Chapter 171, accept the mission

【1. Kill Demon King Berkeley】

[2. Kill the Demon Lord Antoinette]

[3. Kill the Demon Lord O'Neill]

An Siqi looked at three options: "The first demon king is in the dark area of ​​the Sakura Alliance. You have already killed it once. It should be the easiest for you."

"The third demon king is in the Nordic League. He is a dark summoner and a dragon knight. He can fly in the air and is the most difficult to deal with."

"The second demon king, in our Dragon Alliance, is a dark priest who can release powerful magic."

"I suggest you choose the first one, Berkeley is the most familiar."

Faced with three choices, the first is undoubtedly the best choice.

Berkeley has a certain amount of credit for Jiang Chen's leveling up so quickly. Although he can't be called a friend, he can't be called an enemy either. Forget it, let this kid go.

The third summoner of the dragon knight type can fly in the air, which is not so easy to kill, Jiang Chen's biggest headache is the dragon knight, the guy who can fly in the sky.

Moreover, this demon king is still a summoner, so he will definitely not fight Jiang Chen in close combat.

As for the second demon king, this is not bad, the dark priest, the priest belongs to the auxiliary type, and should not have much attack power, and Angelina is also a priest, so maybe he can even burst out golden equipment!
Angelina can wear it after one turn.

Jiang Chen chose the second one.

[Hell-level difficulty: Kill Demon King Antoinette]

[Time: unlimited]

[Location: Dragon Zone Alliance, inside the wild boar crack. 】

[Task: Do not give up, do not change. 】

Once you accept the task, if you don't complete it, you will not be able to upgrade your level for the rest of your life. You can only continue to upgrade after completing the task of the first turn.

There are many people who choose very difficult tasks for the sake of four dimensions. If they cannot complete them, they will not be able to turn once in a lifetime. Hell-level tasks are nothing more than the best, with 200 points of attribute four dimensions.

[First job mission: Demon King Antoinette 0/1]

"Now you have accepted a mission, once you complete it, you will immediately transfer successfully. After the job transfer, come to me, and I will give you a transfer skill book."

Jiang Chen smiled: "Why don't you give it to me first."

An Siqi rolled her eyes.

Dream it.

Jiang Chen took Angelina away, turned back and said with a smile: "My lord envoy, if you turn around three times in the future, you can still ask me for help. I am very nostalgic."

The two walked out of the swordsman job transfer temple.

"Xiaochen, where are we going now?"

"Of course, go to the Temple of Priests and Priests. Priests and priests change jobs there. You also go to the hell-level difficulty to see which demon king you are killing. If it is the same, we can avoid a lot of detours and form a team to complete it together." .”

Angelina nodded: "Well, that's the best, let's go and kill Demon King Antoinette together."

There are many temples standing in Lingcheng.

Every profession has an envoy, and their mission is to help humans change jobs and improve their combat power. They are the same as other envoys, they do not participate in legions, and will not participate in wars.

Of course, it is also immune to 99% of the damage.

This is also the reason why gods are respected by people.

The god envoy with suit attributes, plus immune to damage, the brave has to bow his head when he sees it, and no brave man can resist in front of the god envoy.

The two soon walked to the priest's career-changing temple.

In front of the door, Angelina handed in the materials, and soon a girl came out of the room and stood behind the statue, Jiang Chen looked at the tall statue.

The statue was smiling, Jiang Chen was stunned, this statue looks exactly like Angelina...
A thought suddenly popped up in Jiang Chen's mind: Could it be that Angelina is a god?


This idea frightened Jiang Chen, and he abandoned the idea in a blink of an eye. If Angelina is a god, how could she be so weak and have no defense at all.

Are gods so weak?

Perhaps it is not necessarily a descendant of God!

After all, Angelina is completely different from other priests. She has two heaven-defying team blessings, the blessing of the gods, and the gift of the gods...

Jiang Chen chuckled, I have something to do with God, my expression was a little smug.

That mother-in-law, please take more care of me in the future...
I will bring you some local products in the future, such as potatoes, eggplants, salted duck eggs, cucumbers... not only can be eaten, but can also be used!

At this moment, the two eyes on the statue turned and looked at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was startled.

I got grass.

You won't guess what's in my heart!
Mother-in-law, cucumbers are edible, very sweet...
Jiang Chen blinked, and looked at the statue again. It turns out that the statue has always been like this, and nothing has changed. My darling, is it an illusion?

It must be, how could the idol be resurrected.

After Angelina accepted the task, she saw Jiang Chen staring at the statue with a startled expression, and Angelina looked back at the statue.

"What are you doing!"

"It's nothing, it feels like a god is looking at me."

"Come on, you, you think you're handsome!"

"Am I not handsome?"

"Don't blaspheme God, God will know."

"How can I blaspheme God, I am a brave man under the alliance of the gods, and I respect God very much."

"Your expression changes too quickly, you must have other thoughts in your heart."

"Xiaona, haven't you noticed? This idol looks a bit like you."

Angelina stopped in her tracks: "Oh, so you care about...fucking me?"

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

Do I need that?As long as you have hands, no, as long as you have birds...

"By the way, what is your mission?"

Angelina shook her head: "It's different from you."

"It doesn't matter, which demon king is it?"


Friends offer sacrifices to heaven, with boundless mana...

"When to complete the task."

"Tomorrow, it's already late today, I need to rest."


Inside the hotel.

The second brother is out for work...

Jiang Chen lay on the bed smoking a cigarette, looked at the ceiling, and remembered the expression on the face of the dean Zhang Wencheng when he saw Angelina. Originally he thought that Zhang Wencheng saw Angelina's beauty, but now it seems that things are not that simple.

There is also the expression of the tavern owner. Seeing Angelina's expression is also a look of shock.

Only now did Jiang Chen understand why this is!
That is, Angelina is very similar to the statue of the sacrificial god, and has a seven-point image. Is it a coincidence?

Obviously not.

There are many people who look alike in the world, and there are even people who are exactly the same.

But Angelina is different, she has two sky-defying skills, which other priests do not have, which shows that Angelina is different from the beginning.

Maybe it's not necessarily a descendant of God.

Angelina got out of the bed, looked at Jiang Chen's pensive look, and asked, "What are you thinking about!"

"I was thinking that you look like a god!"

"You're a pervert."

Jiang Chen is not happy anymore, I just said something, why did you become a pervert, little girl, you are getting more and more courageous!

"You must be thinking in your heart that this statue is very similar to me, and then you will think that the woman lying under you is a god, and if you regard me as a god, you will feel a sense of satisfaction and a sense of conquest."

This chick's analysis is very reasonable, can you think of this?

(End of this chapter)

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