As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 300 Completely Unmoved

Chapter 300 Completely Unmoved

In fact, this kind of behavior is really very bad. Giving the other party a head at this time is also disrespectful to the other party. It is like looking down on the other party's strength and not thinking that the other party's strength is enough to deal with him. Give the other party a head at this time. .
Lin Xiu didn't feel angry because of this behavior, but just felt that the other party disrespected the game a little, and hoped that the other party could correct their attitude and stop doing such things in the future. Green and red, it is also aware of what I have done, it seems that there is indeed something wrong.

Just now, I just hoped to attract more Lin Xiu's attention, but now that I think about it, my behavior seems to be a bit disrespectful to Lin Xiu and their team. You should show your strength.

Going all out is the recognition of the opponent's strength.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think about it just now. It seems that I did something wrong. I didn't respect you enough for me."

After realizing his mistake, the opponent's mid laner also quickly apologized to Lin Xiu and the others.

To be clear, I did something wrong in this matter. I shouldn't have thought of giving away Lin Xiu's head just now. This kind of thinking of giving away a head is extremely disrespectful to the opponent's team.

"It's okay, as long as you play this game well, we forgive you."

After Lin Xiu heard this, she didn't take it too seriously. The other teammates naturally didn't care about such a thing. Since the other party didn't mean to disrespect her at all, So it doesn't make much sense to worry about this matter too much.

After hearing what Lin Xiu said, the middle laner also breathed a sigh of relief. At the beginning, he was really worried that the other party would not forgive him. Now it seems that he thinks too much about them narrow.

In the next class, you can no longer do such things, but you should use your own strength to win their respect. In this way, Lin Xiu should also be able to notice herself in the middle, thinking about such things, even more It's about working hard to get your position right.

After Chu Yaoyao saw this situation, she also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that if this teammate continued to fight like this, then her side would definitely lose, and of course such a game would change. It doesn't make any sense to win. They didn't win the training match. In fact, it's not the final win or loss. They enjoy the process of the game and hope that they can get something useful during the game.

If there is one person who keeps giving away heads, it will destroy the balance of the game.

Afterwards, the bottom lane began to push the opposite bottom lane tower. Lin Xiu hurried over to help unplug it after seeing this situation, which has always been a very important link in this game.

If he can push the tower at this time, then he can gain a relatively large advantage, so Lin Xiu hurried over at this time. He was in the wild area of ​​the bottom lane and was relatively close to the place where the tower was pushed, but Chu Yaoyao also saw Lin Xiu's vision and hurried over to help.

During the process of pushing the tower, Lin Xiu also noticed that Chu Yaoyao was rushing towards this direction, so she reminded her teammates: "The opposite jungler is coming, I will restrain him first, and you can concentrate on it." It is enough to push this tower, as long as this tower is pushed, we are worth it.".
After hearing this, the teammates hurriedly agreed, and then began to push the tower continuously, hoping to push the tower down as soon as possible. Lin Xiu used her skills to go to Chu Yaoyao when Chu Yaoyao arrived. hold her back.

Although Chu Yaoyao was very anxious in her heart, was there any way she had to continue fighting here due to Lin Xiu's entanglement, and then the opponent's tower on the way down was broken? Chu Yaoyao saw this Of course, he felt very angry because he knew that Lin Xiu just wanted to restrain himself on purpose.

"It's too much!"

Chu Yaoyao couldn't be more angry. At this time, Lin Xiu's bot lane wasn't in a very good state. That player originally wanted to go back to make up for it, but he didn't expect to be rushed by the angry Chu Yaoyao. Come over and kill, after killing, Chu Yaoyao knew that her condition was not so good at this time, so she wanted to escape, but Lin Xiu rushed over.

All the teammates on her side had already been killed by the opponent, Lin Xiu must not be able to do nothing, so she rushed over and took Chu Yaoyao's head again, Chu Yaoyao was very depressed.

"My God, you guys cooperate like this, I really don't know how to hit you and take my head away. I thought I would have a chance to leave! Now it's really Take a head, and then you will take my head, I dare not accept the head of the person opposite you!"

Chu Yaoyao couldn't help but began to complain, and even Lin Xiu complained that every time she took a head, Lin Xiu would definitely take her own head, so that she was a little afraid to do anything now. After hearing this, Lin Xiu couldn't help laughing, so she casually made a joke.

The atmosphere of this competition is not like the atmosphere of the previous ones. The atmosphere of this competition seems to be more friendly. Previously, Lin Xiu and the others played against another team that was all male. Everyone focused on the game.

At the beginning, I said that the competition is not so important, the friendship is the most important, but in fact, in the process of actually starting the competition, everyone can feel how strong the atmosphere of this competition is.

Even both sides felt a little red-eyed.

However, the atmosphere of the competition at this time is not so strong. Although both sides have the idea of ​​winning, they can chat and make jokes in the middle, and everyone will not care too much about this matter. Lin Xiu opened After making a joke, the two also inexplicably started laughing.

The atmosphere became a lot better with such a joke, and everyone felt a lot more relaxed. Although they still wanted to win the final victory, the relationship between everyone did not seem too tense. '

This is also very good. .
But after the joke was over, the two sides continued the match again, and everyone's attitude became serious again. Their seriousness in the face of the match has not changed at all.

