Chapter 189, Deal with the Gregory Family

Jiang Chen understood what A Ling meant.


If there are enough interests, the Gregory family will recommend them. Without interests, it is impossible for the Gregory family to help Jiang Chen and the others for no reason.

Not only Jiang Chen understands, Alice and the others also understand.

Jiang Li said: "Forget it, Jiang Chen, being an envoy in our world is pretty good."

"Yeah, it's too troublesome to be an envoy in the Silero world."

"That's right, it's better to go back to our world!"

Alice and the others persuaded them, saying that they had no interest in being an envoy in the Silero world, and only wanted to go back to be an envoy.

But since there is an opportunity, it cannot be missed.

After all, the human world is just a small pond. Sooner or later, Jiangli and the others will turn two, or even turn three, and they also need to improve their strength.

Jiang Chen understood the reason for their refusal.

Jiang Chen didn't care about it: "Don't worry, I have a measure."

Alice persuaded: "Do what you can, you don't need to do anything for us, we are good enough, in fact, the envoy is not important."

Several people nodded, they didn't want Jiang Chen to make things difficult.

Benefits are not without.

He has a rune, a ghost rune. If you open the ghost rune, there must be benefits in it, and it is a major benefit. No matter which family it is, this benefit cannot be ceded.

Heifeng once told him that once the nether world is opened, a small town will be built in it, and the benefits of one world are enough.

I have to find an opportunity to talk to Ling, or talk to someone in the upper echelons of the Gregory family.

Several people entered a territory through the teleportation array.

Only then did Jiang Chen understand that the Gregory family is not on the ground, but a piece of land suspended in the air, this land is equivalent to the size of ten football fields.

The Gregory family has a high status in the Silero world.

A Ling introduced; "This is my Gregory family. Only those who are close to me can enter here. On the left is the place to train contracted beasts, and on the right is the place to live."

"Everyone in the Gregory family has a legion. My legion is called the Secret Sword Legion. There are dozens of people."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Only a few dozen people?"

A Ling glanced blankly; "What do you know, everyone is a second-rank master, and they can't join our legion casually, and everyone in the legion has contracted beasts, all of them are giant dragons, and they are still adults Dragon."

Angelina said excitedly; "Can you take us to see it?"

"Of course, but the Secret Sword Legion is not here, but below. The contracted beasts here are all captive within our family."

A few people followed A Ling to the left and walked for a full 10 minutes before arriving at the place where contracted beasts were cultivated.

Several people watched groups of absolute giant dragons soaring in the air.

These giant dragons are huge, even bigger than the dragon knight's. Each dragon is tens of meters high. In addition to these, some are not giant dragons, but some strange beasts.

There is a snake with nine heads.

Jiang Chen was puzzled: "Isn't that the shikigami of the shikigami profession?"

"Well, that's what you call Shikigami. They are in another world. This is a big snake that was finally found. You can see that he has nine heads, and each head can emit magic, and they are different magic."

"Which one is the nine-headed fox?"

"Well, that's a nine-tailed fox, a contracted beast, and it also possesses magic."

"And a dog with three heads?"

"That's a hellhound, and it's also a contracted beast, and it's also very powerful."

Alice and the others were stunned.

I didn't expect that there are contracted beasts, and dragons are not the only choice.

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

It looks like the other contract beasts are also good.

A Ling said: "Jiang Chen, you have changed, and you can also have your own contracted beast. I will find one for you, depending on what you need."

"Forget it, I'll look for it myself. The estimate you gave is also bad."

A Ling is so angry, what is a bad street.

I am an apostle to you, but you still despise it!
Jiang Chen asked: "They want to be envoys in the Silero world, who can make the decision?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you can't be the master, take me to someone who can be the master."

A Ling put her hands on her hips and was very angry: "You haven't joined my army yet, and you haven't made meritorious deeds for me, so you want me to help, isn't it a bit too much?"

A Ling was really angry.

At the beginning when Jiang Chen agreed to follow her, A Ling promoted Alice and the five to be envoys of God, but now they have become envoys of God, and now Jiang Chen made another request.

Does this guy only make requests?
Don't I want to lose face as a dignified apostle?

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Don't be angry, I naturally have my reasons."

"What reason?"

"A ticket to a different world."

"What do you mean?"


A Ling was stunned: "Do you have runes?"

"Of course, there are still no runes to open. Is this benefit enough? If a different world is opened, will it generate huge benefits?"

Jiang Chen originally wanted to give the benefits to Hei Feng.

If it was in their world, Jiang Chen would naturally agree, but unfortunately the opening location is in the world of Silero, the whole world is higher than the human world.

The Black Dragon Legion can't control the interests here at all.

Only the Gregory family can.

A Ling pondered: "That's fine. Once the different world is opened, it will indeed generate huge benefits. Establishing a small town in the different world and conquering the different world is our purpose."

"If you give us the right to manage this world, it shouldn't be a problem. I'll take you to see my father."

Jiang Chen shook his head; "Don't be in a hurry, you should discuss it with your father first, I am here this time to go to the dragon world to search for dragon eggs and prepare contract beasts."

"And I haven't joined your legion yet! Let's talk about it after joining the legion!"


A Ling left with seven people.

Jiang Chen took Alice and the others to the dragon world.

A Ling rushed into the office excitedly.

Looking at his father, he smiled and said, "Father, this time we got rich."

Roy glanced at A Ling, and said lightly: "What are you talking about!"

"Father, I discovered a different world."

Roy looked at A Ling, there is nothing wrong with it!
Where did this different world come from?
A Ling said: "Father, do you still remember the other world we manage, that is, the human world. In that world, a master appeared. He has a rune on his body, which opens another world's rune."

Roy became interested: "I know, Long Zhantian told me that it is Jiang Chen who participated in the World War. He has runes on him. Have you seen it?"

"Of course, he even showed me it with his own eyes! It is indeed a rune, called the Nether Rune, and it should be another world."

"This little guy is not bad, he actually got a rune."

"Yeah, I didn't think of it either, but he has conditions."

"I'm quite courageous. I dare to negotiate terms with you. Tell me, what conditions do you have?"

"He has a sister and four friends who are quite angels."

(End of this chapter)

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