As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 299 We Are a Serious Competition

Chapter 299 We Are a Serious Competition

In the end, the match started very quickly. Lin Xiu took advantage of Chu Yaoyao's arrival and squatted in the grass, pretending not to know that the opponent had already appeared in her grass. .
That guy really treats himself as a fool. From the very beginning, he falsely told himself about the peaceful jungle, saying that the two sides should grow up and then compete with each other. This would be more appropriate. , but now at this time, he ran into his own grass in a flash.

If it is really an ordinary person, they might fall for Chu Yaoyao's tricks, but after all, Lin Xiu is experienced and has played so many games, so she also understands that in this situation What will happen next.

Lin Xiu pretended not to know anything, and continued to fight in the field. In fact, she kept staring at the direction of the bushes. If Chu Yaoyao made any movement at this time, the difficulty would be to control the opponent in time. , and Chu Yaoyao was also complacent because Lin Xiu was addicted to playing jungle.

"It seems that this guy is not as powerful as I imagined. Although I used some other methods, he was also fooled very quickly. Using this method in the game is nothing. It's a big problem, it's just that she herself has to believe what I say."

Chu Yaoyao was very happy in her heart, and planned to make full preparations to snatch Lin Xiu's wild monster, and do it when Lin Xiu hit the wild monster with the last bit of blood left. Let Lin Xiu's slaves be all in vain, and Lin Xiu will also lose some blood during the confrontation with wild monsters.

Especially now this time is the early stage, the blood loss will be more serious in the early stage, and I can take advantage of the advantage of blood volume to fight against the opponent, even if Lin Xiu may be better than herself in operation, Chu Yao Yao also believes that with this advantage, she can still deal with the opponent.

But what I didn't expect was that just when she seemed to have considered everything, Lin Xiu suddenly gave up on the wild monster, and directly appeared in the grass with a displacement. Chu Yaoyao didn't react at all, and also He didn't expect that the other party would appear at this time, because in his opinion, the other party should have no idea that he was in the grass at all, so how could he appear so soon.

In the process of fighting wild monsters just now, Lin Xiu also avoided the attacks of wild monsters as soon as possible to reduce the loss of her blood volume as much as possible, and even her skills were tightly held in her hands. These details are very clear. Yaoyao didn't notice at all.

"What's going on? Why did he suddenly come to attack me at this time, doesn't he not know that I'm in the grass!"

Chu Yaoyao panicked all of a sudden, because this was something unexpected. She originally thought that everything was in her plan, but now there is a big flaw in the plan, and Lin Xiu's skills still have some problems. There is control, which makes it impossible for Chu Yaoyao to release her skills.

In a very short period of time, Chu Yaoyao's blood volume was consumed to a very low level. When Lin Xiu dealt with this guy, she really didn't mean to be polite at all.

In Lin Xiu's opinion, there shouldn't be any gender distinction in the game. Since the opponent is a jungler, then he treats it as a normal jungler, even though it is only counted as a jungler. The training match is not very important, but Lin Xiu and the others still have a certain desire to win, and they still want to win this match. .
Chu Yaoyao had no intention of continuing to fight Lin Xiu at this time, and knew that if she continued to fight Lin Xiu, it would be of no benefit at all, and failure was a foregone conclusion, so she hurriedly escaped. Fortunately, the mage in the middle She also came here to help, so that Chu Yaoyao escaped by luck, otherwise the blood would have been given away.

Lin Xiu is not in love with the fight either, because at this moment he knows that the most important thing for him is to develop, because Chu Yaoyao's interference has not yet had time to fight many wilds.

At the beginning, it is still necessary to develop well. This is the most important thing. Other things can be put aside first. If you catch up at this time, there is a mage on the opposite side. At that place, Lin Xiu still knows It will still be difficult for me to play 1 vs 2 in the early stage, and all the skills just now have been put on Chu Yaoyao.

"Your operation and awareness are not bad. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Although I heard a lot of things related to you before, this is the first time I have experienced it. It seems that you are more powerful than the description. It's amazing!"

Although she was cheated by Lin Xiu once, Chu Yaoyao still didn't have any complaints. Instead, she couldn't help but praise Lin Xiu's operation. His operation just now was indeed very good, such as surgery and consciousness. are all highly commendable.

Anyway, if it were me, I would never be able to react in such a short period of time, and I even said some confusing words at the beginning.

Being able to react in such a short period of time, and directly play a set of skills in the grass, it means that he has already determined that he is in that grass. This awareness is really admirable.

Lin Xiu's other teammates all heard Chu Yaoyao's praise. After hearing such a compliment, their hearts were a little fluttering, thinking that it would be great if they could get the other party's praise in the past few years , Although it didn't appear very obvious, they couldn't help but have such thoughts in their hearts.

Those of them who play e-sports, in fact, it is rare to meet a game player of the opposite sex like Chu Yaoyao who is good at games like Chu Yaoyao, and the opposite sex is even rarer. , want to get each other's attention.

One of the teammates happened to see Chu Yaoyao appearing in front of his father, so he thought that he would also show his strength and let the other party see how strong he was.

In fact, his body looked down on Chu Yaoyao a little bit, and he always felt that no matter how well a girl like Chu Yaoyao fought, she was not as good as him, so he took the initiative to go over to attack at this time, but he didn't What I thought was that Chu Yaoyao took the first blood because the operation was not so good.

