Chapter 168, Ridiculous Swordsman God Envoy

Jiang Chen walked to the left.

A few people followed closely behind. Jiang Chen came here to upgrade his level. Three hundred monsters are a disaster for others, but for Jiang Chen, they are experience points.

Enter it, and you will appear in a cave.

This cave is very big, as big as a football field. Inside the cave, there are indeed groups of absolute scarlet moon monsters. These monsters rushed over one after another seeing Jiang Chen and the others coming in.

Jiang Chen activated the sword array mode.

Within a hundred meters, all the Chiyue monsters fell to the ground and died.

Before An Siqi and the others understood what was going on, they were completely dumbfounded when they saw groups of monsters dying.

The people behind An Siqi looked at An Siqi, is this really a swordsman?

The same swordsman, why is there such a big gap?

That is simply a heaven and an underground.

"An Siqi, after the job change is completed, will there be skill rewards? My skills are a bit lacking, and my attack power is a bit lacking!"

An Siqi: What the hell...

Are you completely spiked?

Tell me you don't have enough attack power?
You are fooling the devil!

My level 99 envoy is not as good as you...
"I'm very curious whether you are a swordsman or not. As a swordsman god, I know swordsman's skills very well. I have never met such a powerful swordsman." An Siqi was suspicious of Jiang Chen's occupation, but seeing Seeing Jiang Chen's badge, An Siqi no longer doubted it.

That is undoubtedly a swordsman.

"I am a swordsman who has awakened his talent."

"Of course I know. Don't think that you are the only one who has awakened your talent. I have also awakened your talent. What is your talent?"

"My talent is called Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Bodhisattva Sheep Head Pa Pa Pa Pa Thunderbolt Golden Light Thunder Palm."

An Siqi's face darkened.

An Siqi: You are fooling the devil!

An Siqi smiled coldly: "You don't need to say, I can roughly guess your talent. Your talent should be the boost effect, and the boost effect is the most powerful talent."

"There are many kinds of boost effects: attack power, speed, defense power, and the number of boosts, and you should be a comprehensive boost, whether it's attack power, speed, or quantity, and it may even have the effect of shortening time."

"Is my guess correct?"

Jiang Chen had nothing to say, this woman could be seen at a glance.

It's almost as good as it is said.

As a swordsman, An Siqi naturally knows many skills of a swordsman, and also understands the key points, just like the skill of Yulong Zaitian in Jiang Chen's hand.

An Siqi also has this skill, but compared with Jiang Chen, it is like a heaven and an underground.

At first An Siqi didn't understand, but as Jiang Chen killed more monsters, An Siqi gradually understood what Jiang Chen's talent was!
That is the overall increase, at least ten times more.

There is also the sword array used by Jiang Chen, although An Siqi didn't learn it, in her opinion this is simply a rubbish skill, but in Jiang Chen's hands, this skill is instantly supernatural.

Is there such a possibility? In fact, the system does not exist, but the increase is inherently a talent.

"What is your talent?"

"My talent, I won't tell you."

A few people left the cave on the left and walked to the right. There were [-] monsters in each cave square, and two of them equaled [-] monsters. In this way, the experience value was directly increased by half a level.

If you don't form a team with Angelina, you will be upgraded directly.

Several people went all the way and entered the second floor.

"After you turn one turn, there is indeed a turn professional skill."

"What skill?"

"Wan Poison Sword Technique."

"What kind of skill is this?"

"When the skill is released, it can produce a toxin that invades the enemy's body, poisons the enemy, and continues to lose blood. At the same time, it reduces the enemy's defense, speed, and attack power. The cooling time is 10 minutes."

How many people heard the name.

"Swordsman's skills are so good, it's equivalent to an auxiliary profession."

"Reduces enemy resistance, this skill is good."

That's it?

Reduce enemy resistance?
I'm sorry, I'm all about instant kills, and I won't give the enemy a chance at all.

"Any more?"

"This skill is not good? This is a powerful skill for a swordsman."

"What can be solved with one sword, why reduce the enemy's resistance and poison the enemy?"

An Siqi was completely speechless.

It seems to really make sense, this guy kills monsters with a single blow, so he doesn't need such a skill at all.

"There is also a skill called Ground Slash, which releases a wide range of sword energy attacks. This skill is a group attack skill, and the distance is about 10 meters."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled.

Finally have group attack skills.

Slash the ground?

This skill sounds good.

[Upgrade to 46 levels. 】

Entering the second floor with a distance of half and a half, Jiang Chen even believes that within a day, he can upgrade to level 50, and directly start the task of one turn.

Yulong is able to open the way in Tiantian, and the places he passes are full of corpses.

It doesn't matter how much blood volume or defense power it has.

Kill with a sword.

The brave man behind An Siqi was in addition to being shocked, he was still shocked, following behind Jiang Chen, he didn't even have the qualifications to make a move.

Jiang Chen stopped in his tracks: "Are they your friends?"

"Yes, help me enter the sixth floor of the Scarlet Moon Demon Nest and kill the Scarlet Moon Demon King."

"I don't know how powerful the second-rank demon king is. It's very likely that there will be a big battle. Let them go back. It's not good to have too many people."

An Siqi nodded.

He also saw that it was enough to have Jiang Chen alone, if Jiang Chen was no match, then they were even more no match.

An Siqi asked them to help and left on the sixth floor.

Facing the second-ranked Chiyue Demon King, to be honest, An Siqi didn't have any confidence. An Siqi waited for five years, I don't know how many times she fought, but she didn't even break through the sixth floor, let alone Facing the Scarlet Moon Demon King.

An Siqi stopped in her tracks: "You all go back, what Jiang Chen said is right, with him by my side this time, it is very likely that I will make a second turn."

Several people nodded, they also understood that following Jiang Chen and the others was a burden.

With Jiang Chen around, he would definitely be able to kill the Scarlet Moon Demon King.

"Take care of yourself."

"An Siqi, be careful."

"In the future, if we have a chance, let's go out and practice together."

Several people turned around and left, disappearing from sight, while Jiang Chen and the other three walked forward all the way, continuing to upgrade their level, An Siqi followed behind Jiang Chen.

"Five years, stuck here, it seems that your status as an envoy is not very good!"

An Siqi glared; "Do you think everyone is as perverted as you? Are the rumors on the Internet true? You really killed Chuan Teng Saburo and the envoy?"

"No, how could I kill the envoy, that is a great crime."

"At first, I didn't believe it. After all, the envoy is immune to 99% of the damage, but now I believe it. You have this strength, and your skills can penetrate any armor."

Jiang Chen was silent.

An Siqi is not a simple person, and if she were simple, she wouldn't be an envoy of God.

"Jiang Chen, no matter how strong you are, you'd better not kill the envoys in the future, and don't violate the rules of the alliance of the gods." An Siqi reminded;

"How could I?"

"I know you are very unconvinced now. The strong have the dignity of the strong. Do you think strength determines everything? Have you ever thought that you can be immune to 100% damage?"


Immune to [-]% damage?
Does this work too?
(End of this chapter)

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