Chapter 169, The Second Battle of the Scarlet Moon Demon King

Jiang Chen stopped and looked back at An Siqi.

"What I said is true. Since you are immune to 99% damage, why are you not immune to 100% damage? Although your sword energy has a penetrating effect, it is impossible to kill them with 100% damage immunity. It's to remind you."

"Since you live under the Alliance of the Gods, you must abide by the rules set by the Alliance of the Gods. Don't try to challenge the rules. You will only end up dead."

An Siqi's expression was serious, his words made Jiang Chen think deeply.

It's really possible.

After all, who knows for sure!
An Siqi continued: "Do you know why I have this task? It's because I offended someone above, and he gave me this task, so that I can never complete it, and I'm stuck here."

"But you appeared, and I rekindled hope."

"Then didn't I offend him? I regret it a bit."

An Siqi: "..."

The three continued to move forward, and along the way, Angelina collected equipment, most of which were white equipment, but they could also be sold for a lot of money.

Angelina is never tired of selling money.

Soon, the three reached the third floor.

At this time, Jiang Chen had risen from level 46 to less than half, killing at least [-] scarlet moon monsters along the way.

Seeing the rapid gain in experience, Jiang Chen regretted being late.

The third floor is level 46 monsters.

The experience has improved a little bit.

A two-headed blood demon appeared in front of the three of them, with red eyes and a height of eight meters. A powerful monster blocked the passage.

An Siqi looked at the monster in front of her: "That's a two-headed blood demon, subordinate to the Scarlet Moon Demon King, very powerful..."


Three hundred sword qi rushed over, and in an instant, the two-headed Gorefiend died instantly.

An Siqi: "Pretend I didn't say it."

"How much do you know about the Scarlet Moon Demon King?"

An Siqi shook her head: "I don't know, I've never heard of someone killing the second-ranked Scarlet Moon Demon King."

"However, it is rumored that the Red Moon Demon King's attack power is very high, his attack speed is very fast, and he will also produce poison attacks."

"Not only that, but even the attack has certain special effects, which can poison, paralyze, and confuse the enemy."

"In the past, there were people in the Sakura Alliance like me who accepted this mission and formed an army of thousands of people, all of whom were masters of rank one or more. 1000 people wanted to enter the sixth floor and kill the Red Moon Demon King."

"In the end, the entire army was wiped out, and only a few people escaped. According to their memories, it is impossible for the Scarlet Moon Demon King to defeat."

"That's the information I know too."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

I just don't know what the attack range of the Scarlet Moon Demon King is, whether it is 100 meters away or within 100 meters. If it is within 100 meters, it will be much easier to handle.

Yulong is in the sky, coupled with the sword array, it is enough to kill the Scarlet Moon Demon King.

"However, since it is a second-rank demon king, if the equipment is released, it must be top-quality, and it may even be a legendary suit. In short, the scarlet moon demon king is the most powerful demon king in the world."

"Let's go to the sixth floor first!"

A few people went straight all the way, and soon reached the fourth floor.

【Upgrade to 47 levels】

Get past the 4th floor.

【Upgrade to 48 levels】

Get past the 5th floor.

【Upgrade to 49 levels】

Looking at the entrance of the sixth floor, Jiang Chen stopped in his tracks.

"Xiaona, stay in good condition, we are going in."

Angelina nodded and blessed the two of them, and the three of them entered it.

There are not many monsters on the sixth floor, but a huge swamp surrounded by small spider-type monsters.

【Red Moon Spider】

[Level: Level 45]

[Health Volume: 90000/90000]

[Physical Attack: 350-500]

[Physical Defense: 390-450]

[Magic Defense: 390-420]

[The little spider born by the Scarlet Moon Demon King, be careful of his toxins, which can cause confusion, poisoning, and loss of resistance. 】

Wherever Jiang Chen looked, they were all this kind of spiders. There were at least several hundred of these spiders. Just as the three of them entered it, hundreds of spiders rushed towards Jiang Chen and the three frantically.


The sword array mode and Yulong in the sky mode were turned on, and wherever they passed, the spiders were strangled one after another, and died instantly, there was no time to attack Jiang Chen and the three of them.

The three walked forward step by step.

I also saw the legendary Scarlet Moon Demon King.

It was a mountain peak tens of meters high, surrounded by sharp claws, and these sharp claws were tens of meters long. There were several caves under the mountain peak, and there were endless spiders.

A few meters below the mountain peak, there was a burst of red light. From a distance, it was a pair of blood-red eyes.

An Siqi looked at the Demon King and was completely stunned.

Is this the legendary Scarlet Moon Demon King?

This is the demon king who frightens the brave in the legend. This is simply too terrifying. It is impossible for such a monster to resist.

An Siqi finally understood why the legion of 1000 people was strangled within minutes.

at the same time.

The Scarlet Moon Demon King looked at Jiang Chen's direction, and seemed to have found the traces of the three of them.

Jiang Chen stopped in his tracks, feeling a huge dark aura.

"Be careful, the Scarlet Moon Demon King is not that easy to deal with you, it's best to stay away and don't get close."

"Xiaochen, be careful." Angelina looked at the devil and reminded;

"I know, don't step forward now, I feel that the Scarlet Moon Demon King is attacking from a long distance, even exceeding 100 meters."

"What should I do?"

"It's okay, I have a way."

Jiang Chen added a status to himself, [Tiangang Sword Body].

This is Jiang Chen's defensive skill, with a hundred [Tiangang Sword Body] blessings on his body, and all modes are activated at the same time, especially the volley flash mode.

this point is very important.

Jiang Chen slowly approached the Scarlet Moon Demon King.

The Scarlet Moon Demon King also felt Jiang Chen's aura, at this moment Jiang Chen flashed in the air, and retreated instantly, back to the entrance.

At the same time, at the place where Jiang Chen was standing just now, dozens of thorns popped up, and he almost got hit.


Why is this attack method so familiar.

"The Scarlet Moon Demon King is a super long-distance attack. He can protrude from the ground like spikes. You must not move forward, you can only stand at the entrance. Once you enter the Scarlet Moon, the demon king's attack range, you will definitely Was instantly killed."

An Siqi's face was serious: "So strong, this is an indiscriminate attack, this Scarlet Moon Demon King is too terrifying."

"Xiaochen, let's just retreat. I feel that this demon king is very powerful, and the other demon kings are completely different." Angelina reminded;

"Don't worry, although it is an indiscriminate attack, every time it is launched, there will be a certain amount of magic power fluctuations, and I can sense it."

"And I have teleportation skills, his attack may not be able to attack me."

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and flashed in the air.

Teleported to the front, and at the same time entered the attack range of the Scarlet Moon Demon King, at this moment, dozens of spikes appeared from where Jiang Chen was standing.

These spikes emerged from the ground without any warning, attacking Jiang Chen.

At the same time that the Scarlet Moon Demon King launched an attack, Jiang Chen dodged the Demon King's attack in an instant.

With Jiang Chen's thought, three hundred sword qi rushed towards the Scarlet Moon Demon King, the sword formation opened, and one hundred sword qi surrounded the Red Moon Demon King to attack.

swish swish...

(End of this chapter)

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