Chapter 208, Anti-killing
Patrick roared: "The archers immediately occupy the roof, and once they find the fallen, they will strangle them mercilessly."

One command.

Many archers got ready and quickly climbed up to the roof. Looking at the black figures constantly appearing around them, they raised their hands and shot a few arrows.

Jiang Chen stood behind Clemens and yawned.

Looking at the one next to Patrick.

He is a faller.

Clemens looked back, glaring.

Now is a critical moment, and you still want to sleep.

At this moment, one person took the lead to attack beside Patrick, the sword light flashed, the head fell to the ground, and five people died instantly, and Patrick turned around with a sword.

The huge sword slashed over, and the fallen person retreated quickly, avoiding Patrick's attack, and attacked Patrick again, pressing one hand on Patrick.

The power on his body exploded suddenly.

Patrick was still safe and sound, the fallen person was startled, Patrick took advantage of the situation and cut off the fallen person's arm.

The fallen person fled quickly without making a sound. At this time, the two arrows only shot at the fallen person.

An arrow pierces the fallen man's heart.

Jiang Chen glanced at the woman standing on the roof, this woman was powerful, she saw the escape route of the fallen person, and instantly killed her with an arrow...
Jiang Chen also understood their plan.

It is to cause commotion, kill the brave man, hide in the team, and suddenly rise up and kill Patrick.

Unfortunately it failed.

Jiang Chen noticed that the clothes on Patrick were slightly different.

This should be a battle robe that can isolate true energy, but I don't know what material it is made of.

Patrick squatted down and looked at this person's face, with the word 'slave' on his forehead.

With the sound of footsteps in the darkness...

Those who fell began to evacuate.

Countless people gathered around and looked at the corpse.

"It seems that the fallen have nothing to fear!"

"Is this the Fallen?"

"Anyone with a letter on their forehead is a Fallen."

"Damn guy, these people are actually sneak attacking, and they have the ability to fight a battle."

"Forget it, the Fallen is a despicable and shameless guy. They have no chivalry at all. They won't fight you one-on-one."

Jiang Chen walked over and looked at the body of the fallen person.

Black hair, black pupils, just like him.

Jiang Chen stared at the sword.

[Sword of the Fallen. 】

【Detailed information: None...】

Jiang Chen just wanted to turn around and leave.

A middle-aged man said: "Don't go, Commander, this person has black hair and black pupils like the fallen one. I seriously suspect that this person is a spy."

A middle-aged man pointed at Jiang Chen's back.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen and made preparations for battle.

Patrick looked at Jiang Chen's back.

With a serious face: "Brave man, reveal your identity."

Jiang Chen turned his head and smiled: "I'm not a fallen person."

Patrick said coldly: "I order you as a commander to reveal your identity."

Jiang Chen revealed his identity.

【Name: Jiang Chen】

【Legion: Secret Sword Legion】

【Occupation: Swordsman】

【Level: 50】

Only then did Patrick heave a sigh of relief, he had confirmed Jiang Chen's identity, he wasn't the fallen person, Patrick was also taken aback just now, he didn't expect that there was a fallen person hiding in the team.

Fortunately, the clothes he wears can isolate the true energy.

"It's a brave man."

"Swordsman, I've never heard of this profession before."

"Swordsman is undoubtedly a brave man. I heard that it is a D-level profession. It seems to be quite rubbish."

"It looks like he's here for military merit, and he's only at level [-]. Don't you know that this mission is dangerous?"

The person who spoke just now said again: "Master Commander, even if this person is not the Fallen, he must be a spy. Otherwise, how could we be attacked by surprise? This person must be related to the Fallen."

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "You are a spy and I am a spy, but I still say you are a spy!"

"You look a lot like the Fallen, don't you admit it?"

"He has a pair of eyes, two ears, and a nose. Are you a monster with four eyes, four ears, and two noses?"

"Don't quibble, Commander, I watched him go out."

Patrick frowned and looked at Clemens.

At this time Clemens stood up, looked at the middle-aged man, and said coldly: "I know you are from the Carmen family, I don't know what grievances you have with Jiang Chen, anyway, he is my teammate, I have always Under my nose, if you say he is a spy, are you also calling me a spy?"

The middle-aged man was obviously taken aback, bowed his head and said, "Don't dare."

Patrick also understood at this time.

This is a personal grievance.

Patrick said: "Okay, I believe him, and you don't talk nonsense in the future, everyone is a brave man under the alliance of the gods, and there must be evidence for what you say."

"Yes, I was wrong."

"Go back, pay attention to the movement around you, choose an archer to stand on the roof, and prevent the fallen from sneaking up."

Patrick gave an order, and everyone dispersed.

Jiang Chen also followed Clemens.

Looking back at the middle-aged man, the murderous intent was great.

inside the house.

Clemens reminded: "Jiang Chen, although we are temporarily forming a team, as the captain, I will definitely protect you, and resolve the grievances between you and the Carmen family by yourself."

"Once the siege is over, we will separate."

Jiang Chen nodded: "I know, thank you captain for reminding me, I have a question."

"You said."

"What kind of clothes is the commander wearing, and why can it block the attack of the fallen."

Clemens was surprised. This little guy is not simple, and he can find it all.

Clemens said: "It's a special kind of clothes that can block true energy attacks. This kind of clothes is very expensive and only available to commanders."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

Sure enough, Patrick was prepared, but Jiang Chen didn't believe that only the commander had it, maybe there were all 20 squad leaders, only they were kept in the dark.

inside the cave.

A dozen people returned.

The leader looked at them, and it was obvious that one person was missing.

"Xiao Wu is dead?"

"Well, Patrick has clothes on his body that can hinder our attack. They are prepared, but the other members are not."

"It should only be available to those around Patrick."

"It's okay, then attack at the throat, be sure to kill with one blow."

The leader thought for a while: "Forget it tonight, they must be prepared. Tomorrow they will definitely search the mountains on a large scale and continue to move, hoping to enter the evil god's domain as soon as possible."

"Find a safe place to hide and never let them find out, otherwise they will all die."


At this moment, a group of old people, children, and women were hiding in the cave with their packages. There was a word on their foreheads, and their faces were full of horror.

"Mom, can we survive?"

"Yes, we will survive."

"Mom, why did they kill us?"

The girl's mother was speechless, she didn't know how to explain to the child.

The rest were also silent.

Why hunt them down, are they guilty?

(End of this chapter)

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