Chapter 101, You have to prepare your own food in war
Li Xiaozhen turned her head and saw Jiang Chen was smiling.

In an instant, Li Xiaozhen appeared outside.


Just throw in the towel?

Just gone?
I haven't drawn my sword yet!

Jiang Chen never expected that Li Xiaozhen would directly admit defeat. At this moment, there was only one person left on the battlefield, and that was him. Is this the end of this battle?
Thinking about it, the alliance battle is the real battlefield. Whether it is the Sakura Alliance's Yugu Guanghui or the Korean Alliance's Li Xiaozhen, they all want to preserve their strength and give off a huge advantage in the alliance battle.

As for the alliance personal battle, it is equivalent to a one-on-one duel on the ancient battlefield.

Bernal, the god envoy of the Nordic Alliance, stood up: "The battle is over, everyone, please return to your city and defend the city. Tomorrow is the alliance battle. We look forward to your better performance."

Jiang Chen walked towards Heifeng.

By the way, I would like to make complaints; I am really a stingy angel, and I have no rewards at all.

Ruoli said with a smile, "Brother, good job, one person defeated five people, but some people may not be happy."


"Needless to say, it must be Black Phoenix! You were asked to form an alliance with the Sakura Alliance, but as soon as you played, you started fighting with the Sakura Alliance. What happened? Could it be that he has offended you before?"

Ruo Li also felt strange!

Why did they force the Sakura Alliance out of the field as soon as they entered the field.

This is not Jiang Chen's style.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "I feel upset when I see him, so I'll just have a fight."

Ruoli smiled: "You really have character, but this time, you ruined Heifeng's plan. She originally wanted to form an alliance with them to deal with the next situation, but you broke the deadlock as soon as you made a move. This time It is very likely that our Dragon Zone Alliance will take a defensive battle."

"Active offense is the best defense."

Ruoli gave him a blank look: "You think Black Phoenix doesn't want to, there is an alliance of dragon knights in Northern Europe who can fly in the air, attacking them is courting death."

"Besides, there are Angels of the American League joining the battle, which is even more difficult to deal with."

"As for the Cherry Blossom Alliance on our left, and the Korean Alliance on our right, once the four alliances unite, we will be enemies."

Jiang Chen just wanted to say, it's fine for you to defend the city, and I will go outside to fight alone.

In the face of powerful forces, 10 people are nothing but a piece of cake.

in the city.

meeting room.

Heifeng frowned: "Just now I lost contact with the commander of the Sakura Alliance. It is obvious that the previous cooperation is no longer possible."

Heifeng glanced at Jiang Chen inadvertently.

Jiang Chen smiled, what are you looking at me for!
Does this have anything to do with me?
"Commander, even if we unite together, we can't win against the Nordic Alliance and the American Alliance."

"Without them, the Nordic League and the American League will be invincible, especially a group of dragon knights, we can't resist at all."

"Is it only guarding the city?"

"Defending the city is the end of death."

"What else can I do besides defending the city?"

The chiefs of the major armies discussed with each other.

Hei Feng said: "Defending the city is a mortal end, we must find a way to break through, it is best to face it head-on, otherwise the dragon knight will come to attack, and we have no chance of winning."

"But even if we face it head-on, we have no chance of winning."

"That's not necessarily the case. With Black Phoenix, it may not be impossible to win."

"That's right. There won't be 10 people in each battle. If it's a frontal battle, they will send soldiers. As for the dragon knights, they will definitely attack us behind."

Heifeng nodded: "A team of 100 people, 65 fighters, 30 long-range attackers, and 5 auxiliary priests form a battalion, according to the entire camp.

I will choose some occupations that can attack dragon knights from them, and name them as mobile units to prevent dragon knights from coming to sneak attacks. "

Heifeng looked at Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, your speed is very fast, this team will be led by you, and you will be the commander of the mobile team from now on."

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

Captain of the Chicken Action Team?

Jiang Chen coughed: "Can I change my name?"


"This name doesn't sound very nice, so we might as well call it the Rapid Response Team."

Hei Feng is inexplicable, isn't this a meaning!

Ruoli made a 'cluck' sound beside him.

Hei Feng gave a blank look: "It's inexplicable."


Heifeng selected a group of people, about 300 people.

Heifeng looked at the 300 people, and said sternly: "Before the end of the alliance competition, all of you will follow behind Jiang Chen, and act as a quick-response force to stop the Dragon Knight."

"I don't need to say how powerful the dragon knight is. You all know that once it appears on the battlefield, the dragon knight will attack the rear and kill the magician and auxiliary priest."

"Your goal is to kill the dragon knight and not let the dragon knight approach."

Heifeng turned to Jiang Chen and said, "Jiang Chen, go get acquainted, the alliance battle won't end for a while."

Jiang Chen nodded.

Looking at the 300 people, I smiled instantly.

Jiang Chen took out a cigarette and lit it silently. The others looked at Jiang Chen and they were very excited. This is the strongest person who won No.1 in the league individual competition.

The strong man who killed the dragon knight and the angel.

Jiang Chen asked: "Which of you is the Dragon Knight?"


"I am the Dragon Knight."

"Me too."

"Boss, I am also a dragon knight."

The five dragon knights took a step forward, Jiang Chen looked at these five dragon knights, there are only five dragon knights, it is estimated that there are hundreds of dragon knights in the Nordic Alliance.

How to cope with the disparity in quantity.