At this time, the team members on the opposite side of the top road also gained a certain advantage, so they wanted to take this opportunity to unplug the top tower and go down the road. There was no advantage there, and the bottom row was already given by the opponent. It was pushed down, so the people on the road naturally considered pushing the tower.

"This tower is very important to us, it cannot be easily pushed by you!"

With these words in Lin Xiu's mouth, she also rushed over in time, and began to work hard to defend the tower. After Lin Xiu appeared in this place, that person also used the same tower as Lin Xiu did before. He wanted to contain Lin Xiu, but when Lin Xiu saw the other party coming in his direction, he already realized that the other party wanted to use the same method as he did before to take the opportunity to push down the tower.

Since Lin Xiu has already seen through the opponent's scheme at this time, there is no need to worry about this matter.

It will not be a simple matter to restrain Lin Xiu who is so flexible. He has already formed a plan in his mind. When he sees the other party appearing, he knows that the one who comes out first must be a control skill, because I did the same thing at the beginning, this person should refer to the way I dealt with Chu Yaoyao just now to deal with him.

Of course, this is also a very normal thing. After all, I did successfully push down the opponent's tower just now. Although my teammates also sacrificed, I also killed the opponent's Chu Yaoyao. , and also pushed a tower of the opponent, which is very worthwhile.

Seeing Lin Xiu dodging directly, the opponent's team members naturally realized at this moment that something was wrong with his own control skills, but it was obvious that there was no other way to do it. , he doesn't know what he should do if he fails at this time.

I can only bite the bullet and continue to operate according to Lin Xiu's method, and continue to try to control Lin Xiu, but the control skills fail one after another. Lin Xiu's evasion skills are actually very powerful. He quickly avoided almost all of the opponent's skills that could deal damage, and it was time for Lin Xiu to fight back.

The opponent's skills are almost used at this time, but Lin Xiu's skills are still not used. The skills have a certain cooling time, so the opponent has to wait for a while before they can use new skills. Seeing this situation, he was a little stunned, wondering if he should run away, but the difficulty didn't give him a chance to run away.

This is already the head delivered to the door, how could Lin Xiu give up at this time?

"This time, you sent it to your door yourself. I just wanted to come here to guard a tower, and I didn't intend to take the head at all, but everyone has already sent it to my door, so I can't be too polite. gone."

After seeing this situation, Lin Xiu naturally planned to accept the opponent's head. Although there may be some twists and turns in this process, his development at this time is actually much better than that of the opponent. He wants to accept the opponent's head. Heads shouldn't be that difficult. .
Chu Yaoyao realized that something was wrong.

Lin Xiuzai is about to come to his side right now, if he doesn't get his teammates over to help as soon as possible, he will be unable to bear it.

Leaving aside the rest, the main reason is that Lin Xiu cannot deal with it alone.

"Come over quickly, you guys. I may be a little bit unstoppable here. I can only delay for a while, but if it is really a fight with him, I won't be able to fight!"

Chu Yaoyao secretly reminded her teammates to hurry up and help her. Now that she is in a relatively dangerous situation, she knows that if she wants to deal with Lin Xiu, she still needs the help of her teammates.

The teammate heard what Chu Yaoyao said, and then rushed over in this direction, and Chu Yaoyao felt much more at ease when she saw that her teammate had already come in this direction.

Then she began to catch Lin Xiu constantly. In fact, it is more important for Chu Yaoyao to hold Lin Xiu down at this time, constantly consuming Lin Xiu. Maybe there is no way to directly defeat the opponent with her own strength, but when she waits After the teammates come over, the situation will be different.

After Lin Xiu came over, she saw that the other party kept following behind her, and she seemed to want to catch her. She also understood what the other party was thinking at this time, but she just wanted to control herself, probably because she wanted to delay time. Then wait for the support of his teammates and take the opportunity to take his own head.

"If I can't even see something like this, then I've been playing for so long!"

Lin Xiu complained helplessly in her heart. The other party really didn't take herself seriously. Just seeing Chu Yaoyao, Lin Xiu could roughly guess what the other party was doing at this time. What is the purpose of it.

In fact, this is a very simple matter in the final analysis. You can use your past experience to guess the purpose of the other party.

I have played so many games in the past. In fact, I have encountered all kinds of situations, and it is easy to judge what the opponent wants to do. Sometimes, I don’t need to think too much, just rely on my intuition. Know what the other person thinks.

So Lin Xiu naturally didn't intend to let Chu Yaoyao succeed at this time, and kept avoiding the other party here, but only occasionally confronted her head-on, and more often took evasive measures.

Lin Xiu's positioning is very good, and he can avoid the opponent's attack in a very short time. Chu Yaoyao's several attacks almost did not fall on Lin Xiu, and his blood volume is still relatively good of.

Almost every time they dodged successfully.

Lin Xiu's approach was indeed successful, which made Chu Yaoyao feel very anxious. She must really want to hold Lin Xiu down and consume part of Lin Xiu's blood. When her teammates come over, Only then was he able to successfully take down a head like him, but the opponent's evasion was too timely, causing him to be unable to do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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