Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 163, Challenging the Sakura Alliance, Shocking the World

Chapter 163, Challenging the Sakura Alliance, Shocking the World
Bian Haomiao continued: "But let me tell you some bad news. If this challenge letter is sent out, it will arouse the anger of everyone in the Sakura Alliance, even the envoys."

"I see."

"Okay, I'm telling you more bad news. The Legion Battle doesn't take effect immediately. It takes a certain amount of time. Ten days at the latest, three days at the earliest."

"During these three days, anyone can be added to the legion, anyone can enter the legion, and anyone can leave the legion, including second-ranked masters."

"So what you are facing is not just two legions, but other strong men, and may even include strong men from other worlds."

Bian Haomiao explained;

After all, Jiang Chen is a member of their alliance, if there are any rules, he will definitely tell Jiang Chen, rules are rules, and rules also have disadvantages.

The reason why very few people initiate a legion battle is because they are afraid that they will find someone to replace them and join them. Once a strong person joins, it will be a disaster.

Jiang Chen also understood this point.

Moreover, Jiang Chen knew that, strictly speaking, the Cherry Blossom Alliance was a subsidiary alliance of a family, and this family had great influence in the different world, and of course the Dragon Area Alliance also.

Jiang Chen still responded lightly: "I know."

"Then do you still want to challenge now?"


Bian Haomiao has a headache, this guy is really immortal!

"I suggest you change the motto, otherwise it will be very bad for you."

"It's okay, I don't care."

"Okay, that's it, I agree."

Bian Haomiao waved his hand, signed his name, and passed the review.

Then there is...
broadcast worldwide.

[Legion battle starts]

[Dragon Zone Alliance Dark Legion challenges the Sakura Alliance Triad Legion and Sanhui Legion]

[The people in the Cherry Blossom Alliance are a bunch of idiots. I, Jiang Chen, challenge the entire Cherry Blossom Alliance with my own strength. Those who don’t want to join the battle, just admit that they are idiots. 】

The whole world heard the broadcast and was completely shocked.

Dragon Zone Alliance.

"What? Started a legion battle?"

"Which legion is the Dark Legion? Why have you never heard of it?"

"The Dark Legion of the Dragon Alliance, does anyone know which legion this is?"

"I've never heard of this legion, it seems that the dark legion is not famous."

"Oh my god, what are you talking about? Is this challenging two legions or challenging the entire Cherry Blossom Alliance?"

"It's awesome, the Dark Legion is too good. I have long been unhappy with the Cherry Blossom Alliance. This is a legion challenging an alliance."

"How dare you blatantly say that everyone in the Sakura Alliance is an idiot, including the angels?"

"This person is too courageous."

"Finally someone has taken the first step? The battle of the legions has started again."

Everyone in the Dragon Alliance Legion was shocked.

Everyone who joined the legion has heard the news, and they all know what the battle of the legion means, the endless ending, and the doom of another legion.

Legion battle, also known as the battle of perdition.

Long Zhantian heard the news.

Also quite shocked.

Is this guy crazy to challenge an alliance alone?
Long Zhantian admitted that Jiang Chen was very strong.

But it wasn't so outrageous. One person dared to single out an alliance. This sentence not only angered the two legions, but also angered everyone in the Sakura Alliance, even including the envoys.

What the hell is he trying to do!

Inside the Sakura Alliance.

They all heard the news and were furious.

"Baga, whoever dares to say that members of our Cherry Blossom Alliance are idiots must die."

"Who is the leader of the Dark Legion? How dare you humiliate us Sakura Alliance braves so blatantly, you must kill him."

"Damn bastard, this man must, absolutely not let him live in this world."

"I remember that the Dark Legion is Alice, how dare she challenge all the heroes of our Sakura Alliance."

"Everyone in the Dark Legion must be killed to make them understand that our Cherry Blossom Alliance is not easy to bully."

Sakura Alliance meeting room.

The envoys gathered together, their faces were heavy.

They also heard the news about the legion challenge just now. The challenge between legions was normal, but there was a sentence in it that angered their nerves.

The members of the Sakura Alliance are all idiots, including the angels?
"Does anyone know who the head of the Dark Legion is?"

"I remember it seems to be a dark angel named Alice."

"It's not anymore, now the leader of the Dark Army is Jiang Chen, I think everyone knows this name very well."

An envoy called out the message.

The Cherry Blossom God Envoy was silent, with worried expressions on their faces.

They couldn't be more clear about Jiang Cheng.

The individual champion of the alliance battlefield, and a master who killed 20 people on the alliance battlefield, a full 20 people died under his sword. Although he is a melee professional, this person's sword is more terrifying than the magic of a magician .

Of course, this is not the most powerful, the greatest achievement is to kill the devil.

There are even rumors that all the envoys of the gods died under his sword.

All the envoys looked at Chiyojima Hitomi, and at the same time Kawatengichiro.

They also understood that the whole incident started from the fight between the two, and the Chuanteng family plotted against Hitomi Chiyoshima for the position of envoy.

In the end, not only did he fail to plot, but he lost his wife and lost his army, lost a divine envoy, and lost a reserve divine envoy.

Even later, another divine envoy was killed by the demon king.

Kawateng Ichiro laughed, Jiang Chen humiliated everyone in the Sakura Alliance so much, this time he is doomed.

Chuan Tengichiro looked at Chiyo, and questioned: "Miss Chiyo, Jiang Chen has a very good relationship with you. You can explain to everyone why he humiliated our entire Sakura Alliance? He put down his bold words and challenged our entire Sakura Alliance."

Hitomi Chiyojima looked indifferent: "I am just an ordinary friend with him. He challenged the Sanhe Legion and the Sanhui Legion. I think you should know best. Have you provoked him again?"

Chuan Tengichiro stood up and said angrily: "Hmph, didn't you hear clearly just now? He humiliated the entire Sakura Alliance. Although you are an envoy, you are also a member of the Sakura Alliance."

Chiyojima Hitomi was silent, this sentence is not bad.

Hitomi Chiyoshima stood up and said angrily: "Kawateng Ichiro, we smart people don't talk dark words. Last time your brother led someone to prevent me from killing the devil and plotted against me. I haven't told you about this matter yet." Figure it out."

"Hmph, do you have proof?"

"The evidence is that your younger brother Saburo, your younger brother Qilang died in the dark zone."

"Now I suspect that my brother was killed by you."

"I killed it, what can you do?"

"Well, you are finally willing to tell the truth."

The two argued endlessly.

A high-ranking member of the alliance said: "Okay, stop arguing, everyone is a member of the Sakura Alliance, this matter is over, now we should find a way to deal with the next situation, and everyone has any suggestions. "

The two could only sit down and stare at each other.

"Does this still need to be said? It must be a challenge, find someone to kill Jiang Chen."

"Yes, only by killing him can it be completely resolved."

"I heard that this guy is very powerful. He is a swordsman who has killed 20 people. The Triad Legion and the Sanhui Legion have only 6 people in total. They should not be his opponent."

"It's a pity that the envoy can't participate in the battle, otherwise I will definitely kill him on the spot."

"Although we can't participate in the war, we can find someone to participate. In a word, this guy humiliated everyone in our Sakura Alliance. This person must die."

The envoys all looked at Hitomi Chiyoshima.

Chiyoshima Hitomi snorted coldly: "This has nothing to do with me. I will not participate in any decisions you make. I have something to say and I will leave first."

Hitomi Chiyoshima turned and left, leaving behind a group of envoys in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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