This is really a very embarrassing situation, no one thought it would be like this.

Of course, that teammate also felt very ashamed. He obviously wanted to take this opportunity to perform well in front of the beautiful woman, but at this time, not only did he not get the compliment from the other party, but he was also so humiliated. .
He gave the other party a head directly.

"It's okay, I'll avenge you!"

Lin Xiu saw her team members looking upset, so she ran over helplessly, intending to avenge her teammates. At this time, Chu Yaoyao was already in a state of residual blood, and no matter how bad that teammate was, she would definitely It can consume the remaining blood of the opponent.

"I knew it would come!"

After seeing Lin Xiu's vision, Chu Yaoyao also felt a little helpless, knowing that she was in a state of residual blood at this time, and Lin Xiu would definitely not let herself have a chance to escape, so she sighed helplessly, After looking left and right, he could only choose to run under the nearest defense tower, intending to save his life.

It's not because Chu Yaoyao is too timid, it's just that her current state makes it impossible for her to challenge Lin Xiu.

Chu Yaoyao's state at this time is indeed not very good, after all, she just dealt with Lin Xiu's teammate at this time.

Not only is there no advantage in blood volume, but all the skills have been used, and it takes a certain amount of time to cool down. At this time, facing Shang Linxiu is undoubtedly equivalent to sending him to death, so it is natural to try as much as possible. avoidance.

But what I didn't expect was that Lin Xiu's speed was a little faster than Chu Yaoyao said. Before the opponent had time to come to the tower to avoid the damage, Lin Xiu had already killed Chu Yaoyao one step ahead of time. .

Not only that, because at this time Chu Yaoyao was running towards the tower in the middle lane, and the teammates on both sides of the middle lane were also confronting each other to stop her. Appearing at this time, the opponent's teammates were suddenly caught off guard and stopped, so they helped My own middle lane killed the opponent's middle lane, and I got a double kill all at once.

"Captain, this is really too powerful! Just won the double kill!"

After Lin Xiu's teammates saw this wave of operations by Lin Xiu, they immediately admired them very much and couldn't help cheering. Although it was only a not so important game, everyone hoped that this game would He was able to win the final victory, so seeing Lin Xiu's very good operation now, he couldn't help but admire.

The opponent's teammates are still in a rather confused state at this time. The middle laner didn't expect Lin Xiu to appear suddenly, and wanted to know why Lin Xiu came suddenly, but he didn't notice it at all. .

Lin Xiu did not deliberately put on airs at this time, but patiently explained to the other party how he did it, it was nothing more than some basic operations to hide from view, since he wanted to kill the other party , then it is definitely necessary to let the other party see his activities on the map as little as possible.

If the other party doesn't know when he will appear, it will be easier to reap the other party's head. After hearing Lin Xiu's analysis, that person was immediately convinced, and he admired Lin Xiu even more. Lin Xiu is really the most powerful person I have seen in a long time.

This is also a girl, and this girl had already admired Lin Xiu quite a bit before. This time, she realized how powerful Lin Xiu is when she competed with Lin Xiu, and also gave birth to some other feelings. . .
She didn't pay much attention to such a match, but now she was thinking more about giving Lin Xiu a head, hoping that Lin Xiu could notice her.

Therefore, the middle lane often hangs around Lin Xiu. This intention is also very obvious. It just wants to give Lin Xiu a head. At the beginning, Chu Yaoyao only paid attention to her own situation and didn't pay attention at all. After seeing the situation of my teammate, I later discovered that something was wrong with my teammate.

After realizing that his teammate actually wanted to give Lin Xiu the head, he felt a little angry in his heart. This is indeed something that has no way to accept it. The other teammates on his side and himself are working hard He worked so hard to win this game, but this guy was lucky, he didn't take everyone's efforts into account at all, instead he was trying hard to give Lin Xiu his head at this time.

If Lin Xiu is sent up, then they really have no hope of winning at all. Everyone can see how powerful Lin Xiu's operations are. If his economy rises, their side It is true that there is no chance at all. Otherwise, they knew from the beginning that it would be very difficult to win the game. With such a teammate, it would be even more impossible for them to win .

"What the hell is going on with you? Why did you start to give away heads? It was not easy for us to win here, and we don't know what will happen next. Now you go to give Lin Xiu heads, let It's economical, what should we do? Don't you have any sense of collective honor!"

Chu Yaoyao couldn't help scolding the other party. Although she was usually relatively peaceful, she really couldn't help it now, because what this teammate did was a little too much. As the captain herself How could such a thing be tolerated?

"The opponent's middle lane, I hope you can face this game seriously. This game may not be that important to our two teams, but we all hope to have a fair result."

And Lin Xiu can naturally find that the opponent is wandering around her on purpose, and sometimes the opponent's appearance is really too strange, obviously there is no need for support, and even the pawn line in the middle road has not been cleared. , he appeared near him, the key point is that he didn't do anything else, nor did he want to grab his wild monsters and didn't hit him, he just appeared and dangled nearby.

Although Lin Xiu said that he rarely encountered such a thing, he naturally realized what was going on when he saw this situation, so he didn't attack the other party. This behavior of giving away the head actually didn't make much sense at all. , he doesn't like such a behavior either.

And also reminded the opponent at this time, hoping that the opponent can face the game seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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