Chapter 167, God's Shock
The two of them are already at level 45, and the required experience points are about 70. Every time they increase a level, the required experience points double. Even reaching level 50, they need 100 million experience points.

And each 45 monster is equivalent to 500 experience points.

It is equivalent to killing 1400 monsters.

If it is a single-person experience, 700 monsters are needed to upgrade again. If it is to kill the devil, that is the best way to increase experience.

The two quickly reached the depths of the Ghana crack, and saw which crack came out. When they entered it, there were level 45 and level 50 monsters.

These monsters are all in groups, the same as in the dark area of ​​the Sakura League.

Red Moon Purgatory.

The two went deep into it, the first floor of Chiyue Purgatory.

As soon as he entered it, he saw a group of people killing monsters. There were men and women in this team, and there was someone Jiang Chen was familiar with, that was An Siqi.

This woman was also among them, obviously An Siqi's first team also noticed Jiang Chen and the other two.

An Siqi looked surprised, why did these two people come?
"Hey... who are these two?"

"It's not like they came here to improve their level, they are really courageous."

"A man and a woman. The woman is obviously an assistant, and the man seems to be a swordsman."

"Swordsman? Now that the Dragon District Alliance is famous, there is a powerful swordsman. Could it be this person?"

"It's really possible."

An Siqi asked, "Why are you here?"

"We're here to upgrade."

"This place is not suitable for you to upgrade your level. There are many monsters here, and they are also very scary. This is the Scarlet Moon Purgatory, and the powerful Scarlet Moon Demon King lives on the sixth floor."

Jiang Chen nodded: "I really think this place is quite suitable for me."

The two passed through, Jiang Chen stopped, turned around and asked, "Your name is An Siqi, are you a swordsman-turned-professional envoy?"

An Siqi sneered: "You guessed right, but don't think about giving gifts, I won't give you any convenience, just do whatever you want?"

"You didn't come here to improve your level, you should be looking for something. How about this, I will help you complete this task. When the time comes to accept the hell-level task, don't go too far, just choose a demon king."

An Siqi is incredible.

What does it mean to just choose a demon king at random?
What are you being a demon king?
"Are you qualified?"

"of course."

Jiang Chen turned on the mode of Yulong Zaitian, and three hundred sword qi flew out, quickly killing the surrounding Chiyue monsters, within a hundred meters, a little brother with one sword.

In Jiang Chen's eyes, those monsters are the experience points of walking.

An Siqi was dumbfounded.

Is this really a swordsman?

An Siqi, as a swordsman envoy, never knew what this skill was. Do swordsmen have such a skill?

Why don't I know?

The people around An Siqi were shocked at the same time.

This is the swordsman?
That legendary swordsman, the master who killed 20 people in the league competition, is too awesome.

Within a hundred meters, all monsters were killed.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Do I have this strength?"

An Siqi nodded: "You are very strong. I am a swordsman-turned-professional envoy. I know swordsman skills very well. I have never seen such a powerful skill. What is the name of your skill?"

"No comment."

"You..." An Siqi became annoyed for a while, she was an envoy of God, professional swordsmen and brave warriors would bow their knees when they saw her, but Jiang Chen was different, he just ignored her.

Jiang Chen doesn't care that the other party is an envoy.

Even if it's your own boss, it's not a dick to you either.

"My lord envoy, this person is definitely Jiang Chen, the number one swordsman."

"It's definitely him, no wonder he has such a strong strength."

"My lord envoy, with him here, maybe we can really pass through the sixth floor, get the Chiyue God Orb, and complete the second round."

"Master Envoy, this opportunity is rare. If you cooperate with him, doesn't he want to change the mission? Just give him a simple one."

Several people saw Jiang Chen's strength, apart from being shocked, they were more cooperative.

Cooperating with Jiang Chen, it is easy to get through the sixth floor and kill the Scarlet Moon Demon King.

An Siqi has been hovering at level 99 for many years.

She has never had the chance to enter the sixth floor and kill the Demon King. An Siqi's second-rank task is to kill the Scarlet Moon Demon King and reach the second rank. This is her only chance.

Only by completing the task and obtaining the Chiyue Divine Orb can one complete the second turn.

An Siqi nodded: "As long as you help me obtain the Chiyue God Orb, I will arrange for you to change jobs and give you a hell mission, which is considered a simple mission."

"It doesn't matter, any devil king is fine. This task should not be too far away. I don't want to go very far to kill the devil king. After all, walking is very tiring."

An Siqi said: "Form a team."

"No, just follow me, tell me the task, and I will help you complete it."

An Siqi told her about her mission.

Jiang Chen looked shocked: "You haven't finished it in five years?"

"Is there anything strange?" An Siqi's face was gloomy.

"Isn't it strange? Isn't he just a second-rank demon king? Killing him doesn't have to be enough?"

An Siqi: Gu~~(╯﹏╰)b
The people behind An Siqi opened their eyes wide.

Good guy.

You dare to act aggressive in front of God Envoy, you dare to act aggressive in front of your boss, little guy, who gave you the courage.

An Siqi was so angry that she didn't know what to say.

To be despised by his own subordinates, this is not a change of profession, if An Siqi hadn't asked Jiang Chen for help, she would have drawn her sword and chopped Jiang Chen in half.

"The Scarlet Moon Demon King is not as easy to kill as you think."

Jiang Chen activated Yulong Zaitian.

The Scarlet Moon Devil's Nest is a cave. Although the cave is not big, there are hordes of scarlet moon monsters along the way. Jiang Chen's skill of Yulong Zaitian just played its role.

Along the way, Yulong opened the way in the sky, and several people followed behind Jiang Chen.

They have also seen what terror is.

No scarlet moon monster can block Jiang Chen's sword, a sword pierces the heart of the scarlet moon monster, let alone [-] sword qi, wherever it passes, there are corpses.

A few people are equivalent to walking in the Scarlet Moon Devil's Nest.

"I heard you said that the Scarlet Moon Demon Nest has six floors?"

"Yes, the monsters on each floor are different. The first floor is level 40, the second floor is level 43, the third floor is level 46, and the fourth floor is level 48."

"The fifth and sixth floors are level 50 monsters."

"The Scarlet Moon Demon King is hidden on the sixth floor."

"How many floors did you get through?"

"the third floor."

Jiang Chen was completely speechless. You, a divine envoy, only got through the third floor. Didn't that mean you didn't even see the face of the Scarlet Moon Demon King?

Jiang Chen just wanted to say one thing, you are really bad at being an envoy!
Several people went all the way.

Look at the three forks ahead.

"Which place are you going?"

"The passage in the middle, the other two are dead ends, and the other two will lead to a square. Once you enter it, you will be trapped in the square. The square is not big, with a distance of 200 meters, but there are three hundred monsters inside. "Hey, why are you going to the left~"

"Let's upgrade!"

(End of this chapter)

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