As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 301 You Found It Too Late

Chapter 301 You Found It Too Late

Chu Yaoyao thought about this matter in her mind, and felt that she had to do something. .
"Lin Xiu, what's the point of you constantly hiding here and there? Don't you dare to fight me as a big man? What do you mean by constantly hiding here?"

Chu Yaoyao deliberately mentioned this matter here, just to disgust Lin Xiu. She said such a matter on the public screen at this time, and Lin Xiu could naturally see it.

And if Lin Xiu saw such words, she would definitely change her mind because of what she said. Chu Yaoyao felt that what she said was quite offensive and disgusting.

When Lin Xiu saw such words, she would definitely feel that there was something unacceptable.

Chu Yaoyao's confidence is quite high, she always feels that no matter if it is any man, there is no way to bear such words.

But what Chu Yaoyao didn't expect was that Lin Xiu was different from the other enemies she had encountered before. Lin Xiu had a lot of experience. She had played so many games and met so many different enemies The opponent is gone, what kind of things have not been experienced before, these are just leftovers from other people's games.

If Chu Yaoyao wanted to use such words to attack herself, and then changed her mind because of it, she would really be a little naive. After all, how could a person like herself change her mind easily?

Lin Xiu glanced at those words, then turned her head and continued to translate the secret letter, not taking these words seriously at all.

Seeing Lin Xiu's reaction, Chu Yaoyao was stunned.

"Why is this guy different from what I imagined? My God, it seems that no matter what I say, I can't stimulate him. Could it be that he is directly immune!"

Chu Yaoyao couldn't help complaining about this matter in her heart, this guy is really different, she has never met such a person before, every time she said something more exciting, It is always possible to make the person on the opposite side react.

At least there will be some reaction, but this time this guy really didn't react at all.

This really made Chu Yaoyao feel angry, but there was nothing she could do.

He could only hold back his anger, and watched Lin Xiufan's own wilderness and could only strengthen it in the past. After all, the wilderness was Chu Yaoyao. Lin Xiu's attack power at this time has far surpassed that of Chu Yaoyao, and her hand speed is also very fast, even if she wants to grab the field, she can't grab it.

In this way, Lin Xiu kept brushing the opposite wild area, and suddenly the economy increased a lot. Seeing this situation, Chu Yaoyao was anxious and angry, so she turned her attention to the support in Lin Xiu's team. Since I have no choice at this time, if I can snatch the wild from the wild area, then use other methods to solve the problem.

If you can't grab the wild monsters, you can always get the head. If you can take the opponent's support, it seems to be a pretty good thing. The support does not have the ability to resist, nor does it have the ability to protect itself .

This seems like a good option for surgery.

After thinking of these things, Chu Yaoyao stopped thinking about grabbing the field, but turned her attention to the assistants in Lin Xiu's team, and noticed that the assistants were not far away from her now. , if you kill the assistant and then escape, there should still be time, as long as Lin Xiu doesn't rush over. .
Sometimes you can't hesitate to do things. For such a long time, the longer you hesitate, the easier it is for accidents. Thinking of this, Chu Yaoyao went directly to the direction of the assistant. She didn't expect Lin Xiu to see Chu Yaoyao. Leaving like this, I also thought of the position of the assistant at this time.

Perhaps Chu Yaoyao is indeed in a weak position at this moment, but it is relatively simple to kill a support. There is no way for a support to fully play its role when it is not by the side of the output , the ability to protect herself is also relatively poor, she has no way to protect the wild monsters in the wild area, and it is normal to want to kill this support.

"Assistant, come here quickly. If you don't come here, you will be in trouble. I think that guy probably wants to go over and intercept you!"

After Lin Xiu realized this, she hurriedly reminded the assistant, and asked the assistant to come to her. If she was there, it would be a very simple thing to protect the assistant, at least it would be impossible. Letting Chu Yaoyao kill the assistant so easily, she felt a little flustered for a moment after hearing this, but she calmed down a lot when she saw Lin Xiu not far away.

Hurry to Lin Xiu's side.

At this time, Chu Yaoyao might have lost her mind a little bit, so she directly fought with Lin Xiu, and the two sides directly started to fight each other at this time.

After calming down a little bit, Chu Yaoyao suddenly realized that her actions at this moment were really too stupid.

"Hurry up and help me, if you don't come here again, I guess I will contribute to Lin Xiu's economy again!"

She spoke helplessly, and hurriedly reminded the teammates who were closer to her to come and help her.

After all, at this moment, my own situation really has some terrible disadvantages. If the opponent doesn't come over, it may be a little too late. A few teammates saw that the situation over there is indeed the case, and it's not just a simple Lin Xiu and Chu Yaoyao fought one-on-one, and Lin Xiu actually had a support beside him.

Fortunately, Chu Yaoyao has a certain strength and can dodge some of Lin Xiu's attacks, but even so, her blood volume has been consumed by half now.

After the team members around saw this situation, of course they rushed over immediately. Although there may be no way to take Lin Xiu's head, at least they can keep Chu Yaoyao. This is enough if nothing happens, after all It will not be so easy to survive under Lin Xiu's hands, they should all have a little bit of self-knowledge.

After reminding her teammate, Chu Yaoyao also saw that her teammate had already come in this direction, so she calmed down a little bit. If she let herself fight against Lin Xiu and his support, it would be a dream, and she dared not Have this idea.

