Chapter 210, Instant Killing the Brave

He knew that Jiang Chen was very strong and had enough ability to protect them.

It is also fortunate that Jiang Chen is not what he thought.

Conscience is inevitable.

Jiang Chen didn't know where the 500 people were, but he knew where the dozen or so people around Patrick were, as long as he followed them.

The dozen or so people quickly shuttled through the woods, with Jiang Chen closely following behind.

And Jiang Chen discovered one thing, that the clothes on them were very similar to the clothes on Patrick, that is to say, such clothes could block true energy attacks.

At this moment, the leading woman stopped, looked back, and frowned.

Thick white fog can not see anything.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

"Is there someone following us?"

The woman said indifferently: "Keep chasing."

A dozen people left quickly, and the woman whispered: "You keep chasing, and I will catch up with you." The woman jumped quickly, climbed up the tree, held her breath, and remained motionless.

After waiting for a long time, no one came, and I wondered: Is it my illusion, not someone following?

At this time Jiang Chen was leaning against the tree.

This woman's perception is really strong, I can perceive it from 50 meters away, but unfortunately your perception cannot escape mine.

Seeing that no one was following, the woman left quickly.

Jiang Chen did the same, keeping a hundred meters away, and quickly followed.

After half an hour.

In Jiang Chen's induction, he found hundreds of breaths, these people were short of breath, some were even panting, some were coughing, and there were babies crying.

This should be the main force of the Fallen!

They are indeed old people and children.

Will these brave men really make a move?
The two fallen people sensed that someone was coming, and they were wondering, could it be the leader who came?
Just now.

An arrow shot quickly and directly penetrated the body of a fallen person, staring at him firmly on the tree. The other woman's face changed drastically, and she drew out her long sword and quickly hid behind the tree.


Two more arrows were shot, and the fallen person quickly dodged and looked back at the person coming.

"Mom, they seem to be chasing you."

The fallen man shouted, "Everyone squat down."

More than 500 people quickly squatted down, their eyes were full of horror, and their faces changed drastically when they saw more than a dozen people coming from behind.

"Sure enough, all the troops are here."

"A large army of more than 500 people, these people have a lot of heads!"

"Haha... I'm getting rich now."

"Stop making trouble, kill those who fell, let's leave these people to the commander, and let the commander kill them alone, so that there is enough merit to be promoted to [Natural Disaster]"

The female fallen person said angrily: "How can you do it, they are all old people, children, women, and they are just ordinary people."

"No, they are the Fallen."

"The one who falls deserves to die."

"Too much nonsense, let's do it directly."

whoosh whoosh

A few arrows rushed over, and the fallen people quickly dodged and rushed forward with all their strength, trying to kill them, but these brave men were not vegetarians, they shot arrows quickly, and the bursting arrows exploded beside them.

The power of the explosion lifted her flying.

Suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth.

It's over, it's over.

The female fallen person looked at the group of people behind her with despair in her eyes.

A man stepped forward and said with a smile: "She's not dead yet. I'll cut off her hands first, then her head and feet, and slowly torture her."

"Be careful, even if the faller is injured, it's not that easy to deal with."

"Of course I know, don't worry, can she still kill me..."

The man just walked forward when his feet separated from his body instantly.

The whole person fell to the ground and let out a scream.

The complexions of a dozen people changed drastically.

Who is it?

I saw a flash of sword light, and the second person did the same, his feet were off the ground, and there was another scream...

The third·····

the fourth·····

the fifth·····

The fallen man looked overjoyed, did someone finally come to support him?
An archer was furious: "You are a brave man under the alliance of the gods, how dare you kill your own people?"

"Hey... What I hate the most are smart people."

whoosh whoosh

With a flash of sword light, they quickly cut off the feet of several people to prevent them from escaping. This is also impossible. They have resurrection sleeves on their bodies. Once they die and resurrect, they will know that they were killed by the Alliance of Gods.

Jiang Chen didn't want his identity to be exposed.

More than a dozen people were lying on the ground wailing, and the brave man was no threat at all without his feet.

The woman who fell was overwhelmed.

Is it a member of the Alliance of Gods?
How can it be?

"You can still do it, they have no fighting power now, you go and kill them all."

The female fallen asked: "Are you really a member of the Alliance of Gods?"

"Do you think it's better to discuss this issue now, or kill them to discuss this issue? It won't take long. If you hesitate again, Patrick will follow."

The Fallen Woman heard this.

He raised his sword and rushed forward quickly, one little brother with one sword.

The head moves directly.

After more than a dozen people were killed, Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who are you? My name is Amei."

"You let them continue on their way, just wait for me behind, and I will show up naturally."

Amei nodded, and quickly directed them to go on their way. The 500 people got up and walked forward quickly. Amei waited for Jiang Chen to show up.

A young man walked out of the thick fog, holding a rapier and also wearing a war robe.

Amei looked at Jiang Chen's face.Exclaimed: "It's you."

Jiang Chen looked at Amei in front of him, and only then remembered that this woman was actually the black-robed woman whom Ghana Rift met. Obviously, she also recognized Jiang Chen.

It was only then that Jiang Chen suddenly realized that in Ghana Gap, the person this woman was waiting for was the tavern owner.

Jiang Chen smiled: "It's me."

"Are you a swordsman under the alliance of the gods?"

"Well, you guessed it right."

Jiang Chen threw the jade pendant to Amei: "This is what the tavern owner asked me to give you."

"I believe."

"Well, let's go, Patrick should be here soon, there is not much time now, you should know that I am a hero of the League of Gods, and I don't want to reveal my identity."

"Okay, let's go together."

Jiang Chen nodded, followed behind, seeing that the 500 people were all old, weak, sick and disabled.

He could only helplessly shake his head. As for killing these people, Jiang Chen never thought about it. Jiang Chen is a person with principles, and the principle is not to do anything to children, women, the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the disabled.

Moreover, they all have black hair and black eyes, so Jiang Chen couldn't do anything.

Jiang Chen asked: "Why are you in this place?"

"We originally joined the Patrick family. We were stationed here, and we have been in peace. We helped the Patrick family build military exploits. Some people they couldn't kill, we would shoot, and some people they couldn't kill, we could also shoot."

"And they promised to protect us and not be wanted by the Alliance of Gods."

Jiang Chen nodded, so that's the case.

Here's the deal.

Why it was wiped out by the Patrick family now must have been discovered.

Patrick had to do it.

Kill them, but also build military exploits!
(End of this chapter)

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