Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 162, Initiate a Legion Battle, Humiliate the Sakura Alliance

Chapter 162, Initiate a Legion Battle, Humiliate the Sakura Alliance

Hei Feng was surprised, how could he have so many equipments, did he do it all by himself?
Although they are all silver-level equipment, once all six pieces are collected, they will have the attribute of a set.

Before level 50, most people will wear suits.

Suit attributes are very important for the brave.

Heifeng looked at Angelina and formed a team with her, with all kinds of equipment.

Li Hui was stunned.

There are so many pieces of equipment, there are dozens of pieces. Li Hui quickly counted them and calculated the price in a short time. He is a businessman, so he knows the value of these equipment very well.

Li Hui smiled and said: "You are a friend of Heifeng, I will give you the market price, a total of 5000 million, what do you think?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "Okay."

"Cheer up, I'll call your card."

Soon, Jiang Chen received the money, and Jiang Chen also left the bar.

Li Hui said with a smile: "Did he make all these equipments by himself? His luck is also very good. He broke out so many equipments by himself."

"It's two people."

"Even if there are two people, there are not so many."

"He still has a few gold suits that he hasn't brought out."

Li Hui exclaimed: "There are also gold-level equipment."

Heifeng nodded: "Yes, when you helped me for a turn, two pieces of gold-level equipment exploded, and when you helped Ruoli turn, another piece of equipment exploded."

Li Hui was stunned.

Kill the demon king and reveal the equipment?

Isn't the devil very hard to explode?

His luck is so bad?

It also makes it impossible for people to live.

Gold-level equipment is much better than silver and diamond-level equipment. Each piece of this equipment is worth more than one billion.

Once it appears, it will definitely be snapped up.

Moreover, it is the equipment that the devil broke out, and these equipments have unique attributes.

League of Legions.

Jiang Chen followed Ruoli into the inside, and walked towards the front desk.

A female brave man smiled and said, "Brave man, do you need any services?"

"I need to start a legion battle."

The front desk was stunned: "Start the legion battle?"


"Please wait a moment. If you want to start a legion battle, you need to fill in some forms and pay a certain amount of money as a punishment for the legion battle, and these funds will not be returned. Brave, you should think clearly."

"I already know, give me the form."

"Okay, may I ask which legion the opponent is from?"

"Triple Legion, Sanhui Legion."

"Is it the Triad Legion or the Sanhui Legion?"

"You didn't understand what I meant. I will start a legion battle for these two legions."

The front desk was even more surprised.

Go to war with two legions?
Are you crazy, or am I crazy?

The front desk hurriedly entered the Triad Legion and checked the number of people: "Hello, Brave, there are a total of 8000 people in the Triad Legion. Are you sure you want to challenge?"


"Which type is it?"

"I will never die."

"Okay, there are a total of 9000 people in the Sanhui Legion. Are you sure you want to challenge?"


"Please explain the reason for the challenge so that we can announce it to the world in the future. You can say something to force the other party to fight, but it cannot be humiliating, especially personal attacks."

Jiang Chen smiled.

Sure enough, [-] million is not paid for nothing, and there is such an operation.

Sure enough, money comes first!

Jiang Chen thought for a while: "What is the reason to challenge this previous legion battle?"

"Let me take a look for you. The most used one is, XX challenges XX. Do you dare to fight?"

That's it?

No technical content at all.

Forget it.

Jiang Chen thought for a while: "The people in the Cherry Blossom Alliance are a bunch of idiots. I, Jiang Chen, challenge the entire Cherry Blossom Alliance with my own strength. Those who don't want to participate in the battle, just admit that they are idiots."

The front desk was completely dumbfounded.

Brother, didn't you mean to challenge the Sanhe Legion and the Sanhui Legion?Why did it get involved with the Sakura Alliance again?You are not challenging two legions, but the entire Sakura Alliance!

The front desk reminded: "Brave, I suggest you change the Sakura Alliance to the legion you want to challenge, otherwise you will face the entire Sakura Alliance, and they will join the Triad Legion and the Sanhui Legion."

"It's okay, just say so."

"Alright then, you have decided, please sign, and I will report it to you. If the envoy of God agrees, then the challenge will be completed."

"Then what if you disagree!"

"If you don't agree, there will be no legion battle."


Damn, and these treaties.

Bian Haomiao was sitting in the office. As an envoy of God, he had nothing to do except blowing the wind and basking in the sun every day.

He is in charge of legion-to-legion battles.

Once there is a battle between legions, it will come forward to reconcile, if it cannot be reconciled, it can only be a legion battle.

At this time, a hero handed in the application form.

Bian Haomiao looked at the application form.

Clan battle application form.

Bian Haomiao smiled: "Our Dragon District Alliance actually has a Dark Legion to challenge the Triad Legion of the Cherry Blossom Alliance. It's quite courageous."

"My lord envoy, it's not one letter of challenge, but two."

"Two copies? The other is the Legion?"

"It's still the Dark Legion."

Bian Haomiao was stunned, one legion challenged two legions, is the leader of the Dark Legion crazy?You can't do this even if you want to die.

Bian Haomiao looked at the information of the Dark Legion.

Stand up immediately.

What the hell?

There are only seven people in the Dark Legion, and seven people challenge the 8000 people of the Triad Legion?

This is hitting a stone with an egg.

Bian Haomiao said angrily: "Isn't this nonsense! They treat the army battle as nothing, treat it like a child's house, and the army leader will kill people."

"My lord envoy, they chose the second one, a situation where there is no end to death, and only the winning side can appear."

Bian Haomiao looked at the options, and sure enough, he was immortal.

Are these seven people crazy, or am I crazy?

Bian Haomiao looked at another application form for the legion challenge, and he was still unstoppable. Who are these seven people!
Dare to challenge the Sanhe Legion, the Sanhui Legion.

Bian Haomiao looked at the reason for the challenge again and was completely stupid.

[The people in the Cherry Blossom Alliance are a bunch of idiots. I, Jiang Chen, challenge the entire Cherry Blossom Alliance with my own strength. Those who don’t want to join the battle, just admit that they are idiots. 】

This is not a challenge to two legions, but to the entire Sakura Alliance.

Does this guy hate the Sakura Alliance extremely!
Could it be that his parents were killed by members of the Sakura Alliance?
No, gotta meet this guy.

Bian Haomiao looked at the motto: Jiang Chen.

It's him?

The champion of the alliance competition, the guy who killed 20 people on the battlefield of the alliance, this guy is really kind!
Dare to challenge the entire Sakura League alone.

Bian Haomiao said: "Let him come up."

"Okay, my lord envoy."

When Jiang Chen entered the office, he also saw Bian Haomiao, who was sitting on the sofa, smoking a cigarette, and handed Jiang Chen one.

Jiang Chen took it and clicked it.

Bian Haomiao smiled and said, "Have you decided to challenge them?"


"But I want to tell you that they may not accept the challenge you issue, but after seeing your reasons, I believe they will definitely not sit still and will definitely accept the challenge."

Jiang Chen nodded, that was Jiang Chen's purpose.

Two hundred million cannot be spent in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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