The first thing Jiang Chen thought of was not as rear guard support personnel, but as a raiding force, five dragon knights were enough.

In Jiang Chen's view, offense is the best defense.

Jiang Chen nodded: "Very good, the five of you will follow me in the future, as a raiding force, raiding the dragon knights of other alliances."

Jiang Chen looked at Heifeng, and continued; "These five people will follow me, and you can arrange the rest yourself. I am not suitable for defensive warfare, I am suitable for frontal hard steel."

Heifeng was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

He didn't understand what Jiang Chen was going to do, but she knew that Jiang Chen was very strong, and it was not a wise choice to send Jiang Chen to the rear to protect the auxiliary personnel.

What is the most important thing in an alliance battle!
That is to occupy the commanding heights, fighting with aircraft and without aircraft, that is not at the same level.

Jiang Chen left with five dragon knights.

Find a spot to sit down.

First of all, I want to know one thing, Jiang Chen asked; "Can you dragon knights carry people?"

The five nodded, they understood what Jiang Chen meant.

"Yes, Captain."

"Dragon knights carrying people are very common on the battlefield, especially in the Nordic Alliance, but there are hundreds of dragon knights. In every alliance battle, the dragon knights will carry magicians or archers to launch a surprise attack on the enemy."

"As a flying profession, Dragon Knight is the strongest existence."

"This is the best way. I need someone to carry me. Which one of you is the fastest?"

Jiang Chen asked;

"Captain, my name is Wang Meng. You can call me Xiao Meng. I am a wind attribute dragon, and I am the fastest in terms of speed." Wang Meng looked excited. He didn't understand what Jiang Chen meant. It seemed that he was preparing to surprise the other party. camp.

Jiang Chen said: "Okay, follow me from now on, my name is Jiang Chen, please introduce yourself."


"Gao Hong."

"Li Yu."

"Li Fei."

"Wang Meng."

Wang Meng said: "Captain, we all belong to the Black Dragon Legion. We all know each other well. We all listen to you. Whatever you say is what you say!"

Jiang Chen was taken aback, they all belonged to the Black Dragon Army.

Is the strength of the Black Dragon Legion so perverted!As expected of being ranked first in the Shenlong Academy, this black dragon has a lot of means to gather the dragon knights together.

Jiang Chen let out a few cigarettes, and the six elders sat together quietly smoking.

Jiang Chen said: "Once the alliance battle starts, first I will go to the Nordic Alliance to have a look, first kill a hundred or eighty dragon knights and say so that they don't dare to act rashly, we want to seize the air supremacy."

The most important thing on the battlefield is to control the air.

The five looked at each other.

Hearing this, they were all dumbfounded.

"Six people, five dragons go to the strongest Nordic alliance? There are hundreds of dragons there, isn't this a direct lamb?"

"The Nordic Alliance claims to have the strongest Dragon Knight Legion. The six of us will go, I'm afraid it's courting death."

"With 5 dragons facing hundreds of giant dragons, we have no chance of winning at all."

"Commander, think about it."

Jiang Chen silently smoked a cigarette, and said with a smile, "It's not the six of us, but me and Wang Meng, the two of us, plus his giant dragon."

The corner of Wang Meng's mouth twitched.

Two people plus a giant dragon, to face the strongest dragon knight army, are you really kidding?

Wang Meng coughed: "Boss, are you sure we are going to raid, not to seek refuge? Why do I feel that you are looking for a traitor?"

Jiang Chen was full of confidence: "Two people are enough, trust me."

I really believe you ghost!

Jiang Chen: "If I had a dragon, I wouldn't have to take you with me."

The strongest advantage of the Dragon Knight is that it can soar in the sky. Even if Jiang Chen has the skill of controlling the dragon, he still has no confidence in killing the Dragon Knight. Once in danger, the Dragon Knight can quickly rise into the sky.

Of course, if the dragon knight wants to use magic attacks, he must be at close range.

To completely eradicate the greatest threat, you must have a dragon.

This is also Jiang Chen's plan,

Prepare to kill the strongest army in the Nordic Alliance on the first day.

As long as there is no air supremacy, everything will be fine.

Jiang Chen looked at the remaining four people: "As for you, stay here and watch the dragon knights of other alliances all the time. After I clean up the dragon knights of the Nordic alliance, I will clean up the other alliances."

The five people looked at Jiang Chen, and they were sure that Jiang Chen already had a battle plan.

It's just that they didn't understand how Jiang Chen fought hundreds of giant dragons.

After assigning the battle plan.

Jiangcheng found Ruoli because he was hungry and panicked.

Ruoli saw Jiang Chen coming, and said with a smile: "Isn't this Jiang Chen from our chicken team? Congratulations on your promotion."

Can this woman stop driving?

Jiang Chen said: "The three armies haven't moved yet, food and grass go first, why didn't you see anyone cooking?"

Ruo Li is inexplicable.


"Yes, don't you all eat?"

Ruoli looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot: "Could it be that you didn't bring food!"

"Is there a problem?"

Ruoli laughed loudly: "There are 10 days in the league competition, I guess you are the first soldier to starve to death, you practiced in the wild, didn't you eat?"

"Of course, I have prepared the food myself, don't you mean..."

Ruoli chuckled: "Of course I prepared food myself, you idiot, you didn't bring any food."

Jiang Chen:? ? ? ? ?
No one notified him of this!

Do you have to prepare your own food during the war?
(End of this chapter)

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