Chapter 166, Encountering the Swordsman God Envoy

Linghai Province, Xihai City, Yancheng Tatens Hills.

In the small town of Tatens Hills, Jiang Chen returned to the original place, he remembered that this was the place where he practiced for the first time.

Jiang Chen still remembered that when he came out to slash monsters, he used his sword to kill his younger brother.

"Xiao Chen, what are we doing here?" Angelina asked;
"Level up."

"Isn't this a level 10 monster?"

"Tomorrow we will enter the Ghana Fissure, and there is another cave in Ghana, we will enter it to upgrade, and we must upgrade to level 50 as quickly as possible."

"Then why don't we form a team? If you don't form a team, you can get full experience points, and your upgrade speed will be very fast."

Jiang Chen smiled: "No need, there is still time."

Even now Jiang Chen wouldn't be afraid of the Sakura Alliance, but just to be on the safe side, let's upgrade to level 50. After the first turn, learn thunder swordsmanship, hold gold-level equipment, and be able to kill a third-rank occupation.

[Leilun Magnetic Sword (Gold Level)]

[Wings: It will emit a wing, which can fly in a short period of time. The flying time is 1 minute and the cooling time is 8 minutes. 】

[Draw the knife and chop: send out an arc-shaped sword energy forward, attack the enemy within ten meters, the cooling time is 10 minutes...]

[Armor: When wearing equipment, a certain amount of resistance is increased...]

This is the skill exhibited by gold-level weapons, especially the second sword-drawing slash. Once it is increased by a hundred times, what is the effect?
Attack the enemy within a kilometer, the cooling time is 6 seconds.

Allow the enemy to run 999 meters first, and my broadsword is 1000 meters long, let the sword Qi fly for a while.

This is still a group attack skill. Combined with the passive skill Thunder Swordsmanship, the speed will be increased to the limit. With one strike, it will deal 999999 damage.

The cooling time is 6 seconds, so it's not infinitely drawn, which is a pity!
Inside the pub.

"Boss, a glass of Bloody Mary, a glass of Romantic Lover."

The tavern owner turned his head and saw a familiar figure, and came over to mix two glasses of wine: "Isn't this Jiang Chen, why is he back again?"

"I miss the wine the boss made, so I'm back."

"Haha...and a girlfriend who looks like..." The tavern owner looked at Angelina, stunned.

this woman

Jiang Chen looked shocked: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just didn't expect your girlfriend to be so beautiful. You should not be a pure person now."

Jiang Chen laughed, this boss still remembers this...

"How many levels?"

"Level 45."

"The improvement is so fast, and it will be a turn soon. It has only been a month, and it has been upgraded from level 10 to level 45."

"Where's Murong Yi!"

"It's been a long time since I saw her."

"Who is Murong Yi?"

"a friend."


Angelina tasted the taste, nodded and said: "Boss, the wine you make is really delicious, it's different from other places."

The tavern owner said with a smile; "I mix my drinks with my heart, so it's naturally different."

"A glass of Bloody Mary."

A tall young woman walked in, sat next to Jiang Chen, glanced at Jiang Chen, and then set her eyes on the tavern owner.

This woman is also a rapier and a war robe, either a swordsman or a ranger, most likely the same as Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen noticed the woman's attire, she should be a master, this equipment is obviously a set.

The tavern owner said: "Little guy, have you decided to take the human swordsman route?"

"This issue has already been discussed, and the human swordsman will definitely go away in one turn."

"That's good, but before the first turn, you should visit the God Envoy and ask her to open the back door for you and give you gifts or something. This will be very good for you."


The rivers and lakes are not fighting and killing, the rivers and lakes are about the ways of the world.

Jiang Chen smiled lightly: "It's not necessary, do I think I'm the one who needs to give gifts?"

Jiang Chen doesn't need to give gifts at all, isn't the hell-level mission just to kill the devil?It's too simple, one sword is not enough, then two swords, two swords are not enough, then three swords.

There were two demon kings who died in Jiang Chen's hands.

The woman next to him looked at Jiang Chen, and responded lightly: "Even if you give a gift, she won't take it."

"How do you know?" Jiang Chen turned to look at the woman and asked;

The woman didn't speak, just focused on drinking.

Jiang Chen looked at the woman's attire, and immediately understood that this woman should also be a swordsman, and she had done this before. It seems that the job-changing envoy is not so easy to deal with.

"You are very handsome, and you can sacrifice your appearance. I believe that God Envoy will take a fancy to you." The tavern owner made an opinion, and took a special look at the woman.


"Am I the kind of person who sells my appearance? But if the God-Master is empty and lonely, I will consider it."

The two looked at each other and smiled, Jiang Chen felt a burst of pain as soon as he laughed, Angelina glared fiercely, and pinched Xiao Man's waist with her right hand.

"Joke, joke."

The tavern owner looked at the woman next to Jiang Chen: "What do you think?"

"not so good?"

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Jiang Chen, and said indifferently: "I remember your appearance, and I will arrange special tasks for you."

Turn around and leave.

Jiang Chen was puzzled!
Who is this woman!
Such a big tone.

you thought you were...

Is it?

Jiang Chen looked at the tavern owner, saw the tavern owner nodding, and heard his shocked words: "You guessed right, the one in front of you is the swordsman-turned-professional envoy An Siqi."


This kind of probability has happened to me, even if I buy a lottery ticket, the probability is not so high.

"you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Didn't I give you a chance to perform well? Now it seems that An Siqi is not interested in you. This woman is likely to give you small shoes to wear."

"Forget it, just offend the envoy if you offend him. Anyway, he's not the first envoy."

The tavern owner asked with a smile; "Why, have you offended other envoys?"


"Are you all right?"

"That envoy was killed by me."

The tavern owner was shocked and killed the envoy?
This is a great sin.

But it's impossible to think about it, the envoy is not so easy to kill, but the tavern owner thought of a rumor, a rumor that often appears on the Internet.

It is very likely that the angel of the Sakura Alliance was killed by people from the Dragon Area Alliance.

The tavern owner was shocked; "What, you are that Jiang Chen, you want to challenge the entire Sakura Alliance now?"

"Even you know?"

"What do you not know about this? Now it has spread all over the Internet. I didn't expect it to be you. You are not an ordinary swordsman. You really killed the envoy?"

"Guess?" Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

"That An Siqi, why did you come to this place?"

"Turn [-] task, she is an envoy and a brave man. To increase the level, the envoy also needs to be upgraded."

Jiang Chen nodded.

Well, we can cooperate!The second-rank God Envoy needs to complete the task, and needs to kill the second-rank demon king. Jiang Chen believes that An Siqi just now does not have this strength.

The next morning.

Jiang Chen and the two quickly entered the Ghana Rift, and within the Ghana Rift, there was another different world, where the monsters were all level 45-50 monsters.

Just right for Jiang Chen to upgrade.

(End of this chapter)

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