Chapter 295

After seeing this situation, the opposite side hurried over to stop it. .
They had just been resurrected at this time, but they didn't want the tower that allowed them to go on the road, so they were pulled out like this.

Judging from the current situation at this time, any tower is very important to them. They still have no way to win the tower on Lin Xiu's side, but the towers on their side are one after another. was then pushed away.

Naturally, they had no way to accept this matter, so they hurriedly asked their teammates to go to guard the tower on the road together.

At this time, Lin Xiu's team members were also here, so under such circumstances, the two sides naturally engaged in a wave of team battles.

Lin Xiu saw that the person on the opposite side had come, so she hurried over to help, not wanting to let the team members on her side be taken down by the opponent, because this kind of advantage is relatively rare. The development here is even more beneficial.

But if the players on his side are taken down by the opponent, it will inevitably give the opponent some economic advantages.

Although judging from the current situation, their hopes of winning the game should be very slim, but Lin Xiu does not want any accidents at this time. He has always been cautious in doing things, and he will not Relax.

Seeing Lin Xiu approaching the other side was also a little scary.

Because at this time, Lin Xiu's development can be said to be very good, and the damage of a random basic attack is already very amazing.

So the person on the opposite side hid directly under the defense tower at this time.

"Lin Xiu is here, let's not fight outside, otherwise I think we might help him get 5 kills again."

When the people on the other side said such a sentence, they also felt a little bitter in their hearts. Naturally, they didn't want Lin Xiu to continue to develop. Now Lin Xiu's head count is a bit too much, and The economy is also far ahead of them.

Even twice as high as their lowest economy.

Under such circumstances, Lin Xiu didn't even need to use his skills, he could easily harvest the kills with just a few basic attacks, and Lin Xiu was also a very good player.

It is obviously the most sensible choice to retreat under the tower at this time.

Although they were a bit above the resurrection, they calmed down quickly after hearing what their teammates said, and chose to retreat directly to the tower. Fortunately, their speed was relatively fast. If it was later, then Maybe the result is not like this. They returned to the tower and used the defense tower to avoid Lin Xiu's attack.

And it is to release skills under the tower.

It's just because the distance is a little far away, it's not so convenient to use skills. Although it's not easy to take the opponent's head in this situation, it's also easy to keep yourself, so they can still accept it.

However, because Lin Xiu and the others were too strong, they still failed to protect the first tower on the road, and Lin Xiu and the others forcibly demolished the first tower.

Although there are some who are not reconciled, there is no way to do it. They can only go home to make up for it in embarrassment. I am afraid it will be really difficult to win this time.

"Let's go back to the city to make up our condition first. Don't be too rash. Although we have an advantage now, if we are not careful, we may still be overtaken by the opponent."
At this time, Lin Xiu reminded a few of her teammates by voice. Knowing that the teammates at this time probably thought that they would definitely win the game, so their mentality would be a little bit flustered, so she reminded them.

Although their advantage is indeed relatively obvious now, it does not mean that the opponent has no chance to overtake. They still have to be cautious to be sure.

Everyone woke up after hearing what Lin Xiu said, and quickly returned to the spring. After recovering, they went out again.

And this time the dragon came out again.

After the people on the opposite side discovered that the dragon had come out, they gathered in the dragon pit immediately. They wanted to take down the dragon in the shortest possible time. Before Lin Xiu and the others could react, they took the dragon To win, their economy at this time is far from Lin Xiu's.

If you don't fight dragons, there is no other way to make up for it. For the economic advantage, and there is no way to make up for the economic advantage. In team battles, they can only be at a disadvantage.

This is a vicious circle that will never end. The only solution is to make up for the economic advantage, and fighting dragons is the fastest way.

Of course, they knew very well in their hearts that it was very dangerous to fight dragons at this time. Lin Xiu and the others would appear at any time, so they fought with fear at this time, and put all their skills on the dragons.

At this moment, Lin Xiu appeared unexpectedly.

"Why did it appear again at this time? It seems that they have made up their minds not to let us develop."

The people on the opposite side couldn't help complaining after seeing this situation, but they also knew in their hearts that Lin Xiu's appearance at this time was a perfectly normal thing.

Lin Xiu saw that they had consumed only a little of the dragon's blood, so she wanted to forcibly snatch the dragon away.

But I didn't expect that the person on the opposite side still took the dragon away.

Lin Xiu had no choice, but she managed to take advantage of this opportunity to take down the two heads on the opposite side. Their blood volume has been consumed by the dragon and it is not very good.

And most of the skills were given to this dragon, so Lin Xiucai took this opportunity to directly accept the heads of the two of them, but Lin Xiu's blood volume was also consumed by them and the dragon with residual blood. .

In the end, there was only one drop of blood left, so he used his displacement skills to escape as soon as possible.

Although he didn't snatch the opponent's dragon just now, it is actually a relatively lucky thing to be able to escape successfully.

After all, there was only so much blood left. If another attack fell on Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu would have no possibility of escape.

What's more, during the fight just now, Lin Xiu managed to take down two heads, which is even more gratifying.

