Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 209, The leader of the fallen is the tavern owner

Chapter 209, The leader of the fallen is the tavern owner
Jiang Chen sat on the ground.

Feeling the grove, someone was talking, Jiang Chen listened carefully.

This is Patrick's voice.

At this time, Patrick led a group of people into the grove, and a man in black came across.

"What's the plan?" Patrick asked.

"They are evacuating and going deep. Where is the evil god's territory and are preparing to recuperate in it. Tomorrow we will send a team to intercept you."

"How many people evacuated?"

"More than 500 people."

"How much combat power is there?"

"A total of 13 people, including myself, two people follow the main force and protect them, and the remaining [-] people will block your steps."

Patrick nodded: "Okay, you go back. After the matter is completed, I will definitely promise you to let you live under the light of the Alliance of Gods."

The man in black turned and left, disappearing from sight.

Patrick took the people back.

"Commander, really let him enter our Gods Alliance?"

"He is a faller, and if he is allowed to enter, he will be criticized."

Patrick smiled coldly: "It's not too late to kill him after the matter is done, but the leader needs to be caught alive, he still has a lot of information points, he can't die."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

It seems that Patrick is in collusion with the Fallen. Only fifteen of the more than 500 people have combat effectiveness, and the rest are non-combat personnel.

Patrick, this guy is really good. He actually instigated the person who turned against the Fallen, and the Fallen is not monolithic.

How much military merit do more than 500 people have to build?

The leader's voice seemed familiar, but unfortunately he couldn't remember it.

Jiang Chen shook his head, he didn't think about it any more, he just closed his eyes and went to sleep, the faller wouldn't come to sneak attack in the second half of the night, just in time for a good sleep.

The next morning.

The large army gathered together very quickly. Seventeen or eight people died yesterday, and there are more than [-] people. These people are enough to face the next task. Jiang Chen noticed that more than a dozen people turned and left.

Jiang Chen was thoughtful, these dozen or so people should be the elite around Patrick, just to stop the more than 500 people who fled.

Patrick said loudly: "The fallen are hiding in the depths. This time, we will enter the mountain on a large scale. Everyone should keep a certain distance and be vigilant at all times."

"Ten teams of Clemens, eight teams of Cecilia, you two teams are at the forefront to explore the way, and we will follow behind you."

Clemens said indifferently: "Yes."

Clemens led the five of them to the grove.

The faces of the remaining three people changed drastically. To put it bluntly, asking them to explore the road is to let them die. Once they encounter a surprise attack by the fallen, they will definitely die.

The three of them looked at Clemens' stern eyes, not daring to refute in the slightest.

Clemens turned his head and said, "Jiang Chen, go ahead and explore the way."

Jiang Chen:...

The other three breathed a sigh of relief, after all, they were not the ones who went ahead to explore the way.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to walk forward. These days, if you are low in rank, you have to be beaten. Jiang Chen swaggered forward and shouted loudly: "Faller, come out if you have the ability, your grandfather Jiang Chen, here I come. "

Everyone: (⊙o⊙)...

"This person is crazy!"

"I don't know how to live or die. If the fallen person knows, he must not kill him immediately."

"That's not necessarily the case. If the fallen person hears it, he may not dare to do it. He is pretending to be a tiger."

"This kid really dares to call."

The leader was stunned, this voice was so familiar, could it be him.

How did this guy come here.

"Damn it, the brave is too hateful."

"I'm going to kill him, arrogant boy."

"The leader and the others are going up the mountain. We can't delay any longer, otherwise the 500 people won't be able to move. Let's delay them as soon as possible."

The leader shook his head and said: "No, hide immediately, don't use your hands for the time being, make noise, let them slow down the time."

At this moment, on Jiang Chen's side, Jiang Chen shouted all the way.

Jiang Chen turned his head and smiled: "Captain, you can see that it's completely fine, those who fell were scared away by me."

Clemens wondered too!

Did the boy's voice really scare him away?
This shouldn't be!
Although the fallen man made a surprise attack, he was not a coward, and the people behind him gradually realized that something was wrong.

"Don't tell me, this kid really has a trick, maybe he was really scared away by him."

"How is this possible? They must all be hiding, hiding in the depths and waiting for us to go."

"It's a miracle that this kid can survive till now."

"Perhaps being favored by the gods, luck is so good, but I believe that if the fallen man makes a move, he will die first."

Just now.

When the sound of rattling sound came, everyone immediately stopped to be alert and paid attention to the movement around them. Obviously, if the fallen person made a move again, in this vast white mist, it would be easy to encounter a sneak attack.

At this moment, Jiang Chen shouted: "Fallers, don't run away."

After finishing speaking, a person rushed out and disappeared into the white mist.

Clemens was dumbfounded.

Is this kid crazy? How dare he rush out alone?
The teammates around Clemens were also dumbfounded. Isn't it courting death for rushing out like this?

Do you think life is too long?

After Jiang Chen rushed out, with a teleportation, he appeared 200 meters away, entering the range of the fallen person, and teleported all the way, appearing within ten meters of the leader of the fallen person.


The fallen man turned his head and looked at the person coming.

At this moment, Jiang Chen looked at the leader, he was indeed someone he knew, this guy was none other than the tavern owner in Ghana Crack.

The tavern owner also recognized Jiang Chen.

Neither of them had any intention of doing anything.

Jiang Chen spoke first: "I didn't expect it to be you."

"I didn't think so either."

"Aren't you a swordsman hero, when did you become a fallen man?"

"I haven't been a swordsman for many years."

Why is this tone so familiar.

The tavern owner said: "Your strength has improved so quickly, I didn't expect that you have already turned around now."


"It seems that we are going to do it."

Jiang Chen was silent for a while: "I remember you once gave me a weapon. Although this weapon is not very good, it is a favor to me."

The tavern owner smiled: "It's nothing, it's just a little effort."

"No, I don't like to owe people anything, especially favors. There are traitors among you. You had a deal with Patrick last night, and Patrick sent a dozen people to kill more than 500 people."

The face of the tavern owner changed drastically.

If the news was true, then wouldn't all of the 500 people die? He knew Patrick's tricks, even a three-year-old child would not be spared. For them, a head is a military achievement.

No matter who it is, it is the same, even if it is a baby.

The tavern owner sighed: "Thank you."

"Do you need my help?" Jiang Chen was the first to ask the question.

"If possible, I hope you protect the group of children, the elderly, and women. They are just ordinary people and escort them to a safe place."

Jiang Chen was silent, old people, children, women...

Why is this responsibility so strong?

Jiang Chen nodded: "Okay, I will try my best!"

The tavern owner took out a jade pendant, wrote three words on it, and handed it to Jiang Chen: "They will believe in you. The best thing I have done in my life is to make friends like you."

"I have never seen the face of that traitor, so..."

"It's okay, the news is already good for me."

"Someone is coming, I'll go first!"

The tavern owner nodded, he knew that Jiang Chen didn't want to reveal his identity, the tavern owner was completely relieved when he saw Jiang Chen leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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