Chapter 190, Intrigue with Gregory

Roy nodded: "Well, it's normal to use the status of an envoy as a protection. It seems that this person values ​​friendship. This little guy has a good personality. If you use it well, at least he won't stab you in the back. "

"I've told you before that what matters in recruiting is not strength, but character. No matter how good your strength is, it's not as important as your character. Of course, it's best if you have a good character and great strength."

A Ling proudly said: "Of course, that's my subordinate."

Roy smiled: "Look at you."

"You reply to him directly. We will arrange this matter. There is no problem with the positions of the five envoys, as long as it works, it will be fine, but the military merits needed need his own help."

"This is no problem, he is very powerful, even the Scarlet Moon Demon King was killed."

Roy looked surprised.

The Scarlet Moon Demon King is a second-rank demon king under the evil god. Although he is a second-rank demon king, his strength is comparable to that of a third-rank demon. His abilities are so powerful that even a third-rank master can hardly kill him.

Unless it is an apostle, or a natural disaster, or even a person of order, it can be killed.

This little guy can kill the second-rank Chiyue Demon King in the first rank, and his strength is comparable to that of a third-rank master.

"Okay, go down and contact him, and say that I agree with his deal, on the condition that the different world will be managed by us."

"Well, I'll go right now."

"Don't worry, wait a few days before replying. If you are in such a hurry, he may make another request. After all, everyone is greedy. You have to let him know that he didn't make any money in this transaction, and We were at a loss."

A Ling rolled her eyes.

There are so many tricks.

Roy said with a smile: "You should learn from your brother. If you manage the legion, you are too impatient. Greed is the inherent nature of everyone. In the face of major interests, everyone will betray."

"If you are in such a hurry, it will only make him feel that he has lost a lot in the transaction, and he will have a grudge in his heart. Although this grudge is small, it will be hidden in his heart."

"The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by the ant's nest."

"That's impossible, don't forget, their sister is still here as an envoy!"

Roy sighed: "The best way to control people is not to threaten the lives of family members, but to respect each other. If you threaten the lives of family members, this is the most stupid way. When you are fatal, he will Give you a knife anytime."

"You have to remember, don't have such thoughts, otherwise you won't know how you will die in the future."

A Ling nodded: "I understand."

"It's best for you to understand, especially for the strong. This is not only a danger to you personally, but also to the family. You threaten his family's life. When he becomes stronger, the first thing he wants to destroy is Our family."

"Then what shall I do?"

"Wait four or five days before you contact him again, and tell him that arranging an envoy is not that easy. You have to pretend that it is very difficult to do it. It took a lot of personal connections to arrange it, and it cost a lot of money. , Only then did we win 5 positions for the preparation of God Envoys."

"In short, it's very difficult for you to behave. You have to make him feel grateful."

A Ling nodded excitedly: "Well, I understand."

Angelina asked suspiciously: "Why don't you just have a showdown with their family controller?"

"First: I don't know their family well, and I don't know what their family style is."

"Second, I don't know how many turns the strongest member of their family is, and who is it? Can I deal with it?"

"If we meet directly with the people above them, what if they make a move? Don't forget, we are just little people of one turn, and we are still vulnerable to the strong."

"If they destroy us, snatch the runes, or control you, it is possible for me to hand over the runes. This is an unknown quantity. We'd better not touch the unpredictable results."

Jiang Chen was able to kill A Ling, but what about the others!
What about other people who are immune to [-]% damage!
Jiang Chen didn't know what the ending would be.

Therefore, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to meet the people above, because in their eyes, the people in Yizhuan are nothing more than ants.

Jiang Chen didn't have the strength to have a face-to-face showdown with them, nor did he have the strength to deal with them face-to-face.

Several people nodded.

What Jiang Chen said was not bad at all.

Alice smiled and said, "Jiang Chen, you have finally grown up."

"It's not wrong at all. If they attack us, we are not opponents at all. In their eyes, we are just little people."

"Jiang Chen is right to be worried. In the face of unknown dangers, we'd better remain vigilant."

"But will they really agree?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "They will definitely agree, just like in our world, how beneficial it will be to establish a small town in another world."

"But I don't think they will reply to me these days."


Jiang Chen smiled and said: "Thinking about it, I understand that they didn't agree so quickly. Human nature is greedy, and they also thought of this. I'm even sure that when A Ling contacted me, it would definitely take a lot of trouble."

"What are you talking about? It's not easy being an envoy."

"It took a lot of effort to get 5 positions for the preparation of God Envoys."

"In short, that's the impression it gave me. This will make me feel grateful and be attached to their family for the rest of my life."

Several people were stunned.

Are you really a junior?

How did you come up with these.

You can't be a ghost!

Alice sighed: "If anyone does business with you, he must suffer a lot."

"Student, how did you think of it?"

"My God, it's a pity that you don't want to be a businessman."

Jiang Chen smiled.

Jiang Chen didn't ask for anything, he just wanted Jiang Li and the others to be safe, that's all, as for any gratitude, it was all nonsense.

This is a deal, a normal deal.

Therefore, the arena is not about fighting and killing, but about the ways of the world.

Several people went to the dragon world through the teleportation array.

Tickets are also expensive.

5000 yuan each.

This is the ticket to enter the dragon world, not only to ask for money, but also to come back, this is completely different from their world, it is an open world.

But here is different.

When the Netherworld opens, there will definitely be teleportation arrays. Tickets must be charged for these teleportation arrays. If it is 5000, then 1 people per day, that is 5000 million.

What a huge number.

It is impossible to build a successful business without family support.

Even the Black Dragon Legion is not good, the strongest of the Black Dragon Legion is the second rank, and there are many masters of the second rank here.

Only a family like Gregory can take control.

Jiang Chen lost money this time.

Of course, relying on Jiang Chen alone cannot control the Nether World.

But waiting for A Ling to reply.

Jiang Chen will definitely make another request.

Like give me some profit...

(End of this chapter)

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