However, the two dragons that were taken by the opposite side just now also improved the economy of their entire team to a certain extent, but they lost two people.

Because of this big dragon, their economy has improved a little bit, but the gap with Lin Xiu and the others is still a bit too big. They were in a disadvantaged state for too long before. , They have also stretched the economy very far. .
"No, it's probably unrealistic to win the game in an ordinary way. Otherwise, let's try to attack them with words and see if we can mess up their mentality and make them take the bait."

Seeing the current situation, the team member on the opposite side became more and more worried, because he saw that after catching a big dragon, their economic disadvantage has not been eliminated.

It just made the economy a little bit better, which made him realize that no matter how many dragons he fights, there may be no way to make up for this disadvantage, so he can only think of other ways.

Several teammates naturally had no objection to what the captain said.

They can't think of any other way at this time.

Afterwards, the opponent's players began to use words to irritate Lin Xiu's teammates.

Try to get Lin Xiu's teammates to take the bait and attack him, and then combine with his ambush teammates to take the head.

Only by taking more heads can this economic disadvantage be filled, otherwise this matter cannot be resolved.

"They are really too naive. After all, we are people who have gone through so many games. How could we be fooled because of their aggressive language?"

Lin Xiu's teammates also felt a little speechless after hearing what they said on the other side. I really don't know what was going on in their minds, or maybe they couldn't think of other ways at this time, so they tried to use this method. Ways to piss yourself off.

But they forgot about Lin Xiu's team, but they have experienced many battles, and after countless games, they have already seen countless such tricks, so it is impossible for them to take such tricks seriously. Inside, no matter how many words like this are said, they can still deal with them with a calm mind.

"Since they want to provoke you in this way, otherwise you try to pretend to be hooked, I think it's quite interesting."

Lin Xiu heard this, but stopped her teammates from exposing each other at this time.

Instead, they hoped that they would pretend to be baited, so that they could take this opportunity to take their heads again. Anyway, they would definitely not think of Lin Xiu's people, and they were just pretending to be baited.

"Good idea, then I'll give it a try."

The teammate just now nodded hurriedly after hearing this, why didn't he think of such a good way?Now that Lin Xiu has already said so, let's try it.

Just like that, Lin Xiu's teammate pretended to be hooked and asked the assistant to throw out the bait. At this time, Lin Xiu and other teammates quietly hid in the grass.

Originally, I thought that the people on the opposite side would definitely jump over quickly, but what I didn't expect was that they realized that something was wrong with the situation, and felt that the plan was too smooth, so they didn't take the bait.

How could he have thought that he had successfully escaped a catastrophe, otherwise Lin Xiu would have taken the triple kill again.

"Unexpectedly, they have become a little smarter than I imagined at this time. If it was them before, I'm afraid they would have rushed over. Hidden away."
After Lin Xiu's teammates saw this situation, they couldn't help feeling a little bit, and felt that they were a little smarter than before. I didn't notice it at all, I guess I thought more about it this time.

"Forget it, since they didn't take the bait, then we don't care about it."

Lin Xiu didn't wait too long at this place and saw the other party retreat decisively, so she knew that they should not be able to take the bait, so she didn't want to waste time at this time, it's better to go back to the wild area and have a good time Let's develop. Although his economy has surpassed the opponent's by a lot now, he still has to continue to develop.

At this time, the opponent's teammates are fighting the tower together.

Wanting to pull out the tower on Lin Xiu's side, Lin Xiu and his teammates hurried over to stop it.

This tower is very important to them, and it must not be easily taken down by the opponent.

Lin Xiu and his teammates also hurriedly fought over. They didn't want to waste time at this time. Time is very precious now. Judging from the damage on the other side, it is very simple to remove this tower. .

If you delay a little bit of time, you may lose the opportunity to protect the tower.

Fortunately, Lin Xiu and the team members rushed over in time, and the opponent had not had time to pull out the tower at this time.

Seeing Lin Xiu approaching, the people on the other side actually panicked a bit, but they still planned to try it out. Their economy has improved a little at this time, which is much better than before, so they don't worry about it. Need to worry so much.

"Let's attack them together, maybe we can take their heads first."

Lin Xiu's current economic advantage is relatively large, and it shouldn't be difficult to take their heads. What's more, there is another team with two people to cooperate with them. It's a simpler thing, and the teammates quickly nodded in agreement after hearing this.

Originally, it was the time when he could directly release his skills to control the opponent, but he didn't expect Lin Xiu's teammate to move a little slower because he didn't react.

It was because of being a little slow that the person on the other side seized this loophole and directly took advantage of this opportunity to attack Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu was immediately controlled.

He also didn't think of his teammates, because he didn't react, and the attack speed was slow. He originally thought that the two sides would cooperate very well. After his teammates controlled the opponent, he used a set of skills to kill the opponent. The person with the highest damage takes it first, and then attacks the other one, who has no power to fight back.

But they didn't expect such a big mistake, but there was nothing to do at this time, Lin Xiu was controlled, but they directly attacked Lin Xiu's teammates, Lin Xiu's teammates were caught by the opponent very quickly Received the head.

(End of this chapter)

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