so recklessly just now, it's just that it must be too late to regret.

Lin Xiu basically has only a trace of blood left now, so of course she doesn't dare to continue wandering outside, so she can only go back to the spring water to replenish her state, and then return to the wild area to play wild.

His current economy at this time can basically be said to be the best, and he directly won 5 heads, and there is also a triple kill. Under this situation, if the opponent is single-handedly, No one can beat him.

However, Lin Xiu was more cautious.

People like Lin Xiu have always been more cautious in character, and will be extremely patient no matter what kind of competition they face.

Otherwise, he would not be able to lead his players to win so many games.

After Lin Xiu cleared a wave of wilds in the jungle, he suddenly saw that the reminder dragon had now appeared in the Dragon Pit.

This is a good opportunity to use to pull up the economic advantage.

"Come on, come and take down the dragon with me, the little dragon appeared."

Lin Xiu would still be a little worried if she went alone. If she wanted to take the dragon at this time, the people on the other side would definitely have the same idea. They would also want to take this opportunity to take the dragon down. , and then narrow the economic gap.

After winning this dragon, the economy of the whole team will be improved.

If he was halfway through the fight and the person on the opposite side suddenly appeared, then the dragon would really give in, so Lin Xiu still had to call a few team members to do this together. The teammates who heard this After speaking, they all quickly agreed, and at this time, the person opposite naturally had the same idea.

Lin Xiu noticed the trend of the opponent and knew that the opponent should also want to fight the dragon, so she stopped her teammates.

"Don't come here, leave this matter to me first, I can see that they should also have plans to fight the dragon, if you go with me now, it will be easier to attract the opposite party People's attention, it is better to let me steal alone."

Lin Xiu noticed this, so he reminded the team members.

If it is to fight the dragon, then it would be better if more people go, because in this way, they can take down the dragon in a shorter time, so that the people on the opposite side have no chance to snatch it. Opportunity, but the situation at this time is obviously not like this.

The people on the opposite side are probably already fighting dragons there. Since the people on the opposite side have already started fighting, then I should seize this opportunity and suddenly appear in front of them when they are about to succeed in fighting , and snatched the dragon down.

That's what's best for me.

After hearing what Lin Xiu said, the teammates all nodded to express their understanding. Although the risk of doing so would be a little high, they were also confident in Lin Xiu's strength. They knew that since Lin Xiu had already said so, Then it means that he has full confidence.

Lin Xiu came to the dragon pit alone, and directly snatched the dragon down in a short time. .
When he came here, he saw that the opponent had beaten the dragon until there was only a trace of blood left, so he rushed over, used his skills to take down the dragon, and then used his displacement to escape very fast.

When the people on the other side saw this situation, they were very angry. You must know that when they were fighting the dragon just now, they were also very worried. What they were most afraid of was that Lin Xiu and the others would suddenly appear near the dragon pit and snatch the dragon away. It turned out that Lin Xiu really did this.

Moreover, they still took away the bloody dragon they had beaten.

This must be very annoying.

"This Lin Xiu is really too much. We played too seriously just now, and we didn't pay attention to his movements!"

Several players on the opposite side couldn't control their temper at this time, and couldn't help but start scolding Lin Xiu, because what Lin Xiu did really made them feel very uncomfortable, but in this kind of game There is no need to take into account the other party's ideas.

Grabbing the dragon is a very good thing for Lin Xiu, and the team's economy has also been greatly improved because Lin Xiu has snatched the dragon.

Lin Xiu knew that the people on the opposite side must be very angry at this time, but he didn't take care of this matter, and then he squatted in the grass again, and asked his teammates to come with him.

"They gave all their skills to the dragon just now, and because the dragon also consumed a certain amount of their blood, their health is not very good at this time, so hurry up and come together, I I feel like this is an opportunity to wipe them out in waves.”

When Lin Xiu grabbed the dragon just now, he actually observed the situation of several players on the opposite side and felt that the opposite side is not very advantageous at this time, so at this time, if you can let a few teammates follow along If you come here, it won't be very difficult to take down the five heads on the opposite side.

Besides, this is really a very rare opportunity. After hearing this, the teammates naturally rushed over in a hurry. At this moment, they almost completely trust what Lin Xiu said.

The team members came together and squatted in the grass, but the people on the opposite side were very depressed at this moment. They were completely immersed in scolding Lin Xiu, and they didn't care about the situation in the grass at all.

Just like that, Lin Xiu squatted for a while.

Lin Xiu was still carrying a mage, and he directly controlled it. The skills of the person on the opposite side hadn't cooled down yet, and the blood volume was not very good, so Lin Xiu quickly took it down.

Lin Xiu got 5 kills in one operation. When this reminder appeared on the screen, several of Lin Xiu's teammates were all very excited.

This fight is really too difficult. Although it is only a training match, everyone's emotions have been fully mobilized at this time. They all want to win this match. In fact, it is considered a victory. There will not be any rewards, but everyone also has such a competitive heart.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xiu asked his teammates on the road to play towers, and took advantage of this opportunity to break through the opponent's first tower.

(End of this chapter)

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