Chapter 172, Sakura Alliance agrees to legion battle
You are so enlightened!
Jiang Chen was embarrassed: "How could I have such an idea, you are thinking too much."

"Hmph, it must be so."

Jiang Chen was speechless, can this woman see through my thoughts?
its not right!
Is it a new skill?
"Are you wondering, how can I guess, are you wondering if I have awakened a new skill?"

Jiang Chen: (⊙o⊙)...

Angelina does not have such a skill, any woman can guess it, unless she is an idiot, obviously Angelina is not, a woman's sixth sense is naturally so sensitive.

"You must be thinking in your heart, if you can conquer God, what would it feel like?"


Can you guess this too?
"Hmph, it doesn't matter whether you can conquer God or not, but you must be conquered first. You have successfully aroused my anger. Take it!"

woo woo woo woo······
Second brother: Damn, force me to work overtime, will you be paid for overtime?Can you think about it for me.

Sakura Alliance meeting room.

The Angel of the Cherry Blossom Alliance knelt on the ground respectfully. In front of the meeting room sat a young man with blue hair and blue eyes.

Obviously not from the world, this person is none other than a member of the Ulysses family, Ulysses Page.

Since the Cherry Blossom Alliance reported it.

The Ulysses family sent people down and joined the triad army with more than 100 people, with the purpose of killing Chen.

"Okay, you don't have to worry. This time I brought 100 people down to join the Sanhe Legion, and I will definitely eradicate him. A human being who has not turned around can't turn the tide."

"Thanks to the Ulysses family for their support."

"Jiang Chen will definitely die this time."

"My lord, this Jiang Chen is very powerful, I'm afraid 100 people won't be able to deal with him."

Ulysses Peiji didn't care: "You are simply idiots, even a human race that has not yet reached the first rank can't deal with it. All I bring are masters who have passed the first rank, and there are two second-rank heroes. You can single out your so-called legion."

"The human race is a weak existence."

Ulysses Page spoke, but they didn't dare to refute anything.

The next morning.

The two were washing their hands when they suddenly received a message.

broadcast worldwide.

[The Triad Legion and the Sanhui Legion accept the challenge of the Dark Legion, and the Legion Leader will open it two days later. 】

Jiang Chen was stunned.

Did you agree?

At this time Jiang Chen received a call, looked at the number, it was Long Zhantian calling.

"Jiang Chen, come to the office."

"Is something wrong?"

"Some things about the Triad Legion and the Triad Legion, and the Gregory family also sent people."

"it is good."

Jiang Chen took Angelina there.

There were three people standing in Long Zhantian's office. Jiang Chen knew all three of them. Except for Long Zhantian, the other two were A Nuo and A Ling from the Gregory family.

Gregoriano smiled and said, "We meet again."

Jiang Chen smiled, but did not respond.

"We came late, and were arranged by the Ulysses family. What can we not help you this time?"

"What do you mean?"

Long Zhantian explained: "Just now, the Sanhe Legion and the Sanhui Legion agreed to the legion battle, you already know it!"

"Yesterday, there was a personnel change in the triad army. 100 people joined the triad army. None of them are from our world, but people from another world. Among them, 98 are brave men above rank one, and two are rank two. Master."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

Sure enough, they found foreign aid.

"Now they have agreed to the legion battle. Before the battle, the personnel will not change. The Gregory family wanted to bring 100 people to help you, but now they cannot join the Dark Legion, nor can they fight side by side with you."

"They were premeditated."

Once the war is agreed, the personnel of both sides have been determined, and they will not leave the legion, let alone join the legion. No one will join until the legion battle is over.

"I see, it's nothing."

Gregory A Ling walked in front of Jiang Chen: "You are very arrogant, you are not afraid of even the second-rank hero, how about following me after you win? I will take you to the outside world to see, don't stay in this small pond, This is not for you."

Jiang Chen glanced at Gregory A Ling.

This woman wants to recruit me?
But Jiang Chen is not interested.

"Let's talk about it later, I still have something to do now!"

"what's up?"

"The task of the first turn has not been completed, I will go to complete the task first."

Long Zhantian looked surprised: "You have changed? I remember you are only level 38, why suddenly you are level 49?"

"I went to the Chiyue Cave and slaughtered the Chiyue Demon King. I accidentally rose to level 49."

Long Zhantian opened his eyes wide.

Killed the Scarlet Moon Demon King?

That is the second-rank demon king, one of the strongest demon kings in the entire world. According to records, the Cherry Blossom Alliance once formed 1000 people, all of whom were brave men above the first rank.

They planned to exterminate the Scarlet Moon Demon King, but only a few of the 1000 people returned, and all the remaining brave men were killed.

Long Zhantian was completely speechless.

This guy hasn't turned around yet, if he turns around, it will be even more amazing.

The Gregory siblings looked at each other.

At the same time, I was shocked and killed the Scarlet Moon Demon King. This guy is also a very famous Demon King sitting under the evil god. What kind of terrifying existence is this guy.

Long Zhantian smiled and said: "Very good, I believe you can defeat the opponent, they are not your opponent at all."

"Not bad. You can single out the Scarlet Moon Demon King. This demon king is very famous. Follow me. I will get you any equipment you want in the future. How about it?"

Gregory A Ling looked at Jiang Chen, and threw out an olive branch again, this guy is so strong, he must be his confidant.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Okay, give me a piece of mythical equipment, and I'll follow you around."

"Hmph, if I have mythical equipment, why do I need you! Don't say I don't have this thing, even our family doesn't have it."

Gregory A Ling was so angry that this guy was talking about mythical equipment.

You are a Chinese cabbage as a mythical equipment.

Want it?

"Then there's nothing wrong with it, I've always recognized money but not people." Jiang Chen spread his hands, expressing that he was helpless.

Jiang Chen turned and left.

Gregory A Ling looked skeptical: "This guy really killed the Scarlet Moon Demon King, why do I feel like he is bragging."

Gregory Arnold shook his head: "He's not bragging, he's telling the truth."

"how do you know?"

"The Swordsman Envoy An Siqi has already turned two. Her task is to kill the Scarlet Moon Demon King and obtain the Scarlet Moon God Orb. Now it seems that he should be the one to do it."

"This guy is so perverted before the first turn. If he learns new skills after the first turn, it's okay. It's a pity that this guy is not for my use."

"I told you a long time ago that the strong have the dignity of the strong, and the strong will not become someone else's subordinate. Don't try to recruit him in the future, but we can cooperate with him."

Gregory Alling nodded: "That's true."

(End of this chapter)

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