Chapter 173, one turn mission completed, new skills

Wild boar forest.

Angelina followed behind Jiang Chen, preparing for a mission to kill the Demon Lord Antoinette, and learned from the information on the Internet.

Demon Lord Antoinette is a dark priest.

Dark priests are not strong, they belong to a kind of dark magician, and they don't have much magic power, but the devil Antoinette knows special magic.

Demon King Antoinette is a dark magic, which can cause people to hallucinate, poison, confusion, weakness and other states, and reduce abnormal resistance.

The dark priest is such a skill. To deal with the demon king Antoinette, a light priest is needed to use light magic to get rid of these negative effects.

To be precise, it is to defeat magic with magic.

The two entered the wild boar crack and walked deep.

The wild boar is a level 20 monster. Many brave warriors who have not yet turned a round will come to practice, kill the wild boar, and improve the level. Jiang Chen and the two continue to move forward.

In every crack, there is a demon king guarding it.

The devil is the strongest boss in the crack.

From a long distance, I saw a magic palace standing on the top of the mountain. Powerful dark magic enveloped the entire magic palace, and the dark air emitted by these dark magic could poison people and continue to collapse.

As soon as the two of them entered the dark air, Jiang Chen felt a burst of weakness.

Weakness all over.

This feeling is like the state of being hungry for three days and three nights and fighting ninety-nine and 81 times.

Angelina recited the spell and blessed Jiang Chen's state.

【Guardian of Gods】

[Eliminate abnormal status, increase body resistance by 100 points, duration, 10 minutes...]

"Is this a new skill you have learned?"

"It's not a new one, but a new skill. This dark aura is really annoying. Fortunately, I learned a new skill."

"This skill is really good, otherwise this demon king is really hard to kill."

"Of course, the Demon King is a priest of darkness, and I am a priest of light. My skills can restrain her skills."

"Let's go!"

Jiang Chen and the two went deep into the dark magic palace, and at the same time they entered it, the demon king Antoinette seemed to sense something!
Standing inside the city wall, looking at Jiang Chen and Angelina.

At this time Jiang Chen stopped in his tracks, and looked up at Demon King Antoinette.

Although the thick black fog couldn't see it, Jiang Chen could clearly sense the heartbeat of the demon king Antoinette. With such a strong dark fluctuation, this person must be Antoinette without a doubt.

Demon King Antoinette looked at Jiang Chen and was shocked.

Why is this person's perception so strong?
Can you sense me hundreds of meters away?

The latter is the light priest, who can restrain my dark magic and eliminate the negative effects of the dark air.

Demon King Antoinette took out his magic wand; "Old God of Darkness, please listen to my call and give me a powerful warrior."

A hexagram formation appeared next to it, and dozens of powerful warriors drilled out of the hexagram formation. These warriors were five meters tall, full of black air, holding a sickle, and looked fierce.

"My lord, what is calling us here?"

"There are enemies invading my territory, go and destroy them."

"Okay, my lord priest."


Dozens of warriors turned and left, and entered below with neat steps, ready to block Jiang Chen.

At this time Jiang Chen sensed powerful dark magic.

He also understood that the demon king Antoinette was summoning dark monsters, Jiang Chen was puzzled; how could this priest summon magic?Isn't he a dark priest?
Angelina: "Xiaochen, I feel a powerful wave of magic, it should be a powerful dark creature coming."

"I know, don't worry, I'm here!"

"Well, you are the person I trust the most,"

Jiang Chen had already made preparations, he activated the mode of Yulong Zaitian, activated the mode of sword array and flash in the sky.

At this moment.

Feeling the fluctuation of dark magic, Jiang Chen took Angelina's arm and moved a few steps to the left to avoid the attack of dark magic.

Dark magic roared past Angelina.

Angelina was taken aback: "Is there a dark creature attacking?"

"Yes, they should be long-range attack professions, and they are outside my attack range, but don't be afraid, I can perceive dark attacks."

Demon King Antoinette watched Jiang Chen dodge the attack, frowning.

Damn, who the hell is this guy?

Why is perception so terrible, it can be felt from such a great distance.

At the same time, twenty dark creatures rushed towards Jiang Chen with sickles in their hands. As soon as they entered within [-] meters of Jiang Chen, they were possessed by sword energy, and fell to the ground as soon as they took two steps.

100 sword qi, instantly kill them.

Let alone dark creatures, even a demon king can't withstand Jiang Chen's sword attack.

Demon King Antoinette was dumbfounded.


This brave man is terrible, this is the dark warrior summoned by me in seconds, how is this possible?

At this moment, Jiang Chen moved instantly.

Moving to the side of the long-range attacking dark creatures, three hundred sword qi instantly killed them, and looked up at Demon King Antoinette.

Flash again.

Demon King Antoinette stood on the city wall and just wanted to escape when she saw Jiang Chen standing in front of her, three hundred sword qi piercing Demon King Antoinette's body.

Easy kill.

Priest Antoinette, the demon king, couldn't withstand Jiang Chen's attack, and he was also the weakest among many demon kings.

Unfortunately, no equipment was revealed.

【Experience +100000】

[Ding, kill the Demon Lord Antoinette, the task is completed. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the brave man for completing the mission of the first turn. 】

[The mission is completed in one turn. 】

[Upgrade to 50 levels. 】

Finally, the task was finally completed, and Jiang Chen was excited after the first turn. After one turn, Jiang Chen could learn skills, and even be able to equip level 50 equipment.

Especially the gold suit, there are two pieces.

As for the crown of the diamond-level suit king, it is no longer necessary, and the suit attributes are not as strong as the 50-level gold-level attributes.

Package attributes are optional.

After the death of the Demon Lord Antoinette, the surrounding black mist also dissipated.

Jiang Chen took out the thunder sword technique.

[In a hundred-fold increase, the increase is successful]

[Increase your own release speed and attack speed, attack with lightning attribute attack at the same time, there is a certain chance to paralyze the enemy...]

Although it is a passive skill, it is the skill book Jiang Chen wants most.

[Sword Formation], [Dragon in the Sky], [Blade·Storm], [Sword Qi·Break]... these active attack skills, after being multiplied by a hundred times, the attack power is quite terrifying. The only regret is that the attack speed But very slow.

When encountering a fast brave man, he can escape from Jiang Chen's attack range.

It's completely different after having the Thunder Sword Technique.

try first.

Jiang Chen walked out of the magic palace and took Angelina away, and encountered a wild boar monster on the way. With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, a sword energy rushed towards the wild boar monster.


The sword energy quickly killed the wild boar monster at a speed invisible to the naked eye. In an instant, the wild boar monster fell to the ground and died.

It was about ten times faster than the sword energy just now.

Equivalent to the speed of a bullet, it is invisible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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