Chapter 102, Nordic Alliance Scouting Minions

Ruoli smiled and said: "But don't be afraid, I have a lot, and there are fine wines, enough for the two of us, three of us, and Black Phoenix! I have hers too, let's go, I'm hungry too , get ready for dinner."

The dinner table.

Heifeng looked at Jiang Chen, this guy came anyway.

Ruoli took out things from the warehouse and put them on the table. Sure enough, as Ruoli said, there were all kinds of food, fruit desserts, and of course wine.

Ruoli smiled and said, "This league champion didn't bring any food, so he came here to eat and drink."

"eat together."

Hei Feng didn't care.

Hei Feng asked; "Jiang Chen, what are your plans?"

"Tomorrow's league competition, I'm going to ride a dragon, go around the four major leagues, and beat the dragon knights of other leagues."

"Just the six of you?"

"No, it's me and a dragon knight, two people are enough."

Hei Feng was taken aback.

Two people go to war?
Aren't you going to die?

Ruo Li was also shocked.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "There is no need for such an exaggerated expression. If you want to win, you must control the air. As long as the air is in our hands, the four major alliances are not afraid."

Hei Feng felt the same way. Once he controlled the air, he had control of the initiative, and if he wanted to control the air, he had to have the Dragon Knight.

Ruoli asked, "Would it be a little risky for you to go alone?"

"I would be very honored if you would like to accompany me."

"Fuck you, I won't go!"

Jiang Chen asked; "How do you calculate the points?"

"Kill one enemy and get one point. Whoever has the most points will be number one, and the alliance he belongs to will be rewarded. At that time, you can make requests with the envoy, not limited to skills, weapons, equipment, and potential points. .”

Ruo Li smiled and said, "Do you know what the highest score in an alliance battle is?"

"How many points?"

"10 points, enough to kill 10 people."

Jiang Chen laughed, 10 people is not a lot!

I don't know if I can break this record.


"Zhang Xiaoxiao, that Forbidden Curse Master, once cast the Forbidden Curse, a large number of people died. He is the highest record holder."

Jiang Chen was stunned, it was her...
I didn't expect this woman to be so awesome, this is a crazy killing on the battlefield!

Jiang Chen said with a smile; "I will break this record."

"He is a Forbidden Curse Master, how do you compare?"

"Not necessarily."

The next morning.

With the sound of the horn, the alliance battle officially started, and Black Phoenix had already made preparations. The first thing to do was to collect information.

Archers patrol the city walls, looking for assassins and ninjas who come to spy on information.

The Dragon Knight flew into the sky quickly, observing the surrounding movement, whether there is a large army coming, as long as they fly into the air, they can find large-scale enemies.

At this moment, a horn sounded.

It was the information sent by the dragon knight, and it fell with the dragon knight.

Hei Feng immediately asked: "What is it?"

"Commander, there are three giant dragons coming to our camp."

"Are there only three heads?"


Heifeng said: "It should be the dragon knight who came to spy on the information, and ordered the archers to be ready to deal with the attack from the dragon knight at any time."

At this moment, Wang Meng summoned the giant dragon, and Jiang Chen sat behind Wang Meng, sighing in his heart, it's so good to have a dragon, and after waiting for a turn, he will find a way to hatch the dragon eggs.

Wang Meng turned around and asked, "Boss, are we really going to fight? Are you thinking about it?"

"Don't be afraid, there is me!"

"I'm just afraid! The opponent has hundreds of dragons."

"It's okay, take off, there was an enemy dragon knight hovering above our heads just now, catch up and kill him."

Wang Meng shook his head: "Listen to you."


As the dragon flapped its wings, the dragon quickly lifted into the sky, and soon soared into the sky. Jiang Chen sat on the dragon's back, and he had a panoramic view of the whole city.

As long as it is a large army, it can be seen clearly.

Jiang Chen turned on the mode of controlling the dragon in the sky, and three hundred sword qis flew beside the giant dragon.

Wang Meng was stunned

What kind of awesome skill is this?
So much sword energy, how much is there!
Jiang Chen looked at the figure in front of him, and said with a smile: "You just keep up, and I'll take care of the rest."

"it is good."

Wang Meng followed all the way.

The three-headed dragon knight looked back at the shadow following him.

"Someone is following."

"That's the Dragon Knight of the Dragon Zone Alliance, it should be a scout soldier."

"Hey, it doesn't look like a scout soldier. It looks like he's ready to fight with the three of us. He's a dragon with a wind attribute, and he flies very fast. It won't be long before he can catch up."

"This kid is very courageous. The three of us formed a triangle, surrounded him, and killed him."

"it is good."

Watching the three of them disperse, Wang Meng said, "Boss, they found us. They are changing their formation. They should be preparing to surround me and kill me. What should we do now?"

"Just follow the end in the middle, and catch up."

"In that case, I will enter their encirclement?"

"Just follow my orders."

"it is good."

Wang Meng drove the giant dragon and kept chasing after him. He quickly caught up with a giant dragon in front of him. As the distance became shorter and shorter, the archers on the dragon had already set up their bows and shot arrows.

Wang Meng's face changed drastically; "No, this is Dragon Archer."

Dragon knights are not just knights, there are magicians, archers, and warriors among them.

Dragon Knight is just a general term.

Fighting in the air is completely different, especially the dragon flying in the air, it is very difficult to control, even if Jiang Chen has Yulong in the sky, it is not easy to control.

Jiang Chen felt that there were two giant dragons following behind him, obviously they were surrounding Wang Meng, at this moment Wang Meng was in a cold sweat, how could there be three giant dragons, he couldn't resist at all.

At this moment, a dragon knight in front of him stopped in the air, facing Wang Meng head-on, and the opposite giant dragon was gathering flames, and Jiang Chen could clearly feel the magic fluctuations.

At this time, the distance between the two sides is 150 meters.

Jiang Chen asked: "You just need to avoid the attack, and leave the rest to me."

"Understood, boss."

Wang Meng's driver Long rushed forward, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

Just when the opponent's dragon knight launched an attack, Jiang Chen's sword energy also started to attack, and ten sword energy rushed over, piercing through the dragon knight in an instant.

There was only a scream, a white light flashed, and the dragon knight died and was eliminated.


Wang Meng controlled the giant dragon to stop quickly in the air, and watched the two dragon knights behind quickly follow up, Jiang Chen said again: "Go back."

The dragon flapped its wings and headed back.

Jiang Chen commanded the sword qi to attack, as long as he entered within a hundred meters, he would be attacked by Jiang Chen, another two flashes of white light flashed, and the two dragon knights died.

Wang Meng was very excited.

This killed three giant dragons, it was invincible!

Jiang Chen said; "Let's go, go to the Nordic Alliance, now is our hunting time."

Wang Meng flew the dragon to the Nordic Union.

Originally there was still a little bit of fear, but after seeing Jiang Chen's attack methods, he no longer needed to worry, such a terrifying attack power was simply invincible.

Nordic Union.

Many dragon knights rose into the air and saw a black shadow not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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