Lin Xiu's teammates naturally also paid attention to the direction of the opponent's teammates. Seeing that they were all heading south to the place where Baihua was fighting, they rushed over in a hurry. Although the distance was a bit far, they all knew The importance of teamfights. .
Soon, people from both sides gathered in that place. It was precisely because people from both sides gathered in that place that this wave of team battles officially started soon.

During the team battle, Lin Xiu noticed that at this moment, they were at the top of the Dragon Pit, and this time also coincided with the glory coming out. They had already played a lot of games, and this game was repeated Play it over and over again, so you know exactly when the dragon will come out.

And now they just happened to be perfect cards. At this point, I found that I happened to be a card. After reaching this point, I took this opportunity to bring all the people opposite them into the Dragon Pit, and the opponent's people At this time, I haven't noticed anything yet, thinking that Lin Xiu hid in the dragon pit because of their attack to avoid damage.

Even at the beginning, Chu Yaoyao didn't notice anything wrong with this matter, and she realized it later, it seemed that Lin Xiu did such a thing on purpose, but at this time it was obviously too late , If you attack the dragon in the dragon pit, the dragon will also suffer a certain amount of damage, and you can also control them.

"I didn't expect you to lure us to this place on purpose. He is really impressive. I didn't even realize that he was doing such a thing on purpose!"

Chu Yaoyao couldn't help complaining about Lin Xiu's behavior, which was a bit shocking. She never thought that he would do such a thing. At first, she really thought that everything was normal , Only now did I realize that something was very wrong.

And Chu Yaoyao's teammates haven't realized that there is anything wrong with the situation.

After hearing what Chu Yaoyao said, I realized that this is indeed the case. They deliberately brought themselves into the Dragon Pit, otherwise I would not have entered the Dragon Pit. Moreover, the dragon's attack power against him seems to be quite strong, which made him lose a lot of blood all at once.

After everyone realized this, they couldn't help complaining about Lin Xiu, but there was nothing they could do. They had already entered the dragon pit. This was not a place where they could come and go whenever they wanted, and Lin Xiu saw Everything is developing according to my expectations, and I am naturally happy in my heart.

This is a very good thing, which means that everything can be perfectly resolved by yourself, so you don't have to worry about other unexpected things or think about more.

"Since they have all entered the Dragon Pit, it is natural to take advantage of this opportunity to do something. It would be great if we could beat the dragon while dealing with them."

Then saying this at this time is actually reminding his teammates. After hearing this, the teammates understood what he meant, so now they are not only attacking the teammates, but also those in the Dragon Pit. that dragon.

When they cast their skills, they try to put them on both of them as much as possible, so that the blood volume of both of them can be reduced at the same time. .
But Chu Yaoyao is not a very stupid person. If Lin Xiu took this opportunity to take the dragon away, she would naturally not want Lin Xiu to take the dragon away like this, so she also started to pay attention to the dragon. Dongxiang and Lin Xiu's teammates also planned to find the right opportunity to snatch the dragon.

As long as she doesn't die, then there will be such an opportunity. Chu Yaoyao has been very careful from the beginning to the end. Lin Xiu also understands that it will not be so easy for her to simply take the dragon away, so she is also careful. Watching their movement, during the fight, Lin Xiu suddenly thought of something, and deliberately exposed a flaw.

In fact, if Chu Yaoyao and the others think about it carefully, they will find such a flaw. It really doesn't look like Lin Xiu's prudent Wenhui was exposed, and Chu Yaoyao actually took this into consideration. It is not easy to think of these things under such circumstances, but Chu Yaoyao thought about it again, maybe Lin Xiu really ignored it, and that's why she showed this flaw.

"No matter how powerful a person is, there will be times when he will show his flaws. The same is true for Lin Xiu. He was very good before, but there were also times when something went wrong. If I give up this opportunity, then in the future There won't be such a good opportunity!"

After thinking about it, Chu Yaoyao still didn't intend to give up such an opportunity, although she was a little worried in her heart, she still took the bait.

After Chu Yaoyao really took action and did such a thing according to her own ideas, she realized that she had really fallen into Lin Xiu's trap.

Of course she was very angry in her heart, but at this moment, being angry could not solve any problems, because Lin Xiu took her head off very easily.

"This guy is really too treacherous. He actually set me up again. I thought he was really showing his flaws and said, how could someone like him show such obvious flaws? I really don't know." You should think carefully about it, you shouldn't just be hooked like this!"

Chu Yaoyao complained helplessly in her heart. Although she was very unwilling, she had to admit that Lin Xiu was a very smart person, no matter in terms of technical operation or brain reaction, she was very intelligent. It's awesome.

No wonder he was able to become a top esports player.

The situation on the opposite side is naturally very bad at this time. Originally, Chu Yaoyao was leading a few teammates to snatch the dragon, but at this moment, Chu Yaoyao's head was directly accepted by Lin Xiu. Of course, the people started to panic. When they got up without the captain leading them, how would they know what to do?

Moreover, they still have one less person at this time, and it is unrealistic to want to snatch the dragon from Lin Xiu and the others.

Not to mention robbing the dragon, it would be very good if they could save their lives, but they still felt a little bit unwilling, watching Lin Xiu and the others helplessly accept